Voting by Mail is secure

If voting by mail is secure then why does the USPS and countless other experts strongly advise people not to send cash in the mail?

wow. such intellect. cash and a voting ballot are completely comparable. i just recently bought me a lolex with 5 ballots.
During an election votes are equal to cash why are you so fucking ignorant sauerkraut
A question for the right wing experts on mail-in voting fraud. On a percentage basis, what percent of the billions of ballots sent in by mail over the decades were fraudulent?
One is too many.
In that case voting inperson is not acceptable there have been rare cases of illegal voiting with that method also.
That's why we need Voter ID something you leftists refuse to support.
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
who will do that?

Who will do that? The people who are hired or volunteer to do it.
why'd they miss all of the ballots then? 28 million. that's a big number.
Over 6 years which makes it 4.6 million a year divided by 150 million voters so that is a loss ratio of 3% which is lower than the loss of votes by people who voted, or wanted to vote in person over confusion of locations, loss of locations to vote, weather, or a voter not being able to vote when the register doesn't have their name on it due to human error or a computer software glitch.
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
Who is to say whether the mail in registration was valid in the first place and how many freaking handwriting experts are in the electoral system? It's interesting that the mailing proponents don't foresee an instant check for persons who vote by mail and then vote in person. Voting is one of the greatest freedoms we have. Why not show up at the polling place with a photo I.D.?
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
who will do that?

Who will do that? The people who are hired or volunteer to do it.
why'd they miss all of the ballots then? 28 million. that's a big number.
Over 6 years which makes it 4.6 million a year divided by 150 million voters so that is a loss ratio of 3% which is lower than the loss of votes by people who voted, or wanted to vote in person over confusion of locations, loss of locations to vote, weather, or a voter not being able to vote when the register doesn't have their name on it due to human error or a computer software glitch.
If people really cared about voting they would have all that checked and wouldn't wait until the last minute.

If voting by mail is secure then why does the USPS and countless other experts strongly advise people not to send cash in the mail?


Now THIS is some high level 148 IQ thinking.

The depth! It's unbelievable!
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
who will do that?

Who will do that? The people who are hired or volunteer to do it.
why'd they miss all of the ballots then? 28 million. that's a big number.
Over 6 years which makes it 4.6 million a year divided by 150 million voters so that is a loss ratio of 3% which is lower than the loss of votes by people who voted, or wanted to vote in person over confusion of locations, loss of locations to vote, weather, or a voter not being able to vote when the register doesn't have their name on it due to human error or a computer software glitch.
If people really cared about voting they would have all that checked and wouldn't wait until the last minute.
True but not all humans are as efficient as we are.
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
who will do that?

Who will do that? The people who are hired or volunteer to do it.
why'd they miss all of the ballots then? 28 million. that's a big number.
Over 6 years which makes it 4.6 million a year divided by 150 million voters so that is a loss ratio of 3% which is lower than the loss of votes by people who voted, or wanted to vote in person over confusion of locations, loss of locations to vote, weather, or a voter not being able to vote when the register doesn't have their name on it due to human error or a computer software glitch.
If people really cared about voting they would have all that checked and wouldn't wait until the last minute.
True but not all humans are as efficient as we are.
Wait until the newest electronics comes out they'll make sure things are right so they can get one. If something is important to them they would make sure everything is right
and i thought we were friends.
My friends aren't stupid dicks.

me and the guys working pre-christmas time to grab some cash will switch to october november every 4 years to grab us some valuable ballots.
Why couldn't sticky fingered thieves within the Post Office do both?
I'm a former officer in the letter carriers union and I know how the union leadership is filled with absolutely dyed in the wool leftists. I've been to state and national conventions. I've met them. I've heard their plans for
turning Texas into a blue state. I know how they operate.

They'd have to be to be your friend. You're a rude, obnoxious ass kid. You Pros ALWAYS want to cane the rules that don't favor you.
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
How do you know your ballot gets there? Is there a tracking app? When I vote in person I see my ballot go into the machine.
Don’t know about your state by my state has a website where you can check the status of your ballot. My primary ballot was accepted and counted the day after I mailed it out.

We do not have that feature. You voted before the first debate? Hmmmm
I don’t live in Wisconsin.

I think you may be able to check it in Massachusetts too.

Only if you request one. Where do you live?
Well, in Massachusetts, they only send out ballots if you request it, no? So yeah, you can only check the status of a ballot that’s requested because that’s the only way to get a ballot to check on in the first place.

The question posed was how would one know if your ballot was received. That’s the answer.
Problem is if you mass mail it like you leftists want then we don’t have a system in place to check it. Durr....

If voting by mail is secure then why does the USPS and countless other experts strongly advise people not to send cash in the mail?


Now THIS is some high level 148 IQ thinking.

The depth! It's unbelievable!
Yet you cannot refute it. Sometimes it’s best to use the kiss method. You still jealous of your more successful brother?
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
How do you know your ballot gets there? Is there a tracking app? When I vote in person I see my ballot go into the machine.
Don’t know about your state by my state has a website where you can check the status of your ballot. My primary ballot was accepted and counted the day after I mailed it out.

