Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

The field most students get a degree in is business
Most businesses (nearly all) don't want business degree'd graduates. The only business degrees hiring managers want to see are MBAs from good schools.

You're both wrong, due to the fact that "business" is far too general. Sure, if you get an undergrad degree in business management, that's pretty much a snooze for most companies, because you're not going to come out of college and be plopped into management. But getting an undergrad degree in accounting or human resources can be very useful and valuable to a prospective employer.

I got my degree in accounting. Yes it's a very good degree.

When I started we were all told to look to our left, that person would probably not be there by the end of the quarter. The class was totally full at that time. Then as the quarter went on people were dropping out like flies. Most changed their major to business. It was much easier and only required a couple of accounting classes.

By the end of the quarter the class was less than half the size of what it was at the beginning of the quarter.

I would put a business degree near the same category as an art history degree.

The bush boy has his masters in business. We all know what a failure the bush boy is and we all suffered from his failures.
Well its up to the person to go after the degree that will help them get a higher paying job. I agree a liberal arts degree isn't all the valuable. But where else does one get the education to be an engineer, or a medical field job? Working a low wage job leads to gov't assistance and an adult working full time for min wage should be getting some help.

But if everyone gets a college degree, then what value is a college degree? You see my point here?

We tell these kids starting out that they need to go out and get this thing, and they STILL end up at a low-paying entry level job. But then they get that along with $42,000 in debt. Why is this a good plan again?

The true answer is, no, it is NOT a good plan. Giving priority to kids with a degree over seasoned and proven veterens without one is simply stupid.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

The current POTUS accomplished less than that, and he managed it.

President Obama is one of the finest Presidents of the modern era

The failed Governor of Wisconsin has never accomplished anything. How many terrorists has Walker killed? How many Nobel Peace Prizes has he won?

Anyone? Anyone?
When all else is lost, return to the original regurgitation. Don't worry, I'm sure the second page will be coming through any day now, any day now.

Of course, let's not talk about the reality that he has accomplished more than Hillary has and Obama had before he was elected.

Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize winner

Most of the world has never heard of Wisconsin or it's miserable excuse for a governor

BWAHa ha ha ha ha ha! I can't believe you seized on that worthless piece of tripe! Nobel Peace Prize winner, for WHAT? The POSSIBILITY that he MIGHT do something significant for peace, someday. We're still waiting for that, BTW.

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Republicans who do not have a prayer of winning a Nobel Prize degrade it while they tout the failed governor from Wisconsin

Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States. Scott Walker couldn't even be honored with a college diploma

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Looks like you can't read.......Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States

Apparently you missed the word "PEACE" in the name Nobel PEACE Prize. He did nothing for peace. You've been given several opportunities to tell us why he deserved the Prize, and have failed to deliver anything. Time to wrap this up. Obama didn't do anything to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, and accomplished nothing else of note prior to being elected president. Next.
If you want to see how valuable a Liberal Arts degree is just go to a mall department store. Most of the clerks there are Liberal Arts majors that couldn't find a job elsewhere.

Getting a degree in a field that is in demand is not easy because it usually is technical in nature. Most lazy and/or stupid people major in the Liberal Arts.

If a student is going to major in a field in demand then they will be reimbursed nicely for their education so why should I as a taxpayer foot the bill? If someone majors in a field that is not employable then why should I as a taxpayer foot the bill?
A "business degree" is a specific degree, as is an "accounting degree," as is a "human resources degree." They are not the same. I was talking about "business degree," the degree that rw cited.

Erm...no, what? No there is no such thing as "accounting degree?" or no RW did not say "business degree?"
RW said ... the field most students get a degree in is business. A degree in business is a business degree. A degree in accounting is an accounting degree.

Accounting is a business degree. Human Resources is a business degree. Hospitality Management is a business degree. A "Bachelor of Business" degree does not exist in the United States. Business degrees typically entail some particular specialization. Business Management or Business Administration are more generalized degrees, but are still specialized in that they are directed toward a specific field of business operations (management).

