Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

So what is the alternative? A whole lot of people working for $30 grande per year? That is a pittance, like next to zero. One cannot afford rent, a used vehicle, food, and electricity on that. So then what? Well, in that cashmere gov't assistance on the way, and I support that if that is where we are at. Low wage jobs are for only kids. Any adult working them full time should get help. No other way out.
So what is the alternative? A whole lot of people working for $30 grande per year? That is a pittance, like next to zero. One cannot afford rent, a used vehicle, food, and electricity on that. So then what? Well, in that case more gov't assistance on the way, and I support that if that is where we are at. Low wage jobs are for only kids. Any adult working them full time should get help. No other way out. How are people supposed to make ends meet on 30 grand? Answer? True answer? 30 grand is basically zero nowadays.
So what is the alternative? A whole lot of people working for $30 grande per year? That is a pittance, like next to zero. One cannot afford rent, a used vehicle, food, and electricity on that. So then what? Well, in that case more gov't assistance on the way, and I support that if that is where we are at. Low wage jobs are for only kids. Any adult working them full time should get help. No other way out. How are people supposed to make ends meet on 30 grand? Answer? True answer? 30 grand is basically zero nowadays.
So what is the alternative? A whole lot of people working for $30 grande per year? That is a pittance, like next to zero. One cannot afford rent, a used vehicle, food, and electricity on that. So then what? Well, in that case more gov't assistance on the way, and I support that if that is where we are at. Low wage jobs are for only kids. Any adult working them full time should get help. No other way out. How are people supposed to make ends meet on 30 grand? Answer? True answer? 30 grand is basically zero nowadays.
So what is the alternative? A whole lot of people working for $30 grande per year? That is a pittance, like next to zero. One cannot afford rent, a used vehicle, food, and electricity on that. So then what? Well, in that cashmere gov't assistance on the way, and I support that if that is where we are at. Low wage jobs are for only kids. Any adult working them full time should get help. No other way out.

The alternative is making sure that everyone who works for a living gets a living wage.

And frankly, we had that or pretty close to it when unionization was at its height.
So that means some people are stuck, screwed, tattooed having to work for low wages correct? Then give them gov't assistance. One cannot pay the bills and eat on 30 grand per year.
Why cut funding that helps create a more educated workforce? Perhaps to have a lower educated workforce so there is low wage workers slave away for the corporations? Makes zero sense. The UW is the pride of the state.

Yes, that degree in "Art History" is really going to make for a better work force.

Here's the real problem. We've made a Bachelor's degree a requirement to get a job. 90% of the jobs in my field (Purchasing) require a bachelor's degree. My degree in History does not make me a good buyer. What makes me a good buyer is I have 30+ years experience in logistics management, not a bit of which I learned in college.

I know some really good buyers who can't get a job because they don't have degrees.

I know college kids who get hired and they don't know squat.

And I know a lot of people who are pretty tired of a bloated university system that charges kids 50K plus for a piece of paper and puts them in debt just starting out.

Art history and history aren't the only things that people learn at college. You chose a basically worthless degree that's only really good to go into teaching. Don't blame the university for YOUR choice in what to study.

My degree is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field until I was in my mid 30s. I gave up my career to be a mom and raise our child. I could go back to accounting anytime I wanted to. I can get a job anywhere I want to live and make very good money.

Same with my husband. His degree is in engineering. He has worked in that field since he graduated from college. He can go anywhere to work and make very good money.

Then there's my sisters. One is a doctor and the other a physical therapist. Both have been working in their fields for decades. Both can go anywhere and get a job making very good money. Same with my niece. She's an OB. She has been working in her field since school. She can go anywhere she chooses and makes very good money.

I can go on and on with friends and family who did get very worthwhile degrees and are using them. All of them are working in fields that can't be learned with on the job training.

The universities in Wisconsin produce doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants and a long list of very necessary professions. Discounting what any university or college does is short sighted.

I agree, people shouldn't be saddled with debt from college. However cutting 300 million from the education budget will guarantee that tuitions will go up when that freeze is lifted. It's not permanent. When the freeze in tuition is gone you will see tuitions go up even more. Which will make school debt even worse, will discourage people from going to school and make it nearly impossible for some.

Interesting points.

Just one comment about teaching. My wife went into teaching back in the late 1960s because that is what she wanted to do. She enjoys kids and teaching them things. However, she knew when she went into teaching that she was never going to make much money at it. She is smart enough that could have made more money doing other things but teaching is what she wanted to do.

She worked as a public school teacher for a few years and then as a private school teacher. She retired with a sense of accomplishment and was pleased with her career. She really enjoys meeting her former students and seeing how they succeeded.

By the way, she joined the union the first year teaching because it would protect her from liability. When her teacher's union supported Jimmy Carter she quit and never looked back. Thank goodness Florida is a right to work state.