We do not have that feature. You voted before the first debate? Hmmmm
I don’t live in Wisconsin.

I think you may be able to check it in Massachusetts too.

Only if you request one. Where do you live?
Well, in Massachusetts, they only send out ballots if you request it, no? So yeah, you can only check the status of a ballot that’s requested because that’s the only way to get a ballot to check on in the first place.

The question posed was how would one know if your ballot was received. That’s the answer.
Problem is if you mass mail it like you leftists want then we don’t have a system in place to check it. Durr....
Who doesn’t have a system in place to check “it”? (assuming “it” is whether or not your ballot was received and accepted)
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
How do you know your ballot gets there? Is there a tracking app? When I vote in person I see my ballot go into the machine.
Don’t know about your state by my state has a website where you can check the status of your ballot. My primary ballot was accepted and counted the day after I mailed it out.

We do not have that feature. You voted before the first debate? Hmmmm
I don’t live in Wisconsin.

I think you may be able to check it in Massachusetts too.

Only if you request one. Where do you live?
Well, in Massachusetts, they only send out ballots if you request it, no? So yeah, you can only check the status of a ballot that’s requested because that’s the only way to get a ballot to check on in the first place.

The question posed was how would one know if your ballot was received. That’s the answer.
Problem is if you mass mail it like you leftists want then we don’t have a system in place to check it. Durr....
Who doesn’t have a system in place to check “it”? (assuming “it” is whether or not your ballot was received and accepted)
MA doesn’t. If you mass mail you increase the number of votes needed to be counted 100x. My parents live in a small town and for a local election they are recruiting HS kids because they stupidly did a mass mailing. That’s one town. Imagine the entire state. Rule must be that you request the ballot.
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
How do you know your ballot gets there? Is there a tracking app? When I vote in person I see my ballot go into the machine.
Don’t know about your state by my state has a website where you can check the status of your ballot. My primary ballot was accepted and counted the day after I mailed it out.

We do not have that feature. You voted before the first debate? Hmmmm
I don’t live in Wisconsin.

I think you may be able to check it in Massachusetts too.

Only if you request one. Where do you live?
Well, in Massachusetts, they only send out ballots if you request it, no? So yeah, you can only check the status of a ballot that’s requested because that’s the only way to get a ballot to check on in the first place.

The question posed was how would one know if your ballot was received. That’s the answer.
Problem is if you mass mail it like you leftists want then we don’t have a system in place to check it. Durr....
Who doesn’t have a system in place to check “it”? (assuming “it” is whether or not your ballot was received and accepted)
MA doesn’t. If you mass mail you increase the number of votes needed to be counted 100x. My parents live in a small town and for a local election they are recruiting HS kids because they stupidly did a mass mailing. That’s one town. Imagine the entire state. Rule must be that you request the ballot.
I think I just showed you that MA does.
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
How do you know your ballot gets there? Is there a tracking app? When I vote in person I see my ballot go into the machine.
Don’t know about your state by my state has a website where you can check the status of your ballot. My primary ballot was accepted and counted the day after I mailed it out.

We do not have that feature. You voted before the first debate? Hmmmm
I don’t live in Wisconsin.

I think you may be able to check it in Massachusetts too.

Only if you request one. Where do you live?
Well, in Massachusetts, they only send out ballots if you request it, no? So yeah, you can only check the status of a ballot that’s requested because that’s the only way to get a ballot to check on in the first place.

The question posed was how would one know if your ballot was received. That’s the answer.
Problem is if you mass mail it like you leftists want then we don’t have a system in place to check it. Durr....
Who doesn’t have a system in place to check “it”? (assuming “it” is whether or not your ballot was received and accepted)
MA doesn’t. If you mass mail you increase the number of votes needed to be counted 100x. My parents live in a small town and for a local election they are recruiting HS kids because they stupidly did a mass mailing. That’s one town. Imagine the entire state. Rule must be that you request the ballot.
I think I just showed you that MA does.
OMG...for requests!!! I am talking about mass mailings not requests. Stop fucking trolling.
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
How do you know your ballot gets there? Is there a tracking app? When I vote in person I see my ballot go into the machine.
Don’t know about your state by my state has a website where you can check the status of your ballot. My primary ballot was accepted and counted the day after I mailed it out.

We do not have that feature. You voted before the first debate? Hmmmm
I don’t live in Wisconsin.

I think you may be able to check it in Massachusetts too.

Only if you request one. Where do you live?
Well, in Massachusetts, they only send out ballots if you request it, no? So yeah, you can only check the status of a ballot that’s requested because that’s the only way to get a ballot to check on in the first place.

