Waiting Waiting and still Government (aka Obama) provides no evidence of Russian election hack


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
The US Has Yet To Provide Evidence Russia Directed A Hacking Operation To Undermine Election

The United States government has yet to produce evidence tying the Russian government to a purported hacking operation meant to undermine the 2016 presidential election. This is despite reports from journalists stating the contrary.

Bloomberg reported Thursday, ā€œProdded to produce evidence by Russia, which has denied a role in hacking ā€” and by an openly skeptical President-elect Donald Trump ā€” the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security did so Thursday.ā€ Other outlets such as PC Magazine and the International Business Times also interpreted the Joint Analysis Report (JAR) issued by the DHS and FBI as evidence tying Russia to a hacking operation.

The report, however, is devoid of evidence linking Russia to hackings of Democratic Party institutions and individuals. The report broadly describes how ā€œtwo separate Russian espionage groupsā€ were involved in the ā€œthe intrusion into a U.S. political party.ā€ But thereā€™s no specific details explaining the attribution of Russia as being behind the hacking. Eight pages of the 13-page report consist of information meant to help network administrators try and identify possible intrusions, prevent them, and what to do if they spot code the U.S. government has said belongs to Russian intelligence.

The US Has Yet To Provide Evidence Russia Directed A Hacking Operation To Undermine Election

In other words as I've said before. Obama lackeys in the government are backing up his nonsense by SAYING there are hacks but STILL not providing any evidence.

The SOLE ENTIRETY of the "evidence" liberals produce in this forum are "well this or that government agency says so."

But ask for ACTUAL, CREDIBLE evidence, there is NONE.

These are the same people who claimed Hillary's emails could NOT be hacked by Russians, are now telling us an entire election HAS been hacked.

Sorry, not buying it, and neither is the country.

Those buying the Russian hack story are as pathetic as those lamos who thought they would get Obama disqualified his birth certificate.

Trump is going to be sworn in Jan 20, libs. Deal with it.
Donald Trump's incoming White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer dodged questions about Russia's influence on the election this weekend by claiming that Hillary Clinton is the person who should really be punished.

"Why arenā€™t we talking about the influence, other influences on the election? Why arenā€™t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time? Thatā€™s a pretty valid attempt to influence an election. Somebody giving her the debate questions and the answers of an election. No, no, no. Itā€™s not hey. We havenā€™t, no oneā€™s asking those questions. And the fact is is that everyone wants to talk, make Donald Trump admit to certain things. When are we going to start talking about the other side of this. Which is what did Hillary Clinton do to influence the election? Is she being punished in any way?"

Trump Spokesman: Enough About Russia! Let's Talk About "Punishing" Hillary Instead
Political retribution? Trump press sec questions Russia sanctions, brings up unanswered ā€˜China hackā€™
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It is foolish to believe anything anybody in the Federal Government says....who was appointed or hired during the Obama Administration. They are all political hacks and Socialist Zealots.
As is always the case, despite the evidence being provided, the RWnuts go into denial mode and keep posting thread after thread claiming there is no evidence.
The incoming White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, said it makes him wonder if President Obamaā€™s anti-Russian measures were ā€œpolitical retribution,ā€

ā€œHold on let's look at this, in 2015, China took over a million records, sensitive data of people like me who had worked in the government at any time, classified or personal information, where we lived, things we had written down on our applications, our security clearances andā€¦ a White House statement wasnā€™t even issued. No action publicly was taken. Nothing, nothing was taken when millions of people had their private information, including information on security clearances [compromised],ā€ Spicer said. *

Political retribution? Trump press sec questions Russia sanctions, brings up unanswered ā€˜China hackā€™

It's obviously political.

Everything with the Democrats is a political calculation. They hope to make it look as if Trump didn't win legitimately and the Russians put him in office.

It's laughable, at best.

Obama was weak as piss on Syria so Putin came in and stole his thunder....Obama is such a pussy its pathetic
As is always the case, despite the evidence being provided, the RWnuts go into denial mode and keep posting thread after thread claiming there is no evidence.

Well hacks like you keep saying "despite the evidence" but I have YET to see you produce any evidence.

Just saying it exists doesn't hold up. Wouldn't hold up in court and it sure won't overturn an election.
As is always the case, despite the evidence being provided, the RWnuts go into denial mode and keep posting thread after thread claiming there is no evidence.

