Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

Conservatives and education

Rush Limbaugh: Never finished college
Sean Hannity: Never finished college
Glen Beck: Never finished college
Scott Walker: Never finished college

All seek to destroy our education system.

Book learn'n ....who needs it?
and yet all are successful at what they do.....hey just sayin....

So is Justin Beiber
so you agree than that just because you did not go to collage and get a degree you can still be very successful .....

It would be a question of cause and effect

Doesn't prove their success was based on not going to college. Using the small percentage of outliers does not prove your point

However, when we talk about Walker, we ARE talking about the outliers.
ANYWAY, getting back to my point that no one addressed earlier.

The University of Wisconsin charges $5200 a semester for class sizes. $5200 a Semester.

In a four year college, that works out to $41,600 for a Bachelor's degree. And that's for an IN STATE student. It's twice as much for an out of state student.

So I have to ask the question- How can you charge $41,600 for something, and STILL need a 1.6 BILLION dollar subsidy from your state?

Frankly, the one good argument that the GOP has is that government costs too much and we all have to work too hard to support it. This sounds like a pretty good example of the kind of waste they complain about.

For all you Walker-haters, this is not the hill you want to defend.

did you happen to notice that college tuition went up when student loans became easier to get? There is a cause/affect relationship between govt give aways and price increases.

Same reason heathcare costs go up so fast whenever government says it's going to "help".
The field most students get a degree in is business
Most businesses (nearly all) don't want business degree'd graduates. The only business degrees hiring managers want to see are MBAs from good schools.

You're both wrong, due to the fact that "business" is far too general. Sure, if you get an undergrad degree in business management, that's pretty much a snooze for most companies, because you're not going to come out of college and be plopped into management. But getting an undergrad degree in accounting or human resources can be very useful and valuable to a prospective employer.
A "business degree" is a specific degree, as is an "accounting degree," as is a "human resources degree." They are not the same. I was talking about "business degree," the degree that rw cited. If he meant some useful types of business degrees, well then yes accounting, human resources, and other specialty degrees may fall into the category of useful for most businesses. FYI an "accounting" degree is harder than a "business degree."
That two years also includes trade and technical schools

Nothing wrong with haveing an educated workforce to compete globally

Then it should ONLY include Trade and Technical schools. If the goal is to make us more competitive, then specifically tailor it to that.

don't make it another giveaway for layabouts to take courses in "Art History" or some such shit.

What would make you think that most students want to take Art History?

What makes you think they don't?

The problem with the universalization of college is that it becomes increasingly meaningless.

The only reason why most companies require a bachelor's degree now is because the HS Diploma has become so worthless. It's completely going in the wrong direction.

When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy

I can't agree with you more.

I don't know anyone who has a worthless degree such as art history or liberal arts. I graduated from college in 1982. At that time people weren't interested in such worthless degrees. Only those who couldn't handle a class load of real classes got degrees in such worthless programs as art history. At the time we called classes like that advanced clock watching and basket weaving.

College should be available and affordable for anyone who wants to go. No, not all people are meant for college and no, not everyone wants to go to college.

However college shouldn't be made so unaffordable that people are saddled with debt for the rest of their lives. I know for a fact that it's possible to pay off college loans. My husband had four student loans. He graduated in 1985 and all four loans were paid by 1996. In fact, most everyone I know had their student loans paid in the 90s. We weren't the only ones who threw a party celebrating that the loans were paid, we went to many parties in the 90s of our friends who also had their student loans paid.

I think it's very short sighted to use art history or liberal arts as an excuse to take money from education and to discount the value of a good education.

One thing I learned a very long time ago, the only way to be honestly free in this world is with a good education. Especially for women. No one can really be free if they depend on anyone, including the government, to support them in life.
you know as little about this as you know about most subjects. $50/hr to put on lug nuts is not a reasonable wage. Most of todays UAW labor is low or minimum skill labor.

