Voting Democrat in 2018 ? WHY ?

There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.

Well, if one is really dumb, beyond curable.

Or if one hates the working class and does not want for them to keep their money.
35 years of the tax system adding to the working class tax, misinformed one. You vote for the Mega Rich idiot party.
Balance of power. look what happened when the republicans were in power before the great depression. They had control of all three houses.... hmm, just like now. Wouldn't want to see democrats in full charge either. Balance of power.

You referring to "the great depression" in 1929 or the so called depression in 2008(?).

The depression of the 1930's because it's been called the great depression since that time.
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.

Well, if one is really dumb, beyond curable.

Or if one hates the working class and does not want for them to keep their money.
35 years of the tax system adding to the working class tax, misinformed one. You vote for the Mega Rich idiot party.

Ah, one who thinks the working class should not keep its own earned money identifies.

Well, the working class would very much disagree with you on that point. You see, they worked hard for it and you have no business touching it.
Well that's a simple one to answer.
I'm an illegal or barely legal anchor baby
I'm a human pet (welfare filth)
I'm a government employee, I vote Dem by default
I'm a union man programmed to vote Dem
I own a giant corp which relies on welfare money for sales
I'm an actor...I need that welfare money for movie sales
I'm a man who sodomizes men
I'm a man who wears lipstick and a dress...I really want to shit next to your teen daughter
That should about sum it all up.....I really hope I didn't ruin all the fun by doing so...but I wanted to be thorough.
Congratulations on absolutely missing the point that you're voting for Mega rich people's interests, not people's and the country's. But thanks for the Christmas message, super hater dupe.

Come on and I both know I mentioned the entire constituency of the DNC. Outside of a few good cops and a few good union one truly legitimate votes one!
Balance of power. look what happened when the republicans were in power before the great depression. They had control of all three houses.... hmm, just like now. Wouldn't want to see democrats in full charge either. Balance of power.

You referring to "the great depression" in 1929 or the so called depression in 2008(?).

The depression of the 1930's because it's been called the great depression since that time.

Ok, just checking.
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.

Well, if one is really dumb, beyond curable.

Or if one hates the working class and does not want for them to keep their money.
35 years of the tax system adding to the working class tax, misinformed one. You vote for the Mega Rich idiot party.

Ah, one who thinks the working class should not keep its own earned money identifies.

Well, the working class would very much disagree with you on that point. You see, they worked hard for it and you have no business touching it.

The working class also do not support the Republican tax plan. They had a chance to in Alabama and they did not turn out in large numbers. They will not turn on Trump but they likely will not turn out for Republicans in 2018.
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.

Suggested list of top ten reasons to vote Democrat:

1). To stay ever-loyal to the party whose presidential candidate criminally paid Russia to develop a fake dossier against her opponent, suppressed other democratic candidates chances of winning their primary, worked with the DNC to get debate questions from CNN well in advance to give herself the upper edge while taking bribe money to sell our uranium to our enemies, look the other way on Iranian drug cartels selling cocaine in America to finance terrorism, conspired to steal thousands of government secrets onto her private server for profit then destroyed the evidence with the help of the FBI and DOJ, and left Americans to die in Libya to cover up her illegal activities.

2). To stop Americans from keeping more of their money.

3). Because Barack Obama said that American would never again have a 3% growth rate and should be happy with 1.5%. Current rate of growth, over 3%.

4). To allow our healthcare system to continue to slide into oblivion.

5). To prevent us from rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure.

6). To let the other half of our military fall into disrepair even as we face looming threats on at least 2-3 fronts.

7). To make sure that enough illegals sneak into America to vote democrat that we no longer have even a two-party system.

8). To put America last.

9). Drive even more corporations and trillions of their dollars out of the country due to over-regulation and heinous tax confiscation.

10). Because their local union shop steward told them to.
11). To help the Muslim Brotherhood destroy America, abolish the Constitution, and establish an Islamic state.
Well that's a simple one to answer.
I'm an illegal or barely legal anchor baby
I'm a human pet (welfare filth)
I'm a government employee, I vote Dem by default
I'm a union man programmed to vote Dem
I own a giant corp which relies on welfare money for sales
I'm an actor...I need that welfare money for movie sales
I'm a man who sodomizes men
I'm a man who wears lipstick and a dress...I really want to shit next to your teen daughter
That should about sum it all up.....I really hope I didn't ruin all the fun by doing so...but I wanted to be thorough.
Congratulations on absolutely missing the point that you're voting for Mega rich people's interests, not people's and the country's. But thanks for the Christmas message, super hater dupe.

Come on and I both know I mentioned the entire constituency of the DNC. Outside of a few good cops and a few good union one truly legitimate votes one!

They certainly did in Alabama. Moore narrowly won in the suburbs and that led to his defeat.
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.

Well, if one is really dumb, beyond curable.

Or if one hates the working class and does not want for them to keep their money.
35 years of the tax system adding to the working class tax, misinformed one. You vote for the Mega Rich idiot party.

Ah, one who thinks the working class should not keep its own earned money identifies.

Well, the working class would very much disagree with you on that point. You see, they worked hard for it and you have no business touching it.

