Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
Bill Gates dropped out of college. Apparently finishing college is stupid if you have better options.

So you are actually saying that "keeping" your job in a failed attempt by DEMOCRAT SCUMBAGS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED is a failure?

Basically your definition of "failure" is success.


Walker did not start a Fortune 500 company did he?

Walker is a failure

Obama started nothing before he was elected, and Hillary hasn't started anything either. I guess they're both failures too.
I am under the impression our current chief magistrate of the Union, has a mandate to solve some simple social dilemmas.
Like it or not, he passed natl health care that is covering millions and the econ is growing. I don't like him, but the gop isn't gonna win anything on running against the guy again. He's not running, but if he were on this econ, he'd be a three termer
When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy
The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Nobody has proposed that every lazy ass flunky go to college. Community College would not be mandatory like High School is

Those who are motivated enough to pursue advanced education will have it available to them
WTF does "motivated" mean? Want? OMFG "Available?" So if I "WANT" TO GO WASTE SOME MONEY ON A FRIVOLOUS DEGREE YOU ARE GOOD WITH MAKING MONEY FOR THAT "AVAILABLE" TO ME. Just piss taxpayer funds away on swine.

Like I said. The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Lets see.........motivated

Willing to get up every morning and go to class, willing to do the required work, able to pass the exams and maintain a passing GPA

What would make you think students want to go though that to obtain a frivolous degree?
I consider it a wise investment in our future

Seriously, why would someone go into debt for tens of thousands of dollars for a worthless degree?

Not many people will do that. If any will. If they're going to get in that much debt they're going to get a degree that will pay for the loans. That is, if they're smart.

I don't believe many far right wingers are smart. We see it daily on this board.

Yet most liberal arts majors are not right wingers. They're mostly clustered in the degrees that pay for themselves. Imagine that.
Walker scares the shit out of the Democrats because he beat the Liberals and the unions on their own turf and they don't like that. You can expect a lot of hate to pour out about Walker from the Democrats.

There is nobody that I know of that is a potential Presidential nominee that I would vote for in either party because it is all a continuation of the same welfare state and big government.

However, of all the potential candidates Walker is the one that is the least unacceptable.
BWAHa ha ha ha ha ha! I can't believe you seized on that worthless piece of tripe! Nobel Peace Prize winner, for WHAT? The POSSIBILITY that he MIGHT do something significant for peace, someday. We're still waiting for that, BTW.

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Republicans who do not have a prayer of winning a Nobel Prize degrade it while they tout the failed governor from Wisconsin

Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States. Scott Walker couldn't even be honored with a college diploma

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Looks like you can't read.......Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States

Apparently you missed the word "PEACE" in the name Nobel PEACE Prize. He did nothing for peace. You've been given several opportunities to tell us why he deserved the Prize, and have failed to deliver anything. Time to wrap this up. Obama didn't do anything to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, and accomplished nothing else of note prior to being elected president. Next.

Sure he did

The Nobel committee considers racism as an impediment to peace. Hence the awards to MLK, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Barack Obama

The award of a Nobel Prize to Obama was a nobrainer

"No brainer" is perhaps an appropriate choice of words when talking about the intellectual heft of the Nobel committee. They don't really have a stellar track record.
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
Bill Gates dropped out of college. Apparently finishing college is stupid if you have better options.

So you are actually saying that "keeping" your job in a failed attempt by DEMOCRAT SCUMBAGS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED is a failure?

Basically your definition of "failure" is success.


Walker did not start a Fortune 500 company did he?

Walker is a failure

Obama started nothing before he was elected, and Hillary hasn't started anything either. I guess they're both failures too.
I am under the impression our current chief magistrate of the Union, has a mandate to solve some simple social dilemmas.
Like it or not, he passed natl health care that is covering millions and the econ is growing. I don't like him, but the gop isn't gonna win anything on running against the guy again. He's not running, but if he were on this econ, he'd be a three termer

Obamadon'tcare is not national healthcare, it is a destruction of private health insurance, designed to ultimately force national healthcare on the nation.
Walker scares the shit out of the Democrats because he beat the Liberals and the unions on their own turf and they don't like that. You can expect a lot of hate to pour out about Walker from the Democrats.

There is nobody that I know of that is a potential Presidential nominee that I would vote for in either party because it is all a continuation of the same welfare state and big government.

However, of all the potential candidates Walker is the one that is the least unacceptable.
Really? For all his warts, I think Randian Paul has actually eschewed pork more that Walker. Walker should get positive marks for taking on unfunded pensions, but overall he's left the state in as bad or worse financial shape that he inherited.
Yet most liberal arts majors are not right wingers. They're mostly clustered in the degrees that pay for themselves. Imagine that.

