Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

Trump did those things.

Let the women sue him, put him under deposition to swear and tell the truth, and he is forever politically ruined as well as his movement.
Lol. You idiots set the bar low by nominating another scum bag Clinton, despite her scandals and failures, both personally and professionally. Your globalist whore is not fit to be a dog catcher. The shit you silly monkeys are throwing does not matter. You taught us nothing matters.
Who is more qualified for this office, a person who was a US Senator and Secy of State, or a guy in the real estate business who knows nothing of foreign affairs, politics, the economy or most anything else a President must know.
List her accomplishments as Sec of State. And no, gun running to the ME and Mexico do not count as accomplishments. Neither does destroying federal records.
Whatever I say you will deny, so just do a "google" search and find the answers. Naturally you will not choose to believe anything
Lol. Dance little one. Dance for me.

Answer the question. You made the claim. Back it up.
I am sure Trump would lie about anything at any time. We have seen it over and over again throughout this election season
Kinda like sniper fire on the tarmac eh
Trump lies to the American people every single day, every time he opens his mouth, now we are also faced with a potential sex scandal, yet you bring up a comment of Hillary's from 20 years ago? Get real!
How old is this "SUPPOSED" sex scandal?

It happens around the same time as Clintons sexual assaults.
Any hint of Bill Clinton sexual encounters you believe immediately, yet for Trump you pretend they never happened. Is that whats called fair and balanced
I have always said I didn't give a shit who Clinton fucked. My problem was him degrading the oval office with his infidelity. That office belongs to us not the assholes that occupy it.
I am sure Trump would lie about anything at any time. We have seen it over and over again throughout this election season
Kinda like sniper fire on the tarmac eh
Trump lies to the American people every single day, every time he opens his mouth, now we are also faced with a potential sex scandal, yet you bring up a comment of Hillary's from 20 years ago? Get real!
How old is this "SUPPOSED" sex scandal?

It happens around the same time as Clintons sexual assaults.
Any hint of Bill Clinton sexual encounters you believe immediately, yet for Trump you pretend they never happened. Is that whats called fair and balanced
Are you retarded? He testified on TV.
As are you, Toddster. Trump is going to be put under sworn deposition by his accusers.

Is he going to lie under oath....like Bubba?
I am sure Trump would lie about anything at any time. We have seen it over and over again throughout this election season
Kinda like sniper fire on the tarmac eh

She's still upset that Chelsea was jogging around the WTC on 9/11.
That never happened, and Hillary never said anything of the kind, you idiot. It was another vicious rumor started by Dick Morris. Your kind never bothers to look up a fact, as long as its on right wing media, you salivate
Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

How's this for a campaign promise?

“I will immediately embroil the country in my sex scandal”


Another libtard who doesn't know how to write the English language. You don't quote paraphrases, idiot. Those are your words, not his.

And why wouldn't he sue them if they lied? Clearly liberal bimbos do this every time, most of them are lying. They should be sued.

And the ones morons who use sex accusations as a political weapon over and over harm the most are the ones who actually were accosted. Everyone gets numb to the accusation since you play the card every time.

Not that you even care about women being accosted. You give Slick a free pass for assaulting women the first time and his bimbo a pass for doing it again even when he sexually assaulted Democrat activist Kathleen Wiley. You're moral sludge
Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

How's this for a campaign promise?

“I will immediately embroil the country in my sex scandal”


Another libtard who doesn't know how to write the English language. You don't quote paraphrases, idiot. Those are your words, not his.

And why wouldn't he sue them if they lied? Clearly liberal bimbos do this every time, most of them are lying. They should be sued.

And the ones morons who use sex accusations as a political weapon over and over harm the most are the ones who actually were accosted. Everyone gets numb to the accusation since you play the card every time.

Not that you even care about women being accosted. You give slick a free pass even when he sexually assaulted Democrat activist Kathleen Wiley. You're moral sludge
I will guarantee you that Trump will NEVER sue anyone. There is way too much dirt in his history to open up in court.
As are you, Toddster. Trump is going to be put under sworn deposition by his accusers.

