Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

Hmm who should we give the money to. A bunch of Milennials seeking Liberal Arts degrees or anyone else who might contribute to the tax base lol.

I find it hard to believe that anyone can be as short sighted as to post what you did above.

Do you know that people who have a college degree are more likely to be tax payers than a sponge off our society? Did you know that people who go to college pay more in taxes than those who don't?

So you advocate a stupid population that has little to no education that can only earn the minimum wage because they aren't qualified for anything else?

Do you realize that those who make only the minimum wage qualify for a long list of public support paid by tax payers?

Keep in mind, the low or middle income person who went to college will end up being the doctor who saves your life when you or someone you love has a life threatening disease. Or will end up being the researcher who discovers the cure for cancer or parkinsons or any of a long list of diseases you or someone you love may contract and die from. They could be the person who finds a cure and or vaccine for ebola that you republicans are so afraid of.

Did your parents ever teach you that you must work before you play? It seems you're advocating that public money be spent on play games of basketball before the work of education is done.

How is an uneducated population that doesn't earn enough money to support themselves going to have the money to buy a ticket to a basketball game? If there's not enough people who have the money to buy those tickets that stadium will end up empty and costing the population hundreds of millions instead of generating revenue.

If you want a population that's nothing but a sponge off the government then you're views will accomplish that very well.

However if you want a population with people who are paying taxes then you will want a properly educated population.
My question is, how can the University of Wisconsin charge on average $5,205.12 a Semester to residents, and 13,329.96 to non-residents, and STILL not make a profit.

Think about that for a minute.

Tuition Fees Office of the Registrar University of Wisconsin ndash Madison

sorry, guys, not going to find me complaining about Walker here. Seems there's a lot of fat in the UW system if they charge that much and STILL need a government subsidy.

Now, for the stadium for the Bucs. I agree, the NBA should pay for it's own stadium. But here's the thing. That stadium will not be exclusive for the Bucks. It's actually the kind of Keynesian infrastructure investement program that liberals love. And if Wisconsin doesn't pay for it, the Bucks can always move to another city that's willing to pony up.

Typical blackmail from sports team owners: If you don't fund a new stadium, I will move elsewhere
It is time for taxpayers to stand up to extortion. These teams are worth over a billion dollars, let them fund their own arenas....they used to

Above that. After taxpayers fund new sports venues, they find they can no longer afford to attend the games

The Sonics did exactly that to Seattle. So the people of Seattle gave in and built them a new stadium.

The Sonics moved to Oklahoma a few years later.

So they lie when they blackmail. The Sonics were given what they wanted. They moved anyway.
It didn't help because the the concessions were minimal and didn't address the 600 lb gorilla in the room which was the bloated pensions and benefits for retirees.

The bailout was not to give money to the company but to steal money from the bondholders and taxpayers to give money to the UAW pension fund, which was payback for the money the unions gave Obama and the Democrats during the campaign.

Since you are a Moon Bat then you are probably on welfare and don't pay federal income tax. However, for the remote possibility that you are one of these rare Libtards that actually have an income that is tax then how does it feel to know that Obama used your hard earned money to pay bloated pensions to UAW workers?

I was a Republican until I realized Republicans only work for big corporations. A big corporation didn't get to screw its workers, and you are horribly upset. And then you wonder why you can't win elections outside of JesusLand.

If you have a 401K then the fund may have had GM or Chrysler bonds, which means you got doubled fucked.

Well, yeah, but that person would have been fucked anyway. In fact, everyone who had a 401k got fucked by Bush's incompetence.

They stole money from you didn't they? Maybe next time you will think a little bit and won't help elect scumbags like Obama that will steal your money and give to other people. Are you going to continue to be a dumbasss in the future or are going to get your head out of your ass the next time you vote? I will bet you will continue to be a dumbass.

Guy, here's the thing. My life was just fine until your Boy Bush came along and fucked up the country. Saving the Auto Industry was more important than whether or not someone didn't get a big payout that probably wasn't coming anyway.

We saved 1.2 million jobs in middle of a recession. Obama deserves a medal for making that gutsy call.

they all lasted for me for years and i know and knew many others who had the same experience with theirs...i have a 2007 HHR right now.....no problems....still going good...

