Voting against one's own economic interests...Politics gone awry.

One must share this sentiment with the folks in places like Detroit, Cleveland, St Louis, Philly, New Orleans, Baltimore, DC, Newark etc......

They been slaves under Dems economic yokes for decades............
Beyond the incessant "we won with Trump" mantra often voiced by right wingers, there should be the sanity of reality which occurs a bit later, sobering up the silly chanting.

Truth be told, red states that voted overwhelmingly for Trump just haven’t been pulling their weight.

Red states are nearly twice as dependent on the federal government as blue states. Of the twelve states that received the least federal aid in return for each tax dollar they contribute to the U.S. Treasury,TEN of them voted for Hillary Clinton—and the other two were Michigan and Wisconsin, barely won by Trump in a temporary loss of sanity.

By the same count, 20 of the 26 states most dependent on federal aid went to Trump.
For example, Mississippi [in]famous for being 49th or 50th in just about everything that matters. When it comes to sucking at the federal teat, the Magnolia State is the undisputed champ. More than 40 percent of Mississippi’s state revenue comes from federal funding; one-third of its GDP comes from federal spending; for every dollar it pays out in federal taxes, Good ol' Mississippi takes in $4.70 in federal aid, and one in five residents of that state is on food stamps.

So, what do these red states do when it comes to electing a president?.....They succumb to demagoguery and lies....and vote in the very worst person whose economic (and health) plans are aimed at royally screwing them......Wolf-like Populism in orange sheep clothing.

Bottom line: The generosity of blue states' contribution to the federal coffers, is slapped down by the stupidity of those who were the beneficiary of that generosity.

Parts of this thread were from Why Blue States Should Exit Red America

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

In reality there is no Red State - Blue State division.

The division is between the big city welfare queens and the rest of America.

The filthy Democrat strength in this country is concentrated in the inner city ghettos.

For instance, the welfare queens that are getting all that government money in Red State Georgia are all in the Atlanta slums that usually vote for the filthy Democrats. The same in Houston, Memphis, Miami, Jackson, and dozens of other Red state cities.

That is where all that Federal money in Red states goes.

If you are going to post your garbage you need to be a little better informed on stuff like this. It just makes you look like a fool when you post your ignorant shit.
One must share this sentiment with the folks in places like Detroit, Cleveland, St Louis, Philly, New Orleans, Baltimore, DC, Newark etc......

They been slaves under Dems economic yokes for decades............

.....and yet, these "slaves" somehow choose not to relocate in republican utopias like Montgomery, Alabama or Philadelphia. Mississippi........

Hmmmm, I wonder you also wonder why???
If you are going to post your garbage you need to be a little better informed on stuff like this. It just makes you look like a fool when you post your ignorant shit.

True........I come here to "learn" from junior high drop you....LOL
Deregulation allowing small businesses to operate with less costs, less regulation to help the working class to stay working.

The people who voted for Trump looked out for their interests, wanting to make sure they had jobs and less regulation so the could do their jobs. The working class voiced out that they were not being heard. They don't care about gay marriage, gender equality, it doesn't matter, they are concerned about jobs, working and making ends meet.
If you are going to post your garbage you need to be a little better informed on stuff like this. It just makes you look like a fool when you post your ignorant shit.

True........I come here to "learn" from junior high drop you....LOL

You uneducated low information Moon Bats do have a lot to learn. You stay confused about most things.

If you don't think that a significant amount of the Federal money in Georgia doesn't go to those ghetto welfare queens in Atlanta that usually votes for the filthy Democrats then you are dumber than a doorknob.

Sounds like Maxine Waters may be the right candidate for you in 2020.
They don't care about gay marriage, gender equality, it doesn't matter, they are concerned about jobs, working and making ends meet.

Then.....the ONLY other explanation is that they're fucking ignorant....We can sugar-coated in more euphemistic terms, but the bottom line would still be IGNORANCE.

