Votes must be counted by the end of Election Day.

Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.

For starters the votes are in the mail... That is OK... Postmarked and everything...

What is the hurry about the count... Many countries can take a few days counting... Counting all the votes should be the priority...
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.
Your impatience must necessarily take a back seat to a citizen's right to have their vote counted.
Explain tactically why anyone who can request a mail-in ballot at least 2 months before a certain date cannot return by that stated date.
Why do you hate freedom?
Why do you hate thinking?

Explain tactically why anyone who can request a mail-in ballot at least 2 months before a certain date cannot return by that stated date.
Because they have freedom of choice!
massive voter fraud brought to us by Dems
Prove it or shut the fuck up.

It has already been proven, countless articles to read.

But it doesn't matter, Trump will own you.
I win again!
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.

In 2000, we waited almost 5 weeks until the SC had to "declare" a winner. Couple of days doesn't seem like a whole lot. :)

The Court did not declare a winner. The court stopped an attempt by Gore to steal the election. You are a retarded asshole.
And you're a liar. SCOTUS stopped the vote count.

As they should have. The count was bad, and the state was right to shut it down.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.
It would be nice if we could, though.
In 2000, we waited almost 5 weeks until the SC had to "declare" a winner. Couple of days doesn't seem like a whole lot.

Except they weren't the ones to declare a winner. Gore's judges in Fla decided they were going to participate in judicial legislation. When it got to the Supreme Court, they sent their decision back asking them WTF did they think they were doing? Of course the Fla judges couldn't explain their illegal actions, so they just dropped it.

Just as good as declaring a winner. Like it or not.
And before you think the SC will deliver you a "Trump" victory based on whatever BS his lawyers decide to spew.
Remember, the SC may not even take it up. Game Over. :)
Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.
Never ?
Actually every presidential election has been decided
on election day
except for 3 (correction -4) - the 2000 election and two (three) others in the 1800's.

Do you fucking have a clue how elections are actually run?

TV stations don't declare the winner... There is an actual process..
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.
Your impatience must necessarily take a back seat to a citizen's right to have their vote counted.
Explain tactically why anyone who can request a mail-in ballot at least 2 months before a certain date cannot return by that stated date.
Why do you hate freedom?
Why do you hate thinking?

Explain tactically why anyone who can request a mail-in ballot at least 2 months before a certain date cannot return by that stated date.
Because they have freedom of choice!
Like a Driver's License?
Like needing Food Stamps?
Like showing up to the movie 30 minutes late and forcing the movie to start over again?

Explain tactically why anyone who can request a mail-in ballot at least 2 months before a certain date cannot return by that stated date.
In 2000, we waited almost 5 weeks until the SC had to "declare" a winner. Couple of days doesn't seem like a whole lot.

Except they weren't the ones to declare a winner. Gore's judges in Fla decided they were going to participate in judicial legislation. When it got to the Supreme Court, they sent their decision back asking them WTF did they think they were doing? Of course the Fla judges couldn't explain their illegal actions, so they just dropped it.

Just as good as declaring a winner. Like it or not.
And before you think the SC will deliver you a "Trump" victory based on whatever BS his lawyers decide to spew.
Remember, the SC may not even take it up. Game Over. :)
You do realize that the sheer number of Rs showing up to vote since yesterday proves the pollsters are full of shit.
Typical Dems, always taking things out of context.
Yes, most every time throughout history we've known the results on election night, and you know thats exactly what he meant.
Now it might not be the exact (official) count for each state, as they have to count the remaining (irrelevant) votes, but we typically we know on election night, or first thing in the morning.
Not that I give a shit...but until the advent of electronic often took weeks to decide the election..that's why the lag time in Certification. the telegraph started to change that...totals were telegraphed to newspapers and thence to the populace.

The media's calling of elections...has evolved into an imprimatur that doesn't actually mean a thing.

But Trump should be careful what he wishes for....a blue wave may indeed have the election called on election day..for Biden!
In 2000, we waited almost 5 weeks until the SC had to "declare" a winner. Couple of days doesn't seem like a whole lot.

Except they weren't the ones to declare a winner. Gore's judges in Fla decided they were going to participate in judicial legislation. When it got to the Supreme Court, they sent their decision back asking them WTF did they think they were doing? Of course the Fla judges couldn't explain their illegal actions, so they just dropped it.

Just as good as declaring a winner. Like it or not.
And before you think the SC will deliver you a "Trump" victory based on whatever BS his lawyers decide to spew.
Remember, the SC may not even take it up. Game Over. :)
You do realize that the sheer number of Rs showing up to vote since yesterday proves the pollsters are full of shit.

And they voted for who?
Exactly. They could have voted for Biden....and you'll never know if they did. :)
Why do you hate thinking?

Explain tactically why anyone who can request a mail-in ballot at least 2 months before a certain date cannot return by that stated date.
Because they have freedom of choice!

So true ... They can most certainly make the poor choice not to ensure their ballot makes it where it needs to be on time ... :thup:

Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.

For starters the votes are in the mail... That is OK... Postmarked and everything...

What is the hurry about the count... Many countries can take a few days counting... Counting all the votes should be the priority...
All STATES take several days to count mail in votes. Always have
Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.
Never ?
Actually every presidential election has been decided
on election day
except for 3 (correction -4) - the 2000 election and two (three) others in the 1800's.

Do you fucking have a clue how elections are actually run?

TV stations don't declare the winner... There is an actual process..
I provided a link skippy.
I'll even reprovide it just for you.
It’s funny to see those who “disagree”....disagree with what? Facts? History?
The elections have been 'called' by AP on the same day for the most part, and the apparent loser concedes, though Gore and probably Biden will be the exception.

This is the first election where neither side agrees to concede on election day and will fight it out in court.

The thing is, I think Trump will have such a large margin of victory it won't matter and the election will still get called within a couple of days, certainly by COB Friday, probably not even that late.

So you don't mind taking the time to actually count the votes?

It is scary the amount of people after this couldn't be bothered, including Trump..
Typical Dems, always taking things out of context.
Yes, most every time throughout history we've known the results on election night, and you know thats exactly what he meant.
Now it might not be the exact (official) count for each state, as they have to count the remaining (irrelevant) votes, but we typically we know on election night, or first thing in the morning.
Not that I give a shit...but until the advent of electronic often took weeks to decide the election..that's why the lag time in Certification. the telegraph started to change that...totals were telegraphed to newspapers and thence to the populace.

The media's calling of elections...has evolved into an imprimatur that doesn't actually mean a thing.

But Trump should be careful what he wishes for....a blue wave may indeed have the election called on election day..for Biden!
Alright then, Throughout (modern) history - Radio -Television, is that sufficient ?
Again typical Dems with context, or twist and spin. Did you miss the part where I said "most" ?
And your wrong about your boy. Daddy Trump is going rock.

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