Wacky Jon Voight: Trump is the greatest president in the history of the world since Abe Lincoln!

Trump is a lot better than the America/white/cop hater Obama

Yea if you are a right wing, racist.
if anyone is racist, it's Obama
he sent his AG to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that attacked a WHITE cop
Holder visits with students, community leaders, Michael Brown's family in Ferguson
thought whites were not good enough
went to racist white/America hater Rev Wright for YEARS
rev wright racist remarks - Google Search
said the white cop acted stupidly and not the black jackass racist Gates
Obama: 'Police Acted Stupidly' in Gates Arrest

nominated in a row TWO blacks for AG:
.....blacks graduate high school at lower levels = less qualify for college where they graduate less and they are only 13% of the population = more whites were qualified for the position = Obama IS racist
etc etc
Well, I didn't think Lincoln was all that great of a President, so I'd say Trump is the best President since Reagan.
Abraham Lincoln was one of our worst presidents by a longshot, the jack weed suspended habeas corpus… Unforgivable
Slavery would have ended without the Civil War. Lincoln wanted to usurp State's Rights. He was responsible for 1.5 million total casualties of which 620,000 died (more if you count those that died later of their wounds).
Hollywood celebs have threatened the President with everything from arson to assault and kidnapping and murder but the crazy left finds a single actor that supports the President and labels him "wacky" No surprises here.

how about that! do you agree?

Actually, Trump has perverted the presidency by allowing his fixer Bill Barr declassify intelligence that shouldn't be revealed, endangering our national security. Voight is a special kind of crazy;
Jon Voight is right !

he is one of the very few in Hollyweird , that has any integrity and patriotism left. Bravo!:clap:

Everybody is entitled to their opinion. Best president since Lincoln? I'm sticking with Teddy Roosevelt.
who apart from Jon Voight is with President Trump? I am liking Jon a lot now!:113:

I applaud all those in Beverly who are with the President!

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