The question posed was how would one know if your ballot was received. That’s the answer.
Problem is if you mass mail it like you leftists want then we don’t have a system in place to check it. Durr....
Who doesn’t have a system in place to check “it”? (assuming “it” is whether or not your ballot was received and accepted)
MA doesn’t. If you mass mail you increase the number of votes needed to be counted 100x. My parents live in a small town and for a local election they are recruiting HS kids because they stupidly did a mass mailing. That’s one town. Imagine the entire state. Rule must be that you request the ballot.
I think I just showed you that MA does.
OMG...for requests!!! I am talking about mass mailings not requests. Stop fucking trolling.
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
How do you know your ballot gets there? Is there a tracking app? When I vote in person I see my ballot go into the machine.
Don’t know about your state by my state has a website where you can check the status of your ballot. My primary ballot was accepted and counted the day after I mailed it out.

We do not have that feature. You voted before the first debate? Hmmmm
I don’t live in Wisconsin.

I think you may be able to check it in Massachusetts too.

Only if you request one. Where do you live?
Well, in Massachusetts, they only send out ballots if you request it, no? So yeah, you can only check the status of a ballot that’s requested because that’s the only way to get a ballot to check on in the first place.

The question posed was how would one know if your ballot was received. That’s the answer.
Problem is if you mass mail it like you leftists want then we don’t have a system in place to check it. Durr....
Who doesn’t have a system in place to check “it”? (assuming “it” is whether or not your ballot was received and accepted)
MA doesn’t. If you mass mail you increase the number of votes needed to be counted 100x. My parents live in a small town and for a local election they are recruiting HS kids because they stupidly did a mass mailing. That’s one town. Imagine the entire state. Rule must be that you request the ballot.
I think I just showed you that MA does.
OMG...for requests!!! I am talking about mass mailings not requests. Stop fucking trolling.
You’re not making any sense.

I’m not trolling, you’re just being illogical. Your complaint is that Massachusetts doesn’t have a system for tracking ballots they aren’t sending out.
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
How do you know your ballot gets there? Is there a tracking app? When I vote in person I see my ballot go into the machine.
Don’t know about your state by my state has a website where you can check the status of your ballot. My primary ballot was accepted and counted the day after I mailed it out.

We do not have that feature. You voted before the first debate? Hmmmm
I don’t live in Wisconsin.

I think you may be able to check it in Massachusetts too.

Only if you request one. Where do you live?
Well, in Massachusetts, they only send out ballots if you request it, no? So yeah, you can only check the status of a ballot that’s requested because that’s the only way to get a ballot to check on in the first place.

The question posed was how would one know if your ballot was received. That’s the answer.
Problem is if you mass mail it like you leftists want then we don’t have a system in place to check it. Durr....
Who doesn’t have a system in place to check “it”? (assuming “it” is whether or not your ballot was received and accepted)
MA doesn’t. If you mass mail you increase the number of votes needed to be counted 100x. My parents live in a small town and for a local election they are recruiting HS kids because they stupidly did a mass mailing. That’s one town. Imagine the entire state. Rule must be that you request the ballot.
I think I just showed you that MA does.
OMG...for requests!!! I am talking about mass mailings not requests. Stop fucking trolling.
The "secure" argument is intentionally skewed. Sure the U.S. mail will get a letter from A to B without a problem but the system is open to fraud. Who is going to check on a ballot from a dead person or a hundred ballots from the same person? How do you stop someone from voting in person after he/she voted by mail?
Every ballot is checked and verified against voter registration for the signature to see if there is a match...Just like when you go into vote in person. Unless there is a hanging chad there is no problems.
How do you know your ballot gets there? Is there a tracking app? When I vote in person I see my ballot go into the machine.
Don’t know about your state by my state has a website where you can check the status of your ballot. My primary ballot was accepted and counted the day after I mailed it out.

We do not have that feature. You voted before the first debate? Hmmmm
I don’t live in Wisconsin.

I think you may be able to check it in Massachusetts too.

Only if you request one. Where do you live?
Well, in Massachusetts, they only send out ballots if you request it, no? So yeah, you can only check the status of a ballot that’s requested because that’s the only way to get a ballot to check on in the first place.

The question posed was how would one know if your ballot was received. That’s the answer.
Problem is if you mass mail it like you leftists want then we don’t have a system in place to check it. Durr....
Who doesn’t have a system in place to check “it”? (assuming “it” is whether or not your ballot was received and accepted)
MA doesn’t. If you mass mail you increase the number of votes needed to be counted 100x. My parents live in a small town and for a local election they are recruiting HS kids because they stupidly did a mass mailing. That’s one town. Imagine the entire state. Rule must be that you request the ballot.
I think I just showed you that MA does.
OMG...for requests!!! I am talking about mass mailings not requests. Stop fucking trolling.
You’re not making any sense.

I’m not trolling, you’re just being illogical. Your complaint is that Massachusetts doesn’t have a system for tracking ballots they aren’t sending out.
No. My complaint is that it doesn’t have a system for tracking mass mailings ballots. It’s not the same as if people request them. You’re not reading what I am writing. You’re trolling.
The inability of supposedly Intelligent people to grasp the simple fact that no ballot is counted until it has been verified is a wonder to behold.

There is no rational argument against sending every registered voter a ballot in the mail. It simply gives the electorate more options for casting votes.

This thread is just fucking stupid.

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