Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

3 paragraphs from the unread article

"The cuts amount to 13 percent of the system's budget and are the largest in the system's history in a long line of budget cuts. They are responsible for making up close to half of the state's $650 million budget gap over the next two years. It's also tied to a two-year extension of a tuition freeze along with efforts to give the universities more authority over its budget....

For one, in the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back....

The reason why Scott Walker is considered a leading presidential candidate is because he's been willing to take some risks and make some bold reforms," Graul said. "People … like that you make decisions and stand by your decisions, even if you don't agree with it."

Well Walker better get that money for a new NBA?Milwaukee Bucks backs fast! Because,,,,,,,
State budget shortfall projected at $2.2 billion
MADISON — Gov. Scott Walker's administration said Thursday that Wisconsin faces a $2.2 billion budget shortfall by mid-2017, a problem that will have to be tackled by the Republican-controlled Legislature next year as Walker builds his resume for a potential presidential run and looks to deliver on a campaign promise to cut taxes.
State budget shortfall projected at 2.2 billion

Well, if he is just another "spend now, pay for it later" Republican - no thanks.
Obviously, the talking points are out. Walker is gaining ground, therefore it is time to destroy him by any means possible. Lie, smear, throw mud, claim he wears white after Labor Day, whatever you can dream up. Don't worry, someone might believe you and fall for your fear-mongering. This process will be repeated for every Republican that shows signs of gaining in popularity. It's the only thing democrats have left to run on. What, like Hillary has actual accomplishments to point to?

Walker is a failure as a Governor. He does not have a single accomplishment

Worst Governor ever

Perfect illustration of my point.

Walker has failed at everything he has tried. Sucker was nearly recalled and bombed out of college

Why should we risk having him as President?

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the new lefty twat narrative on Scott Walker. You would figure they would hold back to keep it "Fresh" for 2016, but alas, they have no bullet in the chamber, so they have to go off shooting blanks as early as they can.
Marty, the dems want nothing more that for the gop to run this guy.
3 paragraphs from the unread article

"The cuts amount to 13 percent of the system's budget and are the largest in the system's history in a long line of budget cuts. They are responsible for making up close to half of the state's $650 million budget gap over the next two years. It's also tied to a two-year extension of a tuition freeze along with efforts to give the universities more authority over its budget....

For one, in the same budget proposal, Walker nearly cancels out his university cuts with a $220 million grant to build a new NBA stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, another component receiving initial opposition in the state even though Walker pledges that the state will make its money back....

The reason why Scott Walker is considered a leading presidential candidate is because he's been willing to take some risks and make some bold reforms," Graul said. "People … like that you make decisions and stand by your decisions, even if you don't agree with it."

Well Walker better get that money for a new NBA?Milwaukee Bucks backs fast! Because,,,,,,,
State budget shortfall projected at $2.2 billion
MADISON — Gov. Scott Walker's administration said Thursday that Wisconsin faces a $2.2 billion budget shortfall by mid-2017, a problem that will have to be tackled by the Republican-controlled Legislature next year as Walker builds his resume for a potential presidential run and looks to deliver on a campaign promise to cut taxes.
State budget shortfall projected at 2.2 billion

Worst Governor ever

Imagine the damage he could do as President
Obviously, the talking points are out. Walker is gaining ground, therefore it is time to destroy him by any means possible. Lie, smear, throw mud, claim he wears white after Labor Day, whatever you can dream up. Don't worry, someone might believe you and fall for your fear-mongering. This process will be repeated for every Republican that shows signs of gaining in popularity. It's the only thing democrats have left to run on. What, like Hillary has actual accomplishments to point to?

Walker is a failure as a Governor. He does not have a single accomplishment

Worst Governor ever
He makes you mad, I'd say that's an accomplishment.

