Wake The Hell Up White People!

When you swat a mule with a stick and he don't move you pick up a baseball bat. He moves.
when you swat and ignorant mosquito like you you go "splat" dork fury angry white man claims Mexican heritage...
THAT has been known a long long time "Tyrone". So you get all Ferguson here in cyber world. You get right on that LIBERAL WHITE TRASH PORCH MONKEY type.

Because NOW YOU are saying the negro mind CANNOT overcome NOTHING! Can't over come it's economics it's education it's social structure or it's OWN damn morality.

Because IF you sign on to that LIBERAL WHITE TRASH PORCH MONKEY bulls8t that IS what you are doing.
The moment the officers notice his accent and polite demeanor is the moment thy notice they have the wrong man.
He has been in America since the age of five. He utterly resents being stopped because he is running. He thinks it discriminatory. Racially discriminatory.
The moment the officers notice his accent and polite demeanor is the moment thy notice they have the wrong man.
He has been in America since the age of five. He utterly resents being stopped because he is running. He thinks it discriminatory. Racially discriminatory.

Judging a mans actions on the basis of frequent and reoccurring events in a particular area is an accurate analysis of the odds, not racial discrimination.
I might even agree with a lot of what you've posted, but I can't cotton to a lot of the context. I would tone it down, but I also understand that you're out of fucks to give about PC.
When you swat a mule with a stick and he don't move you pick up a baseball bat. He moves.

Oh, is that what happened to you? Take your Valium and head back to the stables, bugsy.
Where did I say that? And another bullshit reply in 5. 4. 3. 2. .. .. ..
Right here you old fool.

They weren't slaves?

Never meant to infer they were slaves. Just that they were closer to slavery than you give them credit for. Nonetheless the slavery issue is still moot because Asians got here mostly after the abolition of slavery. So once again blacks should have had a head start. So whats their excuse?
Sorry Pubis. The slavery issue and its effects are a major reason some Black people are still not achieving to this day. The lessons learned during slavery and Jim Crow have damaged the Black family almost to the point completely decimating us. However, we are strong and will correct this in time. I'm not asking for your agreement on this. I'm letting you know the facts. Until you can accept that you will always be a joke and not considered a serious interlocutor.
How long were YOU a slave? What white man bull whipped YOU?
YOU bought in. YOU sold yourself. And now you are pandering right here BEGGING for time because YOU don't have the balls to go after something.

But YOU NEED guilt and that tit is dry. Guilt don't play no more.
Why did white males need 400 years of white male AA in order to get ahead? Last chance.

It was a built in privilege based on the "principles" that America was rooted in.

Unwritten and not frequently spoken but believed by a larger percentage than many believe...."America was founded for white people by white people".

The internet is the last safe haven for some of the fringe lunatics like the ones you are asking that question. The same ones who are obsessing over everything related to black citizens would be better served ensuring that their younger, dwindling population becomes fluent in Spanish as they will likely become the replacement "negroes" of the future to the avalanche of legal and illegal hispanic immigrants who coming daily to "their country".
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Right here you old fool.

Never meant to infer they were slaves. Just that they were closer to slavery than you give them credit for. Nonetheless the slavery issue is still moot because Asians got here mostly after the abolition of slavery. So once again blacks should have had a head start. So whats their excuse?
Sorry Pubis. The slavery issue and its effects are a major reason some Black people are still not achieving to this day. The lessons learned during slavery and Jim Crow have damaged the Black family almost to the point completely decimating us. However, we are strong and will correct this in time. I'm not asking for your agreement on this. I'm letting you know the facts. Until you can accept that you will always be a joke and not considered a serious interlocutor.
How long were YOU a slave? What white man bull whipped YOU?
YOU bought in. YOU sold yourself. And now you are pandering right here BEGGING for time because YOU don't have the balls to go after something.

But YOU NEED guilt and that tit is dry. Guilt don't play no more.
Why did white males need 400 years of white male AA in order to get ahead? Last chance.

It was a built in privilege based on the "principles" that America was rooted in.

Unwritten and not frequently spoken but believed by a larger percentage than many believe...."America was founded for white people by white people".

The internet is the last safe haven for some of the fringe lunatics like the ones you are asking that question.

I would agree. The United States, as it was envisioned and built, is a result of western values and culture. It has proven the most successful experiment in the history of the world. Now that may be an over simplification with all things relevant but a large part of it holds true.

The question as to the state of the modern African American male is whether or not he would partake in this experiment. The answer has been thus far in the negative. Blacks in the United States had no culture except largely that established as a slave class. They did, however, quickly advance in literacy and income. Nevertheless, they have never fully accepted the successful model of western civilization. They created a subculture in rebellion against that civilization. They Afrricanized their names in protest. They developed a new style of dress, a culture of animosity toward authority, and an intolerance of any black man who dared attempt to join in the western model. They held as hero's Marxist/socialists like W.E.B. DuBoise and black Muslim black nationalists like Malcolm X. They founded organizations like SNCC (Which became a radical Marxist anti-white organization).

