Wait! I thought the economy under Obama was flourishing?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Answer the question!!!!!

Why is the concept of "Billions in profit" in a $13 Trillion annual economy so amazing to you?

1% of what, the Stupid?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...

You're forgetting unrealized gains as a loss which contributes to debt.

When BushCo crashed the economy, more people were making less money, spending less, and paying less in taxes.

This one percent person sure can spin a yarn, and when he gets called out on it, goes off the deep end with facts that have nothing to do with his original statement.

HERE, let me help everyone here-------------> If Mr Obama does NOT have 2016 come in at a total of 3$ growth, he will be the 1st President in modern history not to have 1 year of 3% growth in his tenure, in other words, WORST economic President in modern times.

So let me translate that for you faaaaaaaar left libs.....................you know how you lambast your whipping boy Booooooooosh. Well guess what! By undeniable statistics, your messiah, BHO; was WORSE than Bush economically. So you go ahead, cause your guy stunk it out, and the smell is still with us today!
Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Answer the question!!!!!

Why is the concept of "Billions in profit" in a $13 Trillion annual economy so amazing to you?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...

You're forgetting unrealized gains as a loss which contributes to debt.

When BushCo crashed the economy, more people were making less money, spending less, and paying less in taxes.

This one percent person sure can spin a yarn, and when he gets called out on it, goes off the deep end with facts that have nothing to do with his original statement.

HERE, let me help everyone here-------------> If Mr Obama does NOT have 2016 come in at a total of 3$ growth, he will be the 1st President in modern history not to have 1 year of 3% growth in his tenure, in other words, WORST economic President in modern times.

So let me translate that for you faaaaaaaar left libs.....................you know how you lambast your whipping boy Booooooooosh. Well guess what! By undeniable statistics, your messiah, BHO; was WORSE than Bush economically. So you go ahead, cause your guy stunk it out, and the smell is still with us today!

Bill was the best in modern times. Vote Hillary.
Some portions of the economy are doing well, others not so much.

Bring in Bill to fix it? Gimme a break. he called the Contract with America, which balanced the budget the 'Contract on America' and had be dragged kicking and screaming to the table and now takes credit for it.

That shithead also signed NAFTA and pushed for MFN status for China- so those jobs we need? He's the douchenozzle that opened the door to offshore them in the first place.

He rode the dotcom bubble economy, which he had nothing to do with. Want to thank someone thank Bill gates.
Some portions of the economy are doing well, others not so much.

Bring in Bill to fix it? Gimme a break. he called the Contract with America, which balanced the budget the 'Contract on America' and had be dragged kicking and screaming to the table and now takes credit for it.

That shithead also signed NAFTA and pushed for MFN status for China- so those jobs we need? He's the douchenozzle that opened the door to offshore them in the first place.

He rode the dotcom bubble economy, which he had nothing to do with. Want to thank someone thank Bill gates.

He had a great presidency. Great economy, balanced budget, lowered crime, no long pointless wars...
Some portions of the economy are doing well, others not so much.

Bring in Bill to fix it? Gimme a break. he called the Contract with America, which balanced the budget the 'Contract on America' and had be dragged kicking and screaming to the table and now takes credit for it.

That shithead also signed NAFTA and pushed for MFN status for China- so those jobs we need? He's the douchenozzle that opened the door to offshore them in the first place.

He rode the dotcom bubble economy, which he had nothing to do with. Want to thank someone thank Bill gates.

He had a great presidency. Great economy, balanced budget, lowered crime, no long pointless wars...

Well good for him. As I noted, the economy he had little to do with. The balanced budget agreement he fought until he had little choice- and he got us into this mess with offshoring millions of jobs, not to mention repealing Glass Stegal and thereby contributing to turning Wall St into a casino, which eventually crashed the entire global economy.

Yeah, great job....
Some portions of the economy are doing well, others not so much.

Bring in Bill to fix it? Gimme a break. he called the Contract with America, which balanced the budget the 'Contract on America' and had be dragged kicking and screaming to the table and now takes credit for it.