GM and Chrysler went broke for a couple of reasons, their products sucked and their labor costs were excessive.

If they had been allowed to go through bankruptcy, then those huge companies would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units. Each new company would have had to have a union representation election of its workers, that scared the shit out of the UAW management fat cats, so they got obozo to bail out the companies in exchange for their poliical support, money, and votes.

Thats what it was about.

Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies

bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

Thats not true. Obama shut it down because the GOP minority in congress would not kowtow to him.

Rather than try to work with them i.e. do his job. He shut it down.

Tell us who in the GOP had, or has, the authority to shut down the govt. Who in the GOP had the authority to shut down national monuments? NO ONE, OBAMA DID IT.
By law, Obama cannot operate the government without funding

Republicans allowed that funding to expire. The GOP controlled House had that authority to approve a continuing resolution. Monuments were shut down because they could not be justified as an essential government function

Actually, the GOP controlled House passed spending bills funding the entirety of government with the exception of one program. Obama and his sycophant Reid treasured that one program more than the rest of the government, so shut down 17% of it.
As I already said. Most corporations are willing and already do pay for useful degrees for their employees.

It really is industry dependent, and is also largely attributable to market demand. Many hospitals are willing to provide some form of education reimbursement for nurses who are willing to give a contractual minimum service agreement. This has become common due to the severe lack of nurses that has plagued the industry for years. But the forms of such compensation are varied. The norm is becoming repayment of student loans, which means that the company is not going to pay for your schooling. They're only going to pay for whatever excess you borrowed. Which is still a very nice job benefit, mind you. Fewer companies are offering tuition reimbursement for current lower level employees who want to go to school, but there are still many who are willing to reimburse college grads to complete a masters degree. There are also many industries, like nursing once again, that require continuing education to maintain your credentials, and it's become pretty standard for most employers to provide reimbursement for something like that.

Other industries where there is less demand for labor are less likely to offer student loan repayments. And ultimately, what whatever a company does offer you is going to come out of your bottom line, which is something most people fail to take into account. If you tap your employer to repay loans, that's going to be less cash that could have gone into your pocket.
ANYWAY, getting back to my point that no one addressed earlier.

The University of Wisconsin charges $5200 a semester for class sizes. $5200 a Semester.

In a four year college, that works out to $41,600 for a Bachelor's degree. And that's for an IN STATE student. It's twice as much for an out of state student.

So I have to ask the question- How can you charge $41,600 for something, and STILL need a 1.6 BILLION dollar subsidy from your state?

Frankly, the one good argument that the GOP has is that government costs too much and we all have to work too hard to support it. This sounds like a pretty good example of the kind of waste they complain about.

For all you Walker-haters, this is not the hill you want to defend.

did you happen to notice that college tuition went up when student loans became easier to get? There is a cause/affect relationship between govt give aways and price increases.

Same reason heathcare costs go up so fast whenever government says it's going to "help".
AYUP the easiest way to make something too expensive is to make it "free" as in "fully funded" by the taxpayer no matter how much it costs. Make it free, then the public will demand it be "on par" with more expensive colleges... then the fancy buildings come.... then the expensive professors and overpaid managers...
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

I'll show you a shut down, we shut down the Democratic party in congress BOOM!

Yes you did......and what do you have to show for it

When Democrats took over congress in 2008 they passed monumental legislation.
What have the Republicans done? Vote for the 58th time to repeal Obamacare?

According to you libs the GOP is destroying the poor and middle class and women, gays, the elderly, waging wars on behalf of the rich...yet you are saying the GOP is unable to do anything? Why the contradiction, somebody is lying my money is on liberals.

You still haven't explained why Republicans have accomplished nothing since taking over Congress

Failed Republican Congress

its only been 30 days, idiot.