If you are going to put in the hard work that it takes to get a technical degree in engineering, science or even business then you probably have the traits for hard work and personal responsibility. Moon Bat Liberals shun that like the plague and flock to the more easy Liberal Arts. They have more time to smoke pot and attend "Don't Shoot" White Guilt rallies that way.
Walker scares the shit out of the Democrats because he beat the Liberals and the unions on their own turf and they don't like that. You can expect a lot of hate to pour out about Walker from the Democrats.

There is nobody that I know of that is a potential Presidential nominee that I would vote for in either party because it is all a continuation of the same welfare state and big government.

However, of all the potential candidates Walker is the one that is the least unacceptable.
Really? For all his warts, I think Randian Paul has actually eschewed pork more that Walker. Walker should get positive marks for taking on unfunded pensions, but overall he's left the state in as bad or worse financial shape that he inherited.

You may have mis understood what I said. I'll try to be more clear. They all are too Liberal for me, both Republicans and Democrats. I am not voting for any of them (including Walker) because they all are big government progressives, even Rand Paul. However, from what I know of him Walker seems to the one that has been able to articulate his message the best to get a wider spectrum of support. Being the best of the worse is not anything to brag about, by the way.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever

Stupid is repeating the same stupidity over and over, even though you know better. Actually, it's lying. Walker won the recall attempt with a higher margin than the first time he was elected, then won election again. Since you now know better, saying "Barely kept his job from a recall" is lying.

Low information voters and free stuff

There is a sucker born every minute.....seems like they move to Wisconsin
Republicans who do not have a prayer of winning a Nobel Prize degrade it while they tout the failed governor from Wisconsin

Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States. Scott Walker couldn't even be honored with a college diploma

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Looks like you can't read.......Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States

Apparently you missed the word "PEACE" in the name Nobel PEACE Prize. He did nothing for peace. You've been given several opportunities to tell us why he deserved the Prize, and have failed to deliver anything. Time to wrap this up. Obama didn't do anything to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, and accomplished nothing else of note prior to being elected president. Next.

Sure he did

The Nobel committee considers racism as an impediment to peace. Hence the awards to MLK, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Barack Obama

The award of a Nobel Prize to Obama was a nobrainer

"No brainer" is perhaps an appropriate choice of words when talking about the intellectual heft of the Nobel committee. They don't really have a stellar track record.

With the exception of Conservatives....the whole world begs to differ

Conservative Sour Grapes make the best Whine
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
but yet he won the recall better than the regular election....Gray Davis out here couldnt do that.....no one even knows what happened to that guy....

Low information voters
you can say that about the voters in every part of the country RW that elect people you dont like....i dont care that much for gov brown out here but i do like the fact that he is tough on spending and is not afraid to say he is and is not afraid to cut budgets including social services even though i dont care for that....

Just like with Snyder in Michigan, cutting corporate taxes and raising taxes on the middle class and poor isn't making "the tough choices". The tough decision would be to stand up to the rich who have clearly taken over our country and government.

Snyder cut city of Detroit workers pensions because we just don't have the money. Then he gave all his cronies a raise.
....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever

Stupid is repeating the same stupidity over and over, even though you know better. Actually, it's lying. Walker won the recall attempt with a higher margin than the first time he was elected, then won election again. Since you now know better, saying "Barely kept his job from a recall" is lying.

Low information voters and free stuff

There is a sucker born every minute.....seems like they move to Wisconsin

My brother is a VP living in Switzerland right now. He says Germany and Swiss have great countries/economies. Everyone has a job, everyone is paid well and they have lots of services including healthcare.

We want a fair wage for our hard work and we want something for all the taxes we pay. Nothings free my friend.

But I am starting to agree with you when it comes to poor people having kids. They want our taxes to go up to subsodize day care? Fuck that. If you can't afford a kid don't have one. I think we are over populated as is. No reason to encourage the poor to have kids.

But that really isn't true for the GOP. The fact is they love poor people having kids. Cheap labor. Keeps wages down.
Walker scares the shit out of the Democrats because he beat the Liberals and the unions on their own turf and they don't like that. You can expect a lot of hate to pour out about Walker from the Democrats.

There is nobody that I know of that is a potential Presidential nominee that I would vote for in either party because it is all a continuation of the same welfare state and big government.

However, of all the potential candidates Walker is the one that is the least unacceptable.
Really? For all his warts, I think Randian Paul has actually eschewed pork more that Walker. Walker should get positive marks for taking on unfunded pensions, but overall he's left the state in as bad or worse financial shape that he inherited.

You may have mis understood what I said. I'll try to be more clear. They all are too Liberal for me, both Republicans and Democrats. I am not voting for any of them (including Walker) because they all are big government progressives, even Rand Paul. However, from what I know of him Walker seems to the one that has been able to articulate his message the best to get a wider spectrum of support. Being the best of the worse is not anything to brag about, by the way.
Walker scares the shit out of the Democrats because he beat the Liberals and the unions on their own turf and they don't like that. You can expect a lot of hate to pour out about Walker from the Democrats.

There is nobody that I know of that is a potential Presidential nominee that I would vote for in either party because it is all a continuation of the same welfare state and big government.

