Waffle House shooting, at least 4 killed

breaking news on cnn.

T-minus 5 minutes till gun nuts claim this is a phoney work.

His name is James Shaw.

And the man who saved lives was a black man a hero ........sorry republican racists

Also puts the lie to the notion that the ONLY thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.

It takes an enormous amount of bravery for an unarmed man to go after a shooter like that.
Kind of a weak conclusion to come to. There’s several ways a bad guy with a gun can be taken out without an armed good guy. He could die of a stroke, he could get hit by a meteor etc. that still doesn’t take anything away from the absolute number one best option is always another armed person shooting back. I’m pretty sure if you were to ask Mr. Shaw he would tell you his preference would have been to have had a gun instead of going after the guy unarmed.
breaking news on cnn.

T-minus 5 minutes till gun nuts claim this is a phoney work.

His name is James Shaw.

And the man who saved lives was a black man a hero ........sorry republican racists
How does that make Republicans racists?

I just love that thought processes going on with snowflakes with respect to this issue. I can't imagine anything that demonstrates their utter irrationality better.
breaking news on cnn.

T-minus 5 minutes till gun nuts claim this is a phoney work.

His name is James Shaw.

And the man who saved lives was a black man a hero ........sorry republican racists

Also puts the lie to the notion that the ONLY thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.

It takes an enormous amount of bravery for an unarmed man to go after a shooter like that.

The bad thing is guys like this are so few and far between. I suggested the Pulse night club shooter could have been stopped by being rushed and got nothing but derision. The fact is it can be done, but it requires the proper mindset.

Most of that mindset is, screw it im probably going to die”.
Well now we know why blacks don't do mass shootings, they know there's real G's out there that might shoot, stab or fight back in their neighborhoods.

I bet this sheltered pussified white boy didn't expect big black homie to fuck him up in this white neighborhood.

(btw I did two years in state prison, and watching incoming young boys get put in their place was always fun!)

Hopefully he's captured alive so he can spend more time with the big homies. I hear he likes being naked...he'll have no problem getting drugs at least...hehehe
this was not terrorism because the shooter was white ...this is also why Trump has not commented ...not terror LOL

Not a word from the Liar in Chief....if it had been a Muslim....HOLY CRAP! He would be screaming from the roof tops!

Another day and another mass shooting. What happens regularly here is very rare where there is strong gun control.

At least four people were killed and several others were injured early Sunday when a gunman opened fire at a Waffle House in Nashville, Tenn., police said.

The alleged gunman, Travis Reinking, 29, began shooting at patrons around 3:25 a.m. Sunday at the Waffle House, located about 16 miles southeast of downtown Nashville, before fleeing the scene, Metro Nashville police said. Authorities had initially said Reinking was a person of interest, but later said he has been identified as a suspect.

"If you see a nude guy walking around this morning call the police department," Don Aaron of the Metro Police Department told WTVF.

A person at the restaurant had wrestled away the alleged shooter's rifle.

Waffle House shooting leaves 4 dead, several injured; gunman sought

Being shot and killed is an acceptable risk to be an American and live in America


That’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever posted. It harks back to the “Acceptable level of violence” comment made by the British Home Secretary speaking about the “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland.

I remember reading P.J.O’Rourke’s scathing piece on the Troubles in his book “Give War a Chance”. After visiting a pub where an IRA bomber had killed several civilians, PJ didn’t think that those who were injured thought it was an acceptable level of violence. Nor did the families of those who were killed.

You said that being shot and killed is an acceptable risk to be an American and to live in America. The 200,000 kids who have been subjected to school shootings since Columbine disagree. The millions who marched for stricter gun control since February 14th disagree. And I’m pretty sure that the families of the more than 3,000,000 people who have died from gun violence just in the last ten years, would say that the price has been far too high.

Well good for them.. The risk is associated with those who have not been shot and killed. Not the ones who already have.

Did you ever take a statistics class?

Why did the idiots in Illinois give guns to the father when he was not the legal owner?


How does a naked man carrying an AR15 make it into a Waffle House un-noticed, police aren't called until after he starts shooting yup the place?

The story on the radio I heard said the Secret Service had arrested this guy in the past for being in a prohibited location near the WH. Later the local police and FBI raided his house, confiscates 5 weapons - to include the AR-15 he used to shoot up the Waffle House....

How'd he get the AR-15 back from the FBI?
Well now we know why blacks don't do mass shootings, they know there's real G's out there that might shoot, stab or fight back in their neighborhoods.

I bet this sheltered pussified white boy didn't expect big black homie to fuck him up in this white neighborhood.

(btw I did two years in state prison, and watching incoming young boys get put in their place was always fun!)

Hopefully he's captured alive so he can spend more time with the big homies. I hear he likes being naked...he'll have no problem getting drugs at least...hehehe

Keep your fantasies to yourself.
How does a naked man carrying an AR15 make it into a Waffle House un-noticed, police aren't called until after he starts shooting yup the place?

The story on the radio I heard said the Secret Service had arrested this guy in the past for being in a prohibited location near the WH. Later the local police and FBI raided his house, confiscates 5 weapons - to include the AR-15 he used to shoot up the Waffle House....

How'd he get the AR-15 back from the FBI?
Wait a minute. The guy was naked AT the Waffle House while shooting?
Here's another great question....

After the gun was wrestled away from him this necked guy ran out the door and down the street, bare ass.

The cops went to his apartment, searched the local area...How can a bare ass, nekked guy running down the street get away...completely?
breaking news on cnn.

T-minus 5 minutes till gun nuts claim this is a phoney work.

His name is James Shaw.

And the man who saved lives was a black man a hero ........sorry republican racists

And his name was James Shaw, race has nothing to do with it.

Nothing??? What if the killer was black or a muslim?? race would have nothing to do with it??? Can't you say it?? The black guy is a hero??
Muslim is not a race.
Cool. I'm not a racist after all.
Jump in your car and follow him with 911 on your cell phone.

Sure. But what if that isn't a possibility?

What you liberals are saying is that it is NEVER acceptable to shoot an escaping MASS MURDERER. You're wrong...and entirely unreasonable.
I don't recall being backed into that corner and making that statement. But my earlier comment, that some of you keyboard warriors seem to dream of being the hero in a terrible situation, is certainly being borne out. You said I was being dishonest. I don't think so. You want to shoot bad guys, become a cop. Simple shrimple. Otherwise, stop stylin yourself as the armed Batman at the local Waffle House.
You try to remember your words the next time you only have seconds between your life and your death at the hands of a killer, and then a patron takes the killer out before the cops arrive in the next 10 mins or more. The same for a person weilding a knife, a club or is just strong enough to choke you out without you being able to yell for the law much less hope that they can be there in a split second. Quit living in your fantasy liberal leftist world, and start living in the real world.
or...remember it next time some person see’s a black teen with a cell phone and thinks he has a gun.
If cops do wrong, then there are penalties that follow, as is the same for citizens, but in either case there is still no excuse to lose all of ones sense of reality or common sense in life as based upon those cases. Funny how certain cases are attempted to be used as a justification for a complete change in policy or the attempt to throw common sense to the wind. No one is fooled by these tactics any longer.

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