More and more, as blacks became enfranchised, a question as to what political direction they would take was established. They demanded the government pay for their ills via social welfare. They demanded that the U.S. taxpayer grant them racial preferences in college admissions and contracts. Indeed, it was after they were enfranchised at the height of their political power when they started to lash out and burn their own cities.

Today, the lower class blacks are still a counterculture who still shame those who try to escape the black cultural norm. They are still burning their cities for perceived "injustices." they are still criticizing western civilization. Other minorities (to include Africans) have well surpassed them, assimilating and educating themselves into the western fold. In fact, these minorities do better than most white people. With the preponderance of evidence demonstrating that blacks seem to be the only minority who can't climb up the latter we need to look to history in order to establish why. Never before in their history have they had so many children born out of wedlock, never before in their history have they had the degree of unemployment they enjoy today, never before in their history have they made up so much of the welfare rolls, and never before in their history have they ever been such a contributor to violent crime. Whilst no one can argue that things have not gotten better for African Americans we can see clearly that in many cases they seem to be regressing.

The "White Affirmative Action" theory proposed by Asclepias is therefore ridiculous by modern standards. The only thing that blacks have to blame for their lack of advancement is their own culture. Can anyone argue that black culture fosters education, advancement, and achievement? More recently, during the past 20 years, they have been blaming their lack of advancement on the past. They have developed a culture that refuses to acknowledge its own faults while whites have developed a culture that has over acknowledged their own faults. Blacks have developed a culture of victim-hood. White culture, on the whole, is much more subject to disagreement and change than black culture that ignores its faults and therefore preventing their own advancement. They demand that the country change to their culture instead of adopting the positive aspects of other cultures and dropping the negative aspects of their own. They are culturally conservative in this regard. The modern black man/woman has no one to blame for their modern ills but themselves. All other peoples have risen above.
Never meant to infer they were slaves. Just that they were closer to slavery than you give them credit for. Nonetheless the slavery issue is still moot because Asians got here mostly after the abolition of slavery. So once again blacks should have had a head start. So whats their excuse?
Sorry Pubis. The slavery issue and its effects are a major reason some Black people are still not achieving to this day. The lessons learned during slavery and Jim Crow have damaged the Black family almost to the point completely decimating us. However, we are strong and will correct this in time. I'm not asking for your agreement on this. I'm letting you know the facts. Until you can accept that you will always be a joke and not considered a serious interlocutor.
How long were YOU a slave? What white man bull whipped YOU?
YOU bought in. YOU sold yourself. And now you are pandering right here BEGGING for time because YOU don't have the balls to go after something.

But YOU NEED guilt and that tit is dry. Guilt don't play no more.
Why did white males need 400 years of white male AA in order to get ahead? Last chance.

It was a built in privilege based on the "principles" that America was rooted in.

Unwritten and not frequently spoken but believed by a larger percentage than many believe...."America was founded for white people by white people".

The internet is the last safe haven for some of the fringe lunatics like the ones you are asking that question.

I would agree. The United States, as it was envisioned and built, is a result of western values and culture. It has proven the most successful experiment in the history of the world. Now that may be an over simplification with all things relevant but a large part of it holds true.

The question as to the state of the modern African American male is whether or not he would partake in this experiment. The answer has been thus far in the negative. Blacks in the United States had no culture except largely that established as a slave class. They did, however, quickly advance in literacy and income. Nevertheless, they have never fully accepted the successful model of western civilization. They created a subculture in rebellion against that civilization. They Afrricanized their names in protest. They developed a new style of dress, a culture of animosity toward authority, and an intolerance of any black man who dared attempt to join in the western model. They held as hero's Marxist/socialists like W.E.B. DuBoise and black Muslim black nationalists like Malcolm X. They founded organizations like SNCC (Which became a radical Marxist anti-white organization).

More and more, as blacks became enfranchised, a question as to what political direction they would take was established. They demanded the government pay for their ills via social welfare. They demanded that the U.S. taxpayer grant them racial preferences in college admissions and contracts. Indeed, it was after they were enfranchised at the height of their political power when they started to lash out and burn their own cities.

Today, the lower class blacks are still a counterculture who still shame those who try to escape the black cultural norm. They are still burning their cities for perceived "injustices." they are still criticizing western civilization. Other minorities (to include Africans) have well surpassed them, assimilating and educating themselves into the western fold. In fact, these minorities do better than most white people. With the preponderance of evidence demonstrating that blacks seem to be the only minority who can't climb up the latter we need to look to history in order to establish why. Never before in their history have they had so many children born out of wedlock, never before in their history have they had the degree of unemployment they enjoy today, never before in their history have they made up so much of the welfare rolls, and never before in their history have they ever been such a contributor to violent crime. Whilst no one can argue that things have not gotten better for African Americans we can see clearly that in many cases they seem to be regressing.

