VP debate

The VP debate who do you think will win?

  • Paul Ryan

    Votes: 11 64.7%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters
Probably the expectations will be low for Biden and Ryan isn't a great debator and probably doesn't like being challenged.

I expect that Biden will do what Obama SHOULD have done last week, call these guys on their policies.

Romney can pull off the "Trust me, I'm really a moderate".

Ryan. Not so much. He's part of the wing of the GOP that watches It's a Wonderful Life and cheers for Mr. Potter.

All Ryan has to do is talk about the current economy, foreign policy and jobs. Debate over for O'Joe..
With all the hype, I'm not going to make any predictions nor am I going to have any expectations. I'm going to pour myself a glass of wine, sit and watch what happens. Regardless ... tomorrow is sure to be crazy busy with a slew of new threads to weed through.
Obama came in over-confident and it showed. Ryan is arrogamce personafied. Look for Biden to do surprisingly well. He has the advantage of having a low set bar.

Bullshit. Biden is gonna be standing there holding his dick and trying to defend the failed policies of obama.

Of course in your mind Biden can't possibly win the debate. Your mind is already made up. Of course neither Biden or obama care what you think, you are a decided voted.

Now i am thinking that Biden will not stand there a physically hold his dick in his hand, but if he does, I will consider that a poor performance. However if Ryan did likewise, I am sure you would still give him the nod.

Look for Biden to exceed that extremely low expectation bar, although the VP debate is hardly a deal maker.
Ryan is getting bitch slapped like a fifty cent whore. Biden is kicking his talking points down his throat.
It appears Biden is both smug and stupid.

Dangerous combination by any measure....

Here it comes: He's blaming Bush....
It appears Biden is both smug and stupid.

Dangerous combination by any measure....

Here it comes: He's blaming Bush....

You mean by blaming Ryan for voting for the most stupid Bush policies? He hit Ryan pretty hard for his being a Bush ass suck.
It appears Biden is both smug and stupid.

Dangerous combination by any measure....

Here it comes: He's blaming Bush....

It appears that Biden knows the facts, and Ryan knows his talking points. The talking points are losing.
First Question:

Isn't Benghazi a foreign policy failure?

Biden: Says everything BUT an answer to the question. "We'll find and punish the people who did this." Wouldn't it have been better to keep them from doing it???

Ryan: It took the President two weeks to even acknowledge that it was a terrorist attack. (Oh, and I love how he points out Biden's PERSONAL foreign policy failure in negotiating the agreement with Iraq.) What we're seeing is the unraveling of the Obama policy.

And who doesn't love Biden sitting there grinning and giggling at Ryan like he's telling knock-knock jokes? He looks senile.

Question One goes to Ryan.

Question Two:

Is it appropriate to criticize the Obama administration right in the middle of the crisis?

Ryan: It's never too early to speak out for our values.

Biden: Embassy security is Ryan's committee's fault. Um, um, uh, uh, uh, um.

Question Three:

What were you first told about the attack? Why were people talking about protests when people saw men with guns?

Biden: Because the intelligence community told us that.

Well, apparently your intelligence community is less informed than every other person on the planet, since WE all knew it was an attack.

Biden: We didn't know the embassy wanted more security.

It's already been established that the State Department DID know, and rejected the request.

Question Four:

Should the US apologize for [blah blah blah]?
(Sorry. I type fast, but not that fast.)

Ryan: Yes, but we shouldn't apologize for standing up for our values. There WERE requests for more security, and those requests were not honored.

Question Five:

Can the two of you be specific to America about how effective a military strike on Iran would be?

Ryan: Iran is racing toward a nuclear weapon. Romney and I have fought for sanctions, and the administration has tried to block us. When this administration says all options are on the table, they send out mixed signals. This administration has no credibility.

Biden: (still giggling like a fool) These are the most crippling sanctions. (Really? Iran is crippled, is it?) We feel quite confident that we could deal a serious blow to the Iranians. (Yeah, but THEY don't feel that you WOULD.) Iran's a long way from getting a nuclear weapon. They have no weapon to put the nuclear material in. All this bluster and loose talk . . . what are they talking about?

Ryan: What do the ayatollahs see? They see the admin watering down sanctions. They're working harder. They see Obama [ignoring] Netanyahu.

Question Six:

Can you solve this in two months before spring?

Ryan: We can debate the timeline. I agree that it's probably longer. But it's still about credibility. You got to get them to change their minds.

Biden: The ayatollah sees his economy being crippled. He sees fewer oil exports. He sees the world totally united in opposition to him getting a nuclear weapon. The President talks to Netanyahu all the time. The Secretary of Defense has made it clear . . . we didn't walk anything back. Iran is more isolated today than ever.