Well hacks like you keep saying "despite the evidence" but I have YET to see you produce any evidence.

Just saying it exists doesn't hold up. Wouldn't hold up in court and it sure won't overturn an election.

It's been posted repeatedly. Shut the fuck up.
As is always the case, despite the evidence being provided, the RWnuts go into denial mode and keep posting thread after thread claiming there is no evidence.

Well hacks like you keep saying "despite the evidence" but I have YET to see you produce any evidence.

Just saying it exists doesn't hold up. Wouldn't hold up in court and it sure won't overturn an election.

It's been posted repeatedly. Shut the fuck up.

NO! What's been posted is "reports" that the evidence exists and agencies saying the evidence exsists, NOT the evidence!

Nice try!

I'm looking forward to Tuesday or Wednesday when Trump said he'll let us know what's up with this crap so I don't feel obligated to keep typing the same clear evidence of non connection for morons that don't actually give a shit about the truth - because they're politically motivated, ironic as that's the impression Obama's left on those on the planet who know anything about hacking.
I just read the JAR. What I think is the point of the JAR is this:
  • The first three or four pages are all the evidence that is likely to come forward.
  • The tone of the first three pages plus the script at the top of page five seem like information released for the sake of letting the Russians know that we do know what we are talking about and that the diplomatic actions taken this past week were spot on.
  • Putin's non-response to our expulsion of his spies seems to me to be his way of acknowledging that he knows we know what they were up to and that he doesn't want to escalate things by retaliating with expulsions of our people.
  • I don't think the 17 agencies of the U.S. government intelligence community - all of which agree on the RIS' role in the hacks - is remotely concerned about convincing the general public of whether they are right because so what if we agree with their assessment or not.
Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do. The professionals in the intelligence community are very smart people, which is why they don't care what you and I think about it. They know what they have found and what they are doing and they know it doesn't matter if you or I do. We don't need to know as far as they are concerned, and they're right about that.
RE the JAR

You mean the malware I have repeatedly posted the link where it is available to download? That malware oreo? Yes, I'm quite sure it's been used in hundreds of thousands of hacks all over the planet.

Do you think that if the Russian government was creating a Malware for use in their espionage, they would throw it up on the web for white hackers to de-compile and add to their anti-virus definitions? I'm afraid I'm not that stupid.

Even /if/ you believe that level of stupid, when something is available to download via GOOGLE (aka how we found out it was PAS 3.1.0) that means that almost anyone could then use it to hack anyone else, military or civilian, North Korean, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, American, European, Middle East, /anyone/ on the planet could be using it.

In order to tie the /specific/ attacks to Russia one would have to show some evidence that it was used at least from the country. Our stupid government can't even do that in their "evidence"! The US Government's OWN REPORT INDICATES OTHER COUNTRIES: ~ GRIZZLY STEPPE ā€“ Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

This is their CVS File on Indicators (aka "The JAR package offers technical details regarding the tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services (RIS). Accompanying CSV and STIX format files of the indicators are available here:


Here are screenshots of the first three pages worth of IPs and their countries of origin in the CSV file OUR GOVERNMENT put out which shows pretty much every country on the planet, (if you have MS Excel or a text editor I encourage you to look at it yourself and verify it. [to view it with text you'd have to "open with" a text editor; notepad or similar])

Again, see - US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware

DHS provided us with 876 IP addresses as part of the package of indicators of compromise. [aka the CSV I showed some of above] Lets look at where they are located. The chart below shows the distribution of IP addresses by country.


As you can see they are globally distributed with most of them in the USA.

Lets look at who the top ISPā€™s are who own the IP addresses:


There are several hosting companies in the mix including OVH SAS, Digital Ocean, Linode and Hetzner. These are hosting companies that provide low cost hosting to WordPress customers and customers who use other PHP applications. A common pattern that we see in the industry is that accounts at these hosts are compromised and those hacked sites are used to launch attacks around the web.

Out of the 876 IP addresses that DHS provided, 134 or about 15% are Tor exit nodes, based on a reverse DNS lookup that we did on each IP address. These are anonymous gateways that are used by anyone using the Tor anonymous browsing service.



