Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

RW, I love you man, but I think you are missing the point on Walker.

Walker, in my opinion is the most formidable guy on the GOP Side. Shit. If it came down to a pick between him and Hillary, I'd be sorely tempted to vote for him.

First and foremost, he's a guy who can get things DONE. After 16 years of largely hapless presidents, that's probably something people are looking for.

Second, he's a fighter. He took on the unions and he won, despite threats to him and his family.

Third, unlike all the Silver Spoon Republicans like the Bushes and Romney, this guy comes from a humble, working class background. He's not someone who has a car elevator or a dressage horse. He's a regular guy from Wisconsin.

fourth, he's someone all the different factions of the GOP - Establishment, Tea Party, Religious Right, 2nd Amendment - can get behind. He checks all the boxes.

Worst Governor ever. Never accomplished anything

Failed governor of Wisconsin
Worst Governor ever. Never accomplished anything

Failed governor of Wisconsin

Guy, I'm a property owner in Wisconsin.

People in Wisconsin don't see it that way.

But if you want to keep repeating your mantra, go ahead.

The thing is, I will probably be forced to not vote for Walker because my biggest worry would be the kind of people he'd appoint to SCOTUS.

But it won't be an easy choice if he's the nominee. Bush, that's an easy one. Just about anyone else from the Clown Car.

Walker, I'm not so sure. I like the guy.
Worst Governor ever. Never accomplished anything

Failed governor of Wisconsin

Guy, I'm a property owner in Wisconsin.

People in Wisconsin don't see it that way.

But if you want to keep repeating your mantra, go ahead.

The thing is, I will probably be forced to not vote for Walker because my biggest worry would be the kind of people he'd appoint to SCOTUS.

But it won't be an easy choice if he's the nominee. Bush, that's an easy one. Just about anyone else from the Clown Car.

Walker, I'm not so sure. I like the guy.

Must be you want free stuff

There are fields that require an education and using this "liberal arts" degree stuff as an excuse to discount and defund education is extremely short sighted.

Yes, there are. But that isn't what Big Education is trying to accomplish, is it? Big Education is selling an overpriced product on the basis that you can't get ahead doing ANYTHING without one of these.

It's probably the worst example of Corporate Welfare I can think of. We give EVERYONE a Bachelor's degree, put them in debt their whole lives... Brilliant.

My parents paid for my education so I had no student loans when I finished college. My parents believed that if you bring a life into this world you're responsible to make sure that person can take care of themselves and they believed the only way that can be accomplished is with a good education. They paid for all four of their children's education. My husband and I have already prepaid for four years of tuition for our child so she won't have any debt when she graduates.

My husband's parents didn't pay for his education. We both started in the Carter years and my husband was able to get pell grants for the first couple years. Then reagan became president and changed the pell grant system. He no longer qualified for grants so he took out loans. He received his masters degree in engineering so he ended up with FOUR student loans.

We didn't meet until we were 26 and didn't get together for a couple of months. He gave me his finances to manage and within about 18 months I had 3 of those loans paid. The last one was many, many thousands of dollars so it took longer. That last loan was paid by 1996. We bought our first house in 1988.

So no, a person isn't necessarily saddled with student loans for life. Yes we put off having children until we were out of debt and could financially afford a child. So we became debt free with the exception of our house in 1996.

There's no excuse in my opinion for anyone who wants to go to college to be denied the chance to go. There's no excuse in my opinion to cut 300 million from education to give it to billionaire basketball owners. They have the money to pay for their own stadium. Why would anyone think that a stadium is more important than education?

I don't know about the University of Wisconsin but in my state a lot of the universities are public owned. Which means the public and state own and fund it. They aren't corporations. They're public schools. It takes tax dollars to fund public schools. No it's not the only funding they get, private trust fund and donations fund CERTAIN things. For example around a hundred years ago a graduate from the University of Washington became extremely rich. When that person died he set up a trust for the University to buy land and buildings. Not to send anyone to school. Through the decades the university has grown HUGE yet that trust still goes on. There's no way to stop it. It's private. The money can't be redirected to actual education.

