Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

The booting I was talking about was for corporate mail rooms. The average pay for "corporate mail room" guy is 24k. Or about 1/2 what the government guys are getting.

Okay, a corporate Mail room is not the same as walking a mail route in all sorts of weather and hazards.

Shit, what is it with you guys not wanting people who work for a living to make a living?
You're a fucking moron.
The booting I was talking about was for corporate mail rooms. The average pay for "corporate mail room" guy is 24k. Or about 1/2 what the government guys are getting.

Okay, a corporate Mail room is not the same as walking a mail route in all sorts of weather and hazards.

Shit, what is it with you guys not wanting people who work for a living to make a living?
You're a fucking moron.

Just asking you an honest question, RK. Why is it you are soooo upset with the notion of a working person getting a decent wage.
The booting I was talking about was for corporate mail rooms. The average pay for "corporate mail room" guy is 24k. Or about 1/2 what the government guys are getting.

Okay, a corporate Mail room is not the same as walking a mail route in all sorts of weather and hazards.

Shit, what is it with you guys not wanting people who work for a living to make a living?
You're a fucking moron.

Just asking you an honest question, RK. Why is it you are soooo upset with the notion of a working person getting a decent wage.
You're a fucking moron, and a LYING PIECE OF DOG SHIT.
The booting I was talking about was for corporate mail rooms. The average pay for "corporate mail room" guy is 24k. Or about 1/2 what the government guys are getting.

Okay, a corporate Mail room is not the same as walking a mail route in all sorts of weather and hazards.

Shit, what is it with you guys not wanting people who work for a living to make a living?
You're a fucking moron.

Just asking you an honest question, RK. Why is it you are soooo upset with the notion of a working person getting a decent wage.
You're a fucking moron, and a LYING PIECE OF DOG SHIT.

so you don't want to answer the question then?

I guess if you live in a double wide, everyone should live in a double wide, eh, Cleetus?
Shows where his priorities are

Scott Walker Takes A National Risk With State Education Cuts - NBC News

His proposed $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin system, however, could be more problematic for Walker. At home, it's highly controversial, receiving aggressive opposition from the students of the 26 two- and four-year universities and their 39,000 employees. Nationally, it is sure to be scrutinized and quite probably turned into an aggressive line of attack against the governor

In the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back.
Deace said Walker is handing free red meat over to the Democrats.
"If I'm a Democrat, my first commercial is Walker cuts $300 million to education but gives $200 million to the NBA," Deace said. "I don't understand who tells these guys that's a winning message."

Scott Walker is the Koch Brothers' fair haired boy.
Oh, boy. The silliness has started. Most universities should have their bloated budgets cut--even slashed. And the money for a new facility for the Milwaukee Bucks will more than be repaid in taxes and fees over the years.

Walker turned a deficit into a surplus and cut taxes at the same time. He also imposed some sanity on state labor contracts (basically, he just brought them in line with federal labor contracts, but you'd never guess that to hear all the screaming from the left).

Actually, Wisconsin faces a projected 2.2 billion dollar shortfall.
Will Wisconsin s Finances Crush Walker s Presidential Dreams - Bloomberg Politics
Scott Walker wants to cut college budgets by 13 and spend 500 million for an NBA arena PolitiFact Wisconsin

But there is no dispute that the $300 million reduction for universities is what Walker has proposed.

The arena

Money for a new basketball arena is more complicated.

The owners of the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks are trying to assemble private and public financing to build a new arena. The total cost is projected at about $500 million.

That is not the amount Walker is proposing to spend.

Like the university cuts, Walker announced his arena proposal before making his official budget presentation. He offered $220 million in state bonding -- essentially a form of borrowing -- toward the cost of the arena. Debt payments on the bonds would be repaid from growth in the so-called "jock tax" -- income tax revenue from Milwaukee Bucks players, employees and visiting teams.

The rest of the $500 millionwould come from the Bucks’ current owners, the team’s former owner -- retired U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl -- and possibly from the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County.

Normally, the growth in jock tax revenue would go to the state’s general fund to help pay for things such as schools, roads and other public services.

