Votes must be counted by the end of Election Day.

Don't cry Sean! He's crying!

Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?

A comparable analogy would be saying, other than that one isolated bullet hitting you in the head, your shooting was largely unsubstantiated. LMAO There's fraud that has been documented and no amount of semantics will change that.


Every single voting system has the potential for fraud. But the amount of fraud that occurs at the level of the individual voter is small and if caught, it is a felony. That has to be balanced against disenfranchising legitimate voters. In fact, your analogy could just as easily apply to disenfranchisement.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

Many states manage to clear their mail-ins by the next morning. Why shouldn't ALL of them be capable of doing this? We've gone too far to "easy and convienient".. Need to bring it back to ACCURATE and RELIABLE and TIMELY...
Florida didn’t in 2000.

Also, because of the pandemic many many more are mailed. As far as voting is concerned, no, I do not agree we have gone “too easy and convenient”, not with something as important as voting. I don’t care what party you vote for, it’s important. As long as it is postmarked on time, it should be counted, just like voting at the polls.

Florida has nothing to do with this.. The dispute there was over chad. When in REALITY -- the ACCIURACY and RELIABILITY of the punch cards was BETTER than the more widely used Optical Scanners in Florida.. TOTAL control of the ballot was never the issue.. The machines were.

And we made the mistake to CAVE to the Dems whining about "touch screen" voting machines. And at the beginning -- LOST the entire paper trail of the votes.. We've recovered somewhat by PRINTING the output from the touch screen kiosks and taking the PAPER to an OPTICAL scanner as they do now in most places..

NEVER EVER should you allow the party that could not count 600,000 in their OWN IOWA PRIMARY -- with the people grouped right in FRONT of them -- to design your election systems..
Btw I agree with you on punch cards and optical scanners as much better than electronic.
Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?

A comparable analogy would be saying, other than that one isolated bullet hitting you in the head, your shooting was largely unsubstantiated. LMAO There's fraud that has been documented and no amount of semantics will change that.


Every single voting system has the potential for fraud. But the amount of fraud that occurs at the level of the individual voter is small and if caught, it is a felony. That has to be balanced against disenfranchising legitimate voters. In fact, your analogy could just as easily apply to disenfranchisement.

What about voter intimidation? A lot of people, especially living in the cities, have to realize that a Trump win could be personally dangerous to them and their loved ones, as Biden supporters will riot and burn and kill in their rage.
I am thinking he means provisional in order to make sure you didn’t also send in a mail in ballot or someone else in your name.

When you hand them your ID they don't just look at it.
They run it through the scanner, and it verifies your status in regards to Registrar's Office.

It makes sure you get the right selections for your registered Precinct, and that you don't have a pending mail-in ballot request.
If you requested a mail-in ballot and decided to vote in person, you hand them the mail-in ballot and they either tear it up or stamp void on it.

Maybe you nit-wits need to elect some people that can come up with a decent, verifiable way to handle elections ... We managed to get it right.

Dems don't want decent, verifiable elections. They need chaos to cover their voter fraud.

They are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
To the trump worshippers,

Encourage your fellow trump supporters to not fall for him calling himself a winner if he's ahead when the polls close. Do not advocate or support any litigation by trump questioning the results. Be concerned with votes not counted because the mail didn't get their in time due to trump appointing one of his buddies to be postmaster. Seems these are things being ignored by some here and none of these actions should have happened. This kind of thing is only supposed to happen in what those like you call socialist countries. But according to those like you, socialism can only happen if Biden/Harris win.

We all see this, yet some are willing to give trump 4 more years.
Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?

A comparable analogy would be saying, other than that one isolated bullet hitting you in the head, your shooting was largely unsubstantiated. LMAO There's fraud that has been documented and no amount of semantics will change that.


Every single voting system has the potential for fraud. But the amount of fraud that occurs at the level of the individual voter is small and if caught, it is a felony. That has to be balanced against disenfranchising legitimate voters. In fact, your analogy could just as easily apply to disenfranchisement.

The fact is no one has to worry about being disenfranchised if they simply follow the rules and not try to excuse incompetence.

Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?

A comparable analogy would be saying, other than that one isolated bullet hitting you in the head, your shooting was largely unsubstantiated. LMAO There's fraud that has been documented and no amount of semantics will change that.


Every single voting system has the potential for fraud. But the amount of fraud that occurs at the level of the individual voter is small and if caught, it is a felony. That has to be balanced against disenfranchising legitimate voters. In fact, your analogy could just as easily apply to disenfranchisement.

What about voter intimidation? A lot of people, especially living in the cities, have to realize that a Trump win could be personally dangerous to them and their loved ones, as Biden supporters will riot and burn and kill in their rage.

That is just your opinion.
Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?

