Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

No, you missed my point.

Foreign companies make good cars here in the US with mostly non union workers. Much better than that UAW shit put out by GM and Chrysler.

but is the car good because of how it's put together or how it's designed? It's not quality because Cleetus and Billy Bob put it together with pride. It's good because the guys in Japan who designed it were good at their jobs. The ones who grew up in SOCIALIST schools. Meanwhile, in America, we had car executives who decided it was cheaper to pay out a few hundred lawsuits on the Pinto rather than pay $11.00 a unit to repair "the Barbecue that Seats Four". You know, because Capitalism.

GM and Chrysler (which by the way is a foreign company) put out shit vehicles that were way over priced for the junk that they were and that is the reason why the companies were in trouble. The vehicles were not good value for the money. A substantial part of that over price was caused by the UAW's inefficiency and greed.

No, a substantial part of that was because the people who RAN those companies wanted to make bigger profits for less labor. So they outsourced most of the components to China, reducing those UAW guys to just assembling. and they kept insisting on making BIG cars becuase you can sell those for more. Which turned out to be a really bad decision when gas shot up to $4.00 a gallon.

There was no reason for the filthy ass government to take money from people that earned it and give it to shitheads that couldn't earn it on their own.

It is interesting to know that you Libtards support bailing out giant corporations that can't make it on their own. I thought you dimwits hated big corporations. You need to get your story straight.

We do hate Corporations. What made the bailout so sweet is that it looked out for working people before stockholders. The working folks kept their jobs, the stockholders, most of whom were looking to benefit when GM went belly up, got screwed. That's like made of fucking Awesome.

The worse part of that deal was that it was not made for any good reason except to pay back the filthy unions that gave money to Obama and the Democrats. The American people got screwed on it and the union fat cats got fatter.

Quite the contrary, it was a good deal for American, because a lot of NON-Union jobs were saved. My job at the time was working for a company that provided components for cars. Not union, not employed by the company, but if GM went belly up, our jobs would have went bye-bye, too.

I know, blame Management instead of the filthy bloated inefficient union that gave Obama a billion dollars.

They both were to blame and the government never should have bailed them out.

The UAW has ruined American car manufacturing and the foreign companies have been smart enough to build quality cars in non union plants in the US. Meanwhile the UAW produced substandard cars that nobody wanted and the filthy ass government gave billions of taxpayer's money to bail them out. Not because it was the right thing to do but because the unions paid off Obama to do it. .

GM and Chrysler management were at fault for giving into the ridiculous UAW demands all these years. The wages, benefits and pensions were always way out of line with the marketplace and a substantial overhead burden on the companies. Of course they expected that if push ever came to shove then the government would bail them out and they were right.

Much better management has kept Ford afloat combined with the reputation of the F-150 truck has kept them afloat but they are not that far behind.

It was amazing to see the Moon Bats support the bailouts of major American corporations when they spew this shit about hating corporations so much.
Management designed the cars, they made the decisions on how to market the cars
Nobody was refusing to buy American cars because they cost too much. They bought elsewhere because Detroit was selling cars they did not want

Nobody got rich being an American auto worker. But they were able to buy a decent home, send their kids to college, get healthcare and eventually retire
Auto workers were not fighting for more, they were fighting to maintain a basic standard of living

you know as little about this as you know about most subjects. $50/hr to put on lug nuts is not a reasonable wage. Most of todays UAW labor is low or minimum skill labor.

GM and Chrysler went broke for a couple of reasons, their products sucked and their labor costs were excessive.

If they had been allowed to go through bankruptcy, then those huge companies would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units. Each new company would have had to have a union representation election of its workers, that scared the shit out of the UAW management fat cats, so they got obozo to bail out the companies in exchange for their poliical support, money, and votes.

Thats what it was about.

Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies
No, you missed my point.

Foreign companies make good cars here in the US with mostly non union workers. Much better than that UAW shit put out by GM and Chrysler.

but is the car good because of how it's put together or how it's designed? It's not quality because Cleetus and Billy Bob put it together with pride. It's good because the guys in Japan who designed it were good at their jobs. The ones who grew up in SOCIALIST schools. Meanwhile, in America, we had car executives who decided it was cheaper to pay out a few hundred lawsuits on the Pinto rather than pay $11.00 a unit to repair "the Barbecue that Seats Four". You know, because Capitalism.