That shithead also signed NAFTA and pushed for MFN status for China- so those jobs we need? He's the douchenozzle that opened the door to offshore them in the first place.

He rode the dotcom bubble economy, which he had nothing to do with. Want to thank someone thank Bill gates.

He had a great presidency. Great economy, balanced budget, lowered crime, no long pointless wars...

Well good for him. As I noted, the economy he had little to do with. The balanced budget agreement he fought until he had little choice- and he got us into this mess with offshoring millions of jobs, not to mention repealing Glass Stegal and thereby contributing to turning Wall St into a casino, which eventually crashed the entire global economy.

Yeah, great job....

The results are what matter. He could have easily messed up the economy. I don't recall him fighting a balanced. He fought to get it done right. Economists like free trade, what are you suggesting?
Some portions of the economy are doing well, others not so much.

Bring in Bill to fix it? Gimme a break. he called the Contract with America, which balanced the budget the 'Contract on America' and had be dragged kicking and screaming to the table and now takes credit for it.

That shithead also signed NAFTA and pushed for MFN status for China- so those jobs we need? He's the douchenozzle that opened the door to offshore them in the first place.

He rode the dotcom bubble economy, which he had nothing to do with. Want to thank someone thank Bill gates.

He had a great presidency. Great economy, balanced budget, lowered crime, no long pointless wars...

Well good for him. As I noted, the economy he had little to do with. The balanced budget agreement he fought until he had little choice- and he got us into this mess with offshoring millions of jobs, not to mention repealing Glass Stegal and thereby contributing to turning Wall St into a casino, which eventually crashed the entire global economy.

Yeah, great job....

The results are what matter. He could have easily messed up the economy. I don't recall him fighting a balanced. He fought to get it done right. Economists like free trade, what are you suggesting?

So, he didn't mess it up. Ok, I will give him that, but that doesn't make him a genius, it makes him lucky. He was in the right seat when the computer revolution hit and the economy boomed as a result.

You can argue that economists like free trade, although all one has to do is swivel their head around to see the effect on decent paying jobs. Personally I think it's a shit show, whereby we are sending good paying, value adding jobs that supported our workers, overseas so corporations can maximize profits. That drain has left millions working crappy jobs and has swelled the welfare rolls to unprecedented heights, even after the 'recovery' and with the low unemployment rate we see now. In short very few have benefited, as evidenced by the growing gap between rich and poor and shrinking middle class, while millions suffer for it.

In addition, that's clearly not what he sold us. He said: " NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement."

Sure hasn't worked out that way.

And he very definitely did fight the contract with America that eventually led to the balanced budget. The fight was so bitter it resulted in a government shut-down which only ended when Clinton agreed to submit a CBO approved balanced budget plan.
Hillary wants to put Bill in charge of "Revitalizing" the economy.

Which begs the next question. Who is running for president? Bill or Hillary?

Both Hillary and bernie agree the economy sucks.
Who has been in charge for the last 8 years? Why double down on stupid?

Both Hillary and Bernie agree it could be better for the middle class. Lots of money being made, but it all goes to the rich.
That Bill Clinton historic economy.....

Dot com bubble + Newt Gingrich led congress.... = President Bill Clinton economy.
Liberals have succumb to the stupid virus.

This thread is about the TWENTY SIXTEEN ELECTION and these dumbfucks are STILL using BOOOOOOOSH as an excuse for Obama's ineptitude
If Obama rescued the economy & everything is peaches & cream as we've been led to believe for the past few years WHY is Hillary campaigning on how bad things are?
To top it off she wants Bill to run the ship.... which brings two things to mind.
1. If Hillary can't do it herself she doesn't deserve to be elected. Her husband is not on the ballot.
2. Republicans had to FORCE the changes on bill that brought about the changes we saw.

Hillary brought Bill into this discussion not BOOOOOOOSH so drop the diversion bullshit
BHO debt even worse, they use funny math. Charge TARP to GWB but let BHO collect payback. Free money to waste. Easy to spend others money. TARP was original $786B.
In September 2009 the debt was almost 12 trillion dollars and at present the debt stands at over 19 trillion dollars.