By the way, like your husband I am an engineer. The sad thing is for many years it took my wife's salary to pay our combined fed, state and local taxes. In some years that wasn't even enough. The cost of government was and still is a tremendous burden on our family as it is on most families whether they admit it or not.

I don't know why the cost of a college education has risen to the point where it is difficult for middle class families without tremendous debt. I would speculate it is because they are producing too many worthless degrees but I don't know for sure. I suspect the college unions have run up the cost tremendously. Both my wife and I got through college without debt and managed to get our sons through but I think that is much harder nowadays. By the way, both my sons majored in fields where they were employable when they go out. Like you said many people don't do that and then wonder why they can't find a job.

I would suspect that the cost of a college degree would go down without so much government interference.
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That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
So what is the alternative? A whole lot of people working for $30 grande per year? That is a pittance, like next to zero. One cannot afford rent, a used vehicle, food, and electricity on that. So then what? Well, in that cashmere gov't assistance on the way, and I support that if that is where we are at. Low wage jobs are for only kids. Any adult working them full time should get help. No other way out.

The alternative is to stop voting for Left Wingers that screw up the economy with failed economic policies that make us all poorer.

The combined government (fed, state and local) takes over 40% of the GNP so no wonder our economy can't grow like it should and produce more and higher paying jobs. The cost of government is the usually the largest single household expense of any family, regardless of income level.

We have created this monster of a government that drains our economy and regulates businesses out of business and then we wonder why we are getting poorer and a working person cannot support his/her family.

Until we start understanding that capitalism will produce the jobs if we let it and get government off the backs of the productive then we are doomed to be just another European style socialist shithole with high unemployment, low wages and dismal economic growth.

Stop voting for Left Wing idiots like Obama and the economy will do better.
Art history and history aren't the only things that people learn at college. You choose a basically worthless degree that's only really good to go into teaching. Don't blame the university for YOUR choice in what to study.

My degree is in accounting and finance. I worked in the field until I was in my mid 30s. I gave up my career to be a mom and raise our child. I could go back to accounting anytime I wanted to. I can get a job anywhere I want to live and make very good money.

Same with my husband. His degree is in engineering. He has worked in that field since he graduated from college. He can go anywhere to work and make very good money.

I'm going to cut you off here...

The thing is, we don't have enough engineering jobs to fill all the graduates we have now, much less if everyone who is currently taking a Liberal Arts major did that instead.

The Universities ARE running a scam. The scam is, "This piece of paper you paid 40K for is a golden ticket" when it really isn't.

and trust me, I've written enough resumes for people to realize that, no, if you hop back into the job market after being out for a few years, getting back in is really hard.

My husband got so frustrated that he was working with people who didn't know what they were doing that he first held conferences to help teach engineers about the field my husband was in. Then he set up a program with Ohio University to bring their engineering grad students here to Washington for the grad program at Boeing. That's how hard it was for Boeing to find engineers with experience or education in the type of engineering my husband does and Boeing needs.

There are tons of jobs in engineering, a person just has to go where the jobs are at. No, the midwest, south and other parts of our nation don't need engineers. However places like the west coast and east coast do.

Marketing isn't a very highly skilled profession. A person can learn that without going to college. I'm not talking about such fields.

I'm talking about the doctor who will save your life or the life of someone you love when they're sick or seriously injured. I'm talking about the doctor who will safely deliver a healthy baby without birth complications that could harm the baby. I'm sure you don't want a lawyer to represent you who doesn't have any education in our legal system if your freedom was on the line. I'm sure you wouldn't want a person who has no education in engineering designing and creating the airplanes you fly in.

There are fields that require an education and using this "liberal arts" degree stuff as an excuse to discount and defund education is extremely short sighted.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor
Plenty of jobs in the medical profession. Nurses are in demand and are reasonably well paid although for what they do I see them as underpaid. There demand is only going to increase. I agree a liberal arts degree doesn't do much. But the degree in a field that is in demand is the ciket. Starting from square zero with no degree is a rough and difficult road.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

Why doesn't U of W dig into it's more than 2 Billion in endowments?

Failure = Bitch Slapping Dems and Unions ;)
Either people believe in higher education or they don't. I believe its the key to prosperity for 99 percent..... We don't need people for low wage jobs.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

Why doesn't U of W dig into it's more than 2 Billion in endowments?

Failure = Bitch Slapping Dems and Unions ;)

Why doesn't the failed governor of Wisconsin tell the billionaire owners of the Milwaukee Bucks to build their own damned arena?
It's time to cap tuition price increases. There's no reason for our colleges to act like corporations!
Either people believe in higher education or they don't. I believe its the key to prosperity for 99 percent..... We don't need people for low wage jobs.