Using democrat tactics, they can take as long as they want to undo the damage Obama has done. Just keep saying "It was so bad, we can't fix it yet", whenever anyone complains.
Yes, they stood behind the constitution rather that temporary political posturing. The constitution requires an annual budget, not a series of CRs
Actually, they bypassed the constitution and attempted to use a continuing resolution to rewrite the budget

where do you get this shit? does it come directly into your head from kos and MSNBC?

the only budget the obama submitted, other than the one submitted last month, was rejected democrats.

He has been using CRs for 6 years rather than step up and do his job.

Obama has submitted a budget every year. A deadlocked Congress has failed to do anything with it

wrong again, the house has passed budget bills every year, Reid would not let a single one be discussed or voted on in the senate.

We have had no federal budget because of Reid and Obama, not the GOP led house.

The House passes partisan bills with no hope of approval. The Failed Republican Congress has yet to pass a meaningful piece of legislation

Worst Congress ever

IOW, obstructionist democrats are STILL gumming up the works.
Do the people of Wisconsin like basketball that much more than higher education, or is this just another example of Republican's fear of education?
It's just another example of screwed up conservative priorities and the propensity of most on the right to adhere blindly to failed conservative economic dogma.

Wisconsin is a blue state, remember?
As I already said. Most corporations are willing and already do pay for useful degrees for their employees.

It really is industry dependent, and is also largely attributable to market demand. Many hospitals are willing to provide some form of education reimbursement for nurses who are willing to give a contractual minimum service agreement. This has become common due to the severe lack of nurses that has plagued the industry for years. But the forms of such compensation are varied. The norm is becoming repayment of student loans, which means that the company is not going to pay for your schooling. They're only going to pay for whatever excess you borrowed. Which is still a very nice job benefit, mind you. Fewer companies are offering tuition reimbursement for current lower level employees who want to go to school, but there are still many who are willing to reimburse college grads to complete a masters degree. There are also many industries, like nursing once again, that require continuing education to maintain your credentials, and it's become pretty standard for most employers to provide reimbursement for something like that.

Other industries where there is less demand for labor are less likely to offer student loan repayments. And ultimately, what whatever a company does offer you is going to come out of your bottom line, which is something most people fail to take into account. If you tap your employer to repay loans, that's going to be less cash that could have gone into your pocket.
Exactly. Why would a corporation pay you to get a degree that they don't need you to have, just to see you leave after you get it?
A "business degree" is a specific degree, as is an "accounting degree," as is a "human resources degree." They are not the same. I was talking about "business degree," the degree that rw cited.

Erm...no, what? No there is no such thing as "accounting degree?" or no RW did not say "business degree?"
RW said ... the field most students get a degree in is business. A degree in business is a business degree. A degree in accounting is an accounting degree.
Hmm who should we give the money to. A bunch of Milennials seeking Liberal Arts degrees or anyone else who might contribute to the tax base lol.

I find it hard to believe that anyone can be as short sighted as to post what you did above.

Do you know that people who have a college degree are more likely to be tax payers than a sponge off our society? Did you know that people who go to college pay more in taxes than those who don't?

So you advocate a stupid population that has little to no education that can only earn the minimum wage because they aren't qualified for anything else?

Do you realize that those who make only the minimum wage qualify for a long list of public support paid by tax payers?

Keep in mind, the low or middle income person who went to college will end up being the doctor who saves your life when you or someone you love has a life threatening disease. Or will end up being the researcher who discovers the cure for cancer or parkinsons or any of a long list of diseases you or someone you love may contract and die from. They could be the person who finds a cure and or vaccine for ebola that you republicans are so afraid of.

Did your parents ever teach you that you must work before you play? It seems you're advocating that public money be spent on play games of basketball before the work of education is done.

How is an uneducated population that doesn't earn enough money to support themselves going to have the money to buy a ticket to a basketball game? If there's not enough people who have the money to buy those tickets that stadium will end up empty and costing the population hundreds of millions instead of generating revenue.

