Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

The military wastes ALOT of money too. But they help the nation. The UW system helps the kids in the state and saves ALOT of them from having to work for low wages for some low life business owner. They skip right past that. Thankfully.
The CEO's will be laughing at the working people all the way to the bank..unless they get smart and boycott the bucks... now there is an idea to organize.
Why cut funding that helps create a more educated workforce? Perhaps to have a lower educated workforce so there is low wage workers slave away for the corporations? Makes zero sense. The UW is the pride of the state.

Yes, that degree in "Art History" is really going to make for a better work force.

Here's the real problem. We've made a Bachelor's degree a requirement to get a job. 90% of the jobs in my field (Purchasing) require a bachelor's degree. My degree in History does not make me a good buyer. What makes me a good buyer is I have 30+ years experience in logistics management, not a bit of which I learned in college.

I know some really good buyers who can't get a job because they don't have degrees.

I know college kids who get hired and they don't know squat.

And I know a lot of people who are pretty tired of a bloated university system that charges kids 50K plus for a piece of paper and puts them in debt just starting out.
The military wastes ALOT of money too. But they help the nation. The UW system helps the kids in the state and saves ALOT of them from having to work for low wages for some low life business owner. They skip right past that. Thankfully.

I have no problem with someone calling shenanigans on the military with some of their overpriced programs. Nor would most people.

So instead of having people work for low wages- which a lot of them will end up doing anyway - they end up with $45,000 in debt getting out of college?

Or as one person said, "I was a liberal Arts Major, do you want fries with that?"
Well its up to the person to go after the degree that will help them get a higher paying job. I agree a liberal arts degree isn't all the valuable. But where else does one get the education to be an engineer, or a medical field job? Working a low wage job leads to gov't assistance and an adult working full time for min wage should be getting some help.
I believe we need some School of Business Administration to produce Good capitalists who can make more money with an official Mint at their disposal, should they find themselves in public office.
The difference between you and me is that I want stop it all. You only want to stop conservatives while allowing liberal special interest groups like the unions. That pretty well makes you a hypocrite.
oh is that what i want to do?....show me were i said that?....because i can show you were i said......"this is why i am against big money in politics....it does not matter if its a corporation a small business a union or just a rich person....they are all making the person they are contributing too beholding to them"....learn to read Flash.....

So you will join me in condemning Obama for taking taxpayer's money and giving it to the UAW in return for the money that the unions gave Obama during the 2008 and 2012 election?

Let me hear you condemn the unions and Obama because while there are other examples this is the most blatant.

I will go first:

The unions are greedy filthy ass shitheads for forcing their members to contribute to a political funds and the billions of dollars given to Democrats and Obama.

Obama was a filthy ass shithead for taking American taxpayer money and using it to payoff union pensions and to subsidize bloated union jobs.

I'll even do another one.

The Wall Street Bankers were shitheads in contributing to Obama in 2008 to buy favor with Obama and Obama was a shithead for using taxpayer's money to bail them out.

See, that wasn't hard.

Now your turn. Condemn the unions and bankers and Obama.

By the way, just so you don't go into the typical Libtard denial mode:

Guess which President has raked in the most Wall Street bucks in a generation Hot Air

Guess which President has raked in the most Wall Street bucks in a generation?

Despite his rhetorical attacks on Wall Street, a study by the Sunlight Foundation’s Influence Project shows that President Barack Obama has received more money from Wall Street than any other politician over the past 20 years, including former President George W. Bush.

In 2008, Wall Street’s largesse accounted for 20 percent of Obama’s total take, according to Reuters. …

By the end of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, executives and others connected with Wall Street firms, such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citigroup, UBS AG, JPMorgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley, poured nearly $15.8 million into his coffers.