GM and Chrysler (which by the way is a foreign company) put out shit vehicles that were way over priced for the junk that they were and that is the reason why the companies were in trouble. The vehicles were not good value for the money. A substantial part of that over price was caused by the UAW's inefficiency and greed.

No, a substantial part of that was because the people who RAN those companies wanted to make bigger profits for less labor. So they outsourced most of the components to China, reducing those UAW guys to just assembling. and they kept insisting on making BIG cars becuase you can sell those for more. Which turned out to be a really bad decision when gas shot up to $4.00 a gallon.

There was no reason for the filthy ass government to take money from people that earned it and give it to shitheads that couldn't earn it on their own.

It is interesting to know that you Libtards support bailing out giant corporations that can't make it on their own. I thought you dimwits hated big corporations. You need to get your story straight.

We do hate Corporations. What made the bailout so sweet is that it looked out for working people before stockholders. The working folks kept their jobs, the stockholders, most of whom were looking to benefit when GM went belly up, got screwed. That's like made of fucking Awesome.

The worse part of that deal was that it was not made for any good reason except to pay back the filthy unions that gave money to Obama and the Democrats. The American people got screwed on it and the union fat cats got fatter.

Quite the contrary, it was a good deal for American, because a lot of NON-Union jobs were saved. My job at the time was working for a company that provided components for cars. Not union, not employed by the company, but if GM went belly up, our jobs would have went bye-bye, too.

I know, blame Management instead of the filthy bloated inefficient union that gave Obama a billion dollars.

They both were to blame and the government never should have bailed them out.

The UAW has ruined American car manufacturing and the foreign companies have been smart enough to build quality cars in non union plants in the US. Meanwhile the UAW produced substandard cars that nobody wanted and the filthy ass government gave billions of taxpayer's money to bail them out. Not because it was the right thing to do but because the unions paid off Obama to do it. .

GM and Chrysler management were at fault for giving into the ridiculous UAW demands all these years. The wages, benefits and pensions were always way out of line with the marketplace and a substantial overhead burden on the companies. Of course they expected that if push ever came to shove then the government would bail them out and they were right.

Much better management has kept Ford afloat combined with the reputation of the F-150 truck has kept them afloat but they are not that far behind.

It was amazing to see the Moon Bats support the bailouts of major American corporations when they spew this shit about hating corporations so much.
Management designed the cars, they made the decisions on how to market the cars
Nobody was refusing to buy American cars because they cost too much. They bought elsewhere because Detroit was selling cars they did not want

Nobody got rich being an American auto worker. But they were able to buy a decent home, send their kids to college, get healthcare and eventually retire
Auto workers were not fighting for more, they were fighting to maintain a basic standard of living

you know as little about this as you know about most subjects. $50/hr to put on lug nuts is not a reasonable wage. Most of todays UAW labor is low or minimum skill labor.

GM and Chrysler went broke for a couple of reasons, their products sucked and their labor costs were excessive.

If they had been allowed to go through bankruptcy, then those huge companies would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units. Each new company would have had to have a union representation election of its workers, that scared the shit out of the UAW management fat cats, so they got obozo to bail out the companies in exchange for their poliical support, money, and votes.

Thats what it was about.

Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies

bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
but is the car good because of how it's put together or how it's designed? It's not quality because Cleetus and Billy Bob put it together with pride. It's good because the guys in Japan who designed it were good at their jobs. The ones who grew up in SOCIALIST schools. Meanwhile, in America, we had car executives who decided it was cheaper to pay out a few hundred lawsuits on the Pinto rather than pay $11.00 a unit to repair "the Barbecue that Seats Four". You know, because Capitalism.

No, a substantial part of that was because the people who RAN those companies wanted to make bigger profits for less labor. So they outsourced most of the components to China, reducing those UAW guys to just assembling. and they kept insisting on making BIG cars becuase you can sell those for more. Which turned out to be a really bad decision when gas shot up to $4.00 a gallon.

