Wait..........he said what?

That's the narrative you're hoping for.Sorry pal nobody is buying it...His approvals are at all time highs.People know a leader when they see one...Trump 2020 Keeping America Great!.....Keep watching that stock ticker bro. Surely you aren't one of those people who wants see it all crash burn so your party can win?.....That's pretty despicable but it wouldn't surprise me.Democrats have no shame.

Guy, he's not even hitting 50% approval in most polls.

Here's a sign of how toxic Trump is. They have this Public Service Announcement about Covid 19. They have Fauci, that chick with the CDC and the Surgeon General... but not Trump. He's too toxic to even put in an PSA.

What's despicable is all you guys who supported Trump's racism and corruption for years because "the economy was good". Now the ECONOMY SUCKS. You own this. You can't wrap yourself in the economy and then disown it when it crashes and burns, buddy.

Dow futures are down again this morning... By summer, it will probably be at 2008 Recession levels.
In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?

That’s how the fed works with everything. If a state doesn’t sign on to something, they don’t get federal funding.

Prove to me that in a previous time of crisis any prez in our history personally expected something in return for federal aid.

Chris Christie holding hands with Obama on the beach after sandy. Wanna talk about the most uncomfortable photo op ever, and I’m not even referring to having to see Chris Christie on the beach.

Christie could have been on the beach in a Speedo.
Three more weeks of this, Trump's approval ratings will hit new lows when it becomes clear he has no idea what he is doing and we are up to hundreds of thousands of cases instead of tens of thousands.
Trumpleton's think the poll numbers wipe the slate clean of Don's failure to adequately prepare the nation for the virus. It's like they are waving their arms saying, "I'll support him no matter how horrific his job performance is" and in doing so they pretend his popularity is a measure of job performance. It isn't. It's a measure of the blind loyalty of his supporters.
That's the narrative you're hoping for.Sorry pal nobody is buying it...His approvals are at all time highs.People know a leader when they see one...Trump 2020 Keeping America Great!.....Keep watching that stock ticker bro. Surely you aren't one of those people who wants see it all crash burn so your party can win?.....That's pretty despicable but it wouldn't surprise me.Democrats have no shame.

Guy, he's not even hitting 50% approval in most polls.

Here's a sign of how toxic Trump is. They have this Public Service Announcement about Covid 19. They have Fauci, that chick with the CDC and the Surgeon General... but not Trump. He's too toxic to even put in an PSA.

What's despicable is all you guys who supported Trump's racism and corruption for years because "the economy was good". Now the ECONOMY SUCKS. You own this. You can't wrap yourself in the economy and then disown it when it crashes and burns, buddy.

Dow futures are down again this morning... By summer, it will probably be at 2008 Recession levels.

He's getting a bump not because of his actions or words, but because after two months of doing nothing, he got told to straighten up. It's amazing what people will think of you when you project just a little bit of reassurance. In this dreary and depressing time, I wake up this morning to a campaign ad by some organization that tracks Trump's denials and dismissals with the upward outbreak track of the virus by date. Simply one of the most devastating campaign ads I've ever seen. Then I find out that Trump's campaign has sent a letter of cease and desist because this organization is running it in battleground states. And I smiled.

Trump is in trouble. And he has no one to blame but himself.
That's the narrative you're hoping for.Sorry pal nobody is buying it...His approvals are at all time highs.People know a leader when they see one...Trump 2020 Keeping America Great!.....Keep watching that stock ticker bro. Surely you aren't one of those people who wants see it all crash burn so your party can win?.....That's pretty despicable but it wouldn't surprise me.Democrats have no shame.

Guy, he's not even hitting 50% approval in most polls.

Here's a sign of how toxic Trump is. They have this Public Service Announcement about Covid 19. They have Fauci, that chick with the CDC and the Surgeon General... but not Trump. He's too toxic to even put in an PSA.

What's despicable is all you guys who supported Trump's racism and corruption for years because "the economy was good". Now the ECONOMY SUCKS. You own this. You can't wrap yourself in the economy and then disown it when it crashes and burns, buddy.

Dow futures are down again this morning... By summer, it will probably be at 2008 Recession levels.

He's getting a bump not because of his actions or words, but because after two months of doing nothing, he got told to straighten up. It's amazing what people will think of you when you project just a little bit of reassurance. In this dreary and depressing time, I wake up this morning to a campaign ad by some organization that tracks Trump's denials and dismissals with the upward outbreak track of the virus by date. Simply one of the most devastating campaign ads I've ever seen. Then I find out that Trump's campaign has sent a letter of cease and desist because this organization is running it in battleground states. And I smiled.