Do you not understand TOR? - Tor Project: Overview

Tor helps to reduce the risks of both simple and sophisticated traffic analysis by distributing your transactions over several places on the Internet, so no single point can link you to your destination. The idea is similar to using a twisty, hard-to-follow route in order to throw off somebody who is tailing you ā€” and then periodically erasing your footprints. Instead of taking a direct route from source to destination, data packets on the Tor network take a random pathway through several relays that cover your tracks so no observer at any single point can tell where the data came from or where it's going.

Do you not understand IP masking? - How to Hide Your IP Address - 3 Easy Ways

Top 4 reasons why people want to hide their IP address:

Hide their geographical location
Prevent Web tracking
Avoid leaving a digital footprint

Bypass any bans or blacklisting of their IP address

Do you not understand virtual IPs? - Virtual IP address - Wikipedia

A virtual IP address (VIP or VIPA) is an IP address that doesn't correspond to an actual physical network interface (port). Uses for VIPs include network address translation (especially, one-to-many NAT), fault-tolerance, and mobility.

See also -
Tor - Free downloads and reviews - CNET Download.com
Ip Mask - Free downloads and reviews - CNET Download.com
Virtual Ip - Free downloads and reviews - CNET Download.com

FYI to clarify - the JAR pdf that you're talking about is on the first link, GRIZZLY STEPPE as put out by our gov.
Yeah, the intelligence services are led by cherry picked supporters of the commie crook from Chicago and everyone who didn't do as they were told to in support of Obama's agenda were fired for that reason almost solely. Obama has sent more people to jail for leaks than all other presidents combined, presumably to enforce his worldview and shut down all dissident voices.
I just read the JAR. What I think is the point of the JAR is this:
  • The first three or four pages are all the evidence that is likely to come forward.
  • The tone of the first three pages plus the script at the top of page five seem like information released for the sake of letting the Russians know that we do know what we are talking about and that the diplomatic actions taken this past week were spot on.
  • Putin's non-response to our expulsion of his spies seems to me to be his way of acknowledging that he knows we know what they were up to and that he doesn't want to escalate things by retaliating with expulsions of our people.
  • I don't think the 17 agencies of the U.S. government intelligence community - all of which agree on the RIS' role in the hacks - is remotely concerned about convincing the general public of whether they are right because so what if we agree with their assessment or not.
Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do. The professionals in the intelligence community are very smart people, which is why they don't care what you and I think about it. They know what they have found and what they are doing and they know it doesn't matter if you or I do. We don't need to know as far as they are concerned, and they're right about that.

I'm sorry but "they are smarter than us and they know what's good for us" just doesn't wash.

Either they have the evidence and can produce it, or they cannot.

So far, Zippo, just the instance the evidence exists.

Given what a sore loser Obama has been since the election, it's pretty obvious it's politically motivated.

And "smart people" are capable of doing some pretty dumb things politically.
I'm sorry but "they are smarter than us and they know what's good for us" just doesn't wash.

Well, when the subject matter is something I don't know as well as they, that works for me. I don't mind trusting someone's word on something when they are the expert and I know I am not.
I'm sorry but "they are smarter than us and they know what's good for us" just doesn't wash.

Well, when the subject matter is something I don't know as well as they, that works for me. I don't mind trusting someone's word on something when they are the expert and I know I am not.

You mean like if the "experts" say if you like your Doctor you can keep your doctor? Or Global Warming?

Sorry, but experts lie too.

As is always the case, despite the evidence being provided, the RWnuts go into denial mode and keep posting thread after thread claiming there is no evidence.

Well hacks like you keep saying "despite the evidence" but I have YET to see you produce any evidence.

Just saying it exists doesn't hold up. Wouldn't hold up in court and it sure won't overturn an election.

It's been posted repeatedly. Shut the fuck up.

NO! What's been posted is "reports" that the evidence exists and agencies saying the evidence exsists, NOT the evidence!

Nice try!

And the report begins with a disclaimer stating nothing in it is guaranteed!
I'm sorry but "they are smarter than us and they know what's good for us" just doesn't wash.

Well, when the subject matter is something I don't know as well as they, that works for me. I don't mind trusting someone's word on something when they are the expert and I know I am not.

You mean like if the "experts" say if you like your Doctor you can keep your doctor? Or Global Warming?

Sorry, but experts lie too.


Come on. You know as well as I do that the contextual situation for what you just described and what we are talking about are not the same things.

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