The value of a BA or BS in a business major is going to depend on what kind of degree you pursue, and what you plan on doing with it. A BS in Business Entrepreneurship will be pretty worthless for applying to a big corporation after you graduate. But if your goal is to either create a start-up or jump on board with one, it could be very valuable.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

The current POTUS accomplished less than that, and he managed it.

President Obama is one of the finest Presidents of the modern era

The failed Governor of Wisconsin has never accomplished anything. How many terrorists has Walker killed? How many Nobel Peace Prizes has he won?

Anyone? Anyone?

And as the last echos of mocking laughter die across the fruited plane, the thought emerges, "you'd better be getting paid to post, because there's no way anyone would choose to sound that stupid".

Bottom line, Obama did nothing to deserve the Peace Prize and had no accomplishments of note before getting elected. Walker has accomplished far more than he did.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

The current POTUS accomplished less than that, and he managed it.

President Obama is one of the finest Presidents of the modern era

The failed Governor of Wisconsin has never accomplished anything. How many terrorists has Walker killed? How many Nobel Peace Prizes has he won?

Anyone? Anyone?

And as the last echos of mocking laughter die across the fruited plane, the thought emerges, "you'd better be getting paid to post, because there's no way anyone would choose to sound that stupid".

Bottom line, Obama did nothing to deserve the Peace Prize and had no accomplishments of note before getting elected. Walker has accomplished far more than he did.
Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize winner

Most of the world has never heard of Wisconsin or it's miserable excuse for a governor

BWAHa ha ha ha ha ha! I can't believe you seized on that worthless piece of tripe! Nobel Peace Prize winner, for WHAT? The POSSIBILITY that he MIGHT do something significant for peace, someday. We're still waiting for that, BTW.

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Republicans who do not have a prayer of winning a Nobel Prize degrade it while they tout the failed governor from Wisconsin

Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States. Scott Walker couldn't even be honored with a college diploma

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Looks like you can't read.......Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States

Apparently you missed the word "PEACE" in the name Nobel PEACE Prize. He did nothing for peace. You've been given several opportunities to tell us why he deserved the Prize, and have failed to deliver anything. Time to wrap this up. Obama didn't do anything to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, and accomplished nothing else of note prior to being elected president. Next.

Sure he did

The Nobel committee considers racism as an impediment to peace. Hence the awards to MLK, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Barack Obama

The award of a Nobel Prize to Obama was a nobrainer
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

The current POTUS accomplished less than that, and he managed it.

President Obama is one of the finest Presidents of the modern era

The failed Governor of Wisconsin has never accomplished anything. How many terrorists has Walker killed? How many Nobel Peace Prizes has he won?

Anyone? Anyone?

And as the last echos of mocking laughter die across the fruited plane, the thought emerges, "you'd better be getting paid to post, because there's no way anyone would choose to sound that stupid".

Bottom line, Obama did nothing to deserve the Peace Prize and had no accomplishments of note before getting elected. Walker has accomplished far more than he did.

Walker has accomplished nothing of note in his life and is a failure as Governor
A "business degree" is a specific degree, as is an "accounting degree," as is a "human resources degree." They are not the same. I was talking about "business degree," the degree that rw cited.

Erm...no, what? No there is no such thing as "accounting degree?" or no RW did not say "business degree?"
RW said ... the field most students get a degree in is business. A degree in business is a business degree. A degree in accounting is an accounting degree.

Accounting is a business degree. Human Resources is a business degree. Hospitality Management is a business degree. A "Bachelor of Business" degree does not exist in the United States. Business degrees typically entail some particular specialization. Business Management or Business Administration are more generalized degrees, but are still specialized in that they are directed toward a specific field of business operations (management).

The value of a BA or BS in a business major is going to depend on what kind of degree you pursue, and what you plan on doing with it. A BS in Business Entrepreneurship will be pretty worthless for applying to a big corporation after you graduate. But if your goal is to either create a start-up or jump on board with one, it could be very valuable.
Wrong. An accounting degree is not a "business degree." An accounting degree is a business major. Business major is like saying church... where business degree is like saying a particular Church. To help remove the confusion some folks call a business degree a "general business degree." General is the one HR guys get.
Well, I have an open mind. Personally, I much preferred Kucinich who could point to some bipartisan success in his governorship. But, you point out the real issue: when a governor runs, he has a record to support his competency and at least show that he has some past positions to support that his campaign in not just like Romney's series of talking points that everyone knew were simple pandering. Reagan: cut spending and more personal responsibility. Slick: govt and biz working together help the econ and jobs. W: education.

