Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?

Again the university asked Walker to make those cuts, don't you feel like an idiot now for starting this thread?

We're still waiting for a link that shows the universities asked for a $300 million cut.

Ahahaha look when another dumb ass lib started a similar thread on this the other day, I researched it for myself. What I discovered was yet again libs were telling half the story and being dishonest. So you can either get off your lazy fat ass and do your own research as I did, or you can blow it out your ass it makes no difference to me.

You are lying

What Walker 8217 s UW budget cuts and increased autonomy means for students and faculty The Badger Herald

From your link: Gov. Scott Walker suggested Wednesday that the University of Wisconsin System could ask its professors to teach one more class per semester to help alleviate the $300 million in cuts he has proposed.

Hellooooooooooo.. If you cut $300,000,000.00 would you have the money to hire more teachers????

Did that really have to be explained? Really?
It's no secret that the liberal media hates Walker. The use of words like "manifesto" are deliberately incendiary. Libs have it rigged so that Walker would be called racist and anti middle class if he denied funding for a NBA stadium and probably accused of pandering to the rich if he increased funding to universities.
How is it possible to come up with such ridiculous conclusions. At least if we make such conclusions, we have GOP history as a guide.
How is it possible to come up with such ridiculous conclusions
look at some of your ridiculous conclusions dean....
Shows where his priorities are

Scott Walker Takes A National Risk With State Education Cuts - NBC News

His proposed $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin system, however, could be more problematic for Walker. At home, it's highly controversial, receiving aggressive opposition from the students of the 26 two- and four-year universities and their 39,000 employees. Nationally, it is sure to be scrutinized and quite probably turned into an aggressive line of attack against the governor

In the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back.
Deace said Walker is handing free red meat over to the Democrats.
"If I'm a Democrat, my first commercial is Walker cuts $300 million to education but gives $200 million to the NBA," Deace said. "I don't understand who tells these guys that's a winning message."


Hey, I'm not at all opposed to using tax dollars to fund new stadiums and arenas. There are many valid reasons to do so. As for cutting educational spending, I might have a problem with that as a separate issue. Of course when you combine the two, it looks like a bad set of priorities for the governor, but I honestly believe we should be looking at each issue based on its own merits.
What do the republicans call it? Oh yeah "Redistribution of wealth"

Start a fire and sell water. Get your party to invest in that water and you all profit. Same thing happened before the last depression we nearly hit AGAIN in the Bush Era.
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?
Given? Lmao what a fool. They are not given anything, they will.just cut back on some of there useless Liberl arts classes
Hmm who should we give the money to. A bunch of Milennials seeking Liberal Arts degrees or anyone else who might contribute to the tax base lol.
I'm not surprised that walker has done this.

The man sees no value in education.

He's a college drop out with no degree.

Like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Russell Simmons, Ted Turner, Brad Pitt, Steve Jobs, and Oprah?
Are they running for president?
Some of the best presidents this country has ever had didnt go to college. Yeah Scott Walker didn't finish college, but he became governor of a freaking state...and did a great job In his role as governor.

How many in the last 100 years?

Guy can't even finish College and you guys want him to be President? Almost as bad as when you wanted a pizza maker

Why was it ok 100 years ago but it's not ok now? As I stated - Scott Walker has had greater accomplishments than finishing college in his life. Herman Cain was no pizza maker, I suggest you do your research.

100 years ago, an 8th grade education was the norm

Today, we have a right to expect more from our leaders

The failed governor from Wisconsin could not even hack college
My question is, how can the University of Wisconsin charge on average $5,205.12 a Semester to residents, and 13,329.96 to non-residents, and STILL not make a profit.

Think about that for a minute.

Tuition Fees Office of the Registrar University of Wisconsin ndash Madison

sorry, guys, not going to find me complaining about Walker here. Seems there's a lot of fat in the UW system if they charge that much and STILL need a government subsidy.

Now, for the stadium for the Bucs. I agree, the NBA should pay for it's own stadium. But here's the thing. That stadium will not be exclusive for the Bucks. It's actually the kind of Keynesian infrastructure investement program that liberals love. And if Wisconsin doesn't pay for it, the Bucks can always move to another city that's willing to pony up.
My question is, how can the University of Wisconsin charge on average $5,205.12 a Semester to residents, and 13,329.96 to non-residents, and STILL not make a profit.

Think about that for a minute.

Tuition Fees Office of the Registrar University of Wisconsin ndash Madison

sorry, guys, not going to find me complaining about Walker here. Seems there's a lot of fat in the UW system if they charge that much and STILL need a government subsidy.

Now, for the stadium for the Bucs. I agree, the NBA should pay for it's own stadium. But here's the thing. That stadium will not be exclusive for the Bucks. It's actually the kind of Keynesian infrastructure investement program that liberals love. And if Wisconsin doesn't pay for it, the Bucks can always move to another city that's willing to pony up.

Typical blackmail from sports team owners: If you don't fund a new stadium, I will move elsewhere
It is time for taxpayers to stand up to extortion. These teams are worth over a billion dollars, let them fund their own arenas....they used to

Above that. After taxpayers fund new sports venues, they find they can no longer afford to attend the games
My question is, how can the University of Wisconsin charge on average $5,205.12 a Semester to residents, and 13,329.96 to non-residents, and STILL not make a profit.

