Wait....when it is too hot, solar panels do not work efficiently? But...isn't being in the sun their selling point? The left..get it wrong again....

That oil was on it's way to the Renewable/Green heavy industry chemical plants. That is just a drop of oil compared to the oil consumed manufacturing Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, and Electric Cars.

No other industry uses more fossil fuels than the Green/Renewable Energy Heavy Industry.

Thank you for showing how this massive increase in the use of fossil fuels by the Green/Renewable Heavy Industry is damaging the Earth.
It got a little hot in Britain......and because it got hot, their solar panels seem to have stopped working as efficiently?

Did anyone know this little factoid about solar power? You know before the smug leftists made fun of you for making fun of solar panels?

Besides having to compensate for the winds dropping away (uh-oh), who knew solar panels go to poop in the heat?

Did you know? I sure didn’t know. And they sure don’t tell you any of THIS in the fancy glossy handouts.

Britain has started burning coal to generate electricity for the first time in a month and a half, after the heatwave made solar panels too hot to work efficiently.
For every degree rise in temperature above this level, the efficiency is reduced by 0.5 percentage points.

That’s the gist of this. And “solar” panels need their OWN cooling systems (!) in the desert. GTFO!

Was it sunny or overcast?
Wait. So the coal plants had to be fired up NOT because of a lack of output by solar (which was trivial) but because of the rather large increase in demand?


Coal plants had to be fired up because solar isn't sufficient.
That is just a drop of oil compared to the oil consumed manufacturing Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, and Electric Cars.

No other industry uses more fossil fuels than the Green/Renewable Energy Heavy Industry.

Thank you for showing how this massive increase in the use of fossil fuels by the Green/Renewable Heavy Industry is damaging the Earth.

How about some hard evidence for that claim?
That oil was on it's way to the Renewable/Green heavy industry chemical plants. That is just a drop of oil compared to the oil consumed manufacturing Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, and Electric Cars.

No other industry uses more fossil fuels than the Green/Renewable Energy Heavy Industry.

Thank you for showing how this massive increase in the use of fossil fuels by the Green/Renewable Heavy Industry is damaging the Earth.
One would almost think you believe that pile of crap.
And you think the auto industry has zero influence in DC?


"As GM goes so goes the nation"

They don't have the same power over the leftists in the democrat party. If they did, they wouldn't be facing an attack on their cars.
They don't have the same power over the leftists in the democrat party. If they did, they wouldn't be facing an attack on their cars.
Car manufacturers worldwide began shifting to hybrid and EV while Trump was in office and before. They are not doing it out of political influence.
They don't have the same power over the leftists in the democrat party. If they did, they wouldn't be facing an attack on their cars.
Business decisions.
Believe it or not politics doesn't dictate every man's actions.
How about some hard evidence for that claim?
It is a fact that solar is covering the earth by the square mile, hundreds, thousands of square miles. Wind Turbines also destroy miles of earth. Each Heavy Industry, Solar or Wind is manufacturing billions of tons of product. Everything built requires fossil fuels, can you claim that the largest heavy industry in the world is not consuming more fossil fuels now, than before they began manufacturing billions of tons of Green Renewable energy sources?

All modern technologies are dependent upon the supply of fossil fuels and fossil energy that
made them possible. Similarly, every step in the production of solar PV requires an input of fossil
fuels - as raw materials, as carbon reductants for silicon smelting, for process heat and power, for
transportation, and for balance of system components. Regardless of any intentions, no quantity of
banknotes or any number of mandates can yield a single watt of power unless a significant
expenditure of raw materials and fossil energy takes place as well.
excluding the massive amount of energy which comes from fossil fuels, we can see that coke produced from oil is used, 200 kg x 6,000,000 tons is how much Oil coke? Which is only China's production.
Raw materials for one ton (t) MG-Si (Kato, et. al) [13]
Quartz 2.4 t (ton)
Coal 550 kg
Oil coke 200 kg
Charcoal 600 kg
Wood chip 300 kg.

Raw materials for one ton (t) MG-Si (Globe) [1]
Quartz 2.8 t
Coal 1.4 t
Wood chips 2.4 t.

For 110,000 tpy (tons per year) MG-Si (Thorsil) [6]
Quartz 310,000 tpy
Coal, coke and anodes 195,000 tpy
Wood 185,000 tpy
Total 380,000 tpy.
this is just one step in the production of MG-Si

We have gone from producing very little solar panels, to manufacturing billions of tons of Renewable Green Energy projects. It is staggering to see the rise of the Renewable Heavy Industry
One would almost think you believe that pile of crap.

Are you claiming no fossil fuels are consumed manufacturing solar panels? Are you stating if we increase the production of something that uses fossil fuels, than the consumption of fossil fuels go down, not up.
says the fucking idiot,

There is nothing being manufactured that is bigger than a solar power project or a wind turbine project, the biggest things in the world create the most pollution, during manufacturing.

Add that to the land they destroy, and nothing on Earth is more destructive, creating more CO2
Coal plants are not manufactured? The mechanical elements of them are not? Coal is not dug from the ground?




That’s not what the article in the op said

Solar panels are tested at a benchmark of 25C. For every degree rise in temperature above this level, the efficiency is reduced by 0.5 percentage points.
The temperature level refers to the solar cell temperature, rather than the air temperature. In direct sunlight, the cells can easily reach 60 or 70 degrees.

70C reduces the panel efficiency by about 22%, if this claim is correct.

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