Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

Conservatives and education

Rush Limbaugh: Never finished college
Sean Hannity: Never finished college
Glen Beck: Never finished college
Scott Walker: Never finished college

All seek to destroy our education system.

Book learn'n ....who needs it?
and yet all are successful at what they do.....hey just sayin....

So is Justin Beiber
so you agree than that just because you did not go to collage and get a degree you can still be very successful .....

It would be a question of cause and effect

Doesn't prove their success was based on not going to college. Using the small percentage of outliers does not prove your point
so you agree than that just because you did not go to collage and get a degree you can still be very successful
its a yes or no question RW....

Yes, many other factors can come into play

Genius is one of those and nobody is accusing the failed governor of Wisconsin of being a genius
Truman never graduated college. Seemed to work for him.

Yes 70 years ago

Have to go back to Grover Cleveland to find another

Walker and Grover Cleveland........perfect together
Do the people of Wisconsin like basketball that much more than higher education, or is this just another example of Republican's fear of education?
It's just another example of screwed up conservative priorities and the propensity of most on the right to adhere blindly to failed conservative economic dogma.

No, idiot. its about fiscal sanity and doing the peoples work. Walker kicked your dem/lib asses in a blue state at least 3 times and you silly assholes cannot stand it. He is right, the people of his state agree. you libs are on the wrong side of history.
Truman never graduated college. Seemed to work for him.

Yes 70 years ago

Have to go back over 50 years before that to find another
So what? You have to go back to Buchanan to find a president as bad as Obama, but why is that relevant?
Your credibility just sank to zero

still higher than yours. and obama is the worst president in history, bar none.
Second idiot chimes in
Truman never graduated college. Seemed to work for him.

Yes 70 years ago

Have to go back over 50 years before that to find another
So what? You have to go back to Buchanan to find a president as bad as Obama, but why is that relevant?
Your credibility just sank to zero

still higher than yours. and obama is the worst president in history, bar none.
Second idiot chimes in

Hmmm, I thought you were the first idiot. have you relinquished that title to jake, your sock?
Conservatives hate public education, they want to destroy even those schools that are doing well.
show me how they hate it?.....i cant tell you how many "conservatives' i delivered mail to who were teachers or had degrees and whose kids were in school...you have been listening to dean to much....
I'm reading the help wanted adds today... the government mail room was hiring a guy to deliver internal mail.. they wanted a bachelors degree. Why the effing hell does a government building's internal mail room delivery guy need a bachelor's degree? WTF? They're gonna pay the guy 50+ k to deliver internal mail items? WTF?
That is what happens when something becomes plentiful (anything) - it becomes worthless.

A BA no longer means squat because you cant swing a dead cat without hitting someone with one. It becomes a 'why not' requirement.
Spend 120 grand to get a 4year degree for delivering packages of mail? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY?
when i was delivering mail externally i was making more money then some people with masters degrees.....but at the same time we had people who got a job with us who had degrees who could not hack the job physically and quit.....what ya gonna do?....:dunno:
Well that's sort of my point. Being able to hack through calculus has nothing to do with being able to deliver packages. Yeah I've seen some guys delivering mail for 90k after they have 30years of tenure. It must be great working for government these days... well once you have tenure that is. In the real world they would fire the delivery guy who "stays" a delivery guy for more than 5years or so, then get some other new kid. You either get promoted from the delivery room or run it.. or get let go. Now large heavy packages driving a truck.. yeah those guys get 75k or so in private organizations, cause the packages have a lot more weight & value. But the same thing applies... after a number of years... you get booted for younger replacements.
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they all lasted for me for years and i know and knew many others who had the same experience with theirs...i have a 2007 HHR right now.....no problems....still going good...

The HHR is a piece of junk that nobody really wanted. It even looks like shit. They even stopped making them but of course there are a few idiots that still drive them.

If GM vehicles were good as you claim they were then there would have be a market for them and then there would have been no need for a multi billion dollar bailout, would there?

GM needed the filthy government to bail them out because they built overpriced junk cars that nobody really wanted.

If you drive around in a GM car you are advertising you are are an idiot that supports the greedy UAW. It must be embarrassing.
Does this shock anyone? Republicans hate education. A more educated populace is detrimental to their propaganda. I mean have you watch Fix News? They say blatant lies like "No-go" zones, reported for a week. Then apologized when no one is watching, and republicans still believe it.
Most conservatives subscribing to this thread are truly ridiculous partisan hacks, seeking to defend the indefensible.

Some of us support him cutting back on education because it is nothing more than welfare for the teacher's union and also condemn him for using private money for a subsidy to the NBA.

That is pretty consistent, isn't it? No government money for welfare, subsidies, bailouts or entitlements.
Most conservatives subscribing to this thread are truly ridiculous partisan hacks, seeking to defend the indefensible.

Some of us support him cutting back on education because it is nothing more than welfare for the teacher's union and also condemn him for using private money for a subsidy to the NBA.

That is pretty consistent, isn't it? No government money for welfare, subsidies, bailouts or entitlements.
You will, however, be ignored. Most of the crowed here would prefer to take the most blatant hypocrisy they can find and apply that to anyone that disagrees with them.
Does this shock anyone? Republicans hate education. A more educated populace is detrimental to their propaganda. I mean have you watch Fix News? They say blatant lies like "No-go" zones, reported for a week. Then apologized when no one is watching, and republicans still believe it.
You're a moron that needs me to pay for YOUR KID'S SCHOOLING.

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