The only reason dropout Walker got elected was because of the biased rightwing media and because he offered free stuff

Worst Governor ever

Rightwinger appears to be stuck, he's crapped out the same post at least 5 times in this thread.
Obviously, the talking points are out. Walker is gaining ground, therefore it is time to destroy him by any means possible. Lie, smear, throw mud, claim he wears white after Labor Day, whatever you can dream up. Don't worry, someone might believe you and fall for your fear-mongering. This process will be repeated for every Republican that shows signs of gaining in popularity. It's the only thing democrats have left to run on. What, like Hillary has actual accomplishments to point to?

Walker is a failure as a Governor. He does not have a single accomplishment

Worst Governor ever

Perfect illustration of my point.

Walker has failed at everything he has tried. Sucker was nearly recalled and bombed out of college

Why should we risk having him as President?

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the new lefty twat narrative on Scott Walker. You would figure they would hold back to keep it "Fresh" for 2016, but alas, they have no bullet in the chamber, so they have to go off shooting blanks as early as they can.
Marty, the dems want nothing more that for the gop to run this guy.

Obviously, the talking points are out. Walker is gaining ground, therefore it is time to destroy him by any means possible. Lie, smear, throw mud, claim he wears white after Labor Day, whatever you can dream up. Don't worry, someone might believe you and fall for your fear-mongering. This process will be repeated for every Republican that shows signs of gaining in popularity. It's the only thing democrats have left to run on. What, like Hillary has actual accomplishments to point to?

Walker is a failure as a Governor. He does not have a single accomplishment

Worst Governor ever

Perfect illustration of my point.

Walker has failed at everything he has tried. Sucker was nearly recalled and bombed out of college

Why should we risk having him as President?

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the new lefty twat narrative on Scott Walker. You would figure they would hold back to keep it "Fresh" for 2016, but alas, they have no bullet in the chamber, so they have to go off shooting blanks as early as they can.

It is Walker who is shooting blanks
No accomplishments as Governor
Walker is a failure as a Governor. He does not have a single accomplishment

Worst Governor ever

Perfect illustration of my point.

Walker has failed at everything he has tried. Sucker was nearly recalled and bombed out of college

Why should we risk having him as President?

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the new lefty twat narrative on Scott Walker. You would figure they would hold back to keep it "Fresh" for 2016, but alas, they have no bullet in the chamber, so they have to go off shooting blanks as early as they can.
Marty, the dems want nothing more that for the gop to run this guy.

Whatever gandolf. cast a spell or something.
Obviously, the talking points are out. Walker is gaining ground, therefore it is time to destroy him by any means possible. Lie, smear, throw mud, claim he wears white after Labor Day, whatever you can dream up. Don't worry, someone might believe you and fall for your fear-mongering. This process will be repeated for every Republican that shows signs of gaining in popularity. It's the only thing democrats have left to run on. What, like Hillary has actual accomplishments to point to?

Walker is a failure as a Governor. He does not have a single accomplishment

Worst Governor ever

Perfect illustration of my point.

Walker has failed at everything he has tried. Sucker was nearly recalled and bombed out of college

Why should we risk having him as President?

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the new lefty twat narrative on Scott Walker. You would figure they would hold back to keep it "Fresh" for 2016, but alas, they have no bullet in the chamber, so they have to go off shooting blanks as early as they can.

It is Walker who is shooting blanks
No accomplishments as Governor

Oh Rly?

Walk-O-Meter Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept PolitiFact

Walk-O-Meter Campaign Promises that are Compromise PolitiFact
Perfect illustration of my point.

Walker has failed at everything he has tried. Sucker was nearly recalled and bombed out of college

Why should we risk having him as President?

Ladies and gentlemen, behold the new lefty twat narrative on Scott Walker. You would figure they would hold back to keep it "Fresh" for 2016, but alas, they have no bullet in the chamber, so they have to go off shooting blanks as early as they can.
Marty, the dems want nothing more that for the gop to run this guy.

Whatever gandolf. cast a spell or something.

GandAlf. Get it right if you are going to be a smarmy snarky twat.

