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#walkaway explained -

more Russians exposed ... welcome board bots

Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On 'Hateful' Dems

But the hashtag has been connected to Russian bots. It has ranked as the third or fourth most popular Kremlin-linked hashtag for days, according to bot tracking by the Hamilton 68 site run by the bipartisan Alliance for Securing Democracy, which keeps tabs on Russian activity on the American internet.

So, let me get this straight ... Russia, a country with a manned space program (unlike the US), and a decades long history in tech has citizens that use the Internet and are savvy enough to use hashtags like Michelle Obama?! With a single hashtag the ex-First Lady was able to end child abduction in Africa (citation needed).


Hashtags are the most dangerous technical weapons known to man. How on Earth could that have happened? If our enemies have figured out how to use hashtags, does it mean the end of civilization as we know it?

Great post. We can’t let these leftists back in power for this reason, if none other. They fear opposition and they fear information. They fear dissent.
Somebody texting a hashtag is worse than nukes to them.
What does it really tell you? Simple. It’s what they have been doing to us through their control of the media for so long. Their terror comes as they fell it slip away.
This guy started his FB page in early May, ya'll on the left are just hearing about it because your media sucks balls. Of course /now/ it's "Russian" so ya'll will discount it. ~shrug~

I've been saying since early 2016 that classical liberals are abandoning the DNC, I've said since then that they needed to take back their party because it was being hijacked and shit's gotten way worse than it was back then. This is not made up shit by Russians though, even life long d's like my mother have abandoned the DNC just like this guy did. MOST of you partisan's blew off my warnings then, just like you'll blow off this guys warning now - even while your party embraces ANTIFA, MS-13, and other violent anarchist groups, even while they forward the policies of the Socialist Party, employ brown shirt tactics, etc., etc., etc. Your party reaps what it sows.
MS-13 is a criminal street gang. Trump was spreading lies about that.

The Antifa stories are typically bullshit, such as this doctored photo. Smear campaign. Fox news BS. Falsely blaming for train derailment. etc.

CNN, AP, and other MSM said that Trump shouldn't be "dehumanizing" vicious gang members (right after they had to admit they'd accidentally intentionally taken Trump's "animals" statement completely out of context and implied he was talking about illegal aliens - causing Peloski to note that they "had a spark of divinity" - LOL - then days later the idiots tripled down on their stupidity and falsities by bringing back up the misleading clip of Trump saying MS-13 were animals, and portraying that as him speaking of all immigrants yet again - dishonest fucking louts in the MSM but sadly the left falls for it all the time.)

Uhm not really, ANTIFA was cheered on by D's heavily while they were out punching innocent Trump rally goers - it wasn't until after Charlottesville (in Aug 2017) AND after it was disclosed that the FBI had classified ANTIFA as "domestic political terrorists" way back in April 2016 that the D's political arm finally decided to distance themselves from the group. Of course, trying to walk back such support for violence against political advisories does little good when you have idiots like Waters opening their mouths to incite rather similar brown shirt like "harassment" against admin peeps just recently; for once even Chuck knew well enough to run away fast from Maxine's crazy...
"animals": It was Trump himself who wasnt clear whether his animals comment refers to MS-13 or deportees more broadly.

Nobody knew about antifa prior to Trump running for president. About Maxine Waters: She was calling for resistance, not violence. She was listing out all the times Trump called for violence, for example this. And list from back in 2016.

The FBI declared that ANTIFA engaged in "domestic political terrorism" back in April 2016 just like I said - go look up your facts before you try to lie son, others will look it up - just like I did when I'd seen the claim.

Give me a break, even the media admitted they were full of shit on the "animals" thing.

As for Waters, you best read my fucking words again before you start trying to play the media twist and spin game with me son.
My answer on ANTIFA - the modern version, not the 1945 version - was a bit incomplete (trying to catch up on shit as I just got back from vacation my apologies) Here's the story:

In the early 1990s, Antifa increasingly became a movement unto itself: a national network of dedicated antifascist groups organized into the “Antifaschistische Aktion/Bundesweite Organisation” (AA/BO).

In some ways, these groups were the inverse of their progenitors: rather than a broad alliance of socialists and progressives from separate, ideologically distinct currents, they were single-issue groups, expressly radical but vague and deeply heterogeneous in their specifics. Rather than a point of departure for young activists into a broader socialist and political left, Antifas outside of major cities are often the only political game in town, and function as a counter-cultural space with their own fashion styles, music scenes, and slang, rather than a component of a rooted mass movement within wider society.