The "White Affirmative Action" theory proposed by Asclepias is therefore ridiculous by modern standards. The only thing that blacks have to blame for their lack of advancement is their own culture. Can anyone argue that black culture fosters education, advancement, and achievement? More recently, during the past 20 years, they have been blaming their lack of advancement on the past. They have developed a culture that refuses to acknowledge its own faults while whites have developed a culture that has over acknowledged their own faults. Blacks have developed a culture of victim-hood. White culture, on the whole, is much more subject to disagreement and change than black culture that ignores its faults and therefore preventing their own advancement. They demand that the country change to their culture instead of adopting the positive aspects of other cultures and dropping the negative aspects of their own. They are culturally conservative in this regard. The modern black man/woman has no one to blame for their modern ills but themselves. All other peoples have risen above.

Just two questions before I turn you back over to an audience that is interested in what you have to say...because I have read and heard it all before dating back to the George Wallace era.

You define "modern" as what? And define "white culture" how?
Sorry Pubis. The slavery issue and its effects are a major reason some Black people are still not achieving to this day. The lessons learned during slavery and Jim Crow have damaged the Black family almost to the point completely decimating us. However, we are strong and will correct this in time. I'm not asking for your agreement on this. I'm letting you know the facts. Until you can accept that you will always be a joke and not considered a serious interlocutor.
How long were YOU a slave? What white man bull whipped YOU?
YOU bought in. YOU sold yourself. And now you are pandering right here BEGGING for time because YOU don't have the balls to go after something.

But YOU NEED guilt and that tit is dry. Guilt don't play no more.
Why did white males need 400 years of white male AA in order to get ahead? Last chance.

It was a built in privilege based on the "principles" that America was rooted in.

Unwritten and not frequently spoken but believed by a larger percentage than many believe...."America was founded for white people by white people".

The internet is the last safe haven for some of the fringe lunatics like the ones you are asking that question.

I would agree. The United States, as it was envisioned and built, is a result of western values and culture. It has proven the most successful experiment in the history of the world. Now that may be an over simplification with all things relevant but a large part of it holds true.

The question as to the state of the modern African American male is whether or not he would partake in this experiment. The answer has been thus far in the negative. Blacks in the United States had no culture except largely that established as a slave class. They did, however, quickly advance in literacy and income. Nevertheless, they have never fully accepted the successful model of western civilization. They created a subculture in rebellion against that civilization. They Afrricanized their names in protest. They developed a new style of dress, a culture of animosity toward authority, and an intolerance of any black man who dared attempt to join in the western model. They held as hero's Marxist/socialists like W.E.B. DuBoise and black Muslim black nationalists like Malcolm X. They founded organizations like SNCC (Which became a radical Marxist anti-white organization).

More and more, as blacks became enfranchised, a question as to what political direction they would take was established. They demanded the government pay for their ills via social welfare. They demanded that the U.S. taxpayer grant them racial preferences in college admissions and contracts. Indeed, it was after they were enfranchised at the height of their political power when they started to lash out and burn their own cities.

Today, the lower class blacks are still a counterculture who still shame those who try to escape the black cultural norm. They are still burning their cities for perceived "injustices." they are still criticizing western civilization. Other minorities (to include Africans) have well surpassed them, assimilating and educating themselves into the western fold. In fact, these minorities do better than most white people. With the preponderance of evidence demonstrating that blacks seem to be the only minority who can't climb up the latter we need to look to history in order to establish why. Never before in their history have they had so many children born out of wedlock, never before in their history have they had the degree of unemployment they enjoy today, never before in their history have they made up so much of the welfare rolls, and never before in their history have they ever been such a contributor to violent crime. Whilst no one can argue that things have not gotten better for African Americans we can see clearly that in many cases they seem to be regressing.

The "White Affirmative Action" theory proposed by Asclepias is therefore ridiculous by modern standards. The only thing that blacks have to blame for their lack of advancement is their own culture. Can anyone argue that black culture fosters education, advancement, and achievement? More recently, during the past 20 years, they have been blaming their lack of advancement on the past. They have developed a culture that refuses to acknowledge its own faults while whites have developed a culture that has over acknowledged their own faults. Blacks have developed a culture of victim-hood. White culture, on the whole, is much more subject to disagreement and change than black culture that ignores its faults and therefore preventing their own advancement. They demand that the country change to their culture instead of adopting the positive aspects of other cultures and dropping the negative aspects of their own. They are culturally conservative in this regard. The modern black man/woman has no one to blame for their modern ills but themselves. All other peoples have risen above.

Just two questions before I turn you back over to an audience that is interested in what you have to say...because I have read and heard it all before dating back to the George Wallace era.

You define "modern" as what? And define "white culture" how?

It's a fair question. "Modern" in the way I used it, perhaps arbitrarily, means the past couple of decades. As to white culture you cannot define a culture in a couple of sentences. You can, however, identify their values, what they promote, and how they act. You can demonstrate distinctions between cultures. However, almost everything that surrounds you is a byproduct of white culture from the form of government you enjoy to even those things of foreign values that whites adopted in to their culture by virtue of their ability to take from the example of others. Tolerance, propensity to adopt the models of others, and change are, in fact, cultural attributes. The reverse is also a cultural attribute.

