Waiter Charged Over Arabic Chant at Jewish Wedding

Why have you resorted to lying, and holding someone else responsible for my words? If you have a problem, take it up with me - not somebody else.

There's no doubt, or question as to your state of mind.
Oh really? Are you a mind reader?

You can't stand me. So what?

You had a freaking meltdown over me using the term 'disturbing'.

And of course, you've made no comment on my post which contradicts your bias.
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look Sky, methinks FOX is biased. So what? ALl they do is report news with a bias. The news is still in there and if you develop your critical thinking skills a bit it enable you to live a life without being so easily disturbed by such silly things.

When the FOX News people were outraged over Katrina was that bias? Did you see Sam Sheppard? It was awesome what he said on air to his colleagues

Hey! just don't go so far as to not glance down and see where Fox has given credit to none other than Associated Press. I guess those asshole are divisive too huh???? :lol::lol::eusa_angel: If only I had been smart enough to direct link it to the AP we wouldn't be having this bullshit conversation..
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Oh really? Are you a mind reader?

You can't stand me. So what?

You had a freaking meltdown over me using the term 'disturbing'.

No, I can't stand you. Beside the point.

Fact is, you lied (I didn't melt down, nor is Captain Kerchief my boyfiend.) You also tried to hold him responsible for my words, simply because I proceeded to ignore your existence again, because quite frankly, your posts are migraine inducing.
No, I can't stand you. Beside the point.

Fact is, you lied (I didn't melt down, nor is Captain Kerchief my boyfiend.) You also tried to hold him responsible for my words, simply because I proceeded to ignore your existence again, because quite frankly, your posts are migraine inducing.
By all means, put me on ignore. I'd hate to be the cause of your migraine. Should you be posting at all if it upsets this much? I mean upset to the point of inducing a migraine?

You don't bother me a bit.

I wish you happiness. You look as though you could need it and I want you every opportunity for happiness. Take a break from posting.
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Hey! just don't go so far as to not glance down and see where Fox has given credit to none other than Associated Press. I guess those asshole are divisive too huh???? :lol::lol::eusa_angel: If only I had been smart enough to direct link it to the AP we wouldn't be having this bullshit conversation..

I mentioned earlier that it is an AP story.

I do not like FOX News the cable station and the affiliates are average, but I do watch them all as I am not a wingnut. I do not watch the FOX cable shows much, but will soon be watching Bill O thanks to Al Franken being elected to the US Senate. Bill will surely have a few melt downs and take the kook banner back from Keith Olbermouth. Two big bullies who play their audiences like the fools they are,

gotta love American cable tv
By all means, put me on ignore. I'd hate to be the cause of your migraine. Should you be posting if it upsets you to the point of inducing a migraine?

You don't bother me a bit.

I wish you happiness. You look as though you could use that kind of wish.

By all means, cut the part about my asking why you lied out of my post, and proceed to address every point except that one..
I mentioned earlier that it is an AP story.

I do not like FOX News the cable station and the affiliates are average, but I do watch them all as I am not a wingnut. I do not watch the FOX cable shows much, but will soon be watching Bill O thanks to Al Franken being elected to the US Senate. Bill will surely have a few melt downs and take the kook banner back from Keith Olbermouth. Two big bullies who play their audiences like the fools they are,

gotta love American cable tv

good for you, I watch the opposition too. I sat through a Jerry Springer interview the other night. It was enlightening to say the least. But, my point was if I had linked it directly to AP then your compadre could have considered the story and not the source and we would not be having a secondary discussion about the dreaded FOX News that so many left winglunatics seem to get hung up on. Kerry ON :lol:
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That is not the only nor the even most common reason Muslims say "God is great".

I think you have a point, but it's a nit-picking one in my opinion. The point is that this chant was recorded and it was a mob protesting the Gaza/Israeli conflict. More than likely the crowd was loud and angry.

To just get hung up on the words is nitpicking. It's the context in which these words were used. As a weapon to hurt people.

Or at least, that's what this young man is accused of.
if you all get fired for misuse of company property and funds, I'm not going to feel sorry for you, either. :)

Oh yes you will. I know you have a heart buried there somewhere under all that cynicism. :razz:
By all means, cut the part about my asking why you lied out of my post, and proceed to address every point except that one..

What exactly do you consider a lie?

I was teasing devnell that you are his BF based on recent repartee back and forth between the two of you.

It's not a lie, it's a joke.

Where's your sense of humor?

As to the 'meltdown' bit. It was exaggerated (and I guess by your definition a lie).
It was in response to exaggerated and untrue statement I used the term 'disturbing' to minimize the harmfulness of the act because it happened to Jews instead of gays. You imply that I care less about hate crime when it's directed to Jews than gays. That's not true. It's a lie.

I corrected that lie of yours in another post that you have conveniently ignored.

To be fair, I think you jumped the gun on my post because you can't stand me, rather than on the merit of my views.
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Police initially said Buttafuoco also had been charged with disrupting a religious service. Spreer said that charge was not introduced at his arraignment. Newsday reported a grand jury would consider whether to bring the charge.
Oh yes you will. I know you have a heart buried there somewhere under all that cynicism. :razz:

Truth is, I have a huge heart.. Just not for blatant stupidity. But it takes far more than a message board to figure that out. :)
methinks the Bass player dost protest too much....way too much.



and an eel/ravi sandwich with alfalfa sprouts sounds like it would be right up your alley....or would that be blvd?


An eel/ ravi sandwich with a pickle on the side?
yet mani and sunni (a mere resemblance?) both say it is much ado about nothing. nothing? maybe they both went to the same Graduate School of Nothingness at Hahaallahvahd?

A misdemeanor is hardly nothing.
Funny how a hate crime becomes important depending on the circumstances.
hmmmm....I've always wondered if you were really a Jew on a mission to make Muslims look like morons. :eusa_whistle:
Why do you say that? He has a point.
Also, I wonder why jillian considers typing out "god" in English to be disrespectful but not in in Arabic? I'm pretty sure the superstition applies to writing in Hebrew only. And if not, why would Arabic be excepted?

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