After the AA/BO split in 2001, Antifas continued to work locally and regionally as dedicated networks of antifascists opposing far-right demonstrations and gatherings, though many also take up other left-wing issues and causes. What remains of the squats and infrastructure built up between the 1970s and 1990s continue to serve as important organizing and socializing spaces for the radical left, and “Antifa” as movement, trope, and general political outlook will no doubt continue to exist for quite some time – but it would appear that this iteration of antifascism has also exhausted its political repertoire.

The movement has shrunken continuously since the late 1990s, fragmented across ideological lines and unable to adjust its original autonomist strategies to shifting patterns of urbanization and the rise of right-populism. Its most promising products of late — the mass mobilizations against neo-Nazi marches in cities like Dresden, as well as the formation of a new, distinctively post-autonomist current in the form of the Interventionist Left — mark a departure from rather than a revival of classical Antifa strategy.

Antifascism has surged to the fore of debates on the American left under Trump’s presidency, and many of the tactics and visual styles of the German Antifa can be seen emerging in cities like Berkeley and elsewhere. Some argue that with the arrival of European-style neo-fascist movements on American shores, it is also time to import European Antifa tactics in response.
OP translation: I'm too arrogant to believe that the constant hatred, violent meltdowns, rage, paranoia, blame-whitey-racial-angst, and utter lack of ideas is off-putting to fellow Democrats. After all, we know what's best for everyone so no Democrat could possibly be disgusted with the party's behavior.
OP translation: I'm too arrogant to believe that the constant hatred, violent meltdowns, rage, paranoia, blame-whitey-racial-angst, and utter lack of ideas is off-putting to fellow Democrats. After all, we know what's best for everyone so no Democrat could possibly be disgusted with the party's behavior.
These idiots will never change.

They will triple down until they lose the last vote in UC Berkeley.
OP translation: I'm too arrogant to believe that the constant hatred, violent meltdowns, rage, paranoia, blame-whitey-racial-angst, and utter lack of ideas is off-putting to fellow Democrats. After all, we know what's best for everyone so no Democrat could possibly be disgusted with the party's behavior.
These idiots will never change.

They will triple down until they lose the last vote in UC Berkeley.

I can't argue with that. They have their heads so far up their own asses that they drink their own liver bile, which they then spew out at everyone else; they call that being more "enlightened" than everyone else and therefore never wrong. I've never seen a group of creatures so pompous, ego-puffed-up, so incapable of any self-examination at all.
OP translation: I'm too arrogant to believe that the constant hatred, violent meltdowns, rage, paranoia, blame-whitey-racial-angst, and utter lack of ideas is off-putting to fellow Democrats. After all, we know what's best for everyone so no Democrat could possibly be disgusted with the party's behavior.
These idiots will never change.

They will triple down until they lose the last vote in UC Berkeley.

I can't argue with that. They have their heads so far up their own asses that they drink their own liver bile, which they then spew out at everyone else; they call that being more "enlightened" than everyone else and therefore never wrong. I've never seen a group of creatures so pompous, ego-puffed-up, so incapable of any self-examination at all.
That is why they will be eventually be rejected wholesale by millennials.

A lot of millennials today are fairly conservative and have never voted in their lives. The craziness of the Democrats will change that.
more Russians exposed ... welcome board bots

Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On 'Hateful' Dems

But the hashtag has been connected to Russian bots. It has ranked as the third or fourth most popular Kremlin-linked hashtag for days, according to bot tracking by the Hamilton 68 site run by the bipartisan Alliance for Securing Democracy, which keeps tabs on Russian activity on the American internet.
Participants 2015. Engy Abdelkadar, ... The German Marshall Fund of the United States. Benedetta Berti, ... George Soros, Founder and Chairman ...
more Russians exposed ... welcome board bots

Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On 'Hateful' Dems

But the hashtag has been connected to Russian bots. It has ranked as the third or fourth most popular Kremlin-linked hashtag for days, according to bot tracking by the Hamilton 68 site run by the bipartisan Alliance for Securing Democracy, which keeps tabs on Russian activity on the American internet.
Participants 2015. Engy Abdelkadar, ... The German Marshall Fund of the United States. Benedetta Berti, ... George Soros, Founder and Chairman ...

pay attention to your Daddy --

Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking: aide

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks during the U.S. presidential election and may take action in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

now what ?
You really gotta be a freaking idiot to blame the Russians for the current trend for voters to walk away from the incoherent leaderless democrat party.
You really gotta be a freaking idiot to blame the Russians for the current trend for voters to walk away from the incoherent leaderless democrat party.