A comparable analogy would be saying, other than that one isolated bullet hitting you in the head, your shooting was largely unsubstantiated. LMAO There's fraud that has been documented and no amount of semantics will change that.


Every single voting system has the potential for fraud. But the amount of fraud that occurs at the level of the individual voter is small and if caught, it is a felony. That has to be balanced against disenfranchising legitimate voters. In fact, your analogy could just as easily apply to disenfranchisement.

The fact is no one has to worry about being disenfranchised if they simply follow the rules and not try to excuse incompetence.


Sure. And if you believe that, I have a bridge for sale.
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I am thinking he means provisional in order to make sure you didn’t also send in a mail in ballot or someone else in your name.

When you hand them your ID they don't just look at it.
They run it through the scanner, and it verifies your status in regards to Registrar's Office.

It makes sure you get the right selections for your registered Precinct, and that you don't have a pending mail-in ballot request.
If you requested a mail-in ballot and decided to vote in person, you hand them the mail-in ballot and they either tear it up or stamp void on it.

Maybe you nit-wits need to elect some people that can come up with a decent, verifiable way to handle elections ... We managed to get it right.

Dems don't want a decent, verifiable elections. They need chaos to cover their voter fraud.

They are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.

I cannot even say that, because we have a lot of Democrats in the State Legislature.

We went through a period where voter fraud was ridiculous though.
Both sides were no longer comfortable with the validity of the results.

When they decided to fix things, they actually fixed things so that it became harder for anyone to cheat.

Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?

A comparable analogy would be saying, other than that one isolated bullet hitting you in the head, your shooting was largely unsubstantiated. LMAO There's fraud that has been documented and no amount of semantics will change that.


Every single voting system has the potential for fraud. But the amount of fraud that occurs at the level of the individual voter is small and if caught, it is a felony. That has to be balanced against disenfranchising legitimate voters. In fact, your analogy could just as easily apply to disenfranchisement.

The fact is no one has to worry about being disenfranchised if they simply follow the rules and not try to excuse incompetence.


The fact is that some rules were created to suppress the vote and the appointment of a man with no postal experience to run the postal service who immediately started slowing down of the mail should not have been done.
Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?
With Trump's dismal military approval he might not want those military votes counted.

And many more if you like.
Synthaholic was talking about Trump dismal military record you brought the great OBAMA.

200 Retired generals and admirals endorsed Biden, current active military Biden 41% vs Trump 37%, Wisconsin battle ground state veterans families endorsed Biden, 500 national security experts endorsed Biden.
There are lots of these supporting Biden like PA and NC etc etc etc.

More than 200 retired generals, admirals endorse Biden, including some who served under Trump

More than 200 retired generals, admirals endorse Biden, including some who served under Trump.
Our allies no longer trust or respect us, and our enemies no longer fear us," the former officers and officials wrote in a letter released Thursday.

Here's Why Trump Has Lost So Much Support in the Active Duty Military

Wisconsin military families, veterans endorse Biden

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Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?

A comparable analogy would be saying, other than that one isolated bullet hitting you in the head, your shooting was largely unsubstantiated. LMAO There's fraud that has been documented and no amount of semantics will change that.


Every single voting system has the potential for fraud. But the amount of fraud that occurs at the level of the individual voter is small and if caught, it is a felony. That has to be balanced against disenfranchising legitimate voters. In fact, your analogy could just as easily apply to disenfranchisement.

The fact is no one has to worry about being disenfranchised if they simply follow the rules and not try to excuse incompetence.


The fact is that some rules were created to suppress the vote and the appointment of a man with no postal experience to run the postal service who immediately started slowing down of the mail should not have been done.

Oh fuck off and die commie, I use mail order all the time for merchandise and meds, postal times haven changed. That's just one more lame excuse of the incompetent.

Sure. And if you believe that, I have a bridge for sale.

People have had, in most cases, months to get their ballots in on time. Tell the class, how much more time is needed?


As long as it is postmarked by Election Day, so what? All these other measures you guys are pushing? Nothing more than attempting to prevent legitimate votes from being counted.

The ultimate hypocrisy here is the Dems tried something similar in Florida in 2000, and YOU guys cried foul.
TDS - Trump Disinformation Syndrome

Fact: no state ends it’s counting of ballots by midnight Election Day, nullifying the rest.

Fact: No state certifies it’s election results by the end of the Election Day.

Fact: there is no mandate that requires all votes to be tallied by close of Election Day. It is up to individual states.
it figures a Dimocrat wouldn't know what TDS means, lol.

But what you say is true, but that does not mean that the races cannot be called before the official count ends, which has been the norm since the 1950's.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

What's the point of an "election day" if all the votes aren't counted on that day?

You know most of the world doesn't start to count until the next day...

Goto polls on day one and count starts the next day 9 am...
We are americans---we don't care what the rest of the world does----they usually do things wrong.

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