Waffle House shooting, at least 4 killed

Jump in your car and follow him with 911 on your cell phone.

Sure. But what if that isn't a possibility?

What you liberals are saying is that it is NEVER acceptable to shoot an escaping MASS MURDERER. You're wrong...and entirely unreasonable.
I don't recall being backed into that corner and making that statement. But my earlier comment, that some of you keyboard warriors seem to dream of being the hero in a terrible situation, is certainly being borne out. You said I was being dishonest. I don't think so. You want to shoot bad guys, become a cop. Simple shrimple. Otherwise, stop stylin yourself as the armed Batman at the local Waffle House.
You try to remember your words the next time you only have seconds between your life and your death at the hands of a killer, and then a patron takes the killer out before the cops arrive in the next 10 mins or more. The same for a person weilding a knife, a club or is just strong enough to choke you out without you being able to yell for the law much less hope that they can be there in a split second. Quit living in your fantasy liberal leftist world, and start living in the real world.

An unarmed Black man SAVES the day.
Not an Approvable NRA Gun Nutter Message!

Okay, Let's go American Whitey Gun Nutter WN DOPer Righties'! Time to attack this guy!
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View attachment 189443

An unarmed Black man SAVES the day.
Not an Approvablelble NRA Gun Nutter Message!

You mean the NRA....one of the first Civil Rights groups to help Freed Blacks fight off democrat killers....?

You asshats just suck up whatever the lies the democrats feed you......you are a dumb ass...

The Untold History of Black NRA Gun Clubs + Civil Rights

Monroe’s Black Armed Guard wasn’t a subsidiary of the Communist Party, nor an independent organization like the Black Panther Party that would use similar tactics of arming their members later. In fact, “Black Armed Guard” was nothing more than a fancy name for an officially chartered National Rifle Association chapter.

His 1962 book, Negroes With Guns, was prophetic for the Black Power movement to come later on in the decade. But Williams is noteworthy for his lack of revolutionary fervor, at least early on. Williams was cautious to always maintain that the Black Armed Guard was not an insurrectionary organization, but one dedicated to providing defense to a group of people who were under attack and lacking in normal legal remedies:


The NRA as an Organ of Individual and Collective Self-Defense
First, the narrative of the NRA as some sort of crypto-racist organization is simply false. In the first place, the NRA is a single-issue organization, which is how Harry Reid is able to obtain a “B” rating and get campaign cash from them, despite voting as a party-line Democrat on virtually every non-gun-related issue. More to the point, the NRA has historically opposed laws that were virtually tailor made to deny African-Americans the right to keep and bear arms. Many gun control laws to this day stem from the KKK's fear of armed and independent minorities. The Rosewood Massacre in 1923 – a bloodbath led by a white mob that resulted in the destruction of an entire black community in Florida – was a clear example of how an armed black people could prevent future KKK raids.

Second, the uptick in gun ownership and firearms acceptability in the black community isn’t an anomaly, but a reconnection with a deeper past stretching back to Reconstruction. The right to keep and carry arms was even mentioned in the infamous Supreme Court case of Scott v. Sandford, where the enslaved Dred Scott sued for his freedom. He lost that fight, but the words from that courtroom live on to this day.
I'm going to "unwatch" this thread now. The insanity and ignorance among liberals here is astounding.
Another gun free zone.

Was it?

I doubt it. I'm surprised there was not an armed customer

The article says a customer took the rifle from the shooter. Please note the customer did not then shoot the shooter with it.

Which he should have done. Because then the police would HAVE the shooter, and no one else would be in danger.
Agree.... If he turned the gun on the shooter after he had killed and injured these people, and the shooter then turned to escape, then he would have gotten a round in the leg, shoulder or his back if it were me or if I thought he was getting away.

This drives the left crazy when we talk like this, because they are the ones who worry when the execution drug makes a henious killer squirm a little or if it makes him or her become a bit uncomfortable on their way out. The leftist power or influence in this country needs to end, and it needs to end yesterday.
Jump in your car and follow him with 911 on your cell phone.

Sure. But what if that isn't a possibility?