No one is given a degree. They work and earn it. Not everyone goes to college. Which is one of the reasons why we have such a large portion of our population working minimum wage jobs. A person who doesn't make much money doesn't pay much of anything in taxes. They qualify for public assistance because they don't make enough to support themselves much less a family. While a person who has a degree in accounting, the law, medicine and a long list of other professions certainly do pay taxes and they don't qualify for public assistance.
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Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall Worst governor ever
Bill Gates dropped out of college. Apparently finishing college is stupid if you have better options.
So you are actually saying that "keeping" your job in a failed attempt by DEMOCRAT SCUMBAGS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED is a failure?
Basically your definition of "failure" is success.
Welcome to the liberals' world. They've been pushing that idea onto normal people for decades.

Finally the normal people are starting to push back. Starting with throwing more and more liberals out of office.

One of the best things about Walker is that he succeeded, shutting down wild liberal spending, balancing the budget, breaking the cycle of liberal govt unions "negotiating" the govt giving them more and more money without consulting taxpayres, and won three elections in a row despite campaigns of the kinds of hysteria, slime, and lies we are still hearing from disgruntled losers like little "rightwinger".

When Walker succeeded and won in Wisconsin despite the hate and lies of the liberals, it was a sign that the times are a-changin'.
....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
Bill Gates dropped out of college. Apparently finishing college is stupid if you have better options.

So you are actually saying that "keeping" your job in a failed attempt by DEMOCRAT SCUMBAGS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED is a failure?

Basically your definition of "failure" is success.


Walker did not start a Fortune 500 company did he?

Walker is a failure

Democrat definition of failure: Rise to Governor of a State.

ROFL you just can't make the shit up democrats will spew.
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this thread, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Hmm who should we give the money to. A bunch of Milennials seeking Liberal Arts degrees or anyone else who might contribute to the tax base lol.

I find it hard to believe that anyone can be as short sighted as to post what you did above.

Do you know that people who have a college degree are more likely to be tax payers than a sponge off our society? Did you know that people who go to college pay more in taxes than those who don't?

So you advocate a stupid population that has little to no education that can only earn the minimum wage because they aren't qualified for anything else?

Do you realize that those who make only the minimum wage qualify for a long list of public support paid by tax payers?

Keep in mind, the low or middle income person who went to college will end up being the doctor who saves your life when you or someone you love has a life threatening disease. Or will end up being the researcher who discovers the cure for cancer or parkinsons or any of a long list of diseases you or someone you love may contract and die from. They could be the person who finds a cure and or vaccine for ebola that you republicans are so afraid of.

Did your parents ever teach you that you must work before you play? It seems you're advocating that public money be spent on play games of basketball before the work of education is done.

How is an uneducated population that doesn't earn enough money to support themselves going to have the money to buy a ticket to a basketball game? If there's not enough people who have the money to buy those tickets that stadium will end up empty and costing the population hundreds of millions instead of generating revenue.

If you want a population that's nothing but a sponge off the government then you're views will accomplish that very well.

However if you want a population with people who are paying taxes then you will want a properly educated population.
You are an idiot.

Actually no I'm not.

You come across to me as one of those people who didn't go to college or do very well when you were in school. Your posts lack critical thinking skills and logic. Your posts are simplistic and not thought out to a logical conclusion.

Which probably is why you typed the post I replied to. And why you resorted to the lame post above.

It's an idiot who takes 300 million dollars from education and gives two thirds of it to rich basketball team owners. No responsible person does this.

The outcome will harm the state and people in the state. Those who are mature adults will leave that state for a state that is responsible to all of it's citizens. Not just those who will hand money over to a politician so that politician will line the pockets they're pockets. Those who value a good education will leave that state for a state that does know that it takes a well educated population for the state to succeed.

If you want to know what the end result of walker's actions will be look no farther than the state of Mississippi.

It will discourage business from establishing in that state since the state won't have properly educated people to fill those jobs. Businesses that are already in the state will leave to go to a state that does have properly educated people to fill those jobs which will do more harm to that state they left.

I understand why you're so short sighted. You lack any maturity and intelligence to see the logical conclusions of walker's actions.

Don't bother to reply to this. I won't read it. Your posts are just to simplistic and lack any intelligence for me to waste my time with you.

