Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

That two years also includes trade and technical schools

Nothing wrong with haveing an educated workforce to compete globally

Then it should ONLY include Trade and Technical schools. If the goal is to make us more competitive, then specifically tailor it to that.

don't make it another giveaway for layabouts to take courses in "Art History" or some such shit.

What would make you think that most students want to take Art History?

What makes you think they don't?

The problem with the universalization of college is that it becomes increasingly meaningless.

The only reason why most companies require a bachelor's degree now is because the HS Diploma has become so worthless. It's completely going in the wrong direction.

When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy
The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Nobody has proposed that every lazy ass flunky go to college. Community College would not be mandatory like High School is

Those who are motivated enough to pursue advanced education will have it available to them
Then it should ONLY include Trade and Technical schools. If the goal is to make us more competitive, then specifically tailor it to that.

don't make it another giveaway for layabouts to take courses in "Art History" or some such shit.

What would make you think that most students want to take Art History?

What makes you think they don't?

The problem with the universalization of college is that it becomes increasingly meaningless.

The only reason why most companies require a bachelor's degree now is because the HS Diploma has become so worthless. It's completely going in the wrong direction.

When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy
The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Nobody has proposed that every lazy ass flunky go to college. Community College would not be mandatory like High School is

Those who are motivated enough to pursue advanced education will have it available to them
WTF does "motivated" mean? Want? OMFG "Available?" So if I "WANT" TO GO WASTE SOME MONEY ON A FRIVOLOUS DEGREE YOU ARE GOOD WITH MAKING MONEY FOR THAT "AVAILABLE" TO ME. Just piss taxpayer funds away on swine.

Like I said. The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Welcome to the liberals' world. They've been pushing that idea onto normal people for decades.

Finally the normal people are starting to push back. Starting with throwing more and more liberals out of office.

One of the best things about Walker is that he succeeded, shutting down wild liberal spending, balancing the budget, breaking the cycle of liberal govt unions "negotiating" the govt giving them more and more money without consulting taxpayres, and won three elections in a row despite campaigns of the kinds of hysteria, slime, and lies we are still hearing from disgruntled losers like little "rightwinger".

When Walker succeeded and won in Wisconsin despite the hate and lies of the liberals, it was a sign that the times are a-changin'.

I hate to be pessimistic but I don't think you are right on this. I wish you were but I don't think so.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of all the despicable special interest groups in this country. Blacks that vote their race and welfare instead of what is good for the nation, greedy unions pukes, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, welfare queens, queers, Feminazis, illegals, confused college students and their idiot professors that think communism will work in the US.

The problem we are experiencing nowadays is that group of morons has a large enough plurality to win many elections across the nation. When they turn out to vote they have the numbers for the filthy Democrat to win. We saw that in 2008 when that corrupt and incompetent Obama was elected and then in 2012 reelected despite being a failure as President. There are 60+ millions of the turdbrains in this country and they can win elections. A great example of how democracy sucks when the greedy, stupid and confused become the majority.

The other problem we are facing is that the when the Democrats do lose like in 2010 and 2014 they are replaced with Republicans that may preach a conservative game they govern as liberals for the most part.

Democrats promises bad government and delivers bad government.

Republicans promises good government but delivers bad government.

I could give many examples but for instance remember that the 2010 Republican House agreed to a tax increase and gave Obama an increase in debt, twice. They have done nothing to defund Obamacare. This present Republican House and Senate will give Obama most of what he wants like more debt and you can be sure they will not defund Obamacare, although they could. Just look at that stupid $1.9 trillion appropriations bill the House passed a couple of weeks ago if you have any fantasies that the Republicans will get spending under control.

Gov Walker is better than any Democrat and it was a good thing that he was elected but he still believes in big government, just not as big as the Democrats. He is only incrementally better.

I think we are pretty much screwed. What is wrong with this country can't be fixed at the ballot box.

That two years also includes trade and technical schools

Nothing wrong with having an educated workforce to compete globally

If you want to go to college then go. I will pay for my own college education and you can pay for yours. Isn't that fair or are you one of the greedy assholes that wants me to pay for yours also?
What would make you think that most students want to take Art History?

What makes you think they don't?

The problem with the universalization of college is that it becomes increasingly meaningless.

The only reason why most companies require a bachelor's degree now is because the HS Diploma has become so worthless. It's completely going in the wrong direction.

When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy
The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Nobody has proposed that every lazy ass flunky go to college. Community College would not be mandatory like High School is

Those who are motivated enough to pursue advanced education will have it available to them
WTF does "motivated" mean? Want? OMFG "Available?" So if I "WANT" TO GO WASTE SOME MONEY ON A FRIVOLOUS DEGREE YOU ARE GOOD WITH MAKING MONEY FOR THAT "AVAILABLE" TO ME. Just piss taxpayer funds away on swine.

