VP Harris' office doesn't know how to spell Louisiana.

Silly thing to create a thread over.
We all misspell shit ALL THE TIME
True. Sometimes I can’t get to the edit button fast enough. I’ve even fucked-up an edit or two in a failed effort or two to correct some typos or mistakes

On the other hand, I’m not doing it on backgrounds for the Vice President of the United States. (“Seriously.”)
True. Sometimes I can’t get to the edit button fast enough. I’ve even fucked-up an edit or two in a failed effort or two to correct some typos or mistakes

On the other hand, I’m not doing it on backgrounds for the Vice President of the United States. (“Seriously.”)
It doesn't matter who or why or where.

It's a stupid fucking thing to bitch about. At this point we all use acronyms or worse. Lol, wtf, ffs etc... we all know what it means and the setting it is used in is irrelevant
It doesn't matter who or why or where.

It's a stupid fucking thing to bitch about. At this point we all use acronyms or worse. Lol, wtf, ffs etc... we all know what it means and the setting it is used in is irrelevant
Nonsense. As others have already noted, the media mocked a prior VP for his misspelling of potato. And Trump was mocked just as mercilessly and just as constantly for “cofeve.” If I screw up “your” when I mean “you’re” in a message or a post on this Board, it is not exactly a crucial thing. But if I were composing backdrops on screens for a Vice Presidential speech, I’d say editing is called for.
Nonsense. As others have already noted, the media mocked a prior VP for his misspelling of potato. And Trump was mocked just as mercilessly and just as constantly for “cofeve.” If I screw up “your” when I mean “you’re” in a message or a post on this Board, it is not exactly a crucial thing. But if I were composing backdrops on screens for a Vice Presidential speech, I’d say editing is called for.
And those previous mockeries were just as fucking retarded. They use fucking interns for their social media not some conglomerate lol. Kids!

And those previous mockeries were just as fucking retarded. They use fucking interns for their social media not some conglomerate lol. Kids!

When it suits their partisan purposes, many libs seem to care — as do the propagandists pretending to be objective reporters in the main stream media.
You're right. I don't and I'm a republican. Thing is I expect he can take care of himself and he doesn't need me playing a Karen role over his life.

I don't need you to CARE ABOUT ME. I need you to RESPECT MY freedoms and let me be responsible for my own life.
You republicans love that “personal responsibility” pep talk huh? Secretly you are insecure, but it makes you feel manly and superior believing that the left is a bunch of free loaders. I hate to break it to you, but what you’re saying is basic logic the large majority of adults already agree with. I mean my god, the unemployment rate is, what 3.7%? Who is this for besides you?
You republicans love that “personal responsibility” pep talk huh? Secretly you are insecure, but it makes you feel manly and superior believing that the left is a bunch of free loaders. I hate to break it to you, but what you’re saying is basic logic the large majority of adults already agree with. I mean my god, the unemployment rate is, what 3.7%? Who is this for besides you?
WE do love personal responsibility, you guys definately do not. you want mommy and daddy to always get you out of your mess.
WE do love personal responsibility, you guys definately do not. you want mommy and daddy to always get you out of your mess.
lol you’re just going to double down on this delusion of yours huh? Honestly it comes across more pathetic than anything else.
Funny enough, just seeing somebody spelled it like it is pronounced in the south, without having to read or hear what she said. I wrote her off a few months after the election, when she confirmed her uselessness.

It's a common oversight, the supposition of what you THINK is there with what is really there. The person making the backdrop knows what it is SUPPOSED to say so they see what they thought they put there.
It doesn't matter who or why or where.

It's a stupid fucking thing to bitch about. At this point we all use acronyms or worse. Lol, wtf, ffs etc... we all know what it means and the setting it is used in is irrelevant
So you think "Lousiana" is an acronym? :laughing0301:
And those previous mockeries were just as fucking retarded. They use fucking interns for their social media not some conglomerate lol. Kids!

You seem to be particularly triggered by me pointing it out, so obviously you care.
ORANGE MAN BAD won't work.

That schtick was played out about 4 years ago, Simp.
I know energy prices were down, gas prices way down, and inflation was way down. The Biden administration is a total failure, but orange man bad! I would take the Trump days over what we have now.

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