Culture is better explained in distinction from others because if we all had the same culture it would destroy the meaning of the word "culture." In many ways the cultural attributes of whites are in sharp contrast to blacks. In many ways they are the same. Whites largely value stability and order, blacks largely invite instability and disorder. Whites value education, but not as much as most migrants and not as little as most blacks. Whites value the rule of law and blacks have a higher propensity to rebel against the rule of law. Whites value less government interaction while blacks demand more social programs. Whites are more prone to avoid instant gratification than blacks. Whites are more likely to disapprove of those who live a life of dependency. Whites are more likely to discourage promiscuity. I think these observations are reasonable and display the contrasts between white and black culture in the United States. however, I will cede to you that there are many subcultures in both categories. But blacks are more homogeneous in their beliefs and views whilst whites are more likely to disagree.

The modern grievances of blacks has less to do about race than it has to do with a culture war. The systems as set up with white culture is fully prepared to change for the better, however, blacks are not willing to change for the better in kind. They want the entire system to recognize their culture of victimization and ignore their culture of deviance. They expect whites to tolerate and promote their values whilst ignoring the values of others. Blacks generally refuse to adopt reasonable and successfully proven values of others while holding on selfishly to the negative aspects born of their own culture. The moment a black man sees the faults of black culture, for example, is the moment he is labeled an "uncle tom." Black culture therefore does not change for the better no matter how generally agreed it is that a better route should be taken and the more whites cater to black culture the more regressive black culture becomes. The proof is in the pudding.

Culture of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't think any of our conversation is an unreasonable observation and I think the true test of the black victimization excuse would be to acknowledge this view and, if necessary, refute it. Of course, we both know what I've said is true and therefore the only wiggle room available is to determine to what extent it is true. Indeed there are valid points on both sides of the argument but the extent matters gravely.
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How long were YOU a slave? What white man bull whipped YOU?
YOU bought in. YOU sold yourself. And now you are pandering right here BEGGING for time because YOU don't have the balls to go after something.

But YOU NEED guilt and that tit is dry. Guilt don't play no more.
Why did white males need 400 years of white male AA in order to get ahead? Last chance.

It was a built in privilege based on the "principles" that America was rooted in.

Unwritten and not frequently spoken but believed by a larger percentage than many believe...."America was founded for white people by white people".

The internet is the last safe haven for some of the fringe lunatics like the ones you are asking that question.

I would agree. The United States, as it was envisioned and built, is a result of western values and culture. It has proven the most successful experiment in the history of the world. Now that may be an over simplification with all things relevant but a large part of it holds true.

The question as to the state of the modern African American male is whether or not he would partake in this experiment. The answer has been thus far in the negative. Blacks in the United States had no culture except largely that established as a slave class. They did, however, quickly advance in literacy and income. Nevertheless, they have never fully accepted the successful model of western civilization. They created a subculture in rebellion against that civilization. They Afrricanized their names in protest. They developed a new style of dress, a culture of animosity toward authority, and an intolerance of any black man who dared attempt to join in the western model. They held as hero's Marxist/socialists like W.E.B. DuBoise and black Muslim black nationalists like Malcolm X. They founded organizations like SNCC (Which became a radical Marxist anti-white organization).

More and more, as blacks became enfranchised, a question as to what political direction they would take was established. They demanded the government pay for their ills via social welfare. They demanded that the U.S. taxpayer grant them racial preferences in college admissions and contracts. Indeed, it was after they were enfranchised at the height of their political power when they started to lash out and burn their own cities.

Today, the lower class blacks are still a counterculture who still shame those who try to escape the black cultural norm. They are still burning their cities for perceived "injustices." they are still criticizing western civilization. Other minorities (to include Africans) have well surpassed them, assimilating and educating themselves into the western fold. In fact, these minorities do better than most white people. With the preponderance of evidence demonstrating that blacks seem to be the only minority who can't climb up the latter we need to look to history in order to establish why. Never before in their history have they had so many children born out of wedlock, never before in their history have they had the degree of unemployment they enjoy today, never before in their history have they made up so much of the welfare rolls, and never before in their history have they ever been such a contributor to violent crime. Whilst no one can argue that things have not gotten better for African Americans we can see clearly that in many cases they seem to be regressing.

The "White Affirmative Action" theory proposed by Asclepias is therefore ridiculous by modern standards. The only thing that blacks have to blame for their lack of advancement is their own culture. Can anyone argue that black culture fosters education, advancement, and achievement? More recently, during the past 20 years, they have been blaming their lack of advancement on the past. They have developed a culture that refuses to acknowledge its own faults while whites have developed a culture that has over acknowledged their own faults. Blacks have developed a culture of victim-hood. White culture, on the whole, is much more subject to disagreement and change than black culture that ignores its faults and therefore preventing their own advancement. They demand that the country change to their culture instead of adopting the positive aspects of other cultures and dropping the negative aspects of their own. They are culturally conservative in this regard. The modern black man/woman has no one to blame for their modern ills but themselves. All other peoples have risen above.

Just two questions before I turn you back over to an audience that is interested in what you have to say...because I have read and heard it all before dating back to the George Wallace era.

