W.H.O. says women 18-50 should be banned from drinking alcohol

In the article it never does link to the actual wording of the WHO or who announced and who advocated for the policy in the organization only flimsy third world sites are posting this story on the internet.
Well, the World Health Organization says it. Yes I know, Watts on second base.

WHO says women of childbearing age should be BANNED from drinking alcohol​

  • Alcohol Action Plan calls on countries to raise awareness of alcohol-related harm
  • It warns of drinking in children, pregnant women and women of childbearing age
  • Last night the drinks industry described the proposal as paternalistic and sexist

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome robs the child who is born with it of a healthy brain, neural health, visual normalcy and critical decision-making capacity. The eyes may be wide spaced and head and facial development deformities may occur. Most pregnant women were not aware that F.A.S. may already be in place by the time their pregnancy is known. That is the main reason the W.H.O. would want women from youthful sexual maturity to menopause to abstain from drinking alcoholic beversges. In spite of our freedom to bear a severely deformed and mentally incompacitated child, nobody should go through life so disabled. I unhappily agree with the WHO on this matter. Doing the right thing means abstention which is untenable for some.
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Well, the World Health Organization says it. Yes I know, Watts on second base.

WHO says women of childbearing age should be BANNED from drinking alcohol​

  • Alcohol Action Plan calls on countries to raise awareness of alcohol-related harm
  • It warns of drinking in children, pregnant women and women of childbearing age
  • Last night the drinks industry described the proposal as paternalistic and sexist

But nothing about Meth and Cocaine?
Meth and Cocaine are already illegal for more reasons than severe birth defects. And, you don't want to know.

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