The HHR is a piece of junk that nobody really wanted. It even looks like shit. They even stopped making them but of course there are a few idiots that still drive them.

If GM vehicles were good as you claim they were then there would have be a market for them and then there would have been no need for a multi billion dollar bailout, would there?

GM needed the filthy government to bail them out because they built overpriced junk cars that nobody really wanted.

If you drive around in a GM car you are advertising you are are an idiot that supports the greedy UAW. It must be embarrassing.
flash go eat shit....if i have never had problems with a GM product,than i never had problems with them....if you had problems, then you had problems....i can show you people that have had problems with Japanese cars ....you sound just like your cousin shootspeeders....two fucking dipshits.....
Shows where his priorities are

Scott Walker Takes A National Risk With State Education Cuts - NBC News

His proposed $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin system, however, could be more problematic for Walker. At home, it's highly controversial, receiving aggressive opposition from the students of the 26 two- and four-year universities and their 39,000 employees. Nationally, it is sure to be scrutinized and quite probably turned into an aggressive line of attack against the governor

In the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back.
Deace said Walker is handing free red meat over to the Democrats.
"If I'm a Democrat, my first commercial is Walker cuts $300 million to education but gives $200 million to the NBA," Deace said. "I don't understand who tells these guys that's a winning message."


Why do Republicans support Sports Socialism?
show me how they hate it?.....i cant tell you how many "conservatives' i delivered mail to who were teachers or had degrees and whose kids were in school...you have been listening to dean to much....
I'm reading the help wanted adds today... the government mail room was hiring a guy to deliver internal mail.. they wanted a bachelors degree. Why the effing hell does a government building's internal mail room delivery guy need a bachelor's degree? WTF? They're gonna pay the guy 50+ k to deliver internal mail items? WTF?
That is what happens when something becomes plentiful (anything) - it becomes worthless.

A BA no longer means squat because you cant swing a dead cat without hitting someone with one. It becomes a 'why not' requirement.
Spend 120 grand to get a 4year degree for delivering packages of mail? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY?
when i was delivering mail externally i was making more money then some people with masters degrees.....but at the same time we had people who got a job with us who had degrees who could not hack the job physically and quit.....what ya gonna do?....:dunno:
Well that's sort of my point. Being able to hack through calculus has nothing to do with being able to deliver packages. Yeah I've seen some guys delivering mail for 90k after they have 30years of tenure. It must be great working for government these days... well once you have tenure that is. In the real world they would fire the delivery guy who "stays" a delivery guy for more than 5years or so, then get some other new kid. You either get promoted from the delivery room or run it.. or get let go. Now large heavy packages driving a truck.. yeah those guys get 75k or so in private organizations, cause the packages have a lot more weight & value. But the same thing applies... after a number of years... you get booted for younger replacements.
Yeah I've seen some guys delivering mail for 90k after they have 30years of tenure.
you have?.....i sure as hell never did.....there are no carriers making 90K unless they work a hell of a lot of overtime.....the top pay is around 57K and that is for the guys with 30 years in....
In the real world they would fire the delivery guy who "stays" a delivery guy for more than 5years or so, then get some other new kid.
where in the "real" world?.....they dont do that at USPS or UPS or FedX....so where in the real world?...
Now large heavy packages driving a truck.. yeah those guys get 75k or so in private organizations, cause the packages have a lot more weight & value
the UPS guy made 2-3 dollars an hour more than i did....
But the same thing applies... after a number of years... you get booted for younger replacements
once again....where?....
Shows where his priorities are

Scott Walker Takes A National Risk With State Education Cuts - NBC News

His proposed $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin system, however, could be more problematic for Walker. At home, it's highly controversial, receiving aggressive opposition from the students of the 26 two- and four-year universities and their 39,000 employees. Nationally, it is sure to be scrutinized and quite probably turned into an aggressive line of attack against the governor

In the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back.
Deace said Walker is handing free red meat over to the Democrats.
"If I'm a Democrat, my first commercial is Walker cuts $300 million to education but gives $200 million to the NBA," Deace said. "I don't understand who tells these guys that's a winning message."


