Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

Actually, most college students move on to rewarding careers

It is the dropouts who suffer in tedious jobs with no future

Like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs right?

You being such an advocate for pumping out degrees, you must have learned so much - what was your major?

A sample of two proves that college dropouts do better in life than those with degrees

Another example of conservative struggles with math

Exactly as I thought - you probably have some meaningless liberal arts degree that took you five years to get, and now you have the nerve to tell people how important a college degree is. I got news for you - if you're an example of what a college education gets you - that's an argument not to go.

Engineering actually

Been doing it for over 35 years and can say without a doubt that the people I graduated High School with that went on to get college degrees did better than those who did not

Rocko.....You look like you could use a Sig


Totally irrelevant when discussing individuals. In this case, we have Scott Walker vs Obama and Hillary. Walker is highly successful and respected, Obama a failure, and Hillary a bystander. There is absolutely no reason to think Walker deciding not to finish a last semester in school in any way reduces his ability to run the country better than Obama has been doing. As for Hillary, she has a degree, but no accomplishments. We'd be better off with Walker.

Walker is the worst Governor in the history of Wisconsin.....probably the worst ever

He has never accomplished anything in life or as governor
Like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs right?

You being such an advocate for pumping out degrees, you must have learned so much - what was your major?

A sample of two proves that college dropouts do better in life than those with degrees

Another example of conservative struggles with math

Exactly as I thought - you probably have some meaningless liberal arts degree that took you five years to get, and now you have the nerve to tell people how important a college degree is. I got news for you - if you're an example of what a college education gets you - that's an argument not to go.

Engineering actually

Been doing it for over 35 years and can say without a doubt that the people I graduated High School with that went on to get college degrees did better than those who did not

Rocko.....You look like you could use a Sig


You're a proven liar and you don't nearly seem smart enough to be an engineer, but maybe you're an idiot savant. You'd have to be to be an engineer, because God knows on all other matters you prove yourself to be an idiot each day.

You still look like you could use a Sig
Like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs right?

You being such an advocate for pumping out degrees, you must have learned so much - what was your major?

A sample of two proves that college dropouts do better in life than those with degrees

Another example of conservative struggles with math

Exactly as I thought - you probably have some meaningless liberal arts degree that took you five years to get, and now you have the nerve to tell people how important a college degree is. I got news for you - if you're an example of what a college education gets you - that's an argument not to go.

Engineering actually

Been doing it for over 35 years and can say without a doubt that the people I graduated High School with that went on to get college degrees did better than those who did not

Rocko.....You look like you could use a Sig


You're a proven liar and you don't nearly seem smart enough to be an engineer, but maybe you're an idiot savant. You'd have to be to be an engineer, because God knows on all other matters you prove yourself to be an idiot each day.

You still look like you could use a Sig

This one good enough for ya?
Like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs right?

You being such an advocate for pumping out degrees, you must have learned so much - what was your major?

A sample of two proves that college dropouts do better in life than those with degrees

Another example of conservative struggles with math

Exactly as I thought - you probably have some meaningless liberal arts degree that took you five years to get, and now you have the nerve to tell people how important a college degree is. I got news for you - if you're an example of what a college education gets you - that's an argument not to go.

Engineering actually

Been doing it for over 35 years and can say without a doubt that the people I graduated High School with that went on to get college degrees did better than those who did not

Rocko.....You look like you could use a Sig


Totally irrelevant when discussing individuals. In this case, we have Scott Walker vs Obama and Hillary. Walker is highly successful and respected, Obama a failure, and Hillary a bystander. There is absolutely no reason to think Walker deciding not to finish a last semester in school in any way reduces his ability to run the country better than Obama has been doing. As for Hillary, she has a degree, but no accomplishments. We'd be better off with Walker.

Walker is the worst Governor in the history of Wisconsin.....probably the worst ever

He has never accomplished anything in life or as governor

When all else is lost, return to the original regurgitation. Don't worry, I'm sure the second page will be coming through any day now, any day now.

Of course, let's not talk about the reality that he has accomplished more than Hillary has and Obama had before he was elected.
A sample of two proves that college dropouts do better in life than those with degrees

Another example of conservative struggles with math

Exactly as I thought - you probably have some meaningless liberal arts degree that took you five years to get, and now you have the nerve to tell people how important a college degree is. I got news for you - if you're an example of what a college education gets you - that's an argument not to go.