During his two terms in office Obama oversaw an increase of the national debt of over 7 trillion dollars.

"Testifying in the U.S Senate yesterday, Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned that the publicly held debt of the U.S. government, when measured as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, is headed toward a level the United States has seen only once in its history—at the end of World War II."

CBO: Debt Headed to 103% of GDP; Level Seen Only in WWII; 'No Way to Predict Whether or When' Fiscal Crisis Might Occur Here

Obama has failed on so many levels.

In September 2009 the debt was almost 12 trillion dollars and at present the debt stands at over 19 trillion dollars.

During his two terms in office Obama oversaw an increase of the national debt of over 7 trillion dollars.

"Testifying in the U.S Senate yesterday, Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned that the publicly held debt of the U.S. government, when measured as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, is headed toward a level the United States has seen only once in its history—at the end of World War II."

CBO: Debt Headed to 103% of GDP; Level Seen Only in WWII; 'No Way to Predict Whether or When' Fiscal Crisis Might Occur Here

Obama has failed on so many levels.

Obama's only failure is not getting conservatism listed as a mental illness.

If you want to correct debt, raise the minimum wage to cost gains since 1970, the debt will correct itself.
What did he spend it on?
Obama is a Saint!

On Saturday afternoon, in Washington, DC an aide to President Barack Obama visited the Cardinal of the Catholic cathedral in Washington. He told the Cardinal that President Barack Obama would be attending the next mass, and he asked if the Cardinal would kindly point out Obama to the congregation and say a few words that would include calling Obama a saint.
The Cardinal replied, "No. I don't really like the man, and there are issues of conflict with the Catholic Church over certain of Obama's views. Obama's aide then said, "Look, I'll write a check here and now for a donation of $10,000 to your church if you'll just tell the congregation you see Obama as a saint." The Cardinal thought about it and said, "Well, the church can use the money, so I'll work your request into tomorrow's sermon."
As Obama's aide promised, Obama appeared for the Sunday worship and seated himself prominently at the forward left side of the center aisle. As promised, at the start of his sermon, the Cardinal pointed out that Obama was present. The Cardinal went on to explain to the congregation, "While President Obama’s presence is probably an honor to some, the man is not numbered among my personal favorite personages. Some of his views are contrary to tenets of the Church, and he tends to flip-flop on many other issues. Barack Obama is a petty, self-absorbed hypocrite, a thumb sucker and a nit-wit. Barack Obama is also a serial liar, a cheat, and a thief. I must say, Barack Obama is the worst example of a Christian I have ever personally witnessed. He is a narcissist and is using his speaking ability to lie to the American people. He also has a reputation for shirking his obligations, both In Washington and in Illinois. The man is simply not to be trusted."

The Cardinal concluded: "But, when compared with Hillary Clinton, Obama is a Saint!"
Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Answer the question!!!!!

Why is the concept of "Billions in profit" in a $13 Trillion annual economy so amazing to you?

1% of what, the Stupid?

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...

You're forgetting unrealized gains as a loss which contributes to debt.

When BushCo crashed the economy, more people were making less money, spending less, and paying less in taxes.

This one percent person sure can spin a yarn, and when he gets called out on it, goes off the deep end with facts that have nothing to do with his original statement.

HERE, let me help everyone here-------------> If Mr Obama does NOT have 2016 come in at a total of 3$ growth, he will be the 1st President in modern history not to have 1 year of 3% growth in his tenure, in other words, WORST economic President in modern times.

So let me translate that for you faaaaaaaar left libs.....................you know how you lambast your whipping boy Booooooooosh. Well guess what! By undeniable statistics, your messiah, BHO; was WORSE than Bush economically. So you go ahead, cause your guy stunk it out, and the smell is still with us today!

This one percent person sure can spin a yarn, and when he gets called out on it, goes off the deep end with facts that have nothing to do with his original statement.

HERE, let me help everyone here-------------> If Mr Obama does NOT have 2016 come in at a total of 3$ growth, he will be the 1st President in modern history not to have 1 year of 3% growth in his tenure, in other words, WORST economic President in modern times.