We do hate Corporations. What made the bailout so sweet is that it looked out for working people before stockholders. The working folks kept their jobs, the stockholders, most of whom were looking to benefit when GM went belly up, got screwed. That's like made of fucking Awesome.

Quite the contrary, it was a good deal for American, because a lot of NON-Union jobs were saved. My job at the time was working for a company that provided components for cars. Not union, not employed by the company, but if GM went belly up, our jobs would have went bye-bye, too.

I know, blame Management instead of the filthy bloated inefficient union that gave Obama a billion dollars.

They both were to blame and the government never should have bailed them out.

The UAW has ruined American car manufacturing and the foreign companies have been smart enough to build quality cars in non union plants in the US. Meanwhile the UAW produced substandard cars that nobody wanted and the filthy ass government gave billions of taxpayer's money to bail them out. Not because it was the right thing to do but because the unions paid off Obama to do it. .

GM and Chrysler management were at fault for giving into the ridiculous UAW demands all these years. The wages, benefits and pensions were always way out of line with the marketplace and a substantial overhead burden on the companies. Of course they expected that if push ever came to shove then the government would bail them out and they were right.

Much better management has kept Ford afloat combined with the reputation of the F-150 truck has kept them afloat but they are not that far behind.

It was amazing to see the Moon Bats support the bailouts of major American corporations when they spew this shit about hating corporations so much.
Management designed the cars, they made the decisions on how to market the cars
Nobody was refusing to buy American cars because they cost too much. They bought elsewhere because Detroit was selling cars they did not want

Nobody got rich being an American auto worker. But they were able to buy a decent home, send their kids to college, get healthcare and eventually retire
Auto workers were not fighting for more, they were fighting to maintain a basic standard of living

you know as little about this as you know about most subjects. $50/hr to put on lug nuts is not a reasonable wage. Most of todays UAW labor is low or minimum skill labor.

GM and Chrysler went broke for a couple of reasons, their products sucked and their labor costs were excessive.

If they had been allowed to go through bankruptcy, then those huge companies would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units. Each new company would have had to have a union representation election of its workers, that scared the shit out of the UAW management fat cats, so they got obozo to bail out the companies in exchange for their poliical support, money, and votes.

Thats what it was about.

Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies

bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down
I know, blame Management instead of the filthy bloated inefficient union that gave Obama a billion dollars.

The union gave Obama a billion dollars? Really? Do you have a link to that, or are you just sputtering now that someone has called bullshit on you.

They both were to blame and the government never should have bailed them out.

No, Management was completely to blame, and the government did exactly what it should have done. The only thing they didnt' do was go after these guys for fraud.

The UAW has ruined American car manufacturing and the foreign companies have been smart enough to build quality cars in non union plants in the US. Meanwhile the UAW produced substandard cars that nobody wanted and the filthy ass government gave billions of taxpayer's money to bail them out. Not because it was the right thing to do but because the unions paid off Obama to do it. .

Except - again- you have yet to demonstrate how UAW built cars are of lesser quality than German or Japanese cars because of what the UAW guys did. There were a lot of bad design decisions- the insistance on building SUV's instead of compacts because SUV's were more profitable and you could get around the new emissions standards by calling them SUV's. But that wasn't because of anything the guys putting them together did.

GM and Chrysler management were at fault for giving into the ridiculous UAW demands all these years. The wages, benefits and pensions were always way out of line with the marketplace and a substantial overhead burden on the companies. Of course they expected that if push ever came to shove then the government would bail them out and they were right.

A couple problems with that. First, German and Japanese Auto-workers get the same kinds of benefits, and for the most part, the reason why the UAW hasn't really been able to organize in the non-union plants is those companies came in and offered comparable benefits from the start.

Now, PENSIONS are a problem, mostly because when the Auto-Companies started outsourcing components they didn't need as large of a work force. So you have a lot of retirees that you have to keep the promises for, and the main reason why GM specifically had problems is they weren't funding those obligations. they were too busy paying out dividends to investors and eight-figure salaries to executives.

Much better management has kept Ford afloat combined with the reputation of the F-150 truck has kept them afloat but they are not that far behind.

It was amazing to see the Moon Bats support the bailouts of major American corporations when they spew this shit about hating corporations so much.