Goldman Sachs contributed slightly over $1 million to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, compared with a little over $394,600 to the 2004 Bush campaign. Citigroup gave $736,771 to Obama in 2008, compared with $320,820 to Bush in 2004. Executives and others connected with the Swiss bank UBS AG donated $539,424 to Obama’s 2008 campaign, compared with $416,950 to Bush in 2004. And JP Morgan Chase gave Obama’s campaign $808,799 in 2008, but did not show up among Bush’s top donors in 2004, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
What about condemning the corporate lobbyists? Why do they go unscathed? They deserve it stuck to them even harder than the other groups.
One of the most pointless things I ever did in my life was go to college. True story.
more useless than your stocker position at Walmart.

Actually I've been able to do very well as a trader and entrepreneur, which I didn't need my college degree to establish myself.
translation: I fuck people over for money...

A trader not stock broker. With the money I made I invested in a taxi medallion and I'm an investor in a gym.
One of the most pointless things I ever did in my life was go to college. True story.
more useless than your stocker position at Walmart.

Actually I've been able to do very well as a trader and entrepreneur, which I didn't need my college degree to establish myself.
translation: I fuck people over for money...

A trader not stock broker. With the money I made I invested in a taxi medallion and I'm an investor in a gym.
so you've have never actually worked for a living..
One of the most pointless things I ever did in my life was go to college. True story.
more useless than your stocker position at Walmart.

Actually I've been able to do very well as a trader and entrepreneur, which I didn't need my college degree to establish myself.
translation: I fuck people over for money...

A trader not stock broker. With the money I made I invested in a taxi medallion and I'm an investor in a gym.
so you've have never actually worked for a living..

You're a funny guy. Try working as a trader for a week and get back to me about that quote.
more useless than your stocker position at Walmart.

Actually I've been able to do very well as a trader and entrepreneur, which I didn't need my college degree to establish myself.
translation: I fuck people over for money...

A trader not stock broker. With the money I made I invested in a taxi medallion and I'm an investor in a gym.
so you've have never actually worked for a living..

You're a funny guy. Try working as a trader for a week and get back to me about that quote.
it's not work, it's a game and any stress encountered is self inflicted
Actually I've been able to do very well as a trader and entrepreneur, which I didn't need my college degree to establish myself.
translation: I fuck people over for money...

A trader not stock broker. With the money I made I invested in a taxi medallion and I'm an investor in a gym.
so you've have never actually worked for a living..

You're a funny guy. Try working as a trader for a week and get back to me about that quote.
it's not work, it's a game and any stress encountered is self inflicted

Do you think I was some kind of rich kid that stayed home and traded daddy's money? I had to work for a firm, where I had to put in ridicules hours, got treated like shit and every minute had to prove myself. 95% of the people I started with didn't make it through training. I really don't think you have a clue on what you speak of.
translation: I fuck people over for money...

A trader not stock broker. With the money I made I invested in a taxi medallion and I'm an investor in a gym.
so you've have never actually worked for a living..

You're a funny guy. Try working as a trader for a week and get back to me about that quote.
it's not work, it's a game and any stress encountered is self inflicted

Do you think I was some kind of rich kid that stayed home and traded daddy's money? I had to work for a firm, where I had to put in ridicules hours, got treated like shit and every minute had to prove myself. 95% of the people I started with didn't make it through training. I really don't think you have a clue on what you speak of.
sound like you did all of that to make fast money with no sweat equity...any stress encountered is self inflicted[/QUOTE]
Well its up to the person to go after the degree that will help them get a higher paying job. I agree a liberal arts degree isn't all the valuable. But where else does one get the education to be an engineer, or a medical field job? Working a low wage job leads to gov't assistance and an adult working full time for min wage should be getting some help.

But if everyone gets a college degree, then what value is a college degree? You see my point here?

We tell these kids starting out that they need to go out and get this thing, and they STILL end up at a low-paying entry level job. But then they get that along with $42,000 in debt. Why is this a good plan again?
What about condemning the corporate lobbyists? Why do they go unscathed? They deserve it stuck to them even harder than the other groups.

I don't want any money going from the people that earned it going to those that didn't earn it. No crony capitalism, no welfare, no subsidies, no entitlements and no bailouts.