Why do Republicans support Sports Socialism?
Serioulsy? As I understand it big cities which are almost always liberal support new sports stadiums in the most deprived areas of their cities except the Braves ditching Fultom County.

flash go eat shit....if i have never had problems with a GM product,than i never had problems with them....if you had problems, then you had problems....i can show you people that have had problems with Japanese cars ....you sound just like your cousin shootspeeders....two fucking dipshits.....

I would put my Tundra made in Texas by non union workers up against anything made by the greedy ass UAW any day.

If GM made such good vehicles then why in the hell did they need tens of billions of taxpayer's dollars to stay in business? Can you answer that? Toyota didn't need the shitass corrupt government to bail them out. They produced great vehicles in non union American plants and Americans bought them.

GM was going bankrupted because they produced shitty cars at bloated UAW prices.

If you think a piece of shit car like the HHR is a good vehicle then you are absolutely batshit crazy. They have really cheap looking interior, the engine is underpowered and it it is ugly as hell. Chevy stopped making them because nobody was buying them.


flash go eat shit....if i have never had problems with a GM product,than i never had problems with them....if you had problems, then you had problems....i can show you people that have had problems with Japanese cars ....you sound just like your cousin shootspeeders....two fucking dipshits.....

I would put my Tundra made in Texas by non union workers up against anything made by the greedy ass UAW any day.

If GM made such good vehicles then why in the hell did they need tens of billions of taxpayer's dollars to stay in business? Can you answer that? Toyota didn't need the shitass corrupt government to bail them out. They produced great vehicles in non union American plants and Americans bought them.

GM was going bankrupted because they produced shitty cars at bloated UAW prices.

If you think a piece of shit car like the HHR is a good vehicle then you are absolutely batshit crazy. They have really cheap looking interior, the engine is underpowered and it it is ugly as hell. Chevy stopped making them because nobody was buying them.


a tundra?....i worked with a guy who had one he had quite a few problems with it,i am pretty sure he got rid of it....another guy called it Toyotas pathetic attempt to copy the Ford F-150 Raptor.....a real truck.....

I would put my Tundra made in Texas by non union workers up against anything made by the greedy ass UAW any day.
good for you....here let me give you one of these....

Shows where his priorities are

Scott Walker Takes A National Risk With State Education Cuts - NBC News

His proposed $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin system, however, could be more problematic for Walker. At home, it's highly controversial, receiving aggressive opposition from the students of the 26 two- and four-year universities and their 39,000 employees. Nationally, it is sure to be scrutinized and quite probably turned into an aggressive line of attack against the governor

In the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back.
Deace said Walker is handing free red meat over to the Democrats.
"If I'm a Democrat, my first commercial is Walker cuts $300 million to education but gives $200 million to the NBA," Deace said. "I don't understand who tells these guys that's a winning message."


Why do Republicans support Sports Socialism?
Serioulsy? As I understand it big cities which are almost always liberal support new sports stadiums in the most deprived areas of their cities except the Braves ditching Fultom County.

So you're saying that Republicans should be socialists like liberals?
I'm reading the help wanted adds today... the government mail room was hiring a guy to deliver internal mail.. they wanted a bachelors degree. Why the effing hell does a government building's internal mail room delivery guy need a bachelor's degree? WTF? They're gonna pay the guy 50+ k to deliver internal mail items? WTF?
That is what happens when something becomes plentiful (anything) - it becomes worthless.

A BA no longer means squat because you cant swing a dead cat without hitting someone with one. It becomes a 'why not' requirement.
Spend 120 grand to get a 4year degree for delivering packages of mail? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY?
when i was delivering mail externally i was making more money then some people with masters degrees.....but at the same time we had people who got a job with us who had degrees who could not hack the job physically and quit.....what ya gonna do?....:dunno:
Well that's sort of my point. Being able to hack through calculus has nothing to do with being able to deliver packages. Yeah I've seen some guys delivering mail for 90k after they have 30years of tenure. It must be great working for government these days... well once you have tenure that is. In the real world they would fire the delivery guy who "stays" a delivery guy for more than 5years or so, then get some other new kid. You either get promoted from the delivery room or run it.. or get let go. Now large heavy packages driving a truck.. yeah those guys get 75k or so in private organizations, cause the packages have a lot more weight & value. But the same thing applies... after a number of years... you get booted for younger replacements.
Yeah I've seen some guys delivering mail for 90k after they have 30years of tenure.
you have?.....i sure as hell never did.....there are no carriers making 90K unless they work a hell of a lot of overtime.....the top pay is around 57K and that is for the guys with 30 years in....
In the real world they would fire the delivery guy who "stays" a delivery guy for more than 5years or so, then get some other new kid.
where in the "real" world?.....they dont do that at USPS or UPS or FedX....so where in the real world?...
Now large heavy packages driving a truck.. yeah those guys get 75k or so in private organizations, cause the packages have a lot more weight & value
the UPS guy made 2-3 dollars an hour more than i did....
But the same thing applies... after a number of years... you get booted for younger replacements
once again....where?....
Ok.. 90k was postmaster, my bad. Yeah the delivery guys are getting 80k with 8-9hrs or so of overtime not 90k.... rolls eyes.