Yes, you already made that argument once, and it was stupid the first time you said it.

Frankly, I'm not happy with the fact we had to bail out the banks and the Auto Makers, but the alternative would have been a complete collapse of the American economy.

It's kind of like surgery. First you patch up the people, then you find out who was responsible and make sure it doesn't happen again.
I know, blame Management instead of the filthy bloated inefficient union that gave Obama a billion dollars.

They both were to blame and the government never should have bailed them out.

The UAW has ruined American car manufacturing and the foreign companies have been smart enough to build quality cars in non union plants in the US. Meanwhile the UAW produced substandard cars that nobody wanted and the filthy ass government gave billions of taxpayer's money to bail them out. Not because it was the right thing to do but because the unions paid off Obama to do it. .

GM and Chrysler management were at fault for giving into the ridiculous UAW demands all these years. The wages, benefits and pensions were always way out of line with the marketplace and a substantial overhead burden on the companies. Of course they expected that if push ever came to shove then the government would bail them out and they were right.

Much better management has kept Ford afloat combined with the reputation of the F-150 truck has kept them afloat but they are not that far behind.

It was amazing to see the Moon Bats support the bailouts of major American corporations when they spew this shit about hating corporations so much.
Management designed the cars, they made the decisions on how to market the cars
Nobody was refusing to buy American cars because they cost too much. They bought elsewhere because Detroit was selling cars they did not want

Nobody got rich being an American auto worker. But they were able to buy a decent home, send their kids to college, get healthcare and eventually retire
Auto workers were not fighting for more, they were fighting to maintain a basic standard of living

you know as little about this as you know about most subjects. $50/hr to put on lug nuts is not a reasonable wage. Most of todays UAW labor is low or minimum skill labor.

GM and Chrysler went broke for a couple of reasons, their products sucked and their labor costs were excessive.

If they had been allowed to go through bankruptcy, then those huge companies would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units. Each new company would have had to have a union representation election of its workers, that scared the shit out of the UAW management fat cats, so they got obozo to bail out the companies in exchange for their poliical support, money, and votes.

Thats what it was about.

Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies

bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

Thats not true. Obama shut it down because the GOP minority in congress would not kowtow to him.

Rather than try to work with them i.e. do his job. He shut it down.

Tell us who in the GOP had, or has, the authority to shut down the govt. Who in the GOP had the authority to shut down national monuments? NO ONE, OBAMA DID IT.
you know as little about this as you know about most subjects. $50/hr to put on lug nuts is not a reasonable wage. Most of todays UAW labor is low or minimum skill labor.

GM and Chrysler went broke for a couple of reasons, their products sucked and their labor costs were excessive.

Except- again- their Japanese and German Counterparts are making equally good wages and benefits.

Also, besides the fact a UAW's worker's wage is around $28.00 an hour, which isn't unreasonable.

But for me. When I am travelling down a road at 65 MPH in a machine powered by a flammable liquid, I really, really want the guys who put it together to be well-compensated professionals with lots of experience at their jobs.
Management designed the cars, they made the decisions on how to market the cars
Nobody was refusing to buy American cars because they cost too much. They bought elsewhere because Detroit was selling cars they did not want

Nobody got rich being an American auto worker. But they were able to buy a decent home, send their kids to college, get healthcare and eventually retire
Auto workers were not fighting for more, they were fighting to maintain a basic standard of living

you know as little about this as you know about most subjects. $50/hr to put on lug nuts is not a reasonable wage. Most of todays UAW labor is low or minimum skill labor.

GM and Chrysler went broke for a couple of reasons, their products sucked and their labor costs were excessive.

If they had been allowed to go through bankruptcy, then those huge companies would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units. Each new company would have had to have a union representation election of its workers, that scared the shit out of the UAW management fat cats, so they got obozo to bail out the companies in exchange for their poliical support, money, and votes.

Thats what it was about.

Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies

bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

Thats not true. Obama shut it down because the GOP minority in congress would not kowtow to him.

Rather than try to work with them i.e. do his job. He shut it down.