That would include the environmental wacko corporations looking for subsidies for their stupid wind farms and solar cells, the farmers looking for price supports, NBA teams looking for stadiums, unions looking for pension money and bloated wage supports, and welfare queens looking for free Obamaphones.

We need to reduce the size of the government to the minimal necessary functions such as defense, courts, police etc. That would cut out a lot of the corruption because the government wouldn't have the money to hand out, would it? Isn't that the smart thing to do? Defund the corruption?

However, I don't have any problem with anybody lobbying the government for less taxes. We all should be doing that. I also don't have a problem with lobbying the government on issues that don't have to do with the transfer of money like Constitutional rights. For instance, I think the pro abortion lobby is despicable and absolutely disgusting with their zeal to kill children for the sake of convenience but I wouldn't want to stop the Feminazis from lobbying their beliefs as demented as they are.

Libtards only want money to stop going to conservative organizations and they absolutely hate corporations unless the corporations are Wall Street bankers that helped to fund Obama's election or car makers employing greedy union workers. They sure as hell don't have any problems with the environmental wacko corporations like Solyndra lobbying for taxpayer's money.
Why cut funding that helps create a more educated workforce? Perhaps to have a lower educated workforce so there is low wage workers slave away for the corporations? Makes zero sense. The UW is the pride of the state.

Yes, that degree in "Art History" is really going to make for a better work force.

Here's the real problem. We've made a Bachelor's degree a requirement to get a job. 90% of the jobs in my field (Purchasing) require a bachelor's degree. My degree in History does not make me a good buyer. What makes me a good buyer is I have 30+ years experience in logistics management, not a bit of which I learned in college.

I know some really good buyers who can't get a job because they don't have degrees.

I know college kids who get hired and they don't know squat.

And I know a lot of people who are pretty tired of a bloated university system that charges kids 50K plus for a piece of paper and puts them in debt just starting out.

Art history and history aren't the only things that people learn at college. You chose a basically worthless degree that's only really good to go into teaching. Don't blame the university for YOUR choice in what to study.

My degree is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field until I was in my mid 30s. I gave up my career to be a mom and raise our child. I could go back to accounting anytime I wanted to. I can get a job anywhere I want to live and make very good money.

Same with my husband. His degree is in engineering. He has worked in that field since he graduated from college. He can go anywhere to work and make very good money.

Then there's my sisters. One is a doctor and the other a physical therapist. Both have been working in their fields for decades. Both can go anywhere and get a job making very good money. Same with my niece. She's an OB. She has been working in her field since school. She can go anywhere she chooses and makes very good money.

I can go on and on with friends and family who did get very worthwhile degrees and are using them. All of them are working in fields that can't be learned with on the job training.

The universities in Wisconsin produce doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants and a long list of very necessary professions. Discounting what any university or college does is short sighted.

I agree, people shouldn't be saddled with debt from college. However cutting 300 million from the education budget will guarantee that tuitions will go up when that freeze is lifted. It's not permanent. When the freeze in tuition is gone you will see tuitions go up even more. Which will make school debt even worse, will discourage people from going to school and make it nearly impossible for some.
Art history and history aren't the only things that people learn at college. You choose a basically worthless degree that's only really good to go into teaching. Don't blame the university for YOUR choice in what to study.

My degree is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field until I was in my mid 30s. I gave up my career to be a mom and raise our child. I could go back to accounting anytime I wanted to. I can get a job anywhere I want to live and make very good money.

Same with my husband. His degree is in engineering. He has worked in that field since he graduated from college. He can go anywhere to work and make very good money.

I'm going to cut you off here...

The thing is, we don't have enough engineering jobs to fill all the graduates we have now, much less if everyone who is currently taking a Liberal Arts major did that instead.

The Universities ARE running a scam. The scam is, "This piece of paper you paid 40K for is a golden ticket" when it really isn't.

and trust me, I've written enough resumes for people to realize that, no, if you hop back into the job market after being out for a few years, getting back in is really hard.

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