But the Bucks could leave town in 2017 if a new arena is not in place by the fall of 2017. That is a deadline set by the NBA, which could buy the team back from its owners.

In other words, without a new Milwaukee arena, there might not be any jock tax revenue.

So, Walker is proposing a diversion of $220 million from the state's general fund to the arena.

(A footnote: Although the headline on the Think Progress article said Walker would spend $500 million on the arena, the article itself did make a reference to his plan for $200 million in bonds.)

Our rating

A slew of tweetsclaimed: "Scott Walker to cut $300 million from universities, spend $500 million on a pro basketball stadium."

Walker's 2015-'17 state budget does propose cutting $300 million from the University of Wisconsin System over the two-year period.

The governor also proposes, in the form of bonds, a state contribution for a new Milwaukee arena. But it wouldn't be $500 million -- the total cost of the arena -- but rather $220 million.

For a statement that is partially accurate, our rating is Half True.

flash go eat shit....if i have never had problems with a GM product,than i never had problems with them....if you had problems, then you had problems....i can show you people that have had problems with Japanese cars ....you sound just like your cousin shootspeeders....two fucking dipshits.....

I would put my Tundra made in Texas by non union workers up against anything made by the greedy ass UAW any day.

If GM made such good vehicles then why in the hell did they need tens of billions of taxpayer's dollars to stay in business? Can you answer that? Toyota didn't need the shitass corrupt government to bail them out. They produced great vehicles in non union American plants and Americans bought them.

GM was going bankrupted because they produced shitty cars at bloated UAW prices.

If you think a piece of shit car like the HHR is a good vehicle then you are absolutely batshit crazy. They have really cheap looking interior, the engine is underpowered and it it is ugly as hell. Chevy stopped making them because nobody was buying them.


a tundra?....i worked with a guy who had one he had quite a few problems with it,i am pretty sure he got rid of it....another guy called it Toyotas pathetic attempt to copy the Ford F-150 Raptor.....a real truck.....

I would put my Tundra made in Texas by non union workers up against anything made by the greedy ass UAW any day.
good for you....here let me give you one of these....

A Ford F-150 is one of the very few vehicles that Ford, GM or Chrysler hasn't fucked up yet but this new aluminum body design is probably going to end that. That EcoBoost engine is a turd.

Back in the 60s,70s and early 80s I bought GM but got tired of them falling apart and poor resale value. I then bought Jeeps but had the same problems. The Toyotas and Hondas I bought have held up real nice and had great resale value. Plus when I buy one of those I know that some of the money I paid for the vehicle is not going to the filthy ass Democrat Party to help elect shitheads like Obama.

A Tundra is a great truck with great resale value. I like my money going to non union workers that have jobs in right to work states.

well good for you flash.....if you knew that Toyota donated a ton of money to the democratic party would you still do business with Toyota?....
Walker was a nobody a week ago. Now he's the Hate Object du Jour of The Democrat (read "American Communist") Party! Wow, the polls have scared the living shit out of those sheep.
Oh, boy. The silliness has started. Most universities should have their bloated budgets cut--even slashed. And the money for a new facility for the Milwaukee Bucks will more than be repaid in taxes and fees over the years.

Walker turned a deficit into a surplus and cut taxes at the same time. He also imposed some sanity on state labor contracts (basically, he just brought them in line with federal labor contracts, but you'd never guess that to hear all the screaming from the left).

Actually, Wisconsin faces a projected 2.2 billion dollar shortfall.
Will Wisconsin s Finances Crush Walker s Presidential Dreams - Bloomberg Politics
$2.2 billion?

damn....no wonder he is known as the worst governor ever
Walker was a nobody a week ago. Now he's the Hate Object du Jour of The Democrat (read "American Communist") Party! Wow, the polls have scared the living shit out of those sheep.

What polls would that be Henry? Walker, at this point isn't exactly climbing into the upper tier of the GOP candidates and he has a possible financial crisis brewing in Wisconsin. (I posted a link to this in Post # 406).
That's the whole thing about touting someone now, when the election is still quite a ways out there. A lot can happen between now and then.
well good for you flash.....if you knew that Toyota donated a ton of money to the democratic party would you still do business with Toyota?....