The real world.. as in mail rooms for internal mail at corporations that have to be efficient to stay in business, this as opposed to mail rooms at government buildings where taxes are raised to meet payroll demands.

The booting I was talking about was for corporate mail rooms. The average pay for "corporate mail room" guy is 24k. Or about 1/2 what the government guys are getting.
Shows where his priorities are

Scott Walker Takes A National Risk With State Education Cuts - NBC News

His proposed $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin system, however, could be more problematic for Walker. At home, it's highly controversial, receiving aggressive opposition from the students of the 26 two- and four-year universities and their 39,000 employees. Nationally, it is sure to be scrutinized and quite probably turned into an aggressive line of attack against the governor

In the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back.
Deace said Walker is handing free red meat over to the Democrats.
"If I'm a Democrat, my first commercial is Walker cuts $300 million to education but gives $200 million to the NBA," Deace said. "I don't understand who tells these guys that's a winning message."

It's racist not to build a stadium for the NBA or to complain about it.
That is what happens when something becomes plentiful (anything) - it becomes worthless.

A BA no longer means squat because you cant swing a dead cat without hitting someone with one. It becomes a 'why not' requirement.
Spend 120 grand to get a 4year degree for delivering packages of mail? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY?
when i was delivering mail externally i was making more money then some people with masters degrees.....but at the same time we had people who got a job with us who had degrees who could not hack the job physically and quit.....what ya gonna do?....:dunno:
Well that's sort of my point. Being able to hack through calculus has nothing to do with being able to deliver packages. Yeah I've seen some guys delivering mail for 90k after they have 30years of tenure. It must be great working for government these days... well once you have tenure that is. In the real world they would fire the delivery guy who "stays" a delivery guy for more than 5years or so, then get some other new kid. You either get promoted from the delivery room or run it.. or get let go. Now large heavy packages driving a truck.. yeah those guys get 75k or so in private organizations, cause the packages have a lot more weight & value. But the same thing applies... after a number of years... you get booted for younger replacements.
Yeah I've seen some guys delivering mail for 90k after they have 30years of tenure.
you have?.....i sure as hell never did.....there are no carriers making 90K unless they work a hell of a lot of overtime.....the top pay is around 57K and that is for the guys with 30 years in....
In the real world they would fire the delivery guy who "stays" a delivery guy for more than 5years or so, then get some other new kid.
where in the "real" world?.....they dont do that at USPS or UPS or FedX....so where in the real world?...
Now large heavy packages driving a truck.. yeah those guys get 75k or so in private organizations, cause the packages have a lot more weight & value
the UPS guy made 2-3 dollars an hour more than i did....
But the same thing applies... after a number of years... you get booted for younger replacements
once again....where?....
Ok.. 90k was postmaster, my bad. Yeah the delivery guys are getting 80k with 8-9hrs or so of overtime not 90k.... rolls eyes.

The real world.. as in mail rooms for internal mail at corporations that have to be efficient to stay in business, this as opposed to mail rooms at government buildings where taxes are raised to meet payroll demands.

The booting I was talking about was for corporate mail rooms. The average pay for "corporate mail room" guy is 24k. Or about 1/2 what the government guys are getting.

he doesnt have to go outside and deliver it .....
The booting I was talking about was for corporate mail rooms. The average pay for "corporate mail room" guy is 24k. Or about 1/2 what the government guys are getting.

Okay, a corporate Mail room is not the same as walking a mail route in all sorts of weather and hazards.

