W.H. to House GOP: We're not moving

Good. Bring on the fiscal cliff. Raise taxes on EVERYONE.

I think he should do it too. Yes, I do, stop talking and dew it.

Lets do this...!

Ya ready Marc? Ready for the higher taxes?
Ya figured out how much less you will bringing home?

My wife and I will be forking out about 7 GRAND more a year.

Buckle up erbody!
Sounds like more radical Karl Rove/Dick Morris-type rhetoric.

I don't see it ending well for you people.

I guess you missed Howard Dean and Krystall Ball on MSNBC talking about how the only way to keep up the spending that Obama wants is to raise taxes on everyone.
The taxes aren't being raised you radicals...the damn wreckless Bush Tax Cuts were PLANNED to expire.

You dolts.

What's your problem?!??


No one wants to hear that!

It is horrible to contemplate how awful the times were in the Clinton years under the Clinton tax rates. 25 million jobs created, a booming economy, rising GDP, a balanced budget.

No one wants to go back to that nightmare!


Jobs created WERE NOT BECAUSE OF THE RAISED TAX RATES.. the BOOM came thanks to private industry with the tech boom... Clinton and the government at that time was in the right place at the right time.. The same thing is not going to result from a time where there is no boom, business is hurting, and government spending is EVEN WORSE
Radical RW bastard...what part of they were PLANNED to expire last year don't you understand?!?!
Radical RW bastards like Quantum Windbag are PRETENDING that the RepubliCON$ didn't fight Obama tooth and nail to keep the Bush Tax Cuts. They are going so far as to PRETEND that Obama "wanted" those reckless tax cuts. All so they can forward a false narrative of the Bush Tax cuts are now the Obama Tax cuts.



So Obama's a pussy who had to learn on the job and got steamrolled by Boehner.
And Obama did not campaign on eliminating all the Bush tax cuts. He campaigned on eliminating just the ones the rich received. Every taxpayer received a Bush tax cut.

So this is not really about the Bush tax cuts. This is really about taxing the rich more.

But I agree that is what he was re-elected to do. The People have spoken, whether I like it or not.


No it isn't. The Republicans have offered him the same revenue by closing loopholes and not raising taxes. This class warfare period. Obamie will not have it any other way other than a tax hike on the rich. cause he's already raised the taxes on the middle class via the obamacarebullshit.

A tax increase on the rich is a tax increase on the rich no matter if you paint it as a higher margin or a closed loophole.

Obama's tax increase is open class warfare, but the GOP plan to close loopholes is also a tax increase on the rich, and it isn't class warfare somehow?

This is a giant smoke and mirrors game being played by both sides to protect their respective special interests.

We should be eliminating ALL tax expenditures, as I have said many times. Then we can lower the rates on everyone.

But that greatly erodes the politicians' power, and they simply will not abide that.

I will bet you the GOP will not close any loopholes which benefit the financial services sector.


Closing loopholes affects all taxpayers, most of us won't notice because we don't itemize.
Why are LOLberals now so scared about the fiscal cliff? I thought they wanted the Bush tax cuts to expire?

They negotiated this turd and now they want to run away from it. This is the same Democratic Congress that hasn't produced a budget in 4 years. They are spineless gutless weasels.

No one wants to hear that!

It is horrible to contemplate how awful the times were in the Clinton years under the Clinton tax rates. 25 million jobs created, a booming economy, rising GDP, a balanced budget.

No one wants to go back to that nightmare!


Jobs created WERE NOT BECAUSE OF THE RAISED TAX RATES.. the BOOM came thanks to private industry with the tech boom... Clinton and the government at that time was in the right place at the right time.. The same thing is not going to result from a time where there is no boom, business is hurting, and government spending is EVEN WORSE
Radical RW bastard...what part of they were PLANNED to expire last year don't you understand?!?!

Idiot progressive racist left wing bastard.. what part of it will hurt the economy and it is not the same as during the tech boom do you not understand?? What part of IT IS A SPENDING PROBLEM do you not understand??
The Bush tax cuts were supposed to expire. If Bush and the GOP-controlled Congress had wanted them to be permanent, they would have made them permanent.

If they had been allowed to expire, we would have returned to the levels they were when the budget was running a surplus.

When Bush started two wars, he should never have cut tax rates.

When Bush created Medicare Part D, he should have paid for it.

When Bush created the Department of Homeland Security, he should have paid for it.

So, yeah, allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will increase tax rates. As they should.

We have a $16 trillion debt and climbing. Since Republicans and Democrats are both responsible for that unmitigated disaster and have chosen to do nothing about it except kick the can down the road, it is inevitable that we will be forced to accelerate the external devaluation of the dollar to pay for it instead.

We need to wipe the entire Congress from the slate and start fresh with people who are serious about getting our financial house in order.


You act as if the Dems are pure as the driven snow....and I have a problem with that.
It's far from the truth.

Wow. Those are quite the bias filters you have on.

I said, "Republicans and Democrats are both responsible for that unmitigated disaster" and "We need to wipe the entire Congress from the slate", and you heard "Dems are pure as the driven snow".



Fair enuf
No it isn't. The Republicans have offered him the same revenue by closing loopholes and not raising taxes. This class warfare period. Obamie will not have it any other way other than a tax hike on the rich. cause he's already raised the taxes on the middle class via the obamacarebullshit.

The Fox is strong in this one.
Obama campaigned for over a year on getting ride of the wreckless Bush tax-cuts, every. single. place. he wen't he repeated it over and over, and over, and over.

America has heard his message time and time again. Last November they responded...they agree with him. The GOP radical policies lost. They have no leg to stand on.