If you want a population that's nothing but a sponge off the government then you're views will accomplish that very well.

However if you want a population with people who are paying taxes then you will want a properly educated population.

Liberal Arts degree holders do not typically discover cures for diseases. You're lumping them in with chemistry, biology, and medical degree holders.
What makes you think they don't?

The problem with the universalization of college is that it becomes increasingly meaningless.

The only reason why most companies require a bachelor's degree now is because the HS Diploma has become so worthless. It's completely going in the wrong direction.

When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy
The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Nobody has proposed that every lazy ass flunky go to college. Community College would not be mandatory like High School is

Those who are motivated enough to pursue advanced education will have it available to them
WTF does "motivated" mean? Want? OMFG "Available?" So if I "WANT" TO GO WASTE SOME MONEY ON A FRIVOLOUS DEGREE YOU ARE GOOD WITH MAKING MONEY FOR THAT "AVAILABLE" TO ME. Just piss taxpayer funds away on swine.

Like I said. The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Lets see.........motivated

Willing to get up every morning and go to class, willing to do the required work, able to pass the exams and maintain a passing GPA

What would make you think students want to go though that to obtain a frivolous degree?
I consider it a wise investment in our future

Seriously, why would someone go into debt for tens of thousands of dollars for a worthless degree?

Not many people will do that. If any will. If they're going to get in that much debt they're going to get a degree that will pay for the loans. That is, if they're smart.

I don't believe many far right wingers are smart. We see it daily on this board.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

The current POTUS accomplished less than that, and he managed it.
When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy
The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Nobody has proposed that every lazy ass flunky go to college. Community College would not be mandatory like High School is

Those who are motivated enough to pursue advanced education will have it available to them
WTF does "motivated" mean? Want? OMFG "Available?" So if I "WANT" TO GO WASTE SOME MONEY ON A FRIVOLOUS DEGREE YOU ARE GOOD WITH MAKING MONEY FOR THAT "AVAILABLE" TO ME. Just piss taxpayer funds away on swine.

Like I said. The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Lets see.........motivated

Willing to get up every morning and go to class, willing to do the required work, able to pass the exams and maintain a passing GPA

What would make you think students want to go though that to obtain a frivolous degree?
I consider it a wise investment in our future

Seriously, why would someone go into debt for tens of thousands of dollars for a worthless degree?

Not many people will do that. If any will. If they're going to get in that much debt they're going to get a degree that will pay for the loans. That is, if they're smart.

I don't believe many far right wingers are smart. We see it daily on this board.

You asked.. "why would someone go into debt for tens of thousands of dollars for a worthless degree?" Easy, peer pressure and for the fun... For example, their parents tell them to go get a degree... As another example they want to have "fun" drinking and having sex at college... Cause they don't want to go to work... cause everyone they know is going to college...

Yeah, the point is that if the taxpayers are paying for it, you just threw the whole issue of having to make sure the degree is useful enough to pay the debt... screw it it's the taxypayer's bill not mine, I'll study art so I get to paint nkd chicks, I don't care if I get hired.
Walker is the worst Governor in the history of Wisconsin.....probably the worst ever

He has never accomplished anything in life or as governor

When all else is lost, return to the original regurgitation. Don't worry, I'm sure the second page will be coming through any day now, any day now.

Of course, let's not talk about the reality that he has accomplished more than Hillary has and Obama had before he was elected.

Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize winner

Most of the world has never heard of Wisconsin or it's miserable excuse for a governor

BWAHa ha ha ha ha ha! I can't believe you seized on that worthless piece of tripe! Nobel Peace Prize winner, for WHAT? The POSSIBILITY that he MIGHT do something significant for peace, someday. We're still waiting for that, BTW.

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Republicans who do not have a prayer of winning a Nobel Prize degrade it while they tout the failed governor from Wisconsin

Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States. Scott Walker couldn't even be honored with a college diploma

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Looks like you can't read.......Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States

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