Engineering actually

Been doing it for over 35 years and can say without a doubt that the people I graduated High School with that went on to get college degrees did better than those who did not

Rocko.....You look like you could use a Sig


Totally irrelevant when discussing individuals. In this case, we have Scott Walker vs Obama and Hillary. Walker is highly successful and respected, Obama a failure, and Hillary a bystander. There is absolutely no reason to think Walker deciding not to finish a last semester in school in any way reduces his ability to run the country better than Obama has been doing. As for Hillary, she has a degree, but no accomplishments. We'd be better off with Walker.

Walker is the worst Governor in the history of Wisconsin.....probably the worst ever

He has never accomplished anything in life or as governor

When all else is lost, return to the original regurgitation. Don't worry, I'm sure the second page will be coming through any day now, any day now.

Of course, let's not talk about the reality that he has accomplished more than Hillary has and Obama had before he was elected.

Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize winner

Most of the world has never heard of Wisconsin or it's miserable excuse for a governor
Exactly as I thought - you probably have some meaningless liberal arts degree that took you five years to get, and now you have the nerve to tell people how important a college degree is. I got news for you - if you're an example of what a college education gets you - that's an argument not to go.

Engineering actually

Been doing it for over 35 years and can say without a doubt that the people I graduated High School with that went on to get college degrees did better than those who did not

Rocko.....You look like you could use a Sig


Totally irrelevant when discussing individuals. In this case, we have Scott Walker vs Obama and Hillary. Walker is highly successful and respected, Obama a failure, and Hillary a bystander. There is absolutely no reason to think Walker deciding not to finish a last semester in school in any way reduces his ability to run the country better than Obama has been doing. As for Hillary, she has a degree, but no accomplishments. We'd be better off with Walker.

Walker is the worst Governor in the history of Wisconsin.....probably the worst ever

He has never accomplished anything in life or as governor

When all else is lost, return to the original regurgitation. Don't worry, I'm sure the second page will be coming through any day now, any day now.

Of course, let's not talk about the reality that he has accomplished more than Hillary has and Obama had before he was elected.

Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize winner

Most of the world has never heard of Wisconsin or it's miserable excuse for a governor

BWAHa ha ha ha ha ha! I can't believe you seized on that worthless piece of tripe! Nobel Peace Prize winner, for WHAT? The POSSIBILITY that he MIGHT do something significant for peace, someday. We're still waiting for that, BTW.

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.
Typical blackmail from sports team owners: If you don't fund a new stadium, I will move elsewhere
It is time for taxpayers to stand up to extortion. These teams are worth over a billion dollars, let them fund their own arenas....they used to

Above that. After taxpayers fund new sports venues, they find they can no longer afford to attend the games

I don't disagree with that. But here's the thing. there are a crapload of other cities that would happily take the Bucks in if they don't get their stadium in Milwaukee.
If the filthy ass government would have stayed out of this union corruption the GM and Chrysler would have went bankrupted and then reorganized. They would have to become more efficient and cost effective. Many of the jobs would have remained with a much better labor market competitiveness. The companies were not competitive with the bloated UAW salary and pension schedule.

All this deal did was steal money from the American taxpayers and the bondholders and gave it to the greedy and corrupt UAW and that is despicable. Of course the filth in the UAW gave that shithead Obama hundreds of millions of dollars so that was the payback.

You Libtards have a very difficult time understanding basic economics. A job isn't a real job if the only way it is viable is when the government takes money from those that earned it and uses it to subsidize jobs that could not be viable in the free market. That is just thievery and welfare.

Your argument would hold merit if GM and Chrysler lost market share to some Company practicing Ayn Randian Principles of "I've got mine, fuck you."

But they lost out to German and Japanese companies, which have even stronger unions than the UAW, work councils and Socialized Medicine. Oh, yeah, and the government subsidizes these companies.

Shit, Volkswagen was started by the Nazis to provide affordable cars for Germans.
Obviously, the talking points are out. Walker is gaining ground, therefore it is time to destroy him by any means possible. Lie, smear, throw mud, claim he wears white after Labor Day, whatever you can dream up. Don't worry, someone might believe you and fall for your fear-mongering. This process will be repeated for every Republican that shows signs of gaining in popularity. It's the only thing democrats have left to run on. What, like Hillary has actual accomplishments to point to?

Walker is a failure as a Governor. He does not have a single accomplishment

Worst Governor ever

I think your straining too hard.

