Wait! I thought the economy under Obama was flourishing?

In September 2009 the debt was almost 12 trillion dollars and at present the debt stands at over 19 trillion dollars.

During his two terms in office Obama oversaw an increase of the national debt of over 7 trillion dollars.

"Testifying in the U.S Senate yesterday, Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned that the publicly held debt of the U.S. government, when measured as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, is headed toward a level the United States has seen only once in its history—at the end of World War II."

CBO: Debt Headed to 103% of GDP; Level Seen Only in WWII; 'No Way to Predict Whether or When' Fiscal Crisis Might Occur Here

Obama has failed on so many levels.


What kills me is how the Libs here defend this crappy Obama economy over the entire duration of his regime.
If the Obama economy is so great why is Hilly baby getting desperate
and dragging her hubby out of retirement to "fix" the crappy Obama economy.
Hillary wants to put Bill in charge of "Revitalizing" the economy.

Which begs the next question. Who is running for president? Bill or Hillary?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Bush, the guy you voted, left us $30 Trillion in debt. Today, we're $19 Trillion in debt which is a pay-down of $11 Trillion in eight years. Not bad.

The middle class continue to get screwed by employers making billions upon billions in net profit who are propagated by Republicans voted in by some rich/wealthy, but mostly by psychotic sociopath's like you.

1% of what, the Stupid?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....
Hillary wants to put Bill in charge of "Revitalizing" the economy.

Which begs the next question. Who is running for president? Bill or Hillary?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Bush, the guy you voted, left us $30 Trillion in debt. Today, we're $19 Trillion in debt which is a pay-down of $11 Trillion in eight years. Not bad.

The middle class continue to get screwed by employers making billions upon billions in net profit who are propagated by Republicans voted in by some rich/wealthy, but mostly by psychotic sociopath's like you.

1% of what, the Stupid?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!
In September 2009 the debt was almost 12 trillion dollars and at present the debt stands at over 19 trillion dollars.

During his two terms in office Obama oversaw an increase of the national debt of over 7 trillion dollars.

"Testifying in the U.S Senate yesterday, Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned that the publicly held debt of the U.S. government, when measured as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, is headed toward a level the United States has seen only once in its history—at the end of World War II."

CBO: Debt Headed to 103% of GDP; Level Seen Only in WWII; 'No Way to Predict Whether or When' Fiscal Crisis Might Occur Here

Obama has failed on so many levels.

In September 2009 the debt was almost 12 trillion dollars and at present the debt stands at over 19 trillion dollars.

During his two terms in office Obama oversaw an increase of the national debt of over 7 trillion dollars.

"Testifying in the U.S Senate yesterday, Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned that the publicly held debt of the U.S. government, when measured as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, is headed toward a level the United States has seen only once in its history—at the end of World War II."

CBO: Debt Headed to 103% of GDP; Level Seen Only in WWII; 'No Way to Predict Whether or When' Fiscal Crisis Might Occur Here

Obama has failed on so many levels.

Obama's only failure is not getting conservatism listed as a mental illness.

If you want to correct debt, raise the minimum wage to cost gains since 1970, the debt will correct itself.
In September 2009 the debt was almost 12 trillion dollars and at present the debt stands at over 19 trillion dollars.

During his two terms in office Obama oversaw an increase of the national debt of over 7 trillion dollars.

"Testifying in the U.S Senate yesterday, Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned that the publicly held debt of the U.S. government, when measured as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, is headed toward a level the United States has seen only once in its history—at the end of World War II."

CBO: Debt Headed to 103% of GDP; Level Seen Only in WWII; 'No Way to Predict Whether or When' Fiscal Crisis Might Occur Here

Obama has failed on so many levels.

Hillary wants to put Bill in charge of "Revitalizing" the economy.

Which begs the next question. Who is running for president? Bill or Hillary?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Bush, the guy you voted, left us $30 Trillion in debt. Today, we're $19 Trillion in debt which is a pay-down of $11 Trillion in eight years. Not bad.

The middle class continue to get screwed by employers making billions upon billions in net profit who are propagated by Republicans voted in by some rich/wealthy, but mostly by psychotic sociopath's like you.

1% of what, the Stupid?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....
Hillary was bragging about how she was going to put coal miners out of business....
Then she had the sit down and some coal guy rubbed her nose in it.....

So now we have Bill Clinton out and about saying with Hillary's blessing
that he wants the job of fixing the economy for the people left behind in this Obama economy.....

Who does Bill Clinton have in mind who he wants to help????
The people in coal country......
The same people Hillary was boasting about destroying.......

You can't make this stuff up....
The Clinton's will say anything....
Their cult like followers will defend them at every turn.....
Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Bush, the guy you voted, left us $30 Trillion in debt. Today, we're $19 Trillion in debt which is a pay-down of $11 Trillion in eight years. Not bad.

The middle class continue to get screwed by employers making billions upon billions in net profit who are propagated by Republicans voted in by some rich/wealthy, but mostly by psychotic sociopath's like you.

1% of what, the Stupid?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????
Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Bush, the guy you voted, left us $30 Trillion in debt. Today, we're $19 Trillion in debt which is a pay-down of $11 Trillion in eight years. Not bad.

The middle class continue to get screwed by employers making billions upon billions in net profit who are propagated by Republicans voted in by some rich/wealthy, but mostly by psychotic sociopath's like you.

1% of what, the Stupid?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...
Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Bush, the guy you voted, left us $30 Trillion in debt. Today, we're $19 Trillion in debt which is a pay-down of $11 Trillion in eight years. Not bad.

The middle class continue to get screwed by employers making billions upon billions in net profit who are propagated by Republicans voted in by some rich/wealthy, but mostly by psychotic sociopath's like you.

1% of what, the Stupid?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Answer the question!!!!!

Hillary wants to put Bill in charge of "Revitalizing" the economy.

Which begs the next question. Who is running for president? Bill or Hillary?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Bush, the guy you voted, left us $30 Trillion in debt. Today, we're $19 Trillion in debt which is a pay-down of $11 Trillion in eight years. Not bad.

The middle class continue to get screwed by employers making billions upon billions in net profit who are propagated by Republicans voted in by some rich/wealthy, but mostly by psychotic sociopath's like you.

We were 10 trillion in debt when O took over. When he leaves, we'll be 19 trillion in the hole. We didn't pay down anything. We added 9 trillion to the national debt.
Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Bush, the guy you voted, left us $30 Trillion in debt. Today, we're $19 Trillion in debt which is a pay-down of $11 Trillion in eight years. Not bad.

The middle class continue to get screwed by employers making billions upon billions in net profit who are propagated by Republicans voted in by some rich/wealthy, but mostly by psychotic sociopath's like you.

1% of what, the Stupid?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....
1% of what, the Stupid?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Answer the question!!!!!

Why is the concept of "Billions in profit" in a $13 Trillion annual economy so amazing to you?
Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Bush, the guy you voted, left us $30 Trillion in debt. Today, we're $19 Trillion in debt which is a pay-down of $11 Trillion in eight years. Not bad.

The middle class continue to get screwed by employers making billions upon billions in net profit who are propagated by Republicans voted in by some rich/wealthy, but mostly by psychotic sociopath's like you.

1% of what, the Stupid?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...

You're forgetting unrealized gains as a loss which contributes to debt.

When BushCo crashed the economy, more people were making less money, spending less, and paying less in taxes.

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