W.H. to House GOP: We're not moving

You're either really gullible or incredibly stupid.
What spending cuts have the Dems proposed?


Obama and the Democrats also propose $1.5 trillion in cuts in discretionary spending over the next ten years, which would also produce about $250 billion in savings on interest, for a total of $1.7 trillion. Two-fifths of the $1.5 trillion come from defense, while the other three-fifths come from reductions in domestic and international programs. These reductions will shrink non-defense discretionary spending to its lowest level on record as a share of GDP, with data going back to 1962, and 25 percent of that spending goes to helping low income people in America.

Don't tell me they want to talk about entitlement reform next year. That's not serious. Don't talk to me about cutting the military. We're already doing that. That's not serious.

Show me the defense cuts, Rabbi.

Talk about gullible and stupid! :lol:

Are we returning to pre-war levels?

The projected defense spending into the foreseeable future, even with sequestration, is literally more than double what it was before 9/11.

The only defense cuts are those in the sequestration. Show me where the GOP has put some defense cuts on the table.

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Defense Spending Chart United States 2000-2017 - Federal State Local Data
Why are we maintaining war level spending as far out as we can see?


Obama has no interest in making a deal. When the Republican take a step closer he adds some new insane demand.

Tell him to fuck off
You're either really gullible or incredibly stupid.
What spending cuts have the Dems proposed?

“Fiscal cliff” debates and defense bill reveal government priorities - Madison Independent | Examiner.com

Obama and the Democrats also propose $1.5 trillion in cuts in discretionary spending over the next ten years, which would also produce about $250 billion in savings on interest, for a total of $1.7 trillion. Two-fifths of the $1.5 trillion come from defense, while the other three-fifths come from reductions in domestic and international programs. These reductions will shrink non-defense discretionary spending to its lowest level on record as a share of GDP, with data going back to 1962, and 25 percent of that spending goes to helping low income people in America.

Don't tell me they want to talk about entitlement reform next year. That's not serious. Don't talk to me about cutting the military. We're already doing that. That's not serious.

Show me the defense cuts, Rabbi.

Talk about gullible and stupid! :lol:

Are we returning to pre-war levels?

The projected defense spending into the foreseeable future, even with sequestration, is literally more than double what it was before 9/11.

The only defense cuts are those in the sequestration. Show me where the GOP has put some defense cuts on the table.


So....150 million a year in discretionary cuts ( I like discretionary....it really has no meaning)...all the while we are racking up another trillion a year in deficit spending and adding that to the debt.
It makes no difference though, no matter how much the debt and no one willing to make a compromise, the media is already standing behind the pres and blaming it all on the repubs. The next election should bode well for the dems in the elections because Obama will just blame it all on the repubs. The libs will be duped....once again.
Obama isn't sincere about spending cuts and the repubs know it.
Obama has no interest in making a deal. When the Republican take a step closer he adds some new insane demand.

Tell him to fuck off
Give obama everything he wants. This is the only way America will be fed up with the democrats. Only suffering will wake them up.
Obama campaigned for over a year on getting ride of the wreckless Bush tax-cuts, every. single. place. he wen't he repeated it over and over, and over, and over.

America has heard his message time and time again. Last November they responded...they agree with him. The GOP radical policies lost. They have no leg to stand on.

We've tried their way for the last 12 years. It. Doesn't. Work.

Time to do away with the wreckless Bush tax cuts now. It's over.

W.H. to House GOP: We're not moving on fiscal cliff - POLITICO.com

Obama is right not to budge an inch.

The polls are with Obama on this, if we go over the so-called-fiscal-cliff, the RepubliCON$ will be to blame. As they should be.

That's right Obama...keep fighting for The American People!!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Yes. The Obama has people to which he must answer. He has to maintain the illusion that that tax increases will actually get the federal dent under control. Anyone who has studied economics for dummies knows this is a lie.
The ongoing problem is the federal government spends FAR too much money.
ONe of the ills is baseline budgeting. Meaning each FY, all government departments are guaranteed budget increases of 8%. so even if a respective department does not need an increase, it receives one anyway.
The other issue is a matter of perception.
If for example Congress decides on a budget which would limit the increase to say 5% across the board, the democrats run all over Washington to waiting microphones to say "they are cutting ( fill in the blank)....To them, a decrease in an annual budget increase is a budget "cut"...It's bullshit ,but the hope there are just enough uninformed people to do the screaming for Beltway democrats.
Now, let's look at taxes. Currently the top marginal tax rate is 35.8%..One 1/1/13 the current rates expire and the top rate goes to 39.6%.. Obama has been running around saying the GOP wants a tax CUT...Not true. The extension of the current rates would mean the rate stays the same. No no no, says Obama...This is a tax CUT.
Obama insists that because tax rates were lowered the economy was ruined. Quite frankly and again eco 101, there is NO connection. And going back to the 1960's when JFK was president, it was proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that LOWERING the federal tax burden on Americans results in the GROWTH of revenues.
Obama is playing games here. He has to make good on his promise to punish the wealthy, so he and his people have made up the lie for the uninformed.
This is all a mission to get the focus of of HIS shitty economy and place it on the GOP...
The taxes aren't being raised you radicals...the damn wreckless Bush Tax Cuts were PLANNED to expire.