We've tried their way for the last 12 years. It. Doesn't. Work.

Time to do away with the wreckless Bush tax cuts now. It's over.

W.H. to House GOP: We're not moving on fiscal cliff - POLITICO.com

Obama is right not to budge an inch.

The polls are with Obama on this, if we go over the so-called-fiscal-cliff, the RepubliCON$ will be to blame. As they should be.

That's right Obama...keep fighting for The American People!!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
What will raising taxes on the rich do for you? will you see any benefit from it?
It will give him schadenfreude because gov't will be sticking it to Da Man. That's it.
this has nothing to do with paying debt or bringing down the defict.
It's all about taking from those who have and giving too the government.
I would love for dipshit marc to explain how raising taxes will make life better for him.
If I were the Reps I'd give that fuck everything he wants.

When we go over the cliff he can make a pretty speech and explain it all to those fucks who voted for him.

The rest of will already be aware of why we are going over the cliff.
If I were the Reps I'd give that fuck everything he wants.

When we go over the cliff he can make a pretty speech and explain it all to those fucks who voted for him.

The rest of will already be aware of why we are going over the cliff.

Those that voted for obama will still blame the republicans because they didn't stop obama.
Radical RW bastards like Quantum Windbag are PRETENDING that the RepubliCON$ didn't fight Obama tooth and nail to keep the Bush Tax Cuts. They are going so far as to PRETEND that Obama "wanted" those reckless tax cuts. All so they can forward a false narrative of the Bush Tax cuts are now the Obama Tax cuts.



But the truth is that Obama and the democrats could have gotten rid of them pretty much anytime they wanted. They had a filibuster proof Senate and a majority in the House with Obama sitting in the WH. That is when they shoved Obamatax on to the American people they could have just as easily dropped the Obama tax cuts (formally Bush tax cuts)
Why are LOLberals now so scared about the fiscal cliff? I thought they wanted the Bush tax cuts to expire?

Seems they finally came to realize that the Bush tax cuts were across the board for ALL Americans and not just the wealthy like they had been told. They pulled a reverse Kerry.........they were against it before they were for it.
If I were the Reps I'd give that fuck everything he wants.

When we go over the cliff he can make a pretty speech and explain it all to those fucks who voted for him.

The rest of will already be aware of why we are going over the cliff.
That should have been your entire post right there.
Obama campaigned for over a year on getting ride of the wreckless Bush tax-cuts, every. single. place. he wen't he repeated it over and over, and over, and over.

America has heard his message time and time again. Last November they responded...they agree with him. The GOP radical policies lost. They have no leg to stand on.

We've tried their way for the last 12 years. It. Doesn't. Work.

Time to do away with the wreckless Bush tax cuts now. It's over.

W.H. to House GOP: We're not moving on fiscal cliff - POLITICO.com

Obama is right not to budge an inch.

The polls are with Obama on this, if we go over the so-called-fiscal-cliff, the RepubliCON$ will be to blame. As they should be.

That's right Obama...keep fighting for The American People!!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Forget all the ideological soap box speeches, Marc...if you look at this whole thing logically? President Obama's tax increase pulls in enough revenue (using the most optimistic estimates) to run the government for about 8 days. At the same time his refusal to address spending with any meaningful cuts dooms us to more trillion dollar deficits.

The fact is, Barack Obama is putting a win in the polls ahead of what's best for the country. He's once again ignoring the millions of Americans who are currently out of work for a political win. That's not fighting for the American people...that's turning your back on them.
Forget all the ideological soap box speeches, Marc...if you look at this whole thing logically? President Obama's tax increase pulls in enough revenue (using the most optimistic estimates) to run the government for about 8 days. At the same time his refusal to address spending with any meaningful cuts dooms us to more trillion dollar deficits.

The fact is, Barack Obama is putting a win in the polls ahead of what's best for the country. He's once again ignoring the millions of Americans who are currently out of work for a political win. That's not fighting for the American people...that's turning your back on them.
Forget all the ideological rhetoric OldStyle...if you believe that Obama ISN'T willing and ready to cut spending then you've been inhaling Dick Morris' toe fungus for too long.
Forget all the ideological soap box speeches, Marc...if you look at this whole thing logically? President Obama's tax increase pulls in enough revenue (using the most optimistic estimates) to run the government for about 8 days. At the same time his refusal to address spending with any meaningful cuts dooms us to more trillion dollar deficits.

The fact is, Barack Obama is putting a win in the polls ahead of what's best for the country. He's once again ignoring the millions of Americans who are currently out of work for a political win. That's not fighting for the American people...that's turning your back on them.
Forget all the ideological rhetoric OldStyle...if you believe that Obama ISN'T willing and ready to cut spending then you've been inhaling Dick Morris' toe fungus for too long.

Marc...yes/no....are you willing to let all the tax cuts expire?
Forget all the ideological soap box speeches, Marc...if you look at this whole thing logically? President Obama's tax increase pulls in enough revenue (using the most optimistic estimates) to run the government for about 8 days. At the same time his refusal to address spending with any meaningful cuts dooms us to more trillion dollar deficits.

The fact is, Barack Obama is putting a win in the polls ahead of what's best for the country. He's once again ignoring the millions of Americans who are currently out of work for a political win. That's not fighting for the American people...that's turning your back on them.
Forget all the ideological rhetoric OldStyle...if you believe that Obama ISN'T willing and ready to cut spending then you've been inhaling Dick Morris' toe fungus for too long.

Could you post the comprehensive list of detailed cuts he has proposed for negotiating? Thanks!

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