Wages and health insurance


Gold Member
Dec 13, 2008
Shoveling the ashes
If your employer is forced to pay for medical insurance, can he include that payment as part of the minimum wage he is forced to pay?
Why yes, or why no?
Just curious.
LOL No employer is forced to pay for insurance. And thanks to the new laws they will be able to dump everyone into the exchanges next year.
LOL No employer is forced to pay for insurance. And thanks to the new laws they will be able to dump everyone into the exchanges next year.

Good point on the first one.

We'll just have to wait and see. The 2.5% of worker making minimum wage is 2.5%. "Everyone" really isn't likely.

Even so,it won't matter in the least if the do. Prices are not fixed. They are effected by the supply of money. They are also effected by the demand for goods. When everyone has to purchase some product, wages and prices of everything else adjust to the level that they would be if no one purchased that product and didn't make that money.
If you make min. wage, you get free Medicaid, except in neanderthal red states. More than that, subsidies plans start at almost free to very affordable, at least where Pubs and their scumbag crony insurance pals are cooperating...
employee health care insurance costs paid by the employer is considered compensation for the employee, but NOT a WAGE..... compensation, similar to stock options given to a CEO, or a car given to a regional manager, it is 'compensation' but not a WAGE which would be subject to payroll taxes paid by employer and employee

so your answer is no.

And although those companies with 50/100 employees or more, next year will be assessed a tax penalty for not having health care insurance coverage for employees, it still does not Force employers to carry insurance.

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