You dolts.

What's your problem?!??

You want to talk symantics, marc? :rolleyes:

What part of "going back to what they were PREVIOUSLY" do you NOT understand?

It's not raising taxes, it's RETURNING to the rates they were.

We've spent enough with those reckless tax cuts already.

The taxes aren't being raised you radicals...the damn wreckless Bush Tax Cuts were PLANNED to expire.

You dolts.

What's your problem?!??

The problem you angry lib is the more money removed from the private sector, the worse for the economy.
Increasing taxes LOWERS revenue to the government.
The taxes aren't being raised you radicals...the damn wreckless Bush Tax Cuts were PLANNED to expire.

You dolts.

What's your problem?!??

You want to talk symantics, marc? :rolleyes:

What part of "going back to what they were PREVIOUSLY" do you NOT understand?

It's not raising taxes, it's RETURNING to the rates they were.

We've spent enough with those reckless tax cuts already.


Enjoy your tax increase.
The taxes aren't being raised you radicals...the damn wreckless Bush Tax Cuts were PLANNED to expire.

You dolts.

What's your problem?!??

You want to talk symantics, marc? :rolleyes:

What part of "going back to what they were PREVIOUSLY" do you NOT understand?

It's not raising taxes, it's RETURNING to the rates they were.

We've spent enough with those reckless tax cuts already.

Isn't it just symantics...."going back to" or "raising them"?
What difference is the wording dude? The rates are going up.
Forget all the ideological soap box speeches, Marc...if you look at this whole thing logically? President Obama's tax increase pulls in enough revenue (using the most optimistic estimates) to run the government for about 8 days. At the same time his refusal to address spending with any meaningful cuts dooms us to more trillion dollar deficits.

The fact is, Barack Obama is putting a win in the polls ahead of what's best for the country. He's once again ignoring the millions of Americans who are currently out of work for a political win. That's not fighting for the American people...that's turning your back on them.
Forget all the ideological rhetoric OldStyle...if you believe that Obama ISN'T willing and ready to cut spending then you've been inhaling Dick Morris' toe fungus for too long.

Marc...yes/no....are you willing to let all the tax cuts expire?
Not only am I "willing" I absolutely WANT them to expire.

I believe that going over the fiscal slope will be the best thing in a long, long time.
The taxes aren't being raised you radicals...the damn wreckless Bush Tax Cuts were PLANNED to expire.

You dolts.

What's your problem?!??

You want to talk symantics, marc? :rolleyes:

What part of "going back to what they were PREVIOUSLY" do you NOT understand?

It's not raising taxes, it's RETURNING to the rates they were.

We've spent enough with those reckless tax cuts already.

How will raising taxes make your life better
You want to talk symantics, marc? :rolleyes:

What part of "going back to what they were PREVIOUSLY" do you NOT understand?

It's not raising taxes, it's RETURNING to the rates they were.

We've spent enough with those reckless tax cuts already.

Isn't it just symantics...."going back to" or "raising them"?
What difference is the wording dude? The rates are going up.
OK, have it your way then. You can have that "battle" if you must. It's going back to what it was before, when the country saw MASSIVE SUCCESS for ALL of it's citizens.

Goig up, going back to, whatever...it's all good.
Forget all the ideological rhetoric OldStyle...if you believe that Obama ISN'T willing and ready to cut spending then you've been inhaling Dick Morris' toe fungus for too long.

Marc...yes/no....are you willing to let all the tax cuts expire?
Not only am I "willing" I absolutely WANT them to expire.

I believe that going over the fiscal slope will be the best thing in a long, long time.

It will be a win for the dems in the next election, huh? The MSM will just say that the repubs were the obstructionists with the fiscal cliff.
You want to talk symantics, marc? :rolleyes:

What part of "going back to what they were PREVIOUSLY" do you NOT understand?

It's not raising taxes, it's RETURNING to the rates they were.

We've spent enough with those reckless tax cuts already.

How will raising taxes make your life better
See this is what he far right doesn't get. It's not the selfish "what does it do for me," but the altruistic, "what does it do for my country."

For me it assures me that the debt is on a path to being resolved.
What part of "going back to what they were PREVIOUSLY" do you NOT understand?

It's not raising taxes, it's RETURNING to the rates they were.

We've spent enough with those reckless tax cuts already.

Isn't it just symantics...."going back to" or "raising them"?
What difference is the wording dude? The rates are going up.
OK, have it your way then. You can have that "battle" if you must. It's going back to what it was before, when the country saw MASSIVE SUCCESS for ALL of it's citizens.

Goig up, going back to, whatever...it's all good.

Because high tax countries are high growth countries. Right?

It doesnt matter. As long as they're sticking it to da Man they dont care. They'll still get their gummint checks and forties.
It will be a win for the dems in the next election, huh? The MSM will just say that the repubs were the obstructionists with the fiscal cliff.
And it will be 100% true too.

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