Like I said. The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Lets see.........motivated

Willing to get up every morning and go to class, willing to do the required work, able to pass the exams and maintain a passing GPA

What would make you think students want to go though that to obtain a frivolous degree?
I consider it a wise investment in our future

That two years also includes trade and technical schools

Nothing wrong with having an educated workforce to compete globally

If you want to go to college then go. I will pay for my own college education and you can pay for yours. Isn't that fair or are you one of the greedy assholes that wants me to pay for yours also?

Sounds like the same argument those against public schools used to make
What makes you think they don't?

The problem with the universalization of college is that it becomes increasingly meaningless.

The only reason why most companies require a bachelor's degree now is because the HS Diploma has become so worthless. It's completely going in the wrong direction.

When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy
The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Nobody has proposed that every lazy ass flunky go to college. Community College would not be mandatory like High School is

Those who are motivated enough to pursue advanced education will have it available to them
WTF does "motivated" mean? Want? OMFG "Available?" So if I "WANT" TO GO WASTE SOME MONEY ON A FRIVOLOUS DEGREE YOU ARE GOOD WITH MAKING MONEY FOR THAT "AVAILABLE" TO ME. Just piss taxpayer funds away on swine.

Like I said. The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Lets see.........motivated

Willing to get up every morning and go to class, willing to do the required work, able to pass the exams and maintain a passing GPA

What would make you think students want to go though that to obtain a frivolous degree?
I consider it a wise investment in our future
Ok, so then by motivated you mean, breathing and can pass the easiest classes with a C average. What happens if they get a D, do we get our money back?

My experience is that when you make a thing "free" it is not cherished, instead it is wasted. There are easy degrees, and there are hard degrees. We don't need many, if any graduates in the easy degrees. Those would be a waste of our money and their time.

Sounds like the same argument those against public schools used to make

If you think that Jr college should be paid for by the government then why stop at that? Why not everything? As long as you are in college studying something then the government foot the bill? Where is the money coming from because we are already $18 trillion in debt and the combined government takes over 40% of the GNP? How much more debt and/or taxation do you want to get your free college education?

I don't think that there are very many people in this country that would oppose a community based literacy education for anybody. In fact that is how the public school district system got started. However, that is far cry from what this idiot Obama is suggesting and it is a far cry from the inefficient failed monstrosity that public education has become nowadays..

Why don't you just pay for your college and I will pay for mine and that way neither one of us will be leaching off of the other? Or are you one of these greedy people that wants somebody else to pay your bills?
When I went to college 35 years ago, most students went for serious degrees
When my son went a few years ago, most students went for serious degrees

The idea that college students are only interested in frivolous degrees is a rightwing fantasy
The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Nobody has proposed that every lazy ass flunky go to college. Community College would not be mandatory like High School is

Those who are motivated enough to pursue advanced education will have it available to them
WTF does "motivated" mean? Want? OMFG "Available?" So if I "WANT" TO GO WASTE SOME MONEY ON A FRIVOLOUS DEGREE YOU ARE GOOD WITH MAKING MONEY FOR THAT "AVAILABLE" TO ME. Just piss taxpayer funds away on swine.

Like I said. The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Lets see.........motivated

Willing to get up every morning and go to class, willing to do the required work, able to pass the exams and maintain a passing GPA

What would make you think students want to go though that to obtain a frivolous degree?
I consider it a wise investment in our future
Ok, so then by motivated you mean, breathing and can pass the easiest classes with a C average. What happens if they get a D, do we get our money back?

My experience is that when you make a thing "free" it is not cherished, instead it is wasted. There are easy degrees, and their are hard degrees. We don't need graduates in the easy degrees. Those would be a waste of our money and their time.

If you get a D you flunk out

What makes you think most students get "easy" degrees?

Sounds like the same argument those against public schools used to make

If you think that Jr college should be paid for by the government then why stop at that? Why not everything? As long as you are in college studying something then the government foot the bill? Where is the money coming from because we are already $18 trillion in debt and the combined govert takes over 40% of the GNP? How much more debt and/or taxation do you want to get your free college education?

I don't think that there are very many people in this country that would oppose a community based literacy education for anybody. In fact that is how the public school district system got started. However, that is far cry from what this idiot Obama is suggesting and it is a far cry from the inefficient failed monstrosity that public education has become nowadays..

Why don't you just pay for your college and I will pay for mine and that way neither one of us will be leaching off of the other. Or are you one of these greedy people that wants somebody else to pay your bills?