You define "modern" as what? And define "white culture" how?

It's a fair question. "Modern" in the way I used it, perhaps arbitrarily, means the past couple of decades. As to white culture you cannot define a culture in a couple of sentences. You can, however, identify their values, what they promote, and how they act. You can demonstrate distinctions between cultures. However, almost everything that surrounds you is a byproduct of white culture from the form of government you enjoy to even those things of foreign values that whites adopted in to their culture by virtue of their ability to take from the example of others. Tolerance, propensity to adopt the models of others, and change are, in fact, cultural attributes. The reverse is also a cultural attribute.

Culture is better explained in distinction from others because if we all had the same culture it would destroy the meaning of the word "culture." In many ways the cultural attributes of whites are in sharp contrast to blacks. In many ways they are the same. Whites largely value stability and order, blacks largely invite instability and disorder. Whites value education, but not as much as most migrants and not as little as most blacks. Whites value the rule of law and blacks have a higher propensity to rebel against the rule of law. Whites value less government interaction while blacks demand more social programs. Whites are more prone to avoid instant gratification than blacks. Whites are more likely to disapprove of those who live a life of dependency. Whites are more likely to discourage promiscuity. I think these observations are reasonable and display the contrasts between white and black culture in the United States. however, I will cede to you that there are many subcultures in both categories. But blacks are more homogeneous in their beliefs and views whilst whites are more likely to disagree.

The modern grievances of blacks has less to do about race than it has to do with a culture war. The systems as set up with white culture is fully prepared to change for the better, however, blacks are not willing to change for the better in kind. They want the entire system to recognize their culture of victimization and ignore their culture of deviance. They expect whites to tolerate and promote their values whilst ignoring the values of others. Blacks generally refuse to adopt reasonable and successfully proven values of others while holding on selfishly to the negative aspects born of their own culture. The moment a black man sees the faults of black culture, for example, is the moment he is labeled an "uncle tom." Black culture therefore does not change for the better no matter how generally agreed it is that a better route should be taken and the more whites cater to black culture the more regressive black culture becomes. The proof is in the pudding.

Culture of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't think any of our conversation is an unreasonable observation and I think the true test of the black victimization excuse would be to acknowledge this view and, if necessary, refute it. Of course, we both know what I've said is true and therefore the only wiggle room available is to determine to what extent it is true. Indeed there are valid points on both sides of the argument but the extent matters gravely.

Your opinion of choice is your entitlement of course, however it is a rather burdensome waste of time for someone who has been personally surrounded by an abundance of positive role models to attempt to have an adult and objective conversation with a segment of society whose every argument is obviously constructed to paint a picture of the MAJORITY of a single group of people as being inherently inferior, without contributing any sensible ideas towards solutions, which in fact, makes such a person nothing more than a reporting parrot of what they read that lacks any critical thinking skills.

A fairly large percentage of my spare time and some disposable income is spent on the board of directors of a non profit organization in California that operates 25 transitional living facilities as well as sponsors educational programs through various internal and grant funded sources to assist some of those that you believe are influenced by "predetermined cultural conditions". One common denominator that I already knew was true going into this venture 10 years ago has been proven to me over and over, and that is that there is not a significant difference between various races of people who are in dire conditions of poverty, whether it is generational or created through a recent turn of events, and the desperation that they often feel will in some cases influence the decisions that they make.

I could recount case after case where most of these people have gone on rebuild and prosper. And in just about every situation most needing help were willing to incorporate dramatic change into their lives and did not "blame" anyone, especially the ubiquitous "white man" for their mistakes.

NO MATTER WHAT THEIR RACIAL DEMOGRAPHIC IS. White, Black or Hispanic, their background stories are often the same, and poverty was a driver in their decision making process.

Therefore, my personal time is much better spent providing the same type of mentoring and coaching in the area of life skill development that I was fortunate to receive, early in life, as well as instilling in the younger generation of my own family some of the warning signs of some of the types that one encounters in this forum, more possibly one on one in the real world where they are not insulated by the comfort of a keyboard and screen, and much more apt to play more subtle games.

I have yet to encounter a statistic posting, cut and paste, message board philosopher here that had anything of value to say that I have not already read or seen long ago.

Thanks for answering my question.
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Now the Mexican half of me is going to write this so you WHITE TRASH LIBERALS can just deal with it.

A culture ANY culture is like a plant and it needs a foundation and guiding. You white people have ALLOWED the white trash liberals to infest and infect the negro. You have ALLOWED white trash liberals to remove God and replace him with Obama and Sharpton.

Thus white trash liberals have destroyed a people a culture God made. You white people have ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberals to remove guidance/law to the negro thus ALLOWING an entire culture to grow feral.

This IS why the feral negro runs your streets looting and burning and killing. They have NO respect for life, theirs or anybodies. Then you ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberals to put programs up INSTEAD of JOBS.

YOU allowed the WHITE TRASH liberals to REWARD the feral negro instead of instilling any degree of pride in self or culture. You have ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberal to teach feral negro's they are victims and YOU are the abuser!