Is he going to lie under oath....like Bubba?
I am sure Trump would lie about anything at any time. We have seen it over and over again throughout this election season
Kinda like sniper fire on the tarmac eh

She's still upset that Chelsea was jogging around the WTC on 9/11.
That never happened, and Hillary never said anything of the kind, you idiot. It was another vicious rumor started by Dick Morris. Your kind never bothers to look up a fact, as long as its on right wing media, you salivate

KATIE COURIC (co-host): Since being elected to office, New York's junior senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, managed to keep a relatively low profile until terror struck in lower Manhattan. At that moment, she was not just a senator, but a concerned parent. She recently sat down with "Dateline NBC's" Jane Pauley to talk about that morning.

PAULEY: Tuesday morning, Senator Hillary Clinton's first thought when the second plane hit was terrorists. Her next thought was Chelsea, who was not only in New York, but staying downtown.

CLINTON: She'd gone, what she thought would be just a great jog. She was going to go down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She went to get a cup of coffee and -- and that's when the plane hit.
Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

How's this for a campaign promise?

“I will immediately embroil the country in my sex scandal”


Another libtard who doesn't know how to write the English language. You don't quote paraphrases, idiot. Those are your words, not his.

And why wouldn't he sue them if they lied? Clearly liberal bimbos do this every time, most of them are lying. They should be sued.

And the ones morons who use sex accusations as a political weapon over and over harm the most are the ones who actually were accosted. Everyone gets numb to the accusation since you play the card every time.

Not that you even care about women being accosted. You give slick a free pass even when he sexually assaulted Democrat activist Kathleen Wiley. You're moral sludge
I will guarantee you that Trump will NEVER sue anyone. There is way too much dirt in his history to open up in court.

Yeah, Trump obviously shies away from bad situations. What planet were you on during the campaign so far? Welcome back. It's been a crazy one
As are you, Toddster. Trump is going to be put under sworn deposition by his accusers.

Is he going to lie under oath....like Bubba?
I am sure Trump would lie about anything at any time. We have seen it over and over again throughout this election season
Kinda like sniper fire on the tarmac eh

She's still upset that Chelsea was jogging around the WTC on 9/11.
That never happened, and Hillary never said anything of the kind, you idiot. It was another vicious rumor started by Dick Morris. Your kind never bothers to look up a fact, as long as its on right wing media, you salivate

Is he going to lie under oath....like Bubba?
I am sure Trump would lie about anything at any time. We have seen it over and over again throughout this election season
Kinda like sniper fire on the tarmac eh

She's still upset that Chelsea was jogging around the WTC on 9/11.
That never happened, and Hillary never said anything of the kind, you idiot. It was another vicious rumor started by Dick Morris. Your kind never bothers to look up a fact, as long as its on right wing media, you salivate

KATIE COURIC (co-host): Since being elected to office, New York's junior senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, managed to keep a relatively low profile until terror struck in lower Manhattan. At that moment, she was not just a senator, but a concerned parent. She recently sat down with "Dateline NBC's" Jane Pauley to talk about that morning.

PAULEY: Tuesday morning, Senator Hillary Clinton's first thought when the second plane hit was terrorists. Her next thought was Chelsea, who was not only in New York, but staying downtown.

CLINTON: She'd gone, what she thought would be just a great jog. She was going to go down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She went to get a cup of coffee and -- and that's when the plane hit.

Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

How's this for a campaign promise?

“I will immediately embroil the country in my sex scandal”

ever hear of lawyers?
Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

How's this for a campaign promise?

“I will immediately embroil the country in my sex scandal”

I would much rather set a precedent that women can get away with destroying a mans reputation without any recourse.
Suing them in court will bring out the truth that hillary was behind it, and believe me, win or lose Trump needs to do this in order to put that evil whore hillary away once and for all.
The only problem is that just as soon as he files against these liars, they are going to end up committing suicide by some unlikely way, or they will get run over by a train, or die in a plane crash, maybe arrested for something small and killed by inmates while in jail for that one night.
But Maybe its just me that has a problem with people being free to destroy someone elses reputation, even to the point of swaying an election.
Wonder how you would feel if someone were to do that to you. I guess you would just go along with it and pay no attention, what if the false accusations caused you to lose your job? your wife left and took the kids, (or should I say partner?) That would be perfectly acceptable to you right?
MP, I agree. Both sides need to do this.

By the by, a suggestion of "what if" including family (against Matthew) is against the rules, and you know it.
I say anyone who makes an accusation against another person whether a well known person or not, shuld be prepared to back up his/her accusation in a court of law.
Trump did those things.