Actually...I believe private industry should have to pay for the education of their workforce. They are the ones profiting from it
The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Nobody has proposed that every lazy ass flunky go to college. Community College would not be mandatory like High School is

Those who are motivated enough to pursue advanced education will have it available to them
WTF does "motivated" mean? Want? OMFG "Available?" So if I "WANT" TO GO WASTE SOME MONEY ON A FRIVOLOUS DEGREE YOU ARE GOOD WITH MAKING MONEY FOR THAT "AVAILABLE" TO ME. Just piss taxpayer funds away on swine.

Like I said. The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Lets see.........motivated

Willing to get up every morning and go to class, willing to do the required work, able to pass the exams and maintain a passing GPA

What would make you think students want to go though that to obtain a frivolous degree?
I consider it a wise investment in our future
Ok, so then by motivated you mean, breathing and can pass the easiest classes with a C average. What happens if they get a D, do we get our money back?

My experience is that when you make a thing "free" it is not cherished, instead it is wasted. There are easy degrees, and their are hard degrees. We don't need graduates in the easy degrees. Those would be a waste of our money and their time.

If you get a D you flunk out

What makes you think most students get "easy" degrees?
That's not true, you don't flunk out if you get a D. FYI 1+3/2 = 2.0 aka C.

What makes you think I said most students get "easy" degrees? But, yes most students do get "easier" degrees than the hardest degrees. For example, most students are not medical or engineering students.

Sounds like the same argument those against public schools used to make

If you think that Jr college should be paid for by the government then why stop at that? Why not everything? As long as you are in college studying something then the government foot the bill? Where is the money coming from because we are already $18 trillion in debt and the combined govert takes over 40% of the GNP? How much more debt and/or taxation do you want to get your free college education?

I don't think that there are very many people in this country that would oppose a community based literacy education for anybody. In fact that is how the public school district system got started. However, that is far cry from what this idiot Obama is suggesting and it is a far cry from the inefficient failed monstrosity that public education has become nowadays..

Why don't you just pay for your college and I will pay for mine and that way neither one of us will be leaching off of the other. Or are you one of these greedy people that wants somebody else to pay your bills?

Actually...I believe private industry should have to pay for the education of their workforce. They are the ones profiting from it
Every corporation that I've ever worked for, in fact, did pay for the education of their workforce. This new plan by the demogiveawaydumbasses, is a plan to force everyone to pay for the education of the workforce, whether you want said education or not.
Nobody has proposed that every lazy ass flunky go to college. Community College would not be mandatory like High School is

Those who are motivated enough to pursue advanced education will have it available to them
WTF does "motivated" mean? Want? OMFG "Available?" So if I "WANT" TO GO WASTE SOME MONEY ON A FRIVOLOUS DEGREE YOU ARE GOOD WITH MAKING MONEY FOR THAT "AVAILABLE" TO ME. Just piss taxpayer funds away on swine.

Like I said. The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Lets see.........motivated

Willing to get up every morning and go to class, willing to do the required work, able to pass the exams and maintain a passing GPA

What would make you think students want to go though that to obtain a frivolous degree?
I consider it a wise investment in our future
Ok, so then by motivated you mean, breathing and can pass the easiest classes with a C average. What happens if they get a D, do we get our money back?

My experience is that when you make a thing "free" it is not cherished, instead it is wasted. There are easy degrees, and their are hard degrees. We don't need graduates in the easy degrees. Those would be a waste of our money and their time.

If you get a D you flunk out

What makes you think most students get "easy" degrees?
That's not true, you don't flunk out if you get a D. FYI 1+3/2 = 2.0 aka C.

What makes you think I said most students get "easy" degrees? But, yes most students do get "easier" degrees than the hardest degrees. For example, most students are not medical or engineering students.

The field most students get a degree in is business

Sounds like the same argument those against public schools used to make

If you think that Jr college should be paid for by the government then why stop at that? Why not everything? As long as you are in college studying something then the government foot the bill? Where is the money coming from because we are already $18 trillion in debt and the combined govert takes over 40% of the GNP? How much more debt and/or taxation do you want to get your free college education?

I don't think that there are very many people in this country that would oppose a community based literacy education for anybody. In fact that is how the public school district system got started. However, that is far cry from what this idiot Obama is suggesting and it is a far cry from the inefficient failed monstrosity that public education has become nowadays..

Why don't you just pay for your college and I will pay for mine and that way neither one of us will be leaching off of the other. Or are you one of these greedy people that wants somebody else to pay your bills?

Actually...I believe private industry should have to pay for the education of their workforce. They are the ones profiting from it
Every corporation that I've ever worked for, in fact, did pay for the education of their workforce. This new plan by the demogiveawaydumbasses, is a plan to force everyone to pay for the education of the workforce, whether you want said education or not.

You want to hire an engineer?