Russian ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Pay attention. Everyone acknowledges they were up to their old tricks, as every election, just as China does. But this thread is not about the election.
more Russians exposed ... welcome board bots

Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On 'Hateful' Dems

But the hashtag has been connected to Russian bots. It has ranked as the third or fourth most popular Kremlin-linked hashtag for days, according to bot tracking by the Hamilton 68 site run by the bipartisan Alliance for Securing Democracy, which keeps tabs on Russian activity on the American internet.
Participants 2015. Engy Abdelkadar, ... The German Marshall Fund of the United States. Benedetta Berti, ... George Soros, Founder and Chairman ...

pay attention to your Daddy --

Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking: aide

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks during the U.S. presidential election and may take action in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

now what ?
Pay attention. Everyone acknowledges they were up to their old tricks, as every election, just as China does. But this thread is not about the election.
more Russians exposed ... welcome board bots

Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On 'Hateful' Dems

But the hashtag has been connected to Russian bots. It has ranked as the third or fourth most popular Kremlin-linked hashtag for days, according to bot tracking by the Hamilton 68 site run by the bipartisan Alliance for Securing Democracy, which keeps tabs on Russian activity on the American internet.
Participants 2015. Engy Abdelkadar, ... The German Marshall Fund of the United States. Benedetta Berti, ... George Soros, Founder and Chairman ...

pay attention to your Daddy --

Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking: aide

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks during the U.S. presidential election and may take action in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

now what ?

its about a rumor that Russians started and dunbass RW's bought ..

more Russians exposed ... welcome board bots

Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On 'Hateful' Dems

But the hashtag has been connected to Russian bots. It has ranked as the third or fourth most popular Kremlin-linked hashtag for days, according to bot tracking by the Hamilton 68 site run by the bipartisan Alliance for Securing Democracy, which keeps tabs on Russian activity on the American internet.

Russian bots!


Don't laugh. At least keep it in the back of your mind. It is not fake news.
Snicker all you want, I fear a Hillary/Mueller ticket in 2020. She beat both Bernie and Trump. dems would be fools not to run her in 2020 and again in 2024 if Putin denies her again

It's time for a threesome candidacy in this era of genderfluidwhatevers:

hiLIARY-Bernie-Maxine 2020!!!!!
They talking about Hillary or Bernie running. They need to get serious, or not. No way in hell either of them are going to win.

Why So Negative? It's hiLIARy's turn....again...and again...and again...until she is either (s)elected or dead.
She is not physically or mentally fit to run for President. Biden is a Pedophile. Maxine is a nut. For that matter so is Bernie. Who do they have left?

The Socialist. Sure she's too young, but Barack "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia" Obama proved that "Eligibility Requirements" are more like suggestions or recommendations

Actually, he didn't. Your statement is a lie. Why lie? Is your position so weak you can't tell the truth?
more Russians exposed ... welcome board bots

Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On 'Hateful' Dems

But the hashtag has been connected to Russian bots. It has ranked as the third or fourth most popular Kremlin-linked hashtag for days, according to bot tracking by the Hamilton 68 site run by the bipartisan Alliance for Securing Democracy, which keeps tabs on Russian activity on the American internet.

Russian bots!


Don't laugh. At least keep it in the back of your mind. It is not fake news.

I still haven't found a single Progressive willing to come forward and tell us Putin made them flip their vote
It's time for a threesome candidacy in this era of genderfluidwhatevers:

hiLIARY-Bernie-Maxine 2020!!!!!
They talking about Hillary or Bernie running. They need to get serious, or not. No way in hell either of them are going to win.

Why So Negative? It's hiLIARy's turn....again...and again...and again...until she is either (s)elected or dead.
She is not physically or mentally fit to run for President. Biden is a Pedophile. Maxine is a nut. For that matter so is Bernie. Who do they have left?

The Socialist. Sure she's too young, but Barack "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia" Obama proved that "Eligibility Requirements" are more like suggestions or recommendations

Actually, he didn't. Your statement is a lie. Why lie? Is your position so weak you can't tell the truth?

Who didn't? What?
They talking about Hillary or Bernie running. They need to get serious, or not. No way in hell either of them are going to win.

Why So Negative? It's hiLIARy's turn....again...and again...and again...until she is either (s)elected or dead.
She is not physically or mentally fit to run for President. Biden is a Pedophile. Maxine is a nut. For that matter so is Bernie. Who do they have left?

The Socialist. Sure she's too young, but Barack "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia" Obama proved that "Eligibility Requirements" are more like suggestions or recommendations

Actually, he didn't. Your statement is a lie. Why lie? Is your position so weak you can't tell the truth?

Who didn't? What?

You lied about Obama. Reading comprehension. Catch it!

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