Votes must be counted by the end of Election Day.

I am not predicting PA will be the decider. I can certainly say that Trump will have won it by the end of the election day, whether democrats will even bother with the cheating attempts knowing they will lose no matter what is a good question.

But if they do, I can't wait for them to get caught and jailed.

The problem is that it was ruled by a judge they can do this, so there's nothing really illegal about it. If Biden loses by a slim margin, those lowlifes could mail in their ballot Wednesday morning and it will still be counted as a legitimate vote. From what I gather, the judge even said postmarks don't mean anything.

As far as I understand there has been no ruling since the tie in supreme court. They should have banned it with Barrett, but since they are part of the Washington political machine...,
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Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.

In 2000, we waited almost 5 weeks until the SC had to "declare" a winner. Couple of days doesn't seem like a whole lot. :)

The Court did not declare a winner. The court stopped an attempt by Gore to steal the election. You are a retarded asshole.

And you are a card carrying member of the alt-right. See how I did that?
"The Supreme Court decision allowed the previous vote certification made by Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris to stand for George W. Bush, who thereby won Florida's 25 electoral votes. Florida's votes gave Bush, the Republican candidate, 271 electoral votes, one more than the required 270 to win the Electoral College, and the defeat of Democratic candidate Al Gore, who won 266 electoral votes (but received only 265, as a "faithless elector" from the District of Columbia abstained from voting)".

About as good as "installing" a winner. :)
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.

In 2000, we waited almost 5 weeks until the SC had to "declare" a winner. Couple of days doesn't seem like a whole lot. :)

The Court did not declare a winner. The court stopped an attempt by Gore to steal the election. You are a retarded asshole.

And you are a card carrying member of the alt-right. See how I did that?
"The Supreme Court decision allowed the previous vote certification made by Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris to stand for George W. Bush, who thereby won Florida's 25 electoral votes. Florida's votes gave Bush, the Republican candidate, 271 electoral votes, one more than the required 270 to win the Electoral College, and the defeat of Democratic candidate Al Gore, who won 266 electoral votes (but received only 265, as a "faithless elector" from the District of Columbia abstained from voting)".

About as good as "installing" a winner. :)
Now I understand why they say "elections have consequences"
In 2000, we waited almost 5 weeks until the SC had to "declare" a winner. Couple of days doesn't seem like a whole lot.

Except they weren't the ones to declare a winner. Gore's judges in Fla decided they were going to participate in judicial legislation. When it got to the Supreme Court, they sent their decision back asking them WTF did they think they were doing? Of course the Fla judges couldn't explain their illegal actions, so they just dropped it.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

Trump’s Closing Message: I Will Cheat

Cheating is all he knows!

Can we get a link where he says that ?

Otherwise....we are back to....

Lying is all you know.
Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?
With Trump's dismal military approval he might not want those military votes counted.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.
Votes must be returned by Election Day.
No excuses.
My daughter requested a mail-in ballot over a month ago and returned it over a month ago.
Not in every state.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

Do you nitipick your friends (if you have any) with this kind of shit ?

I what ?
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.
Your impatience must necessarily take a back seat to a citizen's right to have their vote counted.
Explain tactically why anyone who can request a mail-in ballot at least 2 months before a certain date cannot return by that stated date.
Why do you hate freedom?
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

What's the point of an "election day" if all the votes aren't counted on that day?
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.
Votes must be returned by Election Day.
No excuses.
My daughter requested a mail-in ballot over a month ago and returned it over a month ago.
Not in every state.
With today's technology, there is no excuse.
I realize that both parties play games to take advantage of different situations.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.
Your impatience must necessarily take a back seat to a citizen's right to have their vote counted.
Explain tactically why anyone who can request a mail-in ballot at least 2 months before a certain date cannot return by that stated date.
Why do you hate freedom?
Why do you hate thinking?

Explain tactically why anyone who can request a mail-in ballot at least 2 months before a certain date cannot return by that stated date.
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.

In 2000, we waited almost 5 weeks until the SC had to "declare" a winner. Couple of days doesn't seem like a whole lot. :)

The Court did not declare a winner. The court stopped an attempt by Gore to steal the election. You are a retarded asshole.

And you are a card carrying member of the alt-right. See how I did that?
"The Supreme Court decision allowed the previous vote certification made by Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris to stand for George W. Bush, who thereby won Florida's 25 electoral votes. Florida's votes gave Bush, the Republican candidate, 271 electoral votes, one more than the required 270 to win the Electoral College, and the defeat of Democratic candidate Al Gore, who won 266 electoral votes (but received only 265, as a "faithless elector" from the District of Columbia abstained from voting)".

About as good as "installing" a winner. :)

The previous time democrats attempted voter fraud...
Yes! Because we all know it's the overseas service members who are responsible for all the constant voter fraud in Dem controlled areas. Those dang soldiers steal every election with their "right" to vote for non-marxist/fascists & it's just not fair!!! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh...that “constant voter fraud” myth. Other than isolated cases, it’s largely unsubstantiated. So...what is your p,an here for disenfranchising voters? Select out the military ones and dump the rest?
With Trump's dismal military approval he might not want those military votes counted.

And many more if you like.
Last edited:
Or must they?

Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa “We should know the result of the election on November 3rd, the evening of November 3rd. That’s the way it's been and that's the way it should be."

Except when it’s not. In has never been that way.

There has never been a requirement...or even an expectation that all ballots be tabulated by the end of Election Day. And they usually are not. It typically takes longer to count absentee ballots, which, by law, are just as valid as any other.

So if you want to know the way it has really always been, don’t listen to Trump who’s goal is to disenfranchise mail in voters.

For starters, no state ever reports its final results on election night.

Typically, news outlets are able to declare winners the night of the election using partial counts and exit polls, which allow them to see how much of the vote is going to which candidate and calculate whether a candidate still has a path forward to win.

Each state has its own laws for when it needs to certify the election results, and none falls on Election Day.

Delaware is the only state that will certify its results within the same week as Election Day. Most states will certify their results in the last two weeks of November, with some states even extending until the second week of December.

Additionally, polls don't even close in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington until 11 p.m. ET, and Hawaii's polls don't close until midnight on the East Coast.

The problem is this stupid mail in voting. In PA, they are accepting ballots up to three days after the election which should be against the law. Everybody is predicting PA will be the real decider, and that it will be a close election. We might not find out until next week or longer who actually won unless it's a blowout one way or another.

In 2000, we waited almost 5 weeks until the SC had to "declare" a winner. Couple of days doesn't seem like a whole lot. :)

The Court did not declare a winner. The court stopped an attempt by Gore to steal the election. You are a retarded asshole.
And you're a liar. SCOTUS stopped the vote count.

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