Voting for Obama...Why? Why? Why?

Sheesh.. I mean really.. why would You..?

1) You're a Democrat and winning is all that matters..

2) You're getting payments from the government and have fallen victim to the fear tactics Democrats and the liberal media spew constantly.

3) You believe the national debt can continue growing infinitely without repercussions.

...please continue...if so desired...:D

My 401K lost thousands in 2008. Almost completely recovered in 2012.

Plus the schmuck that sent nuts to crash planes into my city is dead.

Works for me.

I'm very tolerant. They can keep their whacky little cut in Utah, and not bother the rest of us with it...

Liberal tolerance is a marvel to behold...:D

Not a liberal.

I just don't like cults that don't understand that this country works because we DON'T do theocracy.

And the "wacky little cut (sic) in Utah" is a threat to your interests --- HOW exactly? And has a bearing on the candidate running for Prez ---- how?

ME? I got bigger threats tonight from the mean nasty Repubs draining the Lib Party Treasury in court challenges to keep us off the ballot. NOW THAT --- is a REAL threat to Democracy...
And the "wacky little cut (sic) in Utah" is a threat to your interests --- HOW exactly? And has a bearing on the candidate running for Prez ---- how?

ME? I got bigger threats tonight from the mean nasty Repubs draining the Lib Party Treasury in court challenges to keep us off the ballot. NOW THAT --- is a REAL threat to Democracy...

Wow. You found a typo. I bet you feel special. You're special all, right, and the short bus will be around for you tomorrow.

I don't give a crap if the Libertarian party is prevented from wasting everyone's time. You don't like the system, work for amending the constitution so we aren't stuck with a two-party system. (Sorry, the 12th Amendment essentially institutes a 2-party system by making it impossible for third ones to evolve.)

The Mormons from day 1 have been looking for ways to take over the country.

Day... Read up on Joseph Smith and his various whacky schemes... and Mitt thinks this kiddy-diddling asshole was talking to God.

More than a good enough reason for me to want to keep him away from the Nuclear weapons.
My former mentor was Mormon. I enjoyed discussing his faith with him. Got busted by the local cops helping him move 55 gallon cans of grain for the Church. Embarrassing for us AND the cops.

Never ONCE did I feel a threat to my America.. You dear sir --- are paranoid. And intolerant. Thinking that I seriously would take you to task for a spelling error when I have an open chance to call you a paranoid intolerant.

And there is NO CONSTITUTION statement demanding only 2 perpetual political parties or even limiting that number. What happening here today (in my life at least) is a vendetta against petty Repubs who THINK they have a right to suppress ballot access. And every judge so far tells them to back the hell off.
Sheesh.. I mean really.. why would You..?

1) You're a Democrat and winning is all that matters..

2) You're getting payments from the government and have fallen victim to the fear tactics Democrats and the liberal media spew constantly.

3) You believe the national debt can continue growing infinitely without repercussions.

...please continue...if so desired...:D

1); I'm not a Democrat but I am a liberal. The fact that those who (on this forum) called Governor Romney a "wind sock, shitty choice, turd, flip flopper, phony" are still voting for him shows beyond a doubt that the GOP has no principles or at least no more than some Democrats.
2); We all get something from this government. Every one of us is warmed by a fire started by another.
3); VP Cheney, "Deficits don't matter" for thought. But seriously neither major party has a clue on what to do with the deficit; it's grown on the watch of Congresses dominated by both parties; it's grown on the watch of Oval Offices occupied by stewards of both parties as well.

As for why I am voting for the President; Three of the sitting justices will reach their 80th birthday in the next 4 years. I want a center left President to appoint their successors. Especially Justice Scalia. That will be extremely sweet.
My former mentor was Mormon. I enjoyed discussing his faith with him. Got busted by the local cops helping him move 55 gallon cans of grain for the Church. Embarrassing for us AND the cops.

Never ONCE did I feel a threat to my America.. You dear sir --- are paranoid. And intolerant. Thinking that I seriously would take you to task for a spelling error when I have an open chance to call you a paranoid intolerant.

I'm contemptuous of all religions. But Mormonism is beneath my contempt. It was started by a con man who wanted to screw little girls. Anyone who believes that shit is garbage... and I will take great joy in watching Romney get stomped in 36 days.