Trump is in trouble. And he has no one to blame but himself.
I got a postcard from the CDC the other day listing the precautions we all need to be taking. On the front of the card it read in bold print.........President Trump's Rules For.........I don't recall the exact wording but it began "President Trump."

This, after the Grifter-in-Chief has contradicted and or ignored the CDC's recommendations for months. It's nothing short of subtle propaganda.

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I hate to break it to all you Trump haters but the Gallup poll out today has his approvals up significantly among all parties.Is he perfect? Not by a long shot.No one is or ever will be.I cannot think of one Democrat who I would want in charge of this "crisis". Just look how despicable Nancy and the House are trying to fund their left wing tripe in a bill meant to fight the virus and to stabilize the economy. They have no sense of common decency.

As a matter a fact I can't believe anyone has the nerve to call out Trump for his words toward his detractors who fervently hope he fails.Trump will come out of this stronger against a stumbling ,bumbling,senile geriatric who has no plan or vision.Just 20/20 hindsight advice by his handlers.

Three more weeks of this, Trump's approval ratings will hit new lows when it becomes clear he has no idea what he is doing and we are up to hundreds of thousands of cases instead of tens of thousands.
And you've been right about Trump, when?
In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?
He doesn't understand that he's dealing with human beings, not partisan politics.

He is devoid of empathy, and he doesn't possess the intellect to just think things through.

They need to keep him locked away somewhere. He is a menace, and his sycophants don't care.

He wouldn't be nearly as dangerous if not for his enablers. Not just the sycophants in the admin and right wing media but most importantly............The Following...........Trump's cultists.

Different post...same idiot^^^^
In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?

That’s how the fed works with everything. If a state doesn’t sign on to something, they don’t get federal funding.

Prove to me that in a previous time of crisis any prez in our history personally expected something in return for federal aid.

that comment was aimed at democrat governors who take federal aid and then lie about what the administration has done. Said another way "if you take my hand outs don't lie about me"
Three more weeks of this, Trump's approval ratings will hit new lows when it becomes clear he has no idea what he is doing and we are up to hundreds of thousands of cases instead of tens of thousands.
Trumpleton's think the poll numbers wipe the slate clean of Don's failure to adequately prepare the nation for the virus. It's like they are waving their arms saying, "I'll support him no matter how horrific his job performance is" and in doing so they pretend his popularity is a measure of job performance. It isn't. It's a measure of the blind loyalty of his supporters.

what a pile of steaming horseshit. The preparation for a crisis like this should have been done by previous presidents. What did obozo do to prepare us? what did either bush do? what did clinton or carter do? Go back to Reagan if you want, what did he do to prepare us for a world wide virus?

This thing is unprecedented, no president could have fully prepared the nation for something like this. WTF do you thin Trump could have done differently?
What did obozo do to prepare us?
After Ebola his admin did an extensive report making recommendations for what precautions needed to be taken and what mistakes were made. A report the Trump admin ignored. He also set up the experts in the NSA that Trump fired. Sorry to frustrate you with the facts.
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In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?

Not seeing the issue with TRUMP's comments. If democrat governors what help they need to realize they are not the only ones asking for finite resources from the federal government. Cuomo is really screwed since he didn't order ventilators when he was warned, so he's whining nothing but a distraction.

Hospitals in New York are running short. To his credit, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is doing his best, but he admits “you can’t find available ventilators no matter how much you’re willing to pay right now, because there is literally a global run on ventilators.”

It’s a little late. Several years ago, after learning that the Empire State’s stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than the 18,000 New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, state public-health leaders came to a fork in the road.

They could have chosen to buy more ventilators to back up the supplies hospitals maintain. Instead, the health commissioner, Howard Zucker, assembled a task force for rationing the ventilators they already had.

In 2015, that task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will have highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst), depending on a “triage officer’s” decision.

In truth, a death officer. Let’s not sugar-coat it. It won’t be up to your own doctor.

In 2015, the state could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece, or a total of $576 million. It’s a lot of money, but in hindsight, spending half a percent of the budget to prepare for pandemic was the right thing to do.

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.

Now the pandemic is actually here. New York’s grim-reaper rules will be applied. New York City’s deputy commissioner for disease control, Demetre Daskalakis, is anticipating “some very serious, difficult decisions.” So far, in Gotham, one of every four people with a confirmed case has been hospitalized, and 44 percent of them have needed a ventilator.

What we have here is Politicians BLAME SHIFTING.............States going Feds fault......Feds going States fault.