Look, here's the thing. Walker is probably the only Republican I would consider voting for. I live in IL, but I own property in Wisconsin. The guy's done a good job.

If the Republicans had a brain, they'd nominate him.

But they'll probably nominate Bush instead.
Engineering actually

Been doing it for over 35 years and can say without a doubt that the people I graduated High School with that went on to get college degrees did better than those who did not

Rocko.....You look like you could use a Sig


Totally irrelevant when discussing individuals. In this case, we have Scott Walker vs Obama and Hillary. Walker is highly successful and respected, Obama a failure, and Hillary a bystander. There is absolutely no reason to think Walker deciding not to finish a last semester in school in any way reduces his ability to run the country better than Obama has been doing. As for Hillary, she has a degree, but no accomplishments. We'd be better off with Walker.

Walker is the worst Governor in the history of Wisconsin.....probably the worst ever

He has never accomplished anything in life or as governor

When all else is lost, return to the original regurgitation. Don't worry, I'm sure the second page will be coming through any day now, any day now.

Of course, let's not talk about the reality that he has accomplished more than Hillary has and Obama had before he was elected.

Obama is a Nobel Peace Prize winner

Most of the world has never heard of Wisconsin or it's miserable excuse for a governor

BWAHa ha ha ha ha ha! I can't believe you seized on that worthless piece of tripe! Nobel Peace Prize winner, for WHAT? The POSSIBILITY that he MIGHT do something significant for peace, someday. We're still waiting for that, BTW.

Tell you what, name the prize worthy peace stuff he did PRIOR to getting that award. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Republicans who do not have a prayer of winning a Nobel Prize degrade it while they tout the failed governor from Wisconsin

Barack Obama was honored for being the first black president of a racist United States. Scott Walker couldn't even be honored with a college diploma
Like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs right?

You being such an advocate for pumping out degrees, you must have learned so much - what was your major?

A sample of two proves that college dropouts do better in life than those with degrees

Another example of conservative struggles with math

Exactly as I thought - you probably have some meaningless liberal arts degree that took you five years to get, and now you have the nerve to tell people how important a college degree is. I got news for you - if you're an example of what a college education gets you - that's an argument not to go.

Engineering actually

Been doing it for over 35 years and can say without a doubt that the people I graduated High School with that went on to get college degrees did better than those who did not

Rocko.....You look like you could use a Sig


Totally irrelevant when discussing individuals. In this case, we have Scott Walker vs Obama and Hillary. Walker is highly successful and respected, Obama a failure, and Hillary a bystander. There is absolutely no reason to think Walker deciding not to finish a last semester in school in any way reduces his ability to run the country better than Obama has been doing. As for Hillary, she has a degree, but no accomplishments. We'd be better off with Walker.

Walker is the worst Governor in the history of Wisconsin.....probably the worst ever

He has never accomplished anything in life or as governor
ROFL translation... cry he wont give YOU everything YOU want HIM TO BUY YOU USING YOUR NEIGHBORS FOOD MONEY... You crybaby democrats are ridiculous.
A sample of two proves that college dropouts do better in life than those with degrees

Another example of conservative struggles with math

Exactly as I thought - you probably have some meaningless liberal arts degree that took you five years to get, and now you have the nerve to tell people how important a college degree is. I got news for you - if you're an example of what a college education gets you - that's an argument not to go.

Engineering actually

Been doing it for over 35 years and can say without a doubt that the people I graduated High School with that went on to get college degrees did better than those who did not

Rocko.....You look like you could use a Sig


Totally irrelevant when discussing individuals. In this case, we have Scott Walker vs Obama and Hillary. Walker is highly successful and respected, Obama a failure, and Hillary a bystander. There is absolutely no reason to think Walker deciding not to finish a last semester in school in any way reduces his ability to run the country better than Obama has been doing. As for Hillary, she has a degree, but no accomplishments. We'd be better off with Walker.

Walker is the worst Governor in the history of Wisconsin.....probably the worst ever

He has never accomplished anything in life or as governor
ROFL translation... cry he wont give YOU everything YOU want HIM TO BUY YOU USING YOUR NEIGHBORS FOOD MONEY... You crybaby democrats are ridiculous.
Failure is still failure no matter how you measure it

By any estimation, Walker is a failure

Worst governor ever
Conservatives and education

Rush Limbaugh: Never finished college
Sean Hannity: Never finished college
Glen Beck: Never finished college
Scott Walker: Never finished college

All seek to destroy our education system.