Shit, what is it with you guys not wanting people who work for a living to make a living?
Spend 120 grand to get a 4year degree for delivering packages of mail? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY?
when i was delivering mail externally i was making more money then some people with masters degrees.....but at the same time we had people who got a job with us who had degrees who could not hack the job physically and quit.....what ya gonna do?....:dunno:
Well that's sort of my point. Being able to hack through calculus has nothing to do with being able to deliver packages. Yeah I've seen some guys delivering mail for 90k after they have 30years of tenure. It must be great working for government these days... well once you have tenure that is. In the real world they would fire the delivery guy who "stays" a delivery guy for more than 5years or so, then get some other new kid. You either get promoted from the delivery room or run it.. or get let go. Now large heavy packages driving a truck.. yeah those guys get 75k or so in private organizations, cause the packages have a lot more weight & value. But the same thing applies... after a number of years... you get booted for younger replacements.
Yeah I've seen some guys delivering mail for 90k after they have 30years of tenure.
you have?.....i sure as hell never did.....there are no carriers making 90K unless they work a hell of a lot of overtime.....the top pay is around 57K and that is for the guys with 30 years in....
In the real world they would fire the delivery guy who "stays" a delivery guy for more than 5years or so, then get some other new kid.
where in the "real" world?.....they dont do that at USPS or UPS or FedX....so where in the real world?...
Now large heavy packages driving a truck.. yeah those guys get 75k or so in private organizations, cause the packages have a lot more weight & value
the UPS guy made 2-3 dollars an hour more than i did....
But the same thing applies... after a number of years... you get booted for younger replacements
once again....where?....
Ok.. 90k was postmaster, my bad. Yeah the delivery guys are getting 80k with 8-9hrs or so of overtime not 90k.... rolls eyes.

The real world.. as in mail rooms for internal mail at corporations that have to be efficient to stay in business, this as opposed to mail rooms at government buildings where taxes are raised to meet payroll demands.

The booting I was talking about was for corporate mail rooms. The average pay for "corporate mail room" guy is 24k. Or about 1/2 what the government guys are getting.

he doesnt have to go outside and deliver it .....
Gotcha... go outside get double the pay. But again... the reason is the corporate guys fire you if you are in the mail room long enough to expect more pay. Mail room is a dead end temporary job in the real world... only government mailrooms are "permanent" positions. Once you go outside now you are in the area of "packages" than can be heavier, driving a truck, and more money will mean better deliveries less theft etc.

flash go eat shit....if i have never had problems with a GM product,than i never had problems with them....if you had problems, then you had problems....i can show you people that have had problems with Japanese cars ....you sound just like your cousin shootspeeders....two fucking dipshits.....

I would put my Tundra made in Texas by non union workers up against anything made by the greedy ass UAW any day.

If GM made such good vehicles then why in the hell did they need tens of billions of taxpayer's dollars to stay in business? Can you answer that? Toyota didn't need the shitass corrupt government to bail them out. They produced great vehicles in non union American plants and Americans bought them.

GM was going bankrupted because they produced shitty cars at bloated UAW prices.

If you think a piece of shit car like the HHR is a good vehicle then you are absolutely batshit crazy. They have really cheap looking interior, the engine is underpowered and it it is ugly as hell. Chevy stopped making them because nobody was buying them.


a tundra?....i worked with a guy who had one he had quite a few problems with it,i am pretty sure he got rid of it....another guy called it Toyotas pathetic attempt to copy the Ford F-150 Raptor.....a real truck.....

I would put my Tundra made in Texas by non union workers up against anything made by the greedy ass UAW any day.
good for you....here let me give you one of these....

A Ford F-150 is one of the very few vehicles that Ford, GM or Chrysler hasn't fucked up yet but this new aluminum body design is probably going to end that. That EcoBoost engine is a turd.

Back in the 60s,70s and early 80s I bought GM but got tired of them falling apart and poor resale value. I then bought Jeeps but had the same problems. The Toyotas and Hondas I bought have held up real nice and had great resale value. Plus when I buy one of those I know that some of the money I paid for the vehicle is not going to the filthy ass Democrat Party to help elect shitheads like Obama.

A Tundra is a great truck with great resale value. I like my money going to non union workers that have jobs in right to work states.

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