Hill could implode, but still Walker's got to show some success.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

The current POTUS accomplished less than that, and he managed it.

President Obama is one of the finest Presidents of the modern era

The failed Governor of Wisconsin has never accomplished anything. How many terrorists has Walker killed? How many Nobel Peace Prizes has he won?

Anyone? Anyone?

And as the last echos of mocking laughter die across the fruited plane, the thought emerges, "you'd better be getting paid to post, because there's no way anyone would choose to sound that stupid".

Bottom line, Obama did nothing to deserve the Peace Prize and had no accomplishments of note before getting elected. Walker has accomplished far more than he did.
Shows where his priorities are

Scott Walker Takes A National Risk With State Education Cuts - NBC News

His proposed $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin system, however, could be more problematic for Walker. At home, it's highly controversial, receiving aggressive opposition from the students of the 26 two- and four-year universities and their 39,000 employees. Nationally, it is sure to be scrutinized and quite probably turned into an aggressive line of attack against the governor

In the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back.
Deace said Walker is handing free red meat over to the Democrats.
"If I'm a Democrat, my first commercial is Walker cuts $300 million to education but gives $200 million to the NBA," Deace said. "I don't understand who tells these guys that's a winning message."

Ultimately what the GOP is inadvertently telling us is if we can't afford it don't have kids.

I hope we take their advise. Too many poor people
....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
but yet he won the recall better than the regular election....Gray Davis out here couldnt do that.....no one even knows what happened to that guy....

Low information voters
you can say that about the voters in every part of the country RW that elect people you dont like....i dont care that much for gov brown out here but i do like the fact that he is tough on spending and is not afraid to say he is and is not afraid to cut budgets including social services even though i dont care for that....
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever

Stupid is repeating the same stupidity over and over, even though you know better. Actually, it's lying. Walker won the recall attempt with a higher margin than the first time he was elected, then won election again. Since you now know better, saying "Barely kept his job from a recall" is lying.
....and you want to be taken seriously?

No,you are a joke.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
Bill Gates dropped out of college. Apparently finishing college is stupid if you have better options.

So you are actually saying that "keeping" your job in a failed attempt by DEMOCRAT SCUMBAGS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED is a failure?

Basically your definition of "failure" is success.


Walker did not start a Fortune 500 company did he?

Walker is a failure

Obama started nothing before he was elected, and Hillary hasn't started anything either. I guess they're both failures too.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
Bill Gates dropped out of college. Apparently finishing college is stupid if you have better options.

So you are actually saying that "keeping" your job in a failed attempt by DEMOCRAT SCUMBAGS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED is a failure?

Basically your definition of "failure" is success.


Walker did not start a Fortune 500 company did he?

Walker is a failure

Obama started nothing before he was elected, and Hillary hasn't started anything either. I guess they're both failures too.
I am under the impression our current chief magistrate of the Union, has a mandate to solve some simple social dilemmas.
Don't blame me for Walkers failures as a Governor

I'll bet nearly every thing you think of as a failure is probably what conservatives would consider a success. Do you want Walker to be the candidate because you think he sucks, or are you being honest when you say he's a failure?
Walker has failed at everything he has tried in life. Couldn't even finish college. Barely kept his job from a recall

Worst governor ever
Bill Gates dropped out of college. Apparently finishing college is stupid if you have better options.

So you are actually saying that "keeping" your job in a failed attempt by DEMOCRAT SCUMBAGS TO HAVE YOU REMOVED is a failure?

Basically your definition of "failure" is success.


Walker did not start a Fortune 500 company did he?

Walker is a failure

Democrat definition of failure: Rise to Governor of a State.

ROFL you just can't make the shit up democrats will spew.

Like I said, the first page came through the fax machine, and it said "destroy Walker". The second page was going to tell them how to do it without looking like a total moron, but it didn't come through.

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