Tell us who in the GOP had, or has, the authority to shut down the govt. Who in the GOP had the authority to shut down national monuments? NO ONE, OBAMA DID IT.
By law, Obama cannot operate the government without funding

Republicans allowed that funding to expire. The GOP controlled House had that authority to approve a continuing resolution. Monuments were shut down because they could not be justified as an essential government function
Question: If GM made good cars then why did they need a government bailout?

Answer: They need a government bailout because nobody wanted their shitty cars at the bloated price needed to pay the UAW to build it.

The UAW already made a lot of concessions to the bad management of GM before the Bailout.

It didn't help.

You see, again, the real problem is that GM had a adversarial relationship with their workers. Something you'd never see in a Japanese plant.
I know, blame Management instead of the filthy bloated inefficient union that gave Obama a billion dollars.

They both were to blame and the government never should have bailed them out.

The UAW has ruined American car manufacturing and the foreign companies have been smart enough to build quality cars in non union plants in the US. Meanwhile the UAW produced substandard cars that nobody wanted and the filthy ass government gave billions of taxpayer's money to bail them out. Not because it was the right thing to do but because the unions paid off Obama to do it. .

GM and Chrysler management were at fault for giving into the ridiculous UAW demands all these years. The wages, benefits and pensions were always way out of line with the marketplace and a substantial overhead burden on the companies. Of course they expected that if push ever came to shove then the government would bail them out and they were right.

Much better management has kept Ford afloat combined with the reputation of the F-150 truck has kept them afloat but they are not that far behind.

It was amazing to see the Moon Bats support the bailouts of major American corporations when they spew this shit about hating corporations so much.
Management designed the cars, they made the decisions on how to market the cars
Nobody was refusing to buy American cars because they cost too much. They bought elsewhere because Detroit was selling cars they did not want

Nobody got rich being an American auto worker. But they were able to buy a decent home, send their kids to college, get healthcare and eventually retire
Auto workers were not fighting for more, they were fighting to maintain a basic standard of living

you know as little about this as you know about most subjects. $50/hr to put on lug nuts is not a reasonable wage. Most of todays UAW labor is low or minimum skill labor.

GM and Chrysler went broke for a couple of reasons, their products sucked and their labor costs were excessive.

If they had been allowed to go through bankruptcy, then those huge companies would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units. Each new company would have had to have a union representation election of its workers, that scared the shit out of the UAW management fat cats, so they got obozo to bail out the companies in exchange for their poliical support, money, and votes.

Thats what it was about.

Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies

bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

I'll show you a shut down, we shut down the Democratic party in congress BOOM!
you know as little about this as you know about most subjects. $50/hr to put on lug nuts is not a reasonable wage. Most of todays UAW labor is low or minimum skill labor.

GM and Chrysler went broke for a couple of reasons, their products sucked and their labor costs were excessive.

If they had been allowed to go through bankruptcy, then those huge companies would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units. Each new company would have had to have a union representation election of its workers, that scared the shit out of the UAW management fat cats, so they got obozo to bail out the companies in exchange for their poliical support, money, and votes.

Thats what it was about.

Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies

bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

Thats not true. Obama shut it down because the GOP minority in congress would not kowtow to him.

Rather than try to work with them i.e. do his job. He shut it down.

Tell us who in the GOP had, or has, the authority to shut down the govt. Who in the GOP had the authority to shut down national monuments? NO ONE, OBAMA DID IT.
By law, Obama cannot operate the government without funding

Republicans allowed that funding to expire. The GOP controlled House had that authority to approve a continuing resolution. Monuments were shut down because they could not be justified as an essential government function

nope, you have it wrong, obama refused to talk, refused to negotiate, said "its my way or no way". The shutdown was totally on him.

But, having said that, the shutdown hurt no one. except the old vets who wanted to visit the memorials.
Question: If GM made good cars then why did they need a government bailout?

Answer: They need a government bailout because nobody wanted their shitty cars at the bloated price needed to pay the UAW to build it.

The UAW already made a lot of concessions to the bad management of GM before the Bailout.

It didn't help.

You see, again, the real problem is that GM had a adversarial relationship with their workers. Something you'd never see in a Japanese plant.

True, you also won't see that in a non-union car plant in the south. Can you say BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Subaru, or VW? Non--union, good pay, good benefits, good products.