However, of all the potential candidates Walker is the one that is the least unacceptable.
Really? For all his warts, I think Randian Paul has actually eschewed pork more that Walker. Walker should get positive marks for taking on unfunded pensions, but overall he's left the state in as bad or worse financial shape that he inherited.

You may have mis understood what I said. I'll try to be more clear. They all are too Liberal for me, both Republicans and Democrats. I am not voting for any of them (including Walker) because they all are big government progressives, even Rand Paul. However, from what I know of him Walker seems to the one that has been able to articulate his message the best to get a wider spectrum of support. Being the best of the worse is not anything to brag about, by the way.

Imo the best we can do is hope for candidates who use govt in ways that promote individual choice in matters of econ and society. We are not going back to pre-new deal country, for better or worse.
Worst Governor ever

You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this thread, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.

My brother is a VP living in Switzerland right now. He says Germany and Swiss have great countries/economies. Everyone has a job, everyone is paid well and they have lots of services including healthcare.

We want a fair wage for our hard work and we want something for all the taxes we pay. Nothings free my friend.

But I am starting to agree with you when it comes to poor people having kids. They want our taxes to go up to subsodize day care? Fuck that. If you can't afford a kid don't have one. I think we are over populated as is. No reason to encourage the poor to have kids.

But that really isn't true for the GOP. The fact is they love poor people having kids. Cheap labor. Keeps wages down.

The Swiss are in a class all by themselves kind of like Hong Kong. The US will never be Switzerland and if the Swiss had our FSA they would be screwed up also.

Even with the massive welfare we poured into Germany after WWII the Germans have had relatively high unemployment and economic growth compared to the US. Their standard of living is lower than ours.

In economic freedom ranking in the world the US is number 12 and Germany is number 16, according to the Heritage Foundation.

However, thanks to idiots like Obama and the Moon Bats that voted for him the US is fast becoming a soulless European style socialist shithole that will have chronic high unemployment, low economic growth and massive debt.

My brother is a VP living in Switzerland right now. He says Germany and Swiss have great countries/economies. Everyone has a job, everyone is paid well and they have lots of services including healthcare.

We want a fair wage for our hard work and we want something for all the taxes we pay. Nothings free my friend.

But I am starting to agree with you when it comes to poor people having kids. They want our taxes to go up to subsodize day care? Fuck that. If you can't afford a kid don't have one. I think we are over populated as is. No reason to encourage the poor to have kids.

But that really isn't true for the GOP. The fact is they love poor people having kids. Cheap labor. Keeps wages down.

The Swiss are in a class all by themselves kind of like Hong Kong. The US will never be Switzerland and if the Swiss had our FSA they would be screwed up also.

Even with the massive welfare we poured into Germany after WWII the Germans have had relatively high unemployment and economic growth compared to the US. Their standard of living is lower than ours.

In economic freedom ranking in the world the US is number 12 and Germany is number 16, according to the Heritage Foundation.

However, thanks to idiots like Obama and the Moon Bats that voted for him the US is fast becoming a soulless European style socialist shithole that will have chronic high unemployment, low economic growth and massive debt.
I think you give Obama too much credit.
Imo the best we can do is hope for candidates who use govt in ways that promote individual choice in matters of econ and society. We are not going back to pre-new deal country, for better or worse.

The "best we can hope for" is not going to hack it in the long run because of our debt and entitlement commitments. There are far too many people living off the government in this country to ever reverse anything of substance. We will continue to be a big government welfare state no matter what party is in charge.

You are correct that somebody like Walker could give us an economic boost like Reagan did back in his day. It won't take too much get the economy moving in the right direction for a change.

I think Romney could have done it if these stupid Libtards hadn't come out in droves to vote for that shithead Obama in 2012. He was very Liberal but I think he was a good enough business man to know how to stimulate capitalism, which is what we need badly right now.
....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever

Stupid is repeating the same stupidity over and over, even though you know better. Actually, it's lying. Walker won the recall attempt with a higher margin than the first time he was elected, then won election again. Since you now know better, saying "Barely kept his job from a recall" is lying.

Low information voters and free stuff

There is a sucker born every minute.....seems like they move to Wisconsin

aka democrats.
I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
but yet he won the recall better than the regular election....Gray Davis out here couldnt do that.....no one even knows what happened to that guy....

Low information voters
you can say that about the voters in every part of the country RW that elect people you dont like....i dont care that much for gov brown out here but i do like the fact that he is tough on spending and is not afraid to say he is and is not afraid to cut budgets including social services even though i dont care for that....

Just like with Snyder in Michigan, cutting corporate taxes and raising taxes on the middle class and poor isn't making "the tough choices". The tough decision would be to stand up to the rich who have clearly taken over our country and government.

Snyder cut city of Detroit workers pensions because we just don't have the money. Then he gave all his cronies a raise.
i dont know how that is like Gov. Brown but hey whatever...

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