What you liberals are saying is that it is NEVER acceptable to shoot an escaping MASS MURDERER. You're wrong...and entirely unreasonable.
I don't recall being backed into that corner and making that statement. But my earlier comment, that some of you keyboard warriors seem to dream of being the hero in a terrible situation, is certainly being borne out. You said I was being dishonest. I don't think so. You want to shoot bad guys, become a cop. Simple shrimple. Otherwise, stop stylin yourself as the armed Batman at the local Waffle House.
You try to remember your words the next time you only have seconds between your life and your death at the hands of a killer, and then a patron takes the killer out before the cops arrive in the next 10 mins or more. The same for a person weilding a knife, a club or is just strong enough to choke you out without you being able to yell for the law much less hope that they can be there in a split second. Quit living in your fantasy liberal leftist world, and start living in the real world.
or...remember it next time some person see’s a black teen with a cell phone and thinks he has a gun.
Jump in your car and follow him with 911 on your cell phone.

Sure. But what if that isn't a possibility?

What you liberals are saying is that it is NEVER acceptable to shoot an escaping MASS MURDERER. You're wrong...and entirely unreasonable.
I don't recall being backed into that corner and making that statement. But my earlier comment, that some of you keyboard warriors seem to dream of being the hero in a terrible situation, is certainly being borne out. You said I was being dishonest. I don't think so. You want to shoot bad guys, become a cop. Simple shrimple. Otherwise, stop stylin yourself as the armed Batman at the local Waffle House.
You try to remember your words the next time you only have seconds between your life and your death at the hands of a killer, and then a patron takes the killer out before the cops arrive in the next 10 mins or more. The same for a person weilding a knife, a club or is just strong enough to choke you out without you being able to yell for the law much less hope that they can be there in a split second. Quit living in your fantasy liberal leftist world, and start living in the real world.
Beagle, dear, from the scenario you presented me with, I can only say that you are the one living in a fantasy world.
View attachment 189443

An unarmed Black man SAVES the day.
Not an Approvable NRA Gun Nutter Message!

Okay, Let's go American Whitey Gun Nutter WN DOPer Righties'! Time to attack this guy!
Wonder if he wishes now that he was armed ?? Hmmm. Makes saving the day just a tad bit easier is all.

As PIG COPs are known for Shooting armed and unarmed Black men for no reasons. Seems he choose to be unarmed as a more survivable option
in Tenn.. And when shot by the PIGS for doing nothangs This unarmed state will pay off better when shot by these Tenn. WN, Racists, NAZI PIG COPs
hunting for their Black man Trophy, as a Gang member themselves, being paid by us/them for some reason.
View attachment 189443

An unarmed Black man SAVES the day.
Not an Approvable NRA Gun Nutter Message!

Okay, Let's go American Whitey Gun Nutter WN DOPer Righties'! Time to attack this guy!
I'm bettin he wished he was armed.....

Sad he proves it can be done unarmed.
Yes it can.......but avg person has to be trained to rush toward gunfire,,,even if they have a weapon in their hands,,,,,thats why you dont see it more often
View attachment 189443

An unarmed Black man SAVES the day.
Not an Approvable NRA Gun Nutter Message!

Okay, Let's go American Whitey Gun Nutter WN DOPer Righties'! Time to attack this guy!
I'm bettin he wished he was armed.....

Sad he proves it can be done unarmed.
Yes it can.......but avg person has to be trained to rush toward gunfire,,,even if they have a weapon in their hands,,,,,thats why you dont see it more often

I would think the fear of being shot by PIG COPs GANG Members for being Black by now.
Is now FULLY part of the Black Man's Gene DNA pool.
So, you're saying Whitey types are just Cowards?

Black Lives Matter! Just to save Whitey ASS!

DANG! Here's ONE! And did it Unarmed!

View attachment 189443

An unarmed Black man SAVES the day.
Not an Approvable NRA Gun Nutter Message!

Okay, Let's go American Whitey Gun Nutter WN DOPer Righties'! Time to attack this guy!
I'm bettin he wished he was armed.....

Sad he proves it can be done unarmed.
Yes it can.......but avg person has to be trained to rush toward gunfire,,,even if they have a weapon in their hands,,,,,thats why you dont see it more often

I would think the fear of being shot by PIG COPs GANG Members for being Black by now.
Is now FULLY part of the Black Man's Gene DNA pool.
So, you're saying Whitey types are just Cowards?

Black Lives Matter! Just to save Whitey ASS!

DANG! Here's ONE! And did it Unarmed!

View attachment 189446

You are nuts. You know that, right?

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