The UAW created the adversarial relationship that you correctly mentioned.
Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies

bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

Thats not true. Obama shut it down because the GOP minority in congress would not kowtow to him.

Rather than try to work with them i.e. do his job. He shut it down.

Tell us who in the GOP had, or has, the authority to shut down the govt. Who in the GOP had the authority to shut down national monuments? NO ONE, OBAMA DID IT.
By law, Obama cannot operate the government without funding

Republicans allowed that funding to expire. The GOP controlled House had that authority to approve a continuing resolution. Monuments were shut down because they could not be justified as an essential government function

nope, you have it wrong, obama refused to talk, refused to negotiate, said "its my way or no way". The shutdown was totally on him.

But, having said that, the shutdown hurt no one. except the old vets who wanted to visit the memorials.

The man child cry baby in the oval office threw a hissy fit and intentionally tried to make the shut down as disruptive as possible by closing memorials and parks, etc. This was sickening behavior for a supposed chief executive.
Management designed the cars, they made the decisions on how to market the cars
Nobody was refusing to buy American cars because they cost too much. They bought elsewhere because Detroit was selling cars they did not want

Nobody got rich being an American auto worker. But they were able to buy a decent home, send their kids to college, get healthcare and eventually retire
Auto workers were not fighting for more, they were fighting to maintain a basic standard of living

you know as little about this as you know about most subjects. $50/hr to put on lug nuts is not a reasonable wage. Most of todays UAW labor is low or minimum skill labor.

GM and Chrysler went broke for a couple of reasons, their products sucked and their labor costs were excessive.

If they had been allowed to go through bankruptcy, then those huge companies would have been broken up into smaller more efficient units. Each new company would have had to have a union representation election of its workers, that scared the shit out of the UAW management fat cats, so they got obozo to bail out the companies in exchange for their poliical support, money, and votes.

Thats what it was about.

Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies

bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

I'll show you a shut down, we shut down the Democratic party in congress BOOM!

Yes you did......and what do you have to show for it

When Democrats took over congress in 2008 they passed monumental legislation.
What have the Republicans done? Vote for the 58th time to repeal Obamacare?
Shows where his priorities are

Scott Walker Takes A National Risk With State Education Cuts - NBC News

His proposed $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin system, however, could be more problematic for Walker. At home, it's highly controversial, receiving aggressive opposition from the students of the 26 two- and four-year universities and their 39,000 employees. Nationally, it is sure to be scrutinized and quite probably turned into an aggressive line of attack against the governor

In the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back.
Deace said Walker is handing free red meat over to the Democrats.
"If I'm a Democrat, my first commercial is Walker cuts $300 million to education but gives $200 million to the NBA," Deace said. "I don't understand who tells these guys that's a winning message."


Hey, I'm not at all opposed to using tax dollars to fund new stadiums and arenas. There are many valid reasons to do so. As for cutting educational spending, I might have a problem with that as a separate issue. Of course when you combine the two, it looks like a bad set of priorities for the governor, but I honestly believe we should be looking at each issue based on its own merits.
They are part of the same package. If uneducated people can't get a job, they won't buy tickets. Outcome: Two failed policies.
nope, you have it wrong, obama refused to talk, refused to negotiate, said "its my way or no way". The shutdown was totally on him.

But, having said that, the shutdown hurt no one. except the old vets who wanted to visit the memorials.

Yes, apparently, they didn't know that a government shutdown means the government actually shuts down.
Auto workers were not getting rich. And lug nut guys did not make $50 an hour

Without a government bailout, the auto companies never would have recovered. The banks were collapsing at the time. There was no money outside of the government to fund a restructure.

Obama saved the auto sector. For less than we paid for the republican government shutdown, we saved the auto companies

bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

Thats not true. Obama shut it down because the GOP minority in congress would not kowtow to him.

Rather than try to work with them i.e. do his job. He shut it down.

Tell us who in the GOP had, or has, the authority to shut down the govt. Who in the GOP had the authority to shut down national monuments? NO ONE, OBAMA DID IT.
By law, Obama cannot operate the government without funding

Republicans allowed that funding to expire. The GOP controlled House had that authority to approve a continuing resolution. Monuments were shut down because they could not be justified as an essential government function

nope, you have it wrong, obama refused to talk, refused to negotiate, said "its my way or no way". The shutdown was totally on him.

