Voting against one's own economic interests...Politics gone awry.

is what defines progressive twat-waddles

Ahhhhh, a Shakespearean wanna-be writer of love sonnet.....
Above, an example of of right wing compassionate conservative ideology and, of course, mixed in with a hefty dose of misogyny........LOL
is what defines progressive twat-waddles

Ahhhhh, a Shakespearean wanna-be writer of love sonnet.....
Above, an example of of right wing compassionate conservative ideology and, of course, mixed in with a hefty dose of misogyny........LOL

You mistake my disdain for idiots like you, a personal specific dislike for my views on others as a whole and of my political leanings.

Unlike you, I direct my anger specifically.
You mistake my disdain for idiots like you, a personal specific dislike for my views on others as a whole and of my political leanings.

Unlike you, I direct my anger specifically.

You're just a grumpy old right winger whose only offering to this world would be the pushing up of daises.
Beyond the incessant "we won with Trump" mantra often voiced by right wingers, there should be the sanity of reality which occurs a bit later, sobering up the silly chanting.

Truth be told, red states that voted overwhelmingly for Trump just haven’t been pulling their weight.

Red states are nearly twice as dependent on the federal government as blue states. Of the twelve states that received the least federal aid in return for each tax dollar they contribute to the U.S. Treasury,TEN of them voted for Hillary Clinton—and the other two were Michigan and Wisconsin, barely won by Trump in a temporary loss of sanity.

By the same count, 20 of the 26 states most dependent on federal aid went to Trump.
For example, Mississippi [in]famous for being 49th or 50th in just about everything that matters. When it comes to sucking at the federal teat, the Magnolia State is the undisputed champ. More than 40 percent of Mississippi’s state revenue comes from federal funding; one-third of its GDP comes from federal spending; for every dollar it pays out in federal taxes, Good ol' Mississippi takes in $4.70 in federal aid, and one in five residents of that state is on food stamps.

So, what do these red states do when it comes to electing a president?.....They succumb to demagoguery and lies....and vote in the very worst person whose economic (and health) plans are aimed at royally screwing them......Wolf-like Populism in orange sheep clothing.

Bottom line: The generosity of blue states' contribution to the federal coffers, is slapped down by the stupidity of those who were the beneficiary of that generosity.

Parts of this thread were from Why Blue States Should Exit Red America

Well, look at the British too see voting against ones economic interests on a massive scale.

Amazing how anyone who cared to look could see what was going to happen, I predicted this easily, and yet most people had their heads up their asses.
Ask yourself what issues they are voting for. What do the voters think are their interests? Or you could get out of the way and let the Republicans actually cut those subsidies. But instead you hope to win elections by along the voters stupid.

Wages are the number one problem for the middle class. Republicans and corporate America aren't interested in fixing that problem.

Either are the Democrats. At least a million union jobs went away under NAFTA. Those were good jobs that the Democrats tell us are gone and not coming back. Things are still manufactured. Just not here by us.

Bullshit!!!! Due to Republicans, Obama tried and failed to raise minimum wage seven times during his Presidency.

Who signed NAFTA?

Our Presidents • Today in history, President George Bush signs the...
Voting to make a brain damaged raging alcoholic like Hillary the Commander in Chief of the USA's armed forces isn't in anybody's best interests.
I love these threads.

the south sucks up all da money!!!

this has been true for a long long time.

maybe you should break that down further, by region or even down to county levels.

and when you find out that all dat money is going into cities.....
You mistake my disdain for idiots like you, a personal specific dislike for my views on others as a whole and of my political leanings.

Unlike you, I direct my anger specifically.

You're just a grumpy old right winger whose only offering to this world would be the pushing up of daises.

Nope. 1st you could have just gone with "curmudgeonly" instead of "grumpy old" and since I'm only in my early 40's I am not old.
Ask yourself what issues they are voting for. What do the voters think are their interests? Or you could get out of the way and let the Republicans actually cut those subsidies. But instead you hope to win elections by along the voters stupid.

Wages are the number one problem for the middle class. Republicans and corporate America aren't interested in fixing that problem.
/----/ there are top paying jobs for qualified people. If you're to lazy to get the training that's not the GOPs or Corporate America's fault. It's your fault.

By not keeping wages commensurate with cost of living? Keep it up fool....
/----/ This is a free market. No one has an obligation to provide you with anything. Go earn it.
You want to know why those people rejected your party? Because for the past several years you cared more about social justice warriors, illegal aliens, environmental extremists, what bathroom someone was allowed to use, and constantly insulted the intelligence of rural Americans, as opposed to addressing the issues the average American actually cares about.

It's really not hard to figure out.

Agreed....the DNC alienated 1/3 of the electorate who still want a white male in charge, darkies in back of the bus, and a return to confederate mentality....basically the "deplorables."
/----/ you funnily little man. The democRATS wrote and enforced the Jim Crow laws you speak of. Republicans eliminated them.
Voting to make a brain damaged raging alcoholic like Hillary the Commander in Chief of the USA's armed forces isn't in anybody's best interests.

WOW........amazing when you have so much in common with her.....
Agreed....the DNC alienated 1/3 of the electorate who still want a white male in charge, darkies in back of the bus, and a return to confederate mentality....basically the "deplorables."

Oh yes, that one line and insult that brought us a Trump presidency. Keep using it often.
Voting against one's own economic interests, has defined conservatism for decades. Conservatives remain convinced "Trickle down" is helping them.

They are idiots.

Unlike the non-idiots who complain about low paying jobs in America, and want to usher in millions of foreigners who work for half the wage of American workers. The same non-idiots who pushed for single-parent families that are now directly related to poverty which they claim to be fighting. The same non-idiots who think taking more money way from our job producers will produce higher paying jobs instead of outsourcing or investing in automation.
Ask yourself what issues they are voting for. What do the voters think are their interests? Or you could get out of the way and let the Republicans actually cut those subsidies. But instead you hope to win elections by along the voters stupid.

Wages are the number one problem for the middle class. Republicans and corporate America aren't interested in fixing that problem.

It's not up to government to fix that problem, it's up to the individual.
Ask yourself what issues they are voting for. What do the voters think are their interests? Or you could get out of the way and let the Republicans actually cut those subsidies. But instead you hope to win elections by along the voters stupid.

Wages are the number one problem for the middle class. Republicans and corporate America aren't interested in fixing that problem.

Either are the Democrats. At least a million union jobs went away under NAFTA. Those were good jobs that the Democrats tell us are gone and not coming back. Things are still manufactured. Just not here by us.

Bullshit!!!! Due to Republicans, Obama tried and failed to raise minimum wage seven times during his Presidency.

Who signed NAFTA?

Our Presidents • Today in history, President George Bush signs the...

NAFTA signed into law - Dec 08, 1993 -

Bill Clinton negotiated the international treaty. Bill Clinton pushed it through congress. 1993 when Democrats controlled both the legislative and executive branches.

I remember. The Unions were opposed and Clinton pushed it through.

North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia

Pull your head out of your ass. Why do you think union members walked away from the Democrats?

Donald Trump got Reagan-like support from union households

Any questions?

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