Let the women sue him, put him under deposition to swear and tell the truth, and he is forever politically ruined as well as his movement.
Lol. You idiots set the bar low by nominating another scum bag Clinton, despite her scandals and failures, both personally and professionally. Your globalist whore is not fit to be a dog catcher. The shit you silly monkeys are throwing does not matter. You taught us nothing matters.
Who is more qualified for this office, a person who was a US Senator and Secy of State, or a guy in the real estate business who knows nothing of foreign affairs, politics, the economy or most anything else a President must know.
List her accomplishments as Sec of State. And no, gun running to the ME and Mexico do not count as accomplishments. Neither does destroying federal records.
Whatever I say you will deny, so just do a "google" search and find the answers. Naturally you will not choose to believe anything
Google is neither a court of law or a confirmation of fact.

The internet tells more lies that every politician that ever lived.
Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

How's this for a campaign promise?

“I will immediately embroil the country in my sex scandal”


But it's not a scandal, unless he did it.

Matthew, you are a anti-semite that works with the Iranians to plant a dirty nuclear bomb in New York.

Matthew why are you embroiling the forum in your terrorism scandal?

Well... you are not. It's an accusation. When it is proven true, then, and only then, is it a scandal.

Travelgate was a scandal. It happened.
Chinagate was a scandal. It happened.
Whitewater was a scandal. It happened.
Lawrence was a scandal. It happened.
Pardongate was a scandal. It happened.
Huma-gate is a scandal. It happened.
Rose Law Firm Records, was a scandal. It happened.
These and dozens more.... they happened.

Asia fundraising scandal, which is actually a collection of scandals, ranging from direct calls from the office of the vice-president (al gore) shaking down companies and individuals for money, to collecting hundreds of thousands from Buddhist monks which take a vow of poverty, to Charlie Trie and China military front companies, to selling a night at the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House.

These are all things that actually happened. Real events, with real people, and real convictions.

Right now, all you have is a bunch of allegations. When they are proven to have actually happened, then and only then, will they be real scandals. And compared to all the things Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton have done....

Well what goes around, comes around. Maybe you shouldn't have defended some scummy people in the past. Now, most of America doesn't even care if Trump has a scandal or two. You didn't. Why should anyone else?
In how many of these events ending in "gate" was Hillary or Bill charged with a crime?

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Only a mindless idiot, sees a 30 year pattern, and shoves his head so far up his butt, that he can say "Nothing to see up my butt... move along".

Years ago, we hired a guy to work in shipping. Over the next few months, we noticed things disappear. Not a ton. Not a lot. But this and that, small stuff, would vanish without a trace. We could never prove anything. Finally, we hired a new guy, and told him thanks for his time, and sent him on his way.

Surprisingly... stuff no longer disappeared anymore.

Now I realize that in brain damaged leftardian idiot world, it was obviously that someone fed a Mogwai after midnight the day this guy started work, and the resulting Gremlin was responsible for stealing all the stuff, and somehow on the day this guy life, the Gremlin fell in from of a window, and was killed by the sun thus ending the thefts.

Of course to all of us not as dumb as a left-wing retard stuck in a bad 80s movie..... It's pretty clear from the history, that scandals have followed these Clintons around everywhere they have ever been.... for now 30+ years. Everywhere they go, dirt and skeletons been left in their path. Where there is smoke, there is fire. And where it smells like crap, there is rot.

Maybe that concept is too hard for some, but we on the right-wing grasp this.
I didn't ask about pattern of accusations. I asked about convictions or charges. In our legal system, 1000 baseless accusations do not carry more weight than one baseless accusation.

If you are accused 1000 times but none of these accusations are substantiated, there is no crime.

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Wait a minute. Trump said he'd sue the women accusing him of sexual misconduct?

How's this for a campaign promise?

“I will immediately embroil the country in my sex scandal”

Herman Caine allowed the Liberal Political 'Hit Women' who crawled out of the sewers and the woodwork last election to launch false 'sexual misconduct' claims against him but who dropped their accusations against once he dropped out of the race to slither back into those sewers and woodwork from whence they came without any repercussions for their reprehensible actions of attempting to destroy not only a man's candidacy but also his marriage and life.

Donald Trump is NOT Herman Caine. Trump believes if you come after me I will not simply turn the other cheek - I'm coming after your ass. It's called 'accountability'. Good for him.

The ENABLER sought to destroy her husband's - the WHITE BILL COSBY - victims while he was serving as governor, President, etc. So why the Hypocritical shock regarding Trump?

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