Have a nice day.
Good don't read it. The money shouldn't be given to anyone. And you are still an idiot. Have a bad day.
No one is given a degree. They work and earn it. Not everyone goes to college. Which is one of the reasons why we have such a large portion of our population working minimum wage jobs. A person who doesn't make much money doesn't pay much of anything in taxes. They qualify for public assistance because they don't make enough to support themselves much less a family. While a person who has a degree in accounting, the law, medicine and a long list of other professions certainly do pay taxes and they don't qualify for public assistance.

Okay, I'm not interesting in listening to your testimonials while you continuously miss my point.

My point is that we've implemented the "Scarecrow" policy on education. Give everyone a degree and declare them smart. And shit, Obama wants to give everyone two free years of community college. Like that isn't going to turn into a huge boondoggle.

Instead, what we need to so is realize 1) Not everyone is cut out for college and 2) Not every job requires a college degree. Then and only then do we stop this overpriced scam.
No one is given a degree. They work and earn it. Not everyone goes to college. Which is one of the reasons why we have such a large portion of our population working minimum wage jobs. A person who doesn't make much money doesn't pay much of anything in taxes. They qualify for public assistance because they don't make enough to support themselves much less a family. While a person who has a degree in accounting, the law, medicine and a long list of other professions certainly do pay taxes and they don't qualify for public assistance.

Okay, I'm not interesting in listening to your testimonials while you continuously miss my point.

My point is that we've implemented the "Scarecrow" policy on education. Give everyone a degree and declare them smart. And shit, Obama wants to give everyone two free years of community college. Like that isn't going to turn into a huge boondoggle.

Instead, what we need to so is realize 1) Not everyone is cut out for college and 2) Not every job requires a college degree. Then and only then do we stop this overpriced scam.

That two years also includes trade and technical schools

Nothing wrong with having an educated workforce to compete globally
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That two years also includes trade and technical schools

Nothing wrong with haveing an educated workforce to compete globally

Then it should ONLY include Trade and Technical schools. If the goal is to make us more competitive, then specifically tailor it to that.

don't make it another giveaway for layabouts to take courses in "Art History" or some such shit.

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him"

Well if this is the case then Obama is awesome because conservatives surely can't stand Obama... but part of that may very well be because of his race. As for Walker, I will give him this, he freely admits he hasn't much use for working class people. His gang are the wealthy.
That two years also includes trade and technical schools

Nothing wrong with haveing an educated workforce to compete globally

Then it should ONLY include Trade and Technical schools. If the goal is to make us more competitive, then specifically tailor it to that.

don't make it another giveaway for layabouts to take courses in "Art History" or some such shit.

What would make you think that most students want to take Art History?
That two years also includes trade and technical schools

Nothing wrong with haveing an educated workforce to compete globally

Then it should ONLY include Trade and Technical schools. If the goal is to make us more competitive, then specifically tailor it to that.

don't make it another giveaway for layabouts to take courses in "Art History" or some such shit.

What would make you think that most students want to take Art History?

What makes you think they don't?

The problem with the universalization of college is that it becomes increasingly meaningless.

The only reason why most companies require a bachelor's degree now is because the HS Diploma has become so worthless. It's completely going in the wrong direction.
That two years also includes trade and technical schools

Nothing wrong with haveing an educated workforce to compete globally

Then it should ONLY include Trade and Technical schools. If the goal is to make us more competitive, then specifically tailor it to that.

don't make it another giveaway for layabouts to take courses in "Art History" or some such shit.

What would make you think that most students want to take Art History?

What makes you think they don't?

The problem with the universalization of college is that it becomes increasingly meaningless.

The only reason why most companies require a bachelor's degree now is because the HS Diploma has become so worthless. It's completely going in the wrong direction.

When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy
That two years also includes trade and technical schools

Nothing wrong with haveing an educated workforce to compete globally

Then it should ONLY include Trade and Technical schools. If the goal is to make us more competitive, then specifically tailor it to that.

don't make it another giveaway for layabouts to take courses in "Art History" or some such shit.

What would make you think that most students want to take Art History?

What makes you think they don't?

The problem with the universalization of college is that it becomes increasingly meaningless.

The only reason why most companies require a bachelor's degree now is because the HS Diploma has become so worthless. It's completely going in the wrong direction.

When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy
The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

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