Think about that for a minute.

Tuition Fees Office of the Registrar University of Wisconsin ndash Madison

sorry, guys, not going to find me complaining about Walker here. Seems there's a lot of fat in the UW system if they charge that much and STILL need a government subsidy.

Now, for the stadium for the Bucs. I agree, the NBA should pay for it's own stadium. But here's the thing. That stadium will not be exclusive for the Bucks. It's actually the kind of Keynesian infrastructure investement program that liberals love. And if Wisconsin doesn't pay for it, the Bucks can always move to another city that's willing to pony up.

Typical blackmail from sports team owners: If you don't fund a new stadium, I will move elsewhere
It is time for taxpayers to stand up to extortion. These teams are worth over a billion dollars, let them fund their own arenas....they used to

Above that. After taxpayers fund new sports venues, they find they can no longer afford to attend the games

Most of these funds don't come directly from the budgets of the governments, but from bonds raised for the specific purpose of building the stadium. The cost isn't the bond money, its the lost taxes from these bonds being tax free as a "municipal improvement"

Most of the real costs to local governments come from infrastructure improvements, such as roads, rail, etc. and those often DO improve people's lives beyond the creation of the Stadium.
The nancy boys are out in force with their hate tirade against Walker now, aren't they? President Walker. Has a nice, earthy, pragmatic ring to it, yes?

That's scary. He can't balance a budget for his state. Throw in military spending and the debt will continue to skyrocket.
If this clown Obama is so smart then how come he made a deal this bad? Looks like he didn't get much of an education, did he?

It s Official Taxpayers Lost 16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout - Conn Carroll

It's Official: Taxpayers Lost $16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout
Saving GM saved 1.2 million jobs and preserved $34.9 billion in tax revenue.
Thanks, President Obama.

It wasn't 1.2 million jobs that would have been lost.

If the filthy ass government would have stayed out of this union corruption the GM and Chrysler would have went bankrupted and then reorganized. They would have to become more efficient and cost effective. Many of the jobs would have remained with a much better labor market competitiveness. The companies were not competitive with the bloated UAW salary and pension schedule.

All this deal did was steal money from the American taxpayers and the bondholders and gave it to the greedy and corrupt UAW and that is despicable. Of course the filth in the UAW gave that shithead Obama hundreds of millions of dollars so that was the payback.

You Libtards have a very difficult time understanding basic economics. A job isn't a real job if the only way it is viable is when the government takes money from those that earned it and uses it to subsidize jobs that could not be viable in the free market. That is just thievery and welfare.

By the way here are some of the jobs that were "saved" with your tax money. You do pay taxes, don't you?

More class warfare. The wealthy are absolutely doing their best to kill the middle class.

In order to pay for this massive bloated welfare system the Liberal are stealing money from the Middle Class. That is why family income has decreased under Obama and the welfare rolls skyrocketed.

The rich pay a ton of taxes, create jobs and provides money for investment. The Middle Class is the one that hurts the most when the combined cost of government (fed, state and local) is over 40% of the GNP. They are the ones that gets screwed in the deal. The Liberals are the ones to blame.
If this clown Obama is so smart then how come he made a deal this bad? Looks like he didn't get much of an education, did he?

It s Official Taxpayers Lost 16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout - Conn Carroll

It's Official: Taxpayers Lost $16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout
Saving GM saved 1.2 million jobs and preserved $34.9 billion in tax revenue.
Thanks, President Obama.

It wasn't 1.2 million jobs that would have been lost.

If the filthy ass government would have stayed out of this union corruption the GM and Chrysler would have went bankrupted and then reorganized. They would have to become more efficient and cost effective. Many of the jobs would have remained with a much better labor market competitiveness. The companies were not competitive with the bloated UAW salary and pension schedule.

All this deal did was steal money from the American taxpayers and the bondholders and gave it to the greedy and corrupt UAW and that is despicable. Of course the filth in the UAW gave that shithead Obama hundreds of millions of dollars so that was the payback.

You Libtards have a very difficult time understanding basic economics. A job isn't a real job if the only way it is viable is when the government takes money from those that earned it and uses it to subsidize jobs that could not be viable in the free market. That is just thievery and welfare.

By the way here are some of the jobs that were "saved" with your tax money. You do pay taxes, don't you?


How could they have reorganized with the financial sector in turmoil?

Where would the money have come from?

How could they have reorganized with the financial sector in turmoil?

Where would the money have come from?

Don't know and don't give a shit. That was their problem to figure out. They have some wiz bang finance people that figure out things like that.Ford managed to figure out how to make a profit without taking taxpayer's money and none of the foreign automakers in the US had to go and pay off corrupt politicians like Obama to give them taxpayer's money.

How could they have reorganized with the financial sector in turmoil?

Where would the money have come from?

Don't know and don't give a shit. That was their problem to figure out. They have some wiz bang finance people that figure out things like that.Ford managed to figure out how to make a profit without taking taxpayer's money and none of the foreign automakers in the US had to go and pay off corrupt politicians like Obama to give them taxpayer's money.

Thanks for confirming that conservatives had no other plans than let them fail

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