Okay fine let's see a show of hands. How many of YOU have...
Hung a negro?
Bought or sold a negro?
Killed a negro?
Raped a negro?

The WHITE TRASH liberals have spent the last 30 year saying the negro needs democrats help! The ONLY thing the negro NEEDS is for democrats to get the hell out of the way! Now some of you WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S might be happy sucking Hillary's anus.

But the negro does NOT need that, NOT a REAL negro because a REAL negro is a damn site smarter then you WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S
The negro became free when WHITE TRASH PORCH MONKEY'S got their asses kicked and the negro will advance and attain when the existing WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S get THEIR asses kicked again.

The negro does NOT need your help. The negro NEEDS you to get out of the way. And the Hispanics? Well in spite of the ones YOU ILLEGALLY import they have GOD and they have WORK ETHICS.

The AMERICAN MEXICAN is getting ready to shape the country to what GOD WANTS. NOT some WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY.
See you at the polls pinheads.
You said your mexican half. I'm curious as to the other half that makes the whole.
Now the Mexican half of me is going to write this so you WHITE TRASH LIBERALS can just deal with it.

A culture ANY culture is like a plant and it needs a foundation and guiding. You white people have ALLOWED the white trash liberals to infest and infect the negro. You have ALLOWED white trash liberals to remove God and replace him with Obama and Sharpton.

Thus white trash liberals have destroyed a people a culture God made. You white people have ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberals to remove guidance/law to the negro thus ALLOWING an entire culture to grow feral.

This IS why the feral negro runs your streets looting and burning and killing. They have NO respect for life, theirs or anybodies. Then you ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberals to put programs up INSTEAD of JOBS.

YOU allowed the WHITE TRASH liberals to REWARD the feral negro instead of instilling any degree of pride in self or culture. You have ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberal to teach feral negro's they are victims and YOU are the abuser!

Okay fine let's see a show of hands. How many of YOU have...
Hung a negro?
Bought or sold a negro?
Killed a negro?
Raped a negro?

The WHITE TRASH liberals have spent the last 30 year saying the negro needs democrats help! The ONLY thing the negro NEEDS is for democrats to get the hell out of the way! Now some of you WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S might be happy sucking Hillary's anus.

But the negro does NOT need that, NOT a REAL negro because a REAL negro is a damn site smarter then you WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S
The negro became free when WHITE TRASH PORCH MONKEY'S got their asses kicked and the negro will advance and attain when the existing WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S get THEIR asses kicked again.

The negro does NOT need your help. The negro NEEDS you to get out of the way. And the Hispanics? Well in spite of the ones YOU ILLEGALLY import they have GOD and they have WORK ETHICS.

The AMERICAN MEXICAN is getting ready to shape the country to what GOD WANTS. NOT some WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY.
See you at the polls pinheads.
You said your mexican half. I'm curious as to the other half that makes the whole.
1/2 Mexican 1/4 Irish 1/4 English.
Now the Mexican half of me is going to write this so you WHITE TRASH LIBERALS can just deal with it.

A culture ANY culture is like a plant and it needs a foundation and guiding. You white people have ALLOWED the white trash liberals to infest and infect the negro. You have ALLOWED white trash liberals to remove God and replace him with Obama and Sharpton.

Thus white trash liberals have destroyed a people a culture God made. You white people have ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberals to remove guidance/law to the negro thus ALLOWING an entire culture to grow feral.

This IS why the feral negro runs your streets looting and burning and killing. They have NO respect for life, theirs or anybodies. Then you ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberals to put programs up INSTEAD of JOBS.

YOU allowed the WHITE TRASH liberals to REWARD the feral negro instead of instilling any degree of pride in self or culture. You have ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberal to teach feral negro's they are victims and YOU are the abuser!

Okay fine let's see a show of hands. How many of YOU have...
Hung a negro?
Bought or sold a negro?
Killed a negro?
Raped a negro?

The WHITE TRASH liberals have spent the last 30 year saying the negro needs democrats help! The ONLY thing the negro NEEDS is for democrats to get the hell out of the way! Now some of you WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S might be happy sucking Hillary's anus.

But the negro does NOT need that, NOT a REAL negro because a REAL negro is a damn site smarter then you WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S
The negro became free when WHITE TRASH PORCH MONKEY'S got their asses kicked and the negro will advance and attain when the existing WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S get THEIR asses kicked again.

The negro does NOT need your help. The negro NEEDS you to get out of the way. And the Hispanics? Well in spite of the ones YOU ILLEGALLY import they have GOD and they have WORK ETHICS.

The AMERICAN MEXICAN is getting ready to shape the country to what GOD WANTS. NOT some WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY.
See you at the polls pinheads.
You said your mexican half. I'm curious as to the other half that makes the whole.
1/2 Mexican 1/4 Irish 1/4 English.
Hell, I don't know which is what on my end. Irish, German, French, English but i don't know the fractions of which is what or where.
Now the Mexican half of me is going to write this so you WHITE TRASH LIBERALS can just deal with it.