The working class also do not support the Republican tax plan. They had a chance to in Alabama and they did not turn out in large numbers. They will not turn on Trump but they likely will not turn out for Republicans in 2018.

The working class very much wants to keep its own earnings. Sorry to say.

They are not so happy that you are planning to spend their earnings on illegals and the like...

There won't be many votes for you, unless someone is really full of self-hatred.

Because I believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way

Do you believe in rigging your primaries?

The Democrat primaries were not rigged. They are far fairer than the Republican primaries. In SC, Sanders only got 25% of the vote and still got 25% of the delegates. Trump got only 32% and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of SC voters in the Republican primary were disenfranchised.

DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process
DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process
Well that's a simple one to answer.
I'm an illegal or barely legal anchor baby
I'm a human pet (welfare filth)
I'm a government employee, I vote Dem by default
I'm a union man programmed to vote Dem
I own a giant corp which relies on welfare money for sales
I'm an actor...I need that welfare money for movie sales
I'm a man who sodomizes men
I'm a man who wears lipstick and a dress...I really want to shit next to your teen daughter
That should about sum it all up.....I really hope I didn't ruin all the fun by doing so...but I wanted to be thorough.
Congratulations on absolutely missing the point that you're voting for Mega rich people's interests, not people's and the country's. But thanks for the Christmas message, super hater dupe.

Come on and I both know I mentioned the entire constituency of the DNC. Outside of a few good cops and a few good union one truly legitimate votes one!

They certainly did in Alabama. Moore narrowly won in the suburbs and that led to his defeat.

Only Democrats could be proud to win the way they did in AL....Its actually quite comical....who else would hire the corrupt media to grow a bullshit storyline and use an influential black in Charles Barkley to motivate Blacks to leave their bong and 40oz long enough to cast a vote. Good stuff.
By the way, have charges been filed against Roy Moore yet? I can't wait for the trial.
Because I believe in modern civilization and don't want to live in a nation that has two classes; The rich master and the poor serf. Everyone should be equal with equal chance at life...Not saying that the rich shouldn't be able to earn a lot of money but I don't believe they hshould be able to shit on people.

I believe we should have a safetynet
I believe we should have good infrastructure
I believe we should education for all of our children. Stronger economy = higher standard of living for all people.
I think we should be accepting of lgbt people and people of other colors! No one is fucking better!

America is strong and better off with the above and if the republicans want to go back to the stone age...Why the fuck shouldn't I vote for the democrats?
"Everyone" should have = chance at life ? Or every AMERICAN ?

Because I believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way
None of which Dems are for or represent.

Of course they do

Founding Principles

Our fucking founders were liberals and believed in moving forward. It is really weird how these fuckers use them even through they were the liberals of their time.

Adams and Hamilton were extremely big government.

They believed in science, infrastructure and exploration.

This idea that we need to be some farmers society that sticks it ass in the air 5 times per day is good enough reason to vote democrats to avoid it.
Anybody have any idea what this guy is talking about ?
Because I believe in modern civilization and don't want to live in a nation that has two classes; The rich master and the poor serf. Everyone should be equal with equal chance at life...Not saying that the rich shouldn't be able to earn a lot of money but I don't believe they hshould be able to shit on people.

I believe we should have a safetynet
I believe we should have good infrastructure
I believe we should education for all of our children. Stronger economy = higher standard of living for all people.
I think we should be accepting of lgbt people and people of other colors! No one is fucking better!

America is strong and better off with the above and if the republicans want to go back to the stone age...Why the fuck shouldn't I vote for the democrats?
"Everyone" should have = chance at life ? Or every AMERICAN ?

Everyone except Americans.

The nightmares, illegals and gay executing Muslims.

Because I believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way
None of which Dems are for or represent.

Of course they do

Founding Principles

Our fucking founders were liberals and believed in moving forward. It is really weird how these fuckers use them even through they were the liberals of their time.

Adams and Hamilton were extremely big government.

They believed in science, infrastructure and exploration.

This idea that we need to be some farmers society that sticks it ass in the air 5 times per day is good enough reason to vote democrats to avoid it.
Anybody have any idea what this guy is talking about ?

He's speaking that backwards regressive shit....he's basically saying that an America full of good quality, hard working, likeminded, productive people who speak English and have faith in God is a horrible America.
I would vote for a middle of the road Democrat. I had hoped that Republican moderates would force the parties to work together however they need to be replaced with Democrat moderates. These far right Republicans need to be put out of business. They would probably hate Ronald Reagan if he was still alive.
You could move. Syria, Mexico, plenty of hellholes available.
Well that's a simple one to answer.
I'm an illegal or barely legal anchor baby
I'm a human pet (welfare filth)
I'm a government employee, I vote Dem by default
I'm a union man programmed to vote Dem
I own a giant corp which relies on welfare money for sales
I'm an actor...I need that welfare money for movie sales
I'm a man who sodomizes men
I'm a man who wears lipstick and a dress...I really want to shit next to your teen daughter
That should about sum it all up.....I really hope I didn't ruin all the fun by doing so...but I wanted to be thorough.
Congratulations on absolutely missing the point that you're voting for Mega rich people's interests, not people's and the country's. But thanks for the Christmas message, super hater dupe.
"People's" ? Or AMERICAN peoples ?

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