Ryan: The sanctions are in spite of this administration.

Is Biden shitting me with this "Nothing to worry about, because they don't have a weapon to put the nuclear material in" line? THAT'S THE EASIEST FUCKING PART!

And where is he getting the idea that the entire world is behind us and united?!

Ryan's right about this administration putting daylight between us and Israel, and Biden's full of shit with his trying to pretend it's not true.

Question Seven:

Which is worse: a war in the Middle East or a nuclear-armed Iran?

Ryan: A nuclear-armed Iran.

Biden: The sanctions are crippling them.

Question Eight:

Can you get unemployment to under 6 percent and how long will it take?

Biden: I don't know how long, but we'll get it under 6 percent.

A return to "We inherited such a horrible mess, it's not our fault".

Oh, whoops, there's the 47% line. Was waiting for that. Like that smile on Ryan's face. I think Biden's about to get a reaming.

Ryan: Did they inherit a tough situation? Absolutely. But we're going the wrong direction. The economy is growing slower every year. Job growth is slowing down. This is not what a real recovery looks like. We need real reform.

Five Point Plan:

1) Get America energy independent. (Biden apparently finds that funny.)

2) Help people who are hurting get the skills they need to get the jobs they want.

3) Make trade work for America.

4) Champion small businesses.

5) Don't raise taxes on them. (Biden finds that hilarious.)

Love the story about Romney coming to visit people in his church when their kids were hurt in a car crash, and offering to pay for the boys' college.

First laugh line goes to Paul Ryan. "The Vice President very well knows that sometimes the words don't come out of your mouth the right way." LOL

Biden: Romney doesn't care about the auto industry because he wanted to let the free market work instead of staging a government takeover. (Yeah, that's my interpretation, but it IS what he said.)

Ryan is responsible for the Great Recession, apparently.

Ryan: Let's not forget that they came in with one-party control. Look at where we are right now. They passed the stimulus. They said unemployment would never go about 8%. It went above that for 43 months. They said the economy would be growing at 4% by now.

Biden: Ryan sent me letters asking for stimulus money.

Ryan: We advocated for constituents applying for grants. We do that for all constituents.

I'm really noticing how this moderator is running interference for Biden more proactively than the guy in the Presidential debate.

Question Nine:

Both Medicare and Social Security are going broke. Will benefits have to change for the programs to survive?

Ryan: Absolutely. They're going broke. The best way to honor the promises to those on the programs is to reform them for MY generation. Obamacare takes $716 billion from Medicare. Even their own chief actuary at Medicare backs this up. And then they put this new board in charge of making cuts every year. Not one of them even has to have medical training. They haven't put a credible solution on the table.

Good explanation of his Medicare choice plan for younger people.

Biden: Peddling the whole "they want to put SS in the stock market" line, and parroting the word "voucher" as though it's a condemnation all by itself. I hear lots of name-dropping - AMA and the AARP - as though that's an argument. If there's something else in there, I'm not sure what it is.

Biden keeps interrupting Ryan, and then HE bitches that RYAN is taking up all the time? Ryan hasn't interrupted Biden once.

The reaction from the rest of the room here is that Biden was doing reasonably well, and now he's sinking himself by his inability to shut his trap and let Ryan have a turn to talk. He looks rude and defensive.

Question Ten:

Why not gradually raise the SS eligibility rate?

Biden: We will not be part of any voucher plan! (What is his hatred of that word, and why does he think everyone else hates it?)

Ryan: A voucher program is you go to the mailbox, get a check, and buy something. No one's suggesting that.

Question Eleven:

You were one of the legislators to stand with President Bush when he wanted to privatize Social Security.

Ryan: For younger people, yes. Let them make their own choices.

There's Biden interrupting again.

Biden: Experts say Romney's plan will give people in their 40s today less money (Sorry about the lack of numbers. I suck at them.) Who do you trust: Romney or me and the President?

Ryan: This is what politicians do when they don't have a record to run on: try to scare people.

Biden: People will have to pay more under your plan.

Ryan: Wealthy people will.

Question Twelve:

Who will pay more in taxes and who will pay less?

Biden: The middle class will pay less, and people making a million dollars or more will start to pay more.

"Bush tax cuts for the wealthy" line again.

Well, that's the end of my ability to watch the debate, because my shithead brother has the DVR set up to interrupt this TV when he's taping something.

Pardon the stream-of-consciousness, but I wanted to get my comments down fresh.
I thought it was a good debate. I even have a few nice things to say about Ryan. I think unlike Romney, he actually believes in what he's saying. he even has a few good points.

Biden, though, dominated, because he did what I wish Obama did in the first debate, not let this guy get away with misrepresentations.

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