Our countries ability to compete with the rest of the developed world depends on it. Right now, we're bringing in millions of people from China, India, etc to fill our needs. We're 22nd in the world for science & math! Republicans don't seem to care.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

Why doesn't U of W dig into it's more than 2 Billion in endowments?

Failure = Bitch Slapping Dems and Unions ;)

Why doesn't the failed governor of Wisconsin tell the billionaire owners of the Milwaukee Bucks to build their own damned arena?

U of W is sitting on 2 BILLION dollars if Endowments...2 million is NOTHING in that context.
well good for you flash.....if you knew that Toyota donated a ton of money to the democratic party would you still do business with Toyota?....

All businesses contribute to candidates they think will win because they are buying access to the office. That is part of this filthy corrupt American political system. Even the somewhat conservative company I worked at for 30 years occasionally contributed to Democrats in order to buy access to their office.

While despicable as it is that is it is somewhat different that tens of thousands greedy union workers giving massive amounts of money to turdbrain Democrats in order to get massive amounts of taxpayer's money given to them.

Even if the union donations weren't a factor the UAW make crummy vehicles. That is why GM and Chrysler were on the verge of bankruptcy and Ford wasn't far behind.
so its ok for the company to seek favor with a candidate and buy the guy but not the Union....got ya....

While despicable as it is that is it is somewhat different that tens of thousands greedy union workers giving massive amounts of money to turdbrain Democrats in order to get massive amounts of taxpayer's money given to them
like i said,you see nothing wrong with a company doing this....but a union is different....
Even if the union donations weren't a factor the UAW make crummy vehicles
but yet my crummy vehicles had no problems and like i said....i knew guys who had problems with Japanese cars.....:dunno:

Buying politicians is despicable. That is one of the main reasons that our Republic doesn't work anymore. The unions are the most despicable shitheads in the country. They have set the bar on the corruption.
so how is a company any different than a union?.....they are both buying the politician....this is why i am against big money in politics....it does not matter if its a corporation a small business a union or just a rich person....they are all making the person they are contributing too beholding to them....

The big difference is that the unions are tax exempt corporations.

Or did you not realize that unions do not pay taxes?

Even the for profit NFL is tax exempt.
that doesnt matter ....they are still buying the politician.....that does matter....
The difference between you and me is that I want stop it all. You only want to stop conservatives while allowing liberal special interest groups like the unions. That pretty well makes you a hypocrite.
oh is that what i want to do?....show me were i said that?....because i can show you were i said......"this is why i am against big money in politics....it does not matter if its a corporation a small business a union or just a rich person....they are all making the person they are contributing too beholding to them"....learn to read Flash.....

So you will join me in condemning Obama for taking taxpayer's money and giving it to the UAW in return for the money that the unions gave Obama during the 2008 and 2012 election?

Let me hear you condemn the unions and Obama because while there are other examples this is the most blatant.

I will go first:

The unions are greedy filthy ass shitheads for forcing their members to contribute to a political funds and the billions of dollars given to Democrats and Obama.

Obama was a filthy ass shithead for taking American taxpayer money and using it to payoff union pensions and to subsidize bloated union jobs.

I'll even do another one.

The Wall Street Bankers were shitheads in contributing to Obama in 2008 to buy favor with Obama and Obama was a shithead for using taxpayer's money to bail them out.

See, that wasn't hard.

Now your turn. Condemn the unions and bankers and Obama.

By the way, just so you don't go into the typical Libtard denial mode:

Guess which President has raked in the most Wall Street bucks in a generation Hot Air

Guess which President has raked in the most Wall Street bucks in a generation?

Despite his rhetorical attacks on Wall Street, a study by the Sunlight Foundation’s Influence Project shows that President Barack Obama has received more money from Wall Street than any other politician over the past 20 years, including former President George W. Bush.

In 2008, Wall Street’s largesse accounted for 20 percent of Obama’s total take, according to Reuters. …

By the end of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, executives and others connected with Wall Street firms, such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Citigroup, UBS AG, JPMorgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley, poured nearly $15.8 million into his coffers.

Goldman Sachs contributed slightly over $1 million to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, compared with a little over $394,600 to the 2004 Bush campaign. Citigroup gave $736,771 to Obama in 2008, compared with $320,820 to Bush in 2004. Executives and others connected with the Swiss bank UBS AG donated $539,424 to Obama’s 2008 campaign, compared with $416,950 to Bush in 2004. And JP Morgan Chase gave Obama’s campaign $808,799 in 2008, but did not show up among Bush’s top donors in 2004, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
your problem flash is you think i am an Obama supporter....i think he is a piss poor "leader" and is in over his head on many things and he is no different than any other President when it comes to supporting the wealthy and toeing that party line.....but he has done some good or at least has tried like other Presidents before him have done....

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