All over the world...........same thing is happening........Nobody on the planet wanted to spend the money for a WHAT IF SCENARIO.

Bullshit. Even if he had the 16,000, he needs 40,000 now and he would still need 24,000 ventilators.

Hospitals in New York are running short. To his credit, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is doing his best, but he admits “you can’t find available ventilators no matter how much you’re willing to pay right now, because there is literally a global run on ventilators.”

It’s a little late. Several years ago, after learning that the Empire State’s stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than the 18,000 New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, state public-health leaders came to a fork in the road.

They could have chosen to buy more ventilators to back up the supplies hospitals maintain. Instead, the health commissioner, Howard Zucker, assembled a task force for rationing the ventilators they already had.

In 2015, that task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will have highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst), depending on a “triage officer’s” decision.

In truth, a death officer. Let’s not sugar-coat it. It won’t be up to your own doctor.

In 2015, the state could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece, or a total of $576 million. It’s a lot of money, but in hindsight, spending half a percent of the budget to prepare for pandemic was the right thing to do.

To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn’t do much better: The federal Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency.

Now the pandemic is actually here. New York’s grim-reaper rules will be applied. New York City’s deputy commissioner for disease control, Demetre Daskalakis, is anticipating “some very serious, difficult decisions.” So far, in Gotham, one of every four people with a confirmed case has been hospitalized, and 44 percent of them have needed a ventilator.

What we have here is Politicians BLAME SHIFTING.............States going Feds fault......Feds going States fault.

All over the world...........same thing is happening........Nobody on the planet wanted to spend the money for a WHAT IF SCENARIO.

Bullshit. Even if he had the 16,000, he needs 40,000 now and he would still need 24,000 ventilators.
So............that was the recommendations when they NEEDED NONE...........
They didn't get any..........the Feds didn't add 10000........and neither did the rest of the country or the world...........

New York has 30k cases..........and you say 40000.........where did you get that number...............Honestly I doubt its wrong though.........

H1N1 got a known 62 million Americans.....probably more like 100 million.....and this think WILL NOT BE CONTROLLED........They always get out of control
Dems have no answers.Plain and simple.You can lie,cheat,steal and stomp your feet but at the end of the day ,Trump will still be standing.
I hate to break it to all you Trump haters but the Gallup poll out today has his approvals up significantly among all parties.Is he perfect? Not by a long shot.No one is or ever will be.I cannot think of one Democrat who I would want in charge of this "crisis". Just look how despicable Nancy and the House are trying to fund their left wing tripe in a bill meant to fight the virus and to stabilize the economy. They have no sense of common decency.

As a matter a fact I can't believe anyone has the nerve to call out Trump for his words toward his detractors who fervently hope he fails.Trump will come out of this stronger against a stumbling ,bumbling,senile geriatric who has no plan or vision.Just 20/20 hindsight advice by his handlers.
49 percent job approval. And that's the best he has with a strong economy and low unemployment. trump is the one with no vision. He never had a vision from the start. He's played to resentment and still does. If Biden is senile trumps word slurring ass is too. And Biden is about to destroy trump in the upcoming debates. As the death toll rises, trumps numbers will fall. He has promised things that are not coming, that's going to hurt him.

Nobody hopes trump fails. You guys need to quit believing trump when he starts whining because his incompetence catches up with him. I am quite sure we all want to remain inside our houses for the next 2-3 years because we want trump to fail in his attempt to find a cure for this virus. Yep, we who oppose trump want millions to die, that maybe some of us die, just to see trump fail. You make no fucking sense with this shit.
What did obozo do to prepare us?
After Ebola his admin did an extensive report making recommendations for what precautions needed to be taken and what mistakes were made. A report the Trump admin ignored. He also set up the experts in the NSA that Trump fired. Sorry to frustrate you with the facts.

that is just another CNN lie. None of that happened. Care to discuss Obozo's actions to curtail the H1N1 virus? How many died in the US before he did ANYTHING?
In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?

Pretty much the same thing when asking for a "favor" from the Ukranian president ala Biden. Tit for tat. Be nice or you won't get what you need.
That's the narrative you're hoping for.Sorry pal nobody is buying it...His approvals are at all time highs.People know a leader when they see one...Trump 2020 Keeping America Great!.....Keep watching that stock ticker bro. Surely you aren't one of those people who wants see it all crash burn so your party can win?.....That's pretty despicable but it wouldn't surprise me.Democrats have no shame.
trump is about to lose this election because the people know a leader when they see one and trump is not it..

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