Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

Were Trump currently but a private citizen, he'd be well within his rights to sue those women. But he's not at the moment a private citizen; he's a man running for public office. As such, the standard for what constitutes libelous and slanderous speech against him is very different than that which applies to you and me.

If Trump had any sense at all, he'd just ignore those women's remarks/accusations and focus on detailing and/or refining the details of his policy positions. For example,
  • After over a year of decrying NAFTA, one'd think by now he'd have explicitly identified what specific provisions of NAFTA he finds objectionable, but he hasn't done that.
  • He'd refine his proposals such as the one note below which is thoroughly absurd seeing as most colleges and universities are 501(c) entities that do not pay federal income taxes and that cannot be exempted from federal payroll taxes
  • He'd simply release his tax returns (current or those not under audit) to outright remove that objection from those his critics inveigh.
  • He'd identify specific regulations he wants to overturn and what be the specific impacts of doing so.
  • He'd identify what he sees as possible responses should an enemy attack one of our NATO or Pacific allies who have have not made their promised monetary contributions to pay for the military aid the receive from the U.S.
In short, the man would go about increasing the clarity and precision of the vision he's so far articulated only very broadly, too broadly for the American people to fully understand just how we'll be affected were he to achieve it.
Trump is NOT an elected official.......yet.
He most definitely IS a private citizen.
These Hillary 'plants' have made libelous and slanderous accusations against Trump.
He has every legal right to seek legal recourse.

Bless your heart....You just keep thinking that.
Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

How's this for a campaign promise?

“I will immediately embroil the country in my sex scandal”


But it's not a scandal, unless he did it.

Matthew, you are a anti-semite that works with the Iranians to plant a dirty nuclear bomb in New York.

Matthew why are you embroiling the forum in your terrorism scandal?

Well... you are not. It's an accusation. When it is proven true, then, and only then, is it a scandal.

Travelgate was a scandal. It happened.
Chinagate was a scandal. It happened.
Whitewater was a scandal. It happened.
Lawrence was a scandal. It happened.
Pardongate was a scandal. It happened.
Huma-gate is a scandal. It happened.
Rose Law Firm Records, was a scandal. It happened.
These and dozens more.... they happened.

Asia fundraising scandal, which is actually a collection of scandals, ranging from direct calls from the office of the vice-president (al gore) shaking down companies and individuals for money, to collecting hundreds of thousands from Buddhist monks which take a vow of poverty, to Charlie Trie and China military front companies, to selling a night at the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House.

These are all things that actually happened. Real events, with real people, and real convictions.

Right now, all you have is a bunch of allegations. When they are proven to have actually happened, then and only then, will they be real scandals. And compared to all the things Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton have done....

Well what goes around, comes around. Maybe you shouldn't have defended some scummy people in the past. Now, most of America doesn't even care if Trump has a scandal or two. You didn't. Why should anyone else?
In how many of these events ending in "gate" was Hillary or Bill charged with a crime?

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Only a mindless idiot, sees a 30 year pattern, and shoves his head so far up his butt, that he can say "Nothing to see up my butt... move along".

Years ago, we hired a guy to work in shipping. Over the next few months, we noticed things disappear. Not a ton. Not a lot. But this and that, small stuff, would vanish without a trace. We could never prove anything. Finally, we hired a new guy, and told him thanks for his time, and sent him on his way.

Surprisingly... stuff no longer disappeared anymore.

Now I realize that in brain damaged leftardian idiot world, it was obviously that someone fed a Mogwai after midnight the day this guy started work, and the resulting Gremlin was responsible for stealing all the stuff, and somehow on the day this guy life, the Gremlin fell in from of a window, and was killed by the sun thus ending the thefts.

Of course to all of us not as dumb as a left-wing retard stuck in a bad 80s movie..... It's pretty clear from the history, that scandals have followed these Clintons around everywhere they have ever been.... for now 30+ years. Everywhere they go, dirt and skeletons been left in their path. Where there is smoke, there is fire. And where it smells like crap, there is rot.

Maybe that concept is too hard for some, but we on the right-wing grasp this.
I didn't ask about pattern of accusations. I asked about convictions or charges. In our legal system, 1000 baseless accusations do not carry more weight than one baseless accusation.

If you are accused 1000 times but none of these accusations are substantiated, there is no crime.

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Right. It's like the mafia. Anthony Accardo who replaced Al Capone, was never caught, and never covicted, while running one of the most brutal crime organizations in Chicago.

But just like Hillary, despite endless sheets of crimes he was arrested for, he was never convicted.

Your candidate is the same as a leader of a mafia group. Nearly every slimy thing that has happened in government for the past 30 years, has the Clinton fingers and cronies involved in it. But the mindless left-wing lemmings, marching to the brain washing drums of the Clinton's dutifully repeat: "I didn't ask about pattern of accusations. I asked about convictions or charges."

Again, we're not as dumb as you. Sorry. We're not. Your mindless repetition of the mafia defense "you can't prove it", is not good enough for us.

And contrary to your claim, there is tons of evidence that the "accusations are substantiated". Just not enough to convict. And there is a huge difference between the two.

Yes or no: Where Hillary's private aids seen in Vince Fosters office, removing things on the night of the murder?

Answer. Yes. That's a fact. Not enough to convict... no. But it is substantiated evidence.

Were Hillary Clinton's finger prints found on the Rose Law Firms billing records by the FBI? Yes. That's a fact. Not enough to convict... no. But is substantiating evidence.

Again, unlike the Trump accusers which thus far have provided absolutely nothing to show for their claims.... we have tons of documented evidence. May not be enough to convict, but it sure is far more real evidence than you have against Trump.
Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

How's this for a campaign promise?

“I will immediately embroil the country in my sex scandal”

Herman Caine allowed the Liberal Political 'Hit Women' who crawled out of the sewers and the woodwork last election to launch false 'sexual misconduct' claims against him but who dropped their accusations against once he dropped out of the race to slither back into those sewers and woodwork from whence they came without any repercussions for their reprehensible actions of attempting to destroy not only a man's candidacy but also his marriage and life.

Donald Trump is NOT Herman Caine. Trump believes if you come after me I will not simply turn the other cheek - I'm coming after your ass. It's called 'accountability'. Good for him.

The ENABLER sought to destroy her husband's - the WHITE BILL COSBY - victims while he was serving as governor, President, etc. So why the Hypocritical shock regarding Trump?

That is exactly right.

Cain told RCR that the first accuser’s charges were sent to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and were dismissed. Another accuser, represented by celebrity attorney Gloria Allred, has yet to provide an affidavit. And the most well-known accuser, Ginger White, was found guilty of libel in an unrelated case around the same time Cain ended his campaign.​

Herman Cain: Sexual Harassment Charges Were Orchestrated by ‘The Devil’

So one went to the EEOC, and dismissed immediately.
Another was convicted of libel, and disappeared.
And the last one.... well no one knows. They never started a case.

So what was that all about?

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