All businesses contribute to candidates they think will win because they are buying access to the office. That is part of this filthy corrupt American political system. Even the somewhat conservative company I worked at for 30 years occasionally contributed to Democrats in order to buy access to their office.

While despicable as it is that is somewhat different than tens of thousands greedy union workers giving massive amounts of money to turdbrain Democrats in order to get massive amounts of taxpayer's money given to them.

Even if the union donations weren't a factor the UAW make crummy vehicles. That is why GM and Chrysler were on the verge of bankruptcy and Ford wasn't far behind.
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The booting I was talking about was for corporate mail rooms. The average pay for "corporate mail room" guy is 24k. Or about 1/2 what the government guys are getting.

Okay, a corporate Mail room is not the same as walking a mail route in all sorts of weather and hazards.

Shit, what is it with you guys not wanting people who work for a living to make a living?
You're a fucking moron.

Just asking you an honest question, RK. Why is it you are soooo upset with the notion of a working person getting a decent wage.
You're a fucking moron, and a LYING PIECE OF DOG SHIT.

so you don't want to answer the question then?

I guess if you live in a double wide, everyone should live in a double wide, eh, Cleetus?
You're a dumb ass POS lying asshole.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
well good for you flash.....if you knew that Toyota donated a ton of money to the democratic party would you still do business with Toyota?....

All businesses contribute to candidates they think will win because they are buying access to the office. That is part of this filthy corrupt American political system. Even the somewhat conservative company I worked at for 30 years occasionally contributed to Democrats in order to buy access to their office.

While despicable as it is that is it is somewhat different that tens of thousands greedy union workers giving massive amounts of money to turdbrain Democrats in order to get massive amounts of taxpayer's money given to them.

Even if the union donations weren't a factor the UAW make crummy vehicles. That is why GM and Chrysler were on the verge of bankruptcy and Ford wasn't far behind.
so its ok for the company to seek favor with a candidate and buy the guy but not the Union....got ya....

While despicable as it is that is it is somewhat different that tens of thousands greedy union workers giving massive amounts of money to turdbrain Democrats in order to get massive amounts of taxpayer's money given to them
like i said,you see nothing wrong with a company doing this....but a union is different....
Even if the union donations weren't a factor the UAW make crummy vehicles
but yet my crummy vehicles had no problems and like i said....i knew guys who had problems with Japanese cars.....:dunno:
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they shout about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

Looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Or else you can look at what a candidate has accomplished in life

Walker has accomplished nothing......worst governor ever

Yeah right! He took on the unions, and won...hes a supreme winner.
well good for you flash.....if you knew that Toyota donated a ton of money to the democratic party would you still do business with Toyota?....

All businesses contribute to candidates they think will win because they are buying access to the office. That is part of this filthy corrupt American political system. Even the somewhat conservative company I worked at for 30 years occasionally contributed to Democrats in order to buy access to their office.

While despicable as it is that is it is somewhat different that tens of thousands greedy union workers giving massive amounts of money to turdbrain Democrats in order to get massive amounts of taxpayer's money given to them.

Even if the union donations weren't a factor the UAW make crummy vehicles. That is why GM and Chrysler were on the verge of bankruptcy and Ford wasn't far behind.
so its ok for the company to seek favor with a candidate and buy the guy but not the Union....got ya....

While despicable as it is that is it is somewhat different that tens of thousands greedy union workers giving massive amounts of money to turdbrain Democrats in order to get massive amounts of taxpayer's money given to them
like i said,you see nothing wrong with a company doing this....but a union is different....
Even if the union donations weren't a factor the UAW make crummy vehicles
but yet my crummy vehicles had no problems and like i said....i knew guys who had problems with Japanese cars.....:dunno:

Buying politicians is despicable. That is one of the main reasons that our Republic doesn't work anymore. The unions are the most despicable shitheads in the country. They have set the bar on the corruption.

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