But, having said that, the shutdown hurt no one. except the old vets who wanted to visit the memorials.

What is there to talk about in a continuing resolution? You either vote to keep government going at existing funding or you don't
Republicans voted no
bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

Thats not true. Obama shut it down because the GOP minority in congress would not kowtow to him.

Rather than try to work with them i.e. do his job. He shut it down.

Tell us who in the GOP had, or has, the authority to shut down the govt. Who in the GOP had the authority to shut down national monuments? NO ONE, OBAMA DID IT.
By law, Obama cannot operate the government without funding

Republicans allowed that funding to expire. The GOP controlled House had that authority to approve a continuing resolution. Monuments were shut down because they could not be justified as an essential government function

nope, you have it wrong, obama refused to talk, refused to negotiate, said "its my way or no way". The shutdown was totally on him.

But, having said that, the shutdown hurt no one. except the old vets who wanted to visit the memorials.

The man child cry baby in the oval office threw a hissy fit and intentionally tried to make the shut down as disruptive as possible by closing memorials and parks, etc. This was sickening behavior for a supposed chief executive.
Man child? Code for "boy". Say what you mean or you look like chickenshit.
bullshit, do you have any idea how a structured bankruptcy of a large corporation works?

on the shutdown, the GOP did not do it, obama did it. no one in the GOP had the power or authority to shut down the govt, Obama did it as part of a political game--------which he lost.
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

Thats not true. Obama shut it down because the GOP minority in congress would not kowtow to him.

Rather than try to work with them i.e. do his job. He shut it down.

Tell us who in the GOP had, or has, the authority to shut down the govt. Who in the GOP had the authority to shut down national monuments? NO ONE, OBAMA DID IT.
By law, Obama cannot operate the government without funding

Republicans allowed that funding to expire. The GOP controlled House had that authority to approve a continuing resolution. Monuments were shut down because they could not be justified as an essential government function

nope, you have it wrong, obama refused to talk, refused to negotiate, said "its my way or no way". The shutdown was totally on him.

But, having said that, the shutdown hurt no one. except the old vets who wanted to visit the memorials.

What is there to talk about in a continuing resolution? You either vote to keep government going at existing funding or you don't
Republicans voted no

Yes, they stood behind the constitution rather that temporary political posturing. The constitution requires an annual budget, not a series of CRs
Stop rewriting history

Republicans threatened to shut down government, republicans voted to shut down government and republicans bragged about it after they shut it down

Thats not true. Obama shut it down because the GOP minority in congress would not kowtow to him.

Rather than try to work with them i.e. do his job. He shut it down.

Tell us who in the GOP had, or has, the authority to shut down the govt. Who in the GOP had the authority to shut down national monuments? NO ONE, OBAMA DID IT.
By law, Obama cannot operate the government without funding

Republicans allowed that funding to expire. The GOP controlled House had that authority to approve a continuing resolution. Monuments were shut down because they could not be justified as an essential government function

nope, you have it wrong, obama refused to talk, refused to negotiate, said "its my way or no way". The shutdown was totally on him.

But, having said that, the shutdown hurt no one. except the old vets who wanted to visit the memorials.

What is there to talk about in a continuing resolution? You either vote to keep government going at existing funding or you don't
Republicans voted no

Yes, they stood behind the constitution rather that temporary political posturing. The constitution requires an annual budget, not a series of CRs
Actually, they bypassed the constitution and attempted to use a continuing resolution to rewrite the budget
True, you also won't see that in a non-union car plant in the south. Can you say BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Subaru, or VW? Non--union, good pay, good benefits, good products.

The UAW created the adversarial relationship that you correctly mentioned.

No, I think that would be GM aiming machine guns at the Flynt Workers.

Here's the thing. All those foriegn companies you mention make most of their cars intheir home countries with union laborers.

They maybe let Cleetus and Billy Bob do some final assembly. But not until a Union worker back home has gotten the assembly thing down to a science do they let the idiots in Jesus-Land have a go at it.

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