So let me translate that for you faaaaaaaar left libs.....................you know how you lambast your whipping boy Booooooooosh. Well guess what! By undeniable statistics, your messiah, BHO; was WORSE than Bush economically. So you go ahead, cause your guy stunk it out, and the smell is still with us today!

For the ignorant and foreign; the $ goes in front of the number.
In September 2009 the debt was almost 12 trillion dollars and at present the debt stands at over 19 trillion dollars.

During his two terms in office Obama oversaw an increase of the national debt of over 7 trillion dollars.

"Testifying in the U.S Senate yesterday, Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned that the publicly held debt of the U.S. government, when measured as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, is headed toward a level the United States has seen only once in its history—at the end of World War II."

CBO: Debt Headed to 103% of GDP; Level Seen Only in WWII; 'No Way to Predict Whether or When' Fiscal Crisis Might Occur Here

Obama has failed on so many levels.

In September 2009 the debt was almost 12 trillion dollars and at present the debt stands at over 19 trillion dollars.

During his two terms in office Obama oversaw an increase of the national debt of over 7 trillion dollars.

"Testifying in the U.S Senate yesterday, Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall warned that the publicly held debt of the U.S. government, when measured as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, is headed toward a level the United States has seen only once in its history—at the end of World War II."

CBO: Debt Headed to 103% of GDP; Level Seen Only in WWII; 'No Way to Predict Whether or When' Fiscal Crisis Might Occur Here

Obama has failed on so many levels.

Obama's only failure is not getting conservatism listed as a mental illness.

If you want to correct debt, raise the minimum wage to cost gains since 1970, the debt will correct itself.
What did he spend it on?

What did he spend it on?

He, who?
Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Billion in profit in a $13 Trillion economy.

Yeah, amazing. How is that even possible????

Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Answer the question!!!!!

Why is the concept of "Billions in profit" in a $13 Trillion annual economy so amazing to you?

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Tell us again how Obama cut the deficit by $11Trillion! I love that story!

Simple math: 30-11=19

The actual question: Employers aren't making billions upon billions in net profit? Do tell.....

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...

Not so simple math if we were never $30 trillion in debt...

You're forgetting unrealized gains as a loss which contributes to debt.

When BushCo crashed the economy, more people were making less money, spending less, and paying less in taxes.

This one percent person sure can spin a yarn, and when he gets called out on it, goes off the deep end with facts that have nothing to do with his original statement.

HERE, let me help everyone here-------------> If Mr Obama does NOT have 2016 come in at a total of 3$ growth, he will be the 1st President in modern history not to have 1 year of 3% growth in his tenure, in other words, WORST economic President in modern times.

So let me translate that for you faaaaaaaar left libs.....................you know how you lambast your whipping boy Booooooooosh. Well guess what! By undeniable statistics, your messiah, BHO; was WORSE than Bush economically. So you go ahead, cause your guy stunk it out, and the smell is still with us today!

This one percent person sure can spin a yarn, and when he gets called out on it, goes off the deep end with facts that have nothing to do with his original statement.

HERE, let me help everyone here-------------> If Mr Obama does NOT have 2016 come in at a total of 3$ growth, he will be the 1st President in modern history not to have 1 year of 3% growth in his tenure, in other words, WORST economic President in modern times.

So let me translate that for you faaaaaaaar left libs.....................you know how you lambast your whipping boy Booooooooosh. Well guess what! By undeniable statistics, your messiah, BHO; was WORSE than Bush economically. So you go ahead, cause your guy stunk it out, and the smell is still with us today!

For the ignorant and foreign; the $ goes in front of the number.

Deflect all you wish, but the truth hurts, lol.

You Dumbocrats sure have changed, from John Kennedy and "we will put a man on the moon," to Obama, "We will put a man in the womens restroom, and locker room!" Congratulations, and no, we aren't laughing with you Democrats, we actually are laughing AT you Democrats, because your propaganda may work on the uninformed, but it doesn't work on most people here!

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