W.Va. Gov. Manchin Wants Byrd Seat on November Ballot

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This could be an interesting race to watch if it happens this year. It would almost certainly be a showdown between Joe Manchin, the Democratic governor, and Congresswoman Shelley Capito, a Republican. WV is still a heavily Democratic state, but has been trending Republican in Federal elections. Manchin is also a popular governor.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Gov. Joe Manchin wants the seat left by the late U.S. Sen. Robert C. Byrd to be on the November ballot.

The governor also would consider running if that happens. But he does not include himself on his short list of appointees to fill the vacancy for now.

Byrd had slightly more than 30 months left in his term when he died last week at age 92. State election officials concluded that his seat shouldn't go before voters until 2012.

Manchin called on the state attorney general during a Wednesday press conference to address the question.

Manchin and most of the Legislature are Democrats, as was Byrd.

Rep. Shelley Moore Capito is the GOP's top contender for the seat. She wants it on the November ballot, and isn't ruling out running.

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