Wait..........he said what?

When politicians deal with people, it's ALWAYS partisan politics... no exceptions.
Unequivocally false. Show me the quote when Dubya announced he expected to "be treated well" in return for helping states impacted by Katrina.

Is there no limit to the despicable things you excuse Dear Leader for doing?
New York State decided to go against the wishes of their HHS and not spend the money in case of a Pandemic.
Trumpleton's endless search for scapegoats to deflect attention away from the Grifter-in-Chief's culpability continues unabated.
I hate to break it to all you Trump haters but the Gallup poll out today has his approvals up significantly among all parties.Is he perfect? Not by a long shot.No one is or ever will be.I cannot think of one Democrat who I would want in charge of this "crisis". Just look how despicable Nancy and the House are trying to fund their left wing tripe in a bill meant to fight the virus and to stabilize the economy. They have no sense of common decency.

As a matter a fact I can't believe anyone has the nerve to call out Trump for his words toward his detractors who fervently hope he fails.Trump will come out of this stronger against a stumbling ,bumbling,senile geriatric who has no plan or vision.Just 20/20 hindsight advice by his handlers.
New York State decided to go against the wishes of their HHS and not spend the money in case of a Pandemic.
Trumpleton's endless search for scapegoats to deflect attention away from the Grifter-in-Chief's culpability continues unabated.
I'm an equal opportunity slammer.......I posted both the State and Fed not wanting to spend the money to stockpile.........

Neither thought it was prudent to spend the money then.........than after both point fingers at each other.............

Nothing new here.....and nothing new here with you trolling it either.
In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?
He doesn't understand that he's dealing with human beings, not partisan politics.

He is devoid of empathy, and he doesn't possess the intellect to just think things through.

They need to keep him locked away somewhere. He is a menace, and his sycophants don't care.

He wouldn't be nearly as dangerous if not for his enablers. Not just the sycophants in the admin and right wing media but most importantly............The Following...........Trump's cultists.

Forums are for venting ranging from personal beliefs to sewing views that will illicit responses even if personally one does not believe those views. The truth is we all must not bring the worse that can come here to reality. There has to be enough good in people to bring sway over those who have to much bad in them. So if you see a person passed out on the street, do you help that person or do you let him lay in his distress? Humanity is on trial here also.

Sorry. I think that ship sailed the day Trump was elected. Because that's what Trump does, especially to the sycophants who worship him. Bring out the absolute worst in them. Again, this guy has no interest in being President of the United States. That's why he's always in campaign mode and that's why he's being completely exposed during this crisis. The rest of us will do (and are doing) whatever is required to help neighbors, friends, and relatives to make sure they make it through this in one piece. Give a buck when you see that annoying box pop up as you're checking out at the supermarket. Give a pint of blood (if you can), hell, if you have some N95 masks hanging around that haven't been used, drop them off at your local hospital. Check in on people that might need help or can't get out of the house. Stay in touch via electronic communication. I will say one thing for our infrastructure, 50 years of build up (for most of the country) and the Internet handled the increased pressure like a champ.
I hate to break it to all you Trump haters but the Gallup poll out today has his approvals up significantly among all parties.Is he perfect? Not by a long shot.No one is or ever will be.I cannot think of one Democrat who I would want in charge of this "crisis". Just look how despicable Nancy and the House are trying to fund their left wing tripe in a bill meant to fight the virus and to stabilize the economy. They have no sense of common decency.

As a matter a fact I can't believe anyone has the nerve to call out Trump for his words toward his detractors who fervently hope he fails.Trump will come out of this stronger against a stumbling ,bumbling,senile geriatric who has no plan or vision.Just 20/20 hindsight advice by his handlers.

Three more weeks of this, Trump's approval ratings will hit new lows when it becomes clear he has no idea what he is doing and we are up to hundreds of thousands of cases instead of tens of thousands.
I hate to break it to all you Trump haters but the Gallup poll out today has his approvals up significantly among all parties.Is he perfect? Not by a long shot.No one is or ever will be.I cannot think of one Democrat who I would want in charge of this "crisis". Just look how despicable Nancy and the House are trying to fund their left wing tripe in a bill meant to fight the virus and to stabilize the economy. They have no sense of common decency.