Pay for his degree. You are profiting from it, pay for it
You want to hire an engineer?

Pay for his degree. You are profiting from it, pay for it

Actually, the engineer is the one profiting from his degree, not the employer.

When an engineer accepts a job, he agrees to certain work at certain pay, does he not?
WTF does "motivated" mean? Want? OMFG "Available?" So if I "WANT" TO GO WASTE SOME MONEY ON A FRIVOLOUS DEGREE YOU ARE GOOD WITH MAKING MONEY FOR THAT "AVAILABLE" TO ME. Just piss taxpayer funds away on swine.

Like I said. The idea that every lazy dumb ass flunky can be made into a productive college educated professional with the right amount of someone else's money is a leftwing fantasy.

Lets see.........motivated

Willing to get up every morning and go to class, willing to do the required work, able to pass the exams and maintain a passing GPA

What would make you think students want to go though that to obtain a frivolous degree?
I consider it a wise investment in our future
Ok, so then by motivated you mean, breathing and can pass the easiest classes with a C average. What happens if they get a D, do we get our money back?

My experience is that when you make a thing "free" it is not cherished, instead it is wasted. There are easy degrees, and their are hard degrees. We don't need graduates in the easy degrees. Those would be a waste of our money and their time.

If you get a D you flunk out

What makes you think most students get "easy" degrees?
That's not true, you don't flunk out if you get a D. FYI 1+3/2 = 2.0 aka C.

What makes you think I said most students get "easy" degrees? But, yes most students do get "easier" degrees than the hardest degrees. For example, most students are not medical or engineering students.

The field most students get a degree in is business
Most businesses (nearly all) don't want business degree'd graduates. The only business degrees hiring managers want to see are MBAs from good schools.

Sounds like the same argument those against public schools used to make

If you think that Jr college should be paid for by the government then why stop at that? Why not everything? As long as you are in college studying something then the government foot the bill? Where is the money coming from because we are already $18 trillion in debt and the combined govert takes over 40% of the GNP? How much more debt and/or taxation do you want to get your free college education?

I don't think that there are very many people in this country that would oppose a community based literacy education for anybody. In fact that is how the public school district system got started. However, that is far cry from what this idiot Obama is suggesting and it is a far cry from the inefficient failed monstrosity that public education has become nowadays..

Why don't you just pay for your college and I will pay for mine and that way neither one of us will be leaching off of the other. Or are you one of these greedy people that wants somebody else to pay your bills?

Actually...I believe private industry should have to pay for the education of their workforce. They are the ones profiting from it
Every corporation that I've ever worked for, in fact, did pay for the education of their workforce. This new plan by the demogiveawaydumbasses, is a plan to force everyone to pay for the education of the workforce, whether you want said education or not.

You want to hire an engineer?

Pay for his degree. You are profiting from it, pay for it
As I already said. Most corporations are willing and already do pay for useful degrees for their employees.
You want to hire an engineer?

Pay for his degree. You are profiting from it, pay for it

I paid for my own engineering degree. I got reimbursed for the money by making a very good salary and bonuses for 30 years. It was a good deal.
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The field most students get a degree in is business
Most businesses (nearly all) don't want business degree'd graduates. The only business degrees hiring managers want to see are MBAs from good schools.

You're both wrong, due to the fact that "business" is far too general. Sure, if you get an undergrad degree in business management, that's pretty much a snooze for most companies, because you're not going to come out of college and be plopped into management. But getting an undergrad degree in accounting or human resources can be very useful and valuable to a prospective employer.
Totally irrelevant when discussing individuals. In this case, we have Scott Walker vs Obama and Hillary. Walker is highly successful and respected, Obama a failure, and Hillary a bystander. There is absolutely no reason to think Walker deciding not to finish a last semester in school in any way reduces his ability to run the country better than Obama has been doing. As for Hillary, she has a degree, but no accomplishments. We'd be better off with Walker.

Walker is the worst Governor in the history of Wisconsin.....probably the worst ever

He has never accomplished anything in life or as governor

When all else is lost, return to the original regurgitation. Don't worry, I'm sure the second page will be coming through any day now, any day now.

Of course, let's not talk about the reality that he has accomplished more than Hillary has and Obama had before he was elected.

Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize winner

Most of the world has never heard of Wisconsin or it's miserable excuse for a governor

BWAHa ha ha ha ha ha! I can't believe you seized on that worthless piece of tripe! Nobel Peace Prize winner, for WHAT? The POSSIBILITY that he MIGHT do something significant for peace, someday. We're still waiting for that, BTW.

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Republicans who do not have a prayer of winning a Nobel Prize degrade it while they tout the failed governor from Wisconsin

Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States. Scott Walker couldn't even be honored with a college diploma

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

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