Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

So what is the alternative? A whole lot of people working for $30 grande per year? That is a pittance, like next to zero. One cannot afford rent, a used vehicle, food, and electricity on that. So then what? Well, in that cashmere gov't assistance on the way, and I support that if that is where we are at. Low wage jobs are for only kids. Any adult working them full time should get help. No other way out.

The alternative is to stop voting for Left Wingers that screw up the economy with failed economic policies that make us all poorer.

The combined government (fed, state and local) takes over 40% of the GNP so no wonder our economy can't grow like it should and produce more and higher paying jobs. The cost of government is the usually the largest single household expense of any family, regardless of income level.

We have created this monster of a government that drains our economy and regulates businesses out of business and then we wonder why we are getting poorer and a working person cannot support his/her family.

Until we start understanding that capitalism will produce the jobs if we let it and get government off the backs of the productive then we are doomed to be just another European style socialist shithole with high unemployment, low wages and dismal economic growth.

Stop voting for Left Wing idiots like Obama and the economy will do better.

The alternative is to stop voting for Left Wingers that screw up the economy with failed economic policies that make us all poorer.
so we should vote for right wingers that are no different than the left and end up doing the same thing?....makes sense to me....
Either people believe in higher education or they don't. I believe its the key to prosperity for 99 percent..... We don't need people for low wage jobs.
We don't need people for low wage jobs
so who or should i say what....will do those jobs if not people?.....
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

Why doesn't U of W dig into it's more than 2 Billion in endowments?

Failure = Bitch Slapping Dems and Unions ;)

Why doesn't the failed governor of Wisconsin tell the billionaire owners of the Milwaukee Bucks to build their own damned arena?
for the same reason other Governors and Mayors dont......
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:
1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.
Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life
Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever
See? That's the kind of hysterical lying I referred to.

Walker is looking better and better.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
Bill Gates dropped out of college. Apparently finishing college is stupid if you have better options.

So you are actually saying that "keeping" your job in a failed attempt by DEMOCRAT SCUMBAGS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED is a failure?

Basically your definition of "failure" is success.
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall Worst governor ever
Bill Gates dropped out of college. Apparently finishing college is stupid if you have better options.
So you are actually saying that "keeping" your job in a failed attempt by DEMOCRAT SCUMBAGS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED is a failure?
Basically your definition of "failure" is success.
Welcome to the liberals' world. They've been pushing that idea onto normal people for decades.

Finally the normal people are starting to push back. Starting with throwing more and more liberals out of office.

One of the best things about Walker is that he succeeded, shutting down wild liberal spending, balancing the budget, breaking the cycle of liberal govt unions "negotiating" the govt giving them more and more money without consulting taxpayres, and won three elections in a row despite campaigns of the kinds of hysteria, slime, and lies we are still hearing from disgruntled losers like little "rightwinger".

When Walker succeeded and won in Wisconsin despite the hate and lies of the liberals, it was a sign that the times are a-changin'.
Last edited:
The alternative is to stop voting for Left Wingers that screw up the economy with failed economic policies that make us all poorer.
so we should vote for right wingers that are no different than the left and end up doing the same thing?....makes sense to me....

It's not the left wingers policies that screwed up the economy, it's supply-side voodoo economics as promulgated by every President since Ronald Reagan.

Reagan radically reformed taxes rates in the US and the result of this reform is that the middle class has steadily been losing ground, while the rich get richer. This is the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, and yet Americans are focused entirely on how much the POOR take out of the economy.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
but yet he won the recall better than the regular election....Gray Davis out here couldnt do that.....no one even knows what happened to that guy....
The alternative is to stop voting for Left Wingers that screw up the economy with failed economic policies that make us all poorer.
so we should vote for right wingers that are no different than the left and end up doing the same thing?....makes sense to me....

It's not the left wingers policies that screwed up the economy, it's supply-side voodoo economics as promulgated by every President since Ronald Reagan.

Reagan radically reformed taxes rates in the US and the result of this reform is that the middle class has steadily been losing ground, while the rich get richer. This is the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world, and yet Americans are focused entirely on how much the POOR take out of the economy.
your preaching to the wrong guy.....
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
Bill Gates dropped out of college. Apparently finishing college is stupid if you have better options.

So you are actually saying that "keeping" your job in a failed attempt by DEMOCRAT SCUMBAGS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED is a failure?

Basically your definition of "failure" is success.


Walker did not start a Fortune 500 company did he?

Walker is a failure
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
but yet he won the recall better than the regular election....Gray Davis out here couldnt do that.....no one even knows what happened to that guy....

Low information voters

There are fields that require an education and using this "liberal arts" degree stuff as an excuse to discount and defund education is extremely short sighted.

Yes, there are. But that isn't what Big Education is trying to accomplish, is it? Big Education is selling an overpriced product on the basis that you can't get ahead doing ANYTHING without one of these.

It's probably the worst example of Corporate Welfare I can think of. We give EVERYONE a Bachelor's degree, put them in debt their whole lives... Brilliant.
OK, folks, Bill Gates didn't graduate from college.

Therefore all your Windows computers are pieces of crap just waiting to burn your house down and kill you.

Turn 'em off, you true believers, while you still can!
OK, folks, Bill Gates didn't graduate from college.

Therefore all your Windows computers are pieces of crap just waiting to burn your house down and kill you.

Turn 'em off, you true believers, while you still can!

Walker doesn't even know how to operate a computer

Flunked out of college
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

RW, I love you man, but I think you are missing the point on Walker.

Walker, in my opinion is the most formidable guy on the GOP Side. Shit. If it came down to a pick between him and Hillary, I'd be sorely tempted to vote for him.

First and foremost, he's a guy who can get things DONE. After 16 years of largely hapless presidents, that's probably something people are looking for.

Second, he's a fighter. He took on the unions and he won, despite threats to him and his family.

Third, unlike all the Silver Spoon Republicans like the Bushes and Romney, this guy comes from a humble, working class background. He's not someone who has a car elevator or a dressage horse. He's a regular guy from Wisconsin.

fourth, he's someone all the different factions of the GOP - Establishment, Tea Party, Religious Right, 2nd Amendment - can get behind. He checks all the boxes.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

RW, I love you man, but I think you are missing the point on Walker.

Walker, in my opinion is the most formidable guy on the GOP Side. Shit. If it came down to a pick between him and Hillary, I'd be sorely tempted to vote for him.

First and foremost, he's a guy who can get things DONE. After 16 years of largely hapless presidents, that's probably something people are looking for.

Second, he's a fighter. He took on the unions and he won, despite threats to him and his family.

Third, unlike all the Silver Spoon Republicans like the Bushes and Romney, this guy comes from a humble, working class background. He's not someone who has a car elevator or a dressage horse. He's a regular guy from Wisconsin.

fourth, he's someone all the different factions of the GOP - Establishment, Tea Party, Religious Right, 2nd Amendment - can get behind. He checks all the boxes.

Plus the far left will never let Hilary get the nomination..

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