And more technically it is Gandalf the WHITE.
Then we have this:
NBA TV Deal 2014: What The $24 Billion New Agreement Means For The League
With the value of the league’s TV rights increasing exponentially, both owners and players will benefit.
“The owners are in great shape as they now have a substantial amount of revenue certainty as far as the eye can see,” Carter said. “This also really helps the lower-tier teams for which this revenue is vitally important. NBA players will see dramatic salary increases over time as the salary cap rises.”

NBA TV Deal 2014 What The 24 Billion New Agreement Means For The League

And the wealthy get wealthier as the taxpayers pay for a new stadium.
But let's make the peon taxpayers think they are the ones benefiting and the state is just helping the poor owners out.
I smell plutocracy.
100 years ago, an 8th grade education was the norm

Today, we have a right to expect more from our leaders

The failed governor from Wisconsin could not even hack college

Having a college degree does not make you smart nor does it mean you've accomplished anything significant. I went to grad school with people who didn't know their ass from a hole in the wall.
Since Walker has been Governor:

1. Wisconsin gets humiliated by Ohio State 59-0 for the biggest butt whipping of the year

2. Wisconsin gods Green Bay Packers blow a 12 point lead in two minutes to Seattle and embarass the entire state of Wisconsin in the process

Walker stands by like a deer in the headlights as his state is embarassed nationwide. No other governor has held his state up for such humiliation

Worst Governor ever
100 years ago, an 8th grade education was the norm

Today, we have a right to expect more from our leaders

The failed governor from Wisconsin could not even hack college

Having a college degree does not make you smart nor does it mean you've accomplished anything significant. I went to grad school with people who didn't know their ass from a hole in the wall. I find this opinion that one must have a piece of paper from a university in order to consider themselves having achieved something in life very elitist, not to mention rather ironic coming from people like you who are members of a political party who claim to be supportive of people who don't have that piece of paper.
Since Walker has been Governor:

1. Wisconsin gets humiliated by Ohio State 59-0 for the biggest butt whipping of the year

2. Wisconsin gods Green Bay Packers blow a 12 point lead in two minutes to Seattle and embarass the entire state of Wisconsin in the process

Walker stands by like a deer in the headlights as his state is embarassed nationwide. No other governor has held his state up for such humiliation

Worst Governor ever

Since Walker has been Governor:

1. Wisconsin gets humiliated by Ohio State 59-0 for the biggest butt whipping of the year

2. Wisconsin gods Green Bay Packers blow a 12 point lead in two minutes to Seattle and embarass the entire state of Wisconsin in the process

Walker stands by like a deer in the headlights as his state is embarassed nationwide. No other governor has held his state up for such humiliation

Worst Governor ever


Ask anyone in Wisconsin and they will tell you they have never been so humiliated in their lives. Happened on Walkers watch

The entire state is a laughing stock and Walker wants to be President?
Since Walker has been Governor:

1. Wisconsin gets humiliated by Ohio State 59-0 for the biggest butt whipping of the year

2. Wisconsin gods Green Bay Packers blow a 12 point lead in two minutes to Seattle and embarass the entire state of Wisconsin in the process

Walker stands by like a deer in the headlights as his state is embarassed nationwide. No other governor has held his state up for such humiliation

Worst Governor ever


Ask anyone in Wisconsin and they will tell you they have never been so humiliated in their lives. Happened on Walkers watch

The entire state is a laughing stock and Walker wants to be President?

I guess its only among the non-voting Wisconsinites....

200 million for a basketball court minorities can play on.....
Wasting tons of money on affirmation action would usally have progressives shitting themselves with glee.....

Basketball is like 90% Black. You would expect the Libtards to endorse that project. They love to spend money on Blacks.
Idiot. Basketball players are mostly black, but team owners are mostly white. They aren't building new stadiums for the black players. They are building the new multimillion dollar stadiums for the already ultra wealthy white owners. Conservative welfare for the rich.
100 years ago, an 8th grade education was the norm

Today, we have a right to expect more from our leaders

The failed governor from Wisconsin could not even hack college

Having a college degree does not make you smart nor does it mean you've accomplished anything significant. I went to grad school with people who didn't know their ass from a hole in the wall. I find this opinion that one must have a piece of paper from a university in order