Since Obama took office in January 2009, the US economy has added 11,250,000 people to total non-farm payrolls.

THE VERDICT: A comprehensive look back at Obama's jobs record
They don't care about gay marriage, gender equality, it doesn't matter, they are concerned about jobs, working and making ends meet.

Then.....the ONLY other explanation is that they're fucking ignorant....We can sugar-coated in more euphemistic terms, but the bottom line would still be IGNORANCE.

Since Obama took office in January 2009, the US economy has added 11,250,000 people to total non-farm payrolls.

THE VERDICT: A comprehensive look back at Obama's jobs record

It is your ignorance that allowed Trump to be elected in the first place. People are tired of being overlooked and marginalized. They want less regulation and job security. All those minimum wage jobs don't help the working middle class.
Bush vs. Obama: Private Sector Job Creation

Deregulation allowing small businesses to operate with less costs, less regulation to help the working class to stay working.

The people who voted for Trump looked out for their interests, wanting to make sure they had jobs and less regulation so the could do their jobs. The working class voiced out that they were not being heard. They don't care about gay marriage, gender equality, it doesn't matter, they are concerned about jobs, working and making ends meet.
There is nothing wrong with deregulation if we are careful to watch what is deregulated is in our best interest, not the oligarchy.
Ask yourself what issues they are voting for. What do the voters think are their interests? Or you could get out of the way and let the Republicans actually cut those subsidies. But instead you hope to win elections by along the voters stupid.
But the dems made the election about protecting illegal aliens, not using harsh rhetoric against terrorism and black lives matter.

It's true that alt-R is about finding "muzzie terrorists" among peaceful Americans who happen to be Muslims and who are just trying to live normal lives, and Sessions is all about keeping sentencing laws that target blacks more harshly to socially control the 'black male,' and kicking out peaceful illegal aliens who've been here for decades. But the dems hardly talked about real econ issues besides free college (and pot) for every kid and job training for laid off coal miners.
Bill Clinton negotiated the international treaty. Bill Clinton pushed it through congress. 1993 when Democrats controlled both the legislative and executive branches.

North American Free Trade Agreement Signing, Oct 7 1992 | C-SPAN ...

George H.W. Bush negotiated NAFTA -

You may want to tell Bill Clinton it wasn't his accomplishment.

The Clinton Presidency: Timeline of Major Actions

NAFTA Ratified
President Clinton worked to pass bipartisan legislation implementing the North American Free Trade Agreement, creating the world's largest free trade zone. Since passage of NAFTA, the U.S. manufacturing sector has created 400,000 jobs, and exports to Canada and Mexico support 600,000 more jobs today than in 1993. (Signed 12/8/93)

Why was Clinton crowing if it was all Boosh?

Any President can sign any treaty. It isn't worth the paper it is printed on unless it is ratified by Congress.

Democrats held the majority in the House. So how did it pass?

H.R. 3450 (103rd): North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act -- House Vote #575 -- Nov 17, 1993

It would not have gotten to the floor if the Democratic Speaker of the House had not wanted it.

Well the Senate had some say. 1993. Democratic Senate.

H.R. 3450 (103rd): North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act -- Senate Vote #395 -- Nov 20, 1993

Did you think the Unions forgot they have lost power thanks to Democrats? Did you think that the Union Members would stay loyal as their jobs went to Mexico?

The members have not forgotten.

More U.S. Cars Are Being Made in Mexico

And they won't be back until the Democrats quit using them as a cash cow and then fucking them.

Deal with it.

FMCSA has delayed several rules that were set to go in effect next year and now they are talking about delaying the ELD ruling. This is good news for the hard working middle class and also the small business owner. So not all regulation is good and some of it overlaps other regulations already in place, making life tougher for many hard working Americans.

The Obama regulation was added to the 1970's regulations that essentially did the same thing, but you like a lot of regs it seems.

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