Book learn'n ....who needs it?
and yet all are successful at what they do.....hey just sayin....
Conservatives and education

Rush Limbaugh: Never finished college
Sean Hannity: Never finished college
Glen Beck: Never finished college
Scott Walker: Never finished college

All seek to destroy our education system.

Book learn'n ....who needs it?
and yet all are successful at what they do.....hey just sayin....
Democrats are "morons." They think private schools are public education. Hell, these morons even believe taxpayer funds somehow "saves" education systems from destruction. It's as if they think nothing and no one can live without being taxed and redistributed by the hands of pieces of shit like them.
Conservatives and education

Rush Limbaugh: Never finished college
Sean Hannity: Never finished college
Glen Beck: Never finished college
Scott Walker: Never finished college

All seek to destroy our education system.

Book learn'n ....who needs it?
and yet all are successful at what they do.....hey just sayin....

So is Justin Beiber
Conservatives hate public education, they want to destroy even those schools that are doing well.
If the filthy ass government would have stayed out of this union corruption the GM and Chrysler would have went bankrupted and then reorganized. They would have to become more efficient and cost effective. Many of the jobs would have remained with a much better labor market competitiveness. The companies were not competitive with the bloated UAW salary and pension schedule.

All this deal did was steal money from the American taxpayers and the bondholders and gave it to the greedy and corrupt UAW and that is despicable. Of course the filth in the UAW gave that shithead Obama hundreds of millions of dollars so that was the payback.

You Libtards have a very difficult time understanding basic economics. A job isn't a real job if the only way it is viable is when the government takes money from those that earned it and uses it to subsidize jobs that could not be viable in the free market. That is just thievery and welfare.

Your argument would hold merit if GM and Chrysler lost market share to some Company practicing Ayn Randian Principles of "I've got mine, fuck you."

But they lost out to German and Japanese companies, which have even stronger unions than the UAW, work councils and Socialized Medicine. Oh, yeah, and the government subsidizes these companies.

Shit, Volkswagen was started by the Nazis to provide affordable cars for Germans.

My Jap vehicle wasn't made fucking union pukes. It was made by non union Texans.

I don't think any of the Japanese or German unions gave Obama and the Democrats a billion either expecting something in return, did they?
Conservatives hate public education, they want to destroy even those schools that are doing well.

Conservatives hate the fact that the US spends more money on "education" than any country in the world but has the most dismal results. It is done it wrong. Money doesn't produce good education. Parents caring about their children is what produces good education. The Free Shit Army welfare queens don't give a crap about their children and that is the reason the education fails.

Conservatives also hate the fact that Libtards use money allocated to education to pay bloated union salaries and benefits in return for campaign donations to Democrats.
2016 Democrat Campaign slogan:

Don't vote for Walker because he doesn't have a college education and doesn't kiss the ass of the unions. (we have nothing else)
My Jap vehicle wasn't made fucking union pukes. It was made by non union Texans.

I don't think any of the Japanese or German unions gave Obama and the Democrats a billion either expecting something in return, did they?

You missed the point entirely, but you aren't very bright, are you? Point was, the only reason why Scabs are making cars in Texas is because after those unionized "Japs" beat the Big Three into the poorhouse in the 1980's, Ronald Reagan- yes, THAT Ronald Reagan - passed some anti-dumping laws that required the Japanese manufacturers to do final assembly in the US of SOME cars.
Conservatives hate the fact that the US spends more money on "education" than any country in the world but has the most dismal results. It is done it wrong.

The same thing can be said about Health Care, but oddly, you guys never call for change in that.

Money doesn't produce good education. Parents caring about their children is what produces good education. The Free Shit Army welfare queens don't give a crap about their children and that is the reason the education fails.

I think there's a lot to complain about with teacher's unions and education bureaucracy, but the fact is, the main reason why public education fails is that people of affluence don't use it and don't care about it.

Conservatives also hate the fact that Libtards use money allocated to education to pay bloated union salaries and benefits in return for campaign donations to Democrats.

Yes, we shouldn't pay someone a GOOD salary to be a teacher. It's not like it's an important job or anything.

Here's the real problem. 50% of new teachers burn out in 5 years. The problem is getting good teachers, not that they are paid too much. Becuase they really aren't.

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