A culture ANY culture is like a plant and it needs a foundation and guiding. You white people have ALLOWED the white trash liberals to infest and infect the negro. You have ALLOWED white trash liberals to remove God and replace him with Obama and Sharpton.

Thus white trash liberals have destroyed a people a culture God made. You white people have ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberals to remove guidance/law to the negro thus ALLOWING an entire culture to grow feral.

This IS why the feral negro runs your streets looting and burning and killing. They have NO respect for life, theirs or anybodies. Then you ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberals to put programs up INSTEAD of JOBS.

YOU allowed the WHITE TRASH liberals to REWARD the feral negro instead of instilling any degree of pride in self or culture. You have ALLOWED WHITE TRASH liberal to teach feral negro's they are victims and YOU are the abuser!

Okay fine let's see a show of hands. How many of YOU have...
Hung a negro?
Bought or sold a negro?
Killed a negro?
Raped a negro?

The WHITE TRASH liberals have spent the last 30 year saying the negro needs democrats help! The ONLY thing the negro NEEDS is for democrats to get the hell out of the way! Now some of you WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S might be happy sucking Hillary's anus.

But the negro does NOT need that, NOT a REAL negro because a REAL negro is a damn site smarter then you WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S
The negro became free when WHITE TRASH PORCH MONKEY'S got their asses kicked and the negro will advance and attain when the existing WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY'S get THEIR asses kicked again.

The negro does NOT need your help. The negro NEEDS you to get out of the way. And the Hispanics? Well in spite of the ones YOU ILLEGALLY import they have GOD and they have WORK ETHICS.

The AMERICAN MEXICAN is getting ready to shape the country to what GOD WANTS. NOT some WHITE TRASH LIBERAL PORCH MONKEY.
See you at the polls pinheads.
You said your mexican half. I'm curious as to the other half that makes the whole.
1/2 Mexican 1/4 Irish 1/4 English.
Hell, I don't know which is what on my end. Irish, German, French, English but i don't know the fractions of which is what or where.
When the Zimmerman thing went down I became my own group "White Mexican" until then I thought I was American.
Thank you Obama for the race dividing. *rolls eyes*
Your opinion of choice is your entitlement of course, however it is a rather burdensome waste of time for someone who has been personally surrounded by an abundance of positive role models to attempt to have an adult and objective conversation with a segment of society whose every argument is obviously constructed to paint a picture of the MAJORITY of a single group of people as being inherently inferior, without contributing any sensible ideas towards solutions, which in fact, makes such a person nothing more than a reporting parrot of what they read that lacks any critical thinking skills.

Never claimed "majority" anything. I don't see an inferior people although I will cede to you that I see an inferior culture with unlimited potential going to waste. I have never known a completely objective person, only those more objective than others. I furthermore reject the idea that we are incumbent to find a solution unless there is a general consensus on the root of the problem. To deny my analysis of the problem simply because you want to ignore it only affirms my previous observation that the denial of problems caused by black culture is a cultural attribute of black culture.

A fairly large percentage of my spare time and some disposable income is spent on the board of directors of a non profit organization in California that operates 25 transitional living facilities as well as sponsors educational programs through various internal and grant funded sources to assist some of those that you believe are influenced by "predetermined cultural conditions". One common denominator that I already knew was true going into this venture 10 years ago has been proven to me over and over, and that is that there is not a significant difference between various races of people who are in dire conditions of poverty, whether it is generational or created through a recent turn of events, and the desperation that they often feel will in some cases influence the decisions that they make.

To say that there is not a significant difference of those in poverty of all races is to ignore a mountain of evidence brought forth by years of arrests and convictions of violent criminals. Men are more likely to commit violent acts than women for example. Poor women are therefore not the same as poor men when it comes to acts of violence. Black men rape white women much more than white men rape black women (A figure so low the DOJ places it at 0%). Thus there are clear differences for interracial rape regardless of income. The statistics on violent crime and murder are just as damning when blacks are highly over represented in that category despite the fact that there are more poor whites than blacks. There is a difference and I attribute it to culture.

I could recount case after case where most of these people have gone on rebuild and prosper. And in just about every situation most needing help were willing to incorporate dramatic change into their lives and did not "blame" anyone, especially the ubiquitous "white man" for their mistakes.

And I would likely agree with you . But the black protesters in the streets of Baltimore and Ferguson seem to think that "Black Lives Matter," (Which of course, they do) letting us know that they think white people don't care. The "White privilege narrative doesn't help either. We are surrounded by people making excuses for the inexcusable to make a political point and that point is that white folks created the deviance in the black community.

NO MATTER WHAT THEIR RACIAL DEMOGRAPHIC IS. White, Black or Hispanic, their background stories are often the same, and poverty was a driver in their decision making process.

Violent crime dispels this myth. Poor people don't rape to feed their bellies. Poor people don't commit arson to shelter themselves. Poor people don't brawl outside the Shoe Locker because they want the new Air Jordans. Once again there are slightly more/less blacks arrested than whites for murder despite the fact that there are way more poor whites than blacks. That is a clear distinction and the question is how did that difference come about? There offenders of various crimes often vary greatly according to race. Some contest its because of racism. That, in my opinion, is simply making excuses for the criminals that commit the crime on the basis of their skin color.