And there is NO CONSTITUTION statement demanding only 2 perpetual political parties or even limiting that number. What happening here today (in my life at least) is a vendetta against petty Repubs who THINK they have a right to suppress ballot access. And every judge so far tells them to back the hell off.

It doesn't matter if there is no STATEMENT doesn't take away from the FACT that the Electoral College makes it practically impossible for third parties to sustain themselves. We've had the Democrats all along, but the Whigs didn't appear until the Federalists disbanded, and the Republicans didn't appear until the Whigs went the way of all flesh.

Simply put, we get an occassional strong third party, but the fact is, as long as the two party system can always nullify the effect at the ballot box, they never last. Which is why we really need to get the right wing hippies known as Libertarians to shut up, sit down and stop wasting our time.
Sheesh.. I mean really.. why would You..?
Toooooooooooooo easy!!!!

To reset the.....

.....2010 DEBACLE!!!!

"Tea Party my ass. This was nothing other than the Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with the Republican Party’s own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the fucking money!”

Of course folks are gonna vote for Barry.

The die hard Dems who would vote for Jack the Ripper as long as he was a Dem. Know a few of those personally.

Blacks will certainly vote for Barry. After all he is half black and the first half black in the WH. Gotta keep that "historic moment" going.

Overall though I think its gonna be all about the economy, which though improving, is slower than molassas in Winter and of cour UE.

Those two little dealies have brought down many a Prez and I think Barry is gonna be one of em.
Of course folks are gonna vote for Barry.

The die hard Dems who would vote for Jack the Ripper as long as he was a Dem. Know a few of those personally.

Blacks will certainly vote for Barry. After all he is half black and the first half black in the WH. Gotta keep that "historic moment" going.

Overall though I think its gonna be all about the economy, which though improving, is slower than molassas in Winter and of cour UE.

Those two little dealies have brought down many a Prez and I think Barry is gonna be one of em.

Probably not.

Romney would have to win 60% of the White vote to make up for Obama's domination of the minority vote. That simply isn't going to happen.

The point is, the economy is better than it was in 2008, and most people realize that Obama was handed a bad deal when he took office, and made the best of it.
How do you know Romney won't get that 60%. Nothing says he can't. Just like nothing says all those Barry voters will even turn out to vote.

Stranger things have happened.

Will have to wait till Nov to see.
How do you know Romney won't get that 60%. Nothing says he can't. Just like nothing says all those Barry voters will even turn out to vote.

Stranger things have happened.

Will have to wait till Nov to see.

Romney's campaign is in free-fall right now, and his Sugar Daddies are already moving their funds into congressional races.

So, no, he won't get anywhere near that.

The thing is, "Stranger things have happened"....

Really, when?

The thing about polls is that they are usually pretty accurate on the Presidential level.

The polls haven't really been "wrong" since Dewey beat Truman.
How do you know Romney won't get that 60%. Nothing says he can't. Just like nothing says all those Barry voters will even turn out to vote.

Stranger things have happened.

Will have to wait till Nov to see.

Hell, why not just say he'll get 100% of the vote? It's just as likely as his getting 60 using your standards of "How do you know...", right?
I've come to the conclusion after reading this thread, that, liberals don't know their asses from holes in the ground. it's pathetic.

See example below:​

Have you looked into the radicals he has already surrounded himself with?

Um, no – as the president has surrounded himself with no ‘radicals,’ in fact this Administration has been moderate and mainstream, placing corporate interests above all else, just like every administration before it.

We are circling the drain, and you trust that B.H.O. will "surround himself with the right people"?
Why has he not done that yet??? He has had 4 freeking years!!!!

And you propose the president be replaced by whom.

You and other partisan rightists whine about how awful the president is but fail to come up with someone better.

It’s not enough to just complain, you’ve got to follow up your complaint with a solution.
Many people vote for the D guy because he is not the R guy and of course the R vote is simply because he is not the D guy.

R and D candidates do change but those who vote this way never do.
Many people vote for the D guy because he is not the R guy and of course the R vote is simply because he is not the D guy.

R and D candidates do change but those who vote this way never do.

Go Scott Brown!!!!

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