As a matter a fact I can't believe anyone has the nerve to call out Trump for his words toward his detractors who fervently hope he fails.Trump will come out of this stronger against a stumbling ,bumbling,senile geriatric who has no plan or vision.Just 20/20 hindsight advice by his handlers.

Three more weeks of this, Trump's approval ratings will hit new lows when it becomes clear he has no idea what he is doing and we are up to hundreds of thousands of cases instead of tens of thousands.
Simply stated .......you're the one who hasn't seen the ball since kickoff....Trump will be reelected.
The NY governor is already bitching and moaning because the Federal government won't give them a complete bailout. I told you people the other day it would only be a matter of time before Dem states in deep shit with debt would be begging for a bailout.
I hate to break it to all you Trump haters but the Gallup poll out today has his approvals up significantly among all parties.Is he perfect? Not by a long shot.No one is or ever will be.I cannot think of one Democrat who I would want in charge of this "crisis". Just look how despicable Nancy and the House are trying to fund their left wing tripe in a bill meant to fight the virus and to stabilize the economy. They have no sense of common decency.

As a matter a fact I can't believe anyone has the nerve to call out Trump for his words toward his detractors who fervently hope he fails.Trump will come out of this stronger against a stumbling ,bumbling,senile geriatric who has no plan or vision.Just 20/20 hindsight advice by his handlers.

Three more weeks of this, Trump's approval ratings will hit new lows when it becomes clear he has no idea what he is doing and we are up to hundreds of thousands of cases instead of tens of thousands.

You realize federal government agencies are staffed with hundreds of experts working on this right. Stop trying to abuse the global pandemic to take unfair political shots at our president during a global crisis, you useless hack of a liberal.
In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?

We all know who the obvious favors are for, now don't we.
When I say we, I mean those who aren't ingesting Fat Donnie crap.
In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?
He doesn't understand that he's dealing with human beings, not partisan politics.

He is devoid of empathy, and he doesn't possess the intellect to just think things through.

They need to keep him locked away somewhere. He is a menace, and his sycophants don't care.

That statement is actually funny after the games pelosi is playing with the covid19 aid package.
Simply stated .......you're the one who hasn't seen the ball since kickoff....Trump will be reelected.

No, he won't. No president has ever gotten elected after a recession broke out on his watch.
What recession? Counting your chickens before they hatch. Markets are back.People with half a brain know what's going on.This is not going to get hung on Trump .This was not caused by his handling of the economy. He's leading not whining.If you think that bumbling Joe has a chance you are delusional my friend.
In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?
He doesn't understand that he's dealing with human beings, not partisan politics.

He is devoid of empathy, and he doesn't possess the intellect to just think things through.

They need to keep him locked away somewhere. He is a menace, and his sycophants don't care.

I love how he drives you people crazy
What recession? Counting your chickens before they hatch. Markets are back.People with half a brain know what's going on.This is not going to get hung on Trump .This was not caused by his handling of the economy. He's leading not whining.If you think that bumbling Joe has a chance you are delusional my friend.

Uh, guy, get real. YOu don't spend 2 Trillion because you think things are going to be fine. The thing is, you have this backwards. The markets are a barometer of the economy, not a driver. If the markets are tanking (and they will continue to tank) it's because the economy itself is weak.

People with half a brain will realize that Trump neglected to prepare for this disaster, and they'll take him out in November. Hopefully, prosecutions will follow.
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That's the narrative you're hoping for.Sorry pal nobody is buying it...His approvals are at all time highs.People know a leader when they see one...Trump 2020 Keeping America Great!.....Keep watching that stock ticker bro. Surely you aren't one of those people who wants see it all crash burn so your party can win?.....That's pretty despicable but it wouldn't surprise me.Democrats have no shame.

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