Therefore, my personal time is much better spent providing the same type of mentoring and coaching in the area of life skill development that I was fortunate to receive, early in life, as well as instilling in the younger generation of my own family some of the warning signs of some of the types that one encounters in this forum, more possibly one on one in the real world where they are not insulated by the comfort of a keyboard and screen, and much more apt to play more subtle games.

I have yet to encounter a statistic posting, cut and paste, message board philosopher here that had anything of value to say that I have not already read or seen long ago.

Thanks for answering my question.

It's a noble pursuit. Good luck.
Your opinion of choice is your entitlement of course, however it is a rather burdensome waste of time for someone who has been personally surrounded by an abundance of positive role models to attempt to have an adult and objective conversation with a segment of society whose every argument is obviously constructed to paint a picture of the MAJORITY of a single group of people as being inherently inferior, without contributing any sensible ideas towards solutions, which in fact, makes such a person nothing more than a reporting parrot of what they read that lacks any critical thinking skills.

Never claimed "majority" anything. I don't see an inferior people although I will cede to you that I see an inferior culture with unlimited potential going to waste. I have never known a completely objective person, only those more objective than others. I furthermore reject the idea that we are incumbent to find a solution unless there is a general consensus on the root of the problem. To deny my analysis of the problem simply because you want to ignore it only affirms my previous observation that the denial of problems caused by black culture is a cultural attribute of black culture.

A fairly large percentage of my spare time and some disposable income is spent on the board of directors of a non profit organization in California that operates 25 transitional living facilities as well as sponsors educational programs through various internal and grant funded sources to assist some of those that you believe are influenced by "predetermined cultural conditions". One common denominator that I already knew was true going into this venture 10 years ago has been proven to me over and over, and that is that there is not a significant difference between various races of people who are in dire conditions of poverty, whether it is generational or created through a recent turn of events, and the desperation that they often feel will in some cases influence the decisions that they make.

To say that there is not a significant difference of those in poverty of all races is to ignore a mountain of evidence brought forth by years of arrests and convictions of violent criminals. Men are more likely to commit violent acts than women for example. Poor women are therefore not the same as poor men when it comes to acts of violence. Black men rape white women much more than white men rape black women (A figure so low the DOJ places it at 0%). Thus there are clear differences for interracial rape regardless of income. The statistics on violent crime and murder are just as damning when blacks are highly over represented in that category despite the fact that there are more poor whites than blacks. There is a difference and I attribute it to culture.

I could recount case after case where most of these people have gone on rebuild and prosper. And in just about every situation most needing help were willing to incorporate dramatic change into their lives and did not "blame" anyone, especially the ubiquitous "white man" for their mistakes.

And I would likely agree with you . But the black protesters in the streets of Baltimore and Ferguson seem to think that "Black Lives Matter," (Which of course, they do) letting us know that they think white people don't care. The "White privilege narrative doesn't help either. We are surrounded by people making excuses for the inexcusable to make a political point and that point is that white folks created the deviance in the black community.

NO MATTER WHAT THEIR RACIAL DEMOGRAPHIC IS. White, Black or Hispanic, their background stories are often the same, and poverty was a driver in their decision making process.

Violent crime dispels this myth. Poor people don't rape to feed their bellies. Poor people don't commit arson to shelter themselves. Poor people don't brawl outside the Shoe Locker because they want the new Air Jordans. Once again there are slightly more/less blacks arrested than whites for murder despite the fact that there are way more poor whites than blacks. That is a clear distinction and the question is how did that difference come about? There offenders of various crimes often vary greatly according to race. Some contest its because of racism. That, in my opinion, is simply making excuses for the criminals that commit the crime on the basis of their skin color.

Therefore, my personal time is much better spent providing the same type of mentoring and coaching in the area of life skill development that I was fortunate to receive, early in life, as well as instilling in the younger generation of my own family some of the warning signs of some of the types that one encounters in this forum, more possibly one on one in the real world where they are not insulated by the comfort of a keyboard and screen, and much more apt to play more subtle games.

I have yet to encounter a statistic posting, cut and paste, message board philosopher here that had anything of value to say that I have not already read or seen long ago.

Thanks for answering my question.

It's a noble pursuit. Good luck.

"Your analysis"? You did not present an analysis, you just reported the fact that you have read an assortment of statistics, and then arrived at a conclusion that you feel is an accurate assessment of the "culture" of the majority of a group of people.

I am speaking of case histories of individuls, most of of whom I have spoken to personally and you are using a relatively small number of troublemakers in Ferguson
as a barometer when those rioters do not even represent the general behavior of the majority of black citizens in that town alone.

I stopped reading after that. I am speaking of actual people that I have talked to and interacted with over a period of a decade versus cutting and pasting articles and passing them off as "my analysis".

Do you have any original thoughts or experiences?

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