Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

Why do Progs hate millionaires and billionaires but spend every second worshipping and supporting a trillionaire, the us federal gubbamint

Because we get lots of free stuff from Uncle Sam. I really like my free phone.
funny but the phones predate Obamessiah :ack-1:

The Obama Phone
Q: Has the Obama administration started a program to use "taxpayer money" to give free cell phones to welfare recipients?

A: No. Low-income households have been eligible for discounted telephone service for more than a decade. But the program is funded by telecom companies, not by taxes, and the president has nothing to do with it.
Yes we need more low wage workers. This endeavor will work out as well as the 250,000 jobs he promised. Only fell short by a tad. LOL. Reduce the quality of education and give it to some CEO. Nice.
"and did a great job In his role as governor.". Oh, so you live here? If not, shut your mouth.
Shows where his priorities are

Scott Walker Takes A National Risk With State Education Cuts - NBC News

His proposed $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin system, however, could be more problematic for Walker. At home, it's highly controversial, receiving aggressive opposition from the students of the 26 two- and four-year universities and their 39,000 employees. Nationally, it is sure to be scrutinized and quite probably turned into an aggressive line of attack against the governor

In the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back.
Deace said Walker is handing free red meat over to the Democrats.
"If I'm a Democrat, my first commercial is Walker cuts $300 million to education but gives $200 million to the NBA," Deace said. "I don't understand who tells these guys that's a winning message."

I wonder if that is one of the things that God told him to do.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
Sounds great to me, something that produces money VS people just taking on debt made possible by the federal Government so they can graduate and go back to their old job in this Obama economy. If you ain't rich you ain't movin forward in Obama's economy.
Why have my property taxes gone up? I live in Wisconsin. Where are all those jobs he promised? And anything less than $15 should not qualify for a job because at that pay one is expected be be minimally productive.
How is a pukey scumbag like Walker surviving politically - even in a state like Wisconsin?

I wonder the same thing about Obama. How in the hell can that corrupt and incompetent dickhead stay in office?
I'm not surprised that walker has done this.

The man sees no value in education.

He's a college drop out with no degree.

Like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Russell Simmons, Ted Turner, Brad Pitt, Steve Jobs, and Oprah?
Are they running for president?
Some of the best presidents this country has ever had didnt go to college. Yeah Scott Walker didn't finish college, but he became governor of a freaking state...and did a great job In his role as governor.

How many in the last 100 years?

Guy can't even finish College and you guys want him to be President? Almost as bad as when you wanted a pizza maker
Yes we need more low wage workers. This endeavor will work out as well as the 250,000 jobs he promised. Only fell short by a tad. LOL. Reduce the quality of education and give it to some CEO. Nice.

Education quality is already at a dismal level even though the corrupt politicians (mostly Democrats) have been feeding the teacher's unions with tons of money for bloated salaries and benefits. Money doesn't equate to good education, it just bankrupts states.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
Sounds great to me, something that produces money VS people just taking on debt made possible by the federal Government so they can graduate and go back to their old job in this Obama economy. If you ain't rich you ain't movin forward in Obama's economy.
Yes....welfare for billionaires

The goal of all conservatives
How many in the last 100 years?

Guy can't even finish College and you guys want him to be President? Almost as bad as when you wanted a pizza maker

Obama got his degree through affirmative action, which makes it worthless.

He won't even release his college transcripts so we don't even know if he ever finished college or not.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
Sounds great to me, something that produces money VS people just taking on debt made possible by the federal Government so they can graduate and go back to their old job in this Obama economy. If you ain't rich you ain't movin forward in Obama's economy.
Yes....welfare for billionaires

The goal of all conservatives
But they need it, they may create a job with it..like a Hispanic illegal,,as a maid...
How many in the last 100 years?

Guy can't even finish College and you guys want him to be President? Almost as bad as when you wanted a pizza maker

Obama got his degree through affirmative action, which makes it worthless.

He won't even release his college transcripts so we don't even know if he ever finished college or not.
Did he mail order it? Or attend classes and passed?
How many in the last 100 years?

Guy can't even finish College and you guys want him to be President? Almost as bad as when you wanted a pizza maker

Obama got his degree through affirmative action, which makes it worthless.

He won't even release his college transcripts so we don't even know if he ever finished college or not.
Graduated Harvard Law with honors

Walker couldn't even finish community college ....retard

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