Wacky Bill Maher erupts: “Now that the fascists are in the WH, I’m glad some liberals have guns"

Bill Maher is a fucking joke. just a joke!

Maher and Silverman are typical anti-wasp bigot Democrats.
They regard them to be inferior people who should just work and pay taxes and shut up.
There is endless irony and hypocrisy with the dumb liberals.

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Mahr and Silverman...why do these types hate gentiles so much?
Mahr is a joke yes...but I never minded. I dont know quite why but for some reason he entertains me more than he aggravates me.
Mahr and Silverman...why do these types hate gentiles so much?
He's such a smarmy, arrogant pig. He didn't use to be this bad 20 years ago; back then he was more easygoing and poked fun at both sides of the political aisle.
He's such a smarmy, arrogant pig. He didn't use to be this bad 20 years ago; back then he was more easygoing and poked fun at both sides of the political aisle.
Politically he's been taking it on the chin and that seems to have affected his demeanor somewhat...he started out fighting with trump the realtor and then had to watch trump get a tv show and get higher ratings and then watch him become the most powerful man on the planet...now he just runs around shouting "orange" all day.
He's such a smarmy, arrogant pig. He didn't use to be this bad 20 years ago; back then he was more easygoing and poked fun at both sides of the political aisle.
Politically he's been taking it on the chin and that seems to have affected his demeanor somewhat...he started out fighting with trump the realtor and then had to watch trump get a tv show and get higher ratings and then watch him become the most powerful man on the planet...now he just runs around shouting "orange" all day.

I never knew Maher and Trump had a history of personal animosity. It's a shame because Maher used to be silly and amusing about politics and didn't seem to take the subject that seriously. Now he's utterly cold-blooded with a festering grudge against the fellow Americans on whom he now looks down his nose.
Would any of you jokers like to debate a well armed liberal ?

I never knew Maher and Trump had a history of personal animosity. It's a shame because Maher used to be silly and amusing about politics and didn't seem to take the subject that seriously. Now he's utterly cold-blooded with a festering grudge against the fellow Americans on whom he now looks down his nose.
Can't say for sure when it started but it really took off when trump went after Obama's birth certificate, Obama handled it quite well, Maher lost his cookies and has been using the word "orange" like punctuation...the small "non-orange" portion of his show like "new rules" is still very funny.
I never knew Maher and Trump had a history of personal animosity. It's a shame because Maher used to be silly and amusing about politics and didn't seem to take the subject that seriously. Now he's utterly cold-blooded with a festering grudge against the fellow Americans on whom he now looks down his nose.
Can't say for sure when it started but it really took off when trump went after Obama's birth certificate, Obama handled it quite well, Maher lost his cookies and has been using the word "orange" like punctuation...the small "non-orange" portion of his show like "new rules" is still very funny.

It was Hilarious Hillary who first brought up the birth certificate matter in the 2008 primaries, but of course liberals love to ignore that. Speaking of Obama's "official" birth certificate I know for a fact it's fake because of two glaring anachronisms: they listed Obama's race as "African-American" when that term didn't exist in 1961; the standard medical word was negro. Also, it listed his father's birthplace as Kenya when it was even called Kenya until 1963; at the time of Obama's birth it was still called The British East African whatever it was.
It was Hilarious Hillary who first brought up the birth certificate matter in the 2008 primaries, but of course liberals love to ignore that.

Obama didn't like the clintons, [which makes him an all-American to me...lol] I'm a big fan of the 44th president, he's up there with Reagan and kennedy for me

Speaking of Obama's "official" birth certificate I know for a fact it's fake because of two glaring anachronisms: they listed Obama's race as "African-American" when that term didn't exist in 1961; the standard medical word was negro. Also, it listed his father's birthplace as Kenya when it was even called Kenya until 1963; at the time of Obama's birth it was still called The British East African whatever it was.
I have no idea what the deal was with his birth certificate, if I had to guess [and would only be a guess] it was just part of a dirty tricks campaign like the nixon folks use to run, nothing harmful, just annoying little things like maybe stealing the original birth certificate and letting the Obama people explain it...but it doesn't matter to me even if he was born in Kenya I still like him...it's the white liberals that are hurting the country, minorities are just a prop to them, something to hide behind.
It was Hilarious Hillary who first brought up the birth certificate matter in the 2008 primaries, but of course liberals love to ignore that.

Obama didn't like the clintons, [which makes him an all-American to me...lol] I'm a big fan of the 44th president, he's up there with Reagan and kennedy for me

Speaking of Obama's "official" birth certificate I know for a fact it's fake because of two glaring anachronisms: they listed Obama's race as "African-American" when that term didn't exist in 1961; the standard medical word was negro. Also, it listed his father's birthplace as Kenya when it was even called Kenya until 1963; at the time of Obama's birth it was still called The British East African whatever it was.
I have no idea what the deal was with his birth certificate, if I had to guess [and would only be a guess] it was just part of a dirty tricks campaign like the nixon folks use to run, nothing harmful, just annoying little things like maybe stealing the original birth certificate and letting the Obama people explain it...but it doesn't matter to me even if he was born in Kenya I still like him...it's the white liberals that are hurting the country, minorities are just a prop to them, something to hide behind.

Why on earth would you still like Obamaggot when he deliberately caused all this current racial, violent animus when he spent 8 years race-baiting, riot instigating, constantly blaming white males for everything (per the psychotic racial paranoia he expressed in his books, which I've read)? He's the only American president in history to constantly insult and badmouth his own country whenever he gives speeches in other countries, he's done everything he can to weaken America and "take it down a peg," due to his muslim crybaby angst. Everything that carpet-headed, purple-lipped, rodent-featured traitor has done reflects his bitter resentment of America, as expressed in his two books. What GOOD did that crybaby do for America? Exactly what do you like about that Typhoid Barry spoiled, ingrate brat?
Why on earth would you still like Obamaggot when he deliberately caused all this current racial, violent animus when he spent 8 years race-baiting, riot instigating, constantly blaming white males for everything (per the psychotic racial paranoia he expressed in his books, which I've read)? He's the only American president in history to constantly insult and badmouth his own country whenever he gives speeches in other countries, he's done everything he can to weaken America and "take it down a peg," due to his muslim crybaby angst. Everything that carpet-headed, purple-lipped, rodent-featured traitor has done reflects his bitter resentment of America, as expressed in his two books. What GOOD did that crybaby do for America? Exactly what do you like about that Typhoid Barry spoiled, ingrate brat?
ok, but do you know how many folks on the left want to know how can I like Reagan? [but they never ask me how I could vote for jimmy carter]...Obama was a great president to me, I don't expect everyone to agree, and I actually considered writing him in on the 2016 ballot even though he was not eligible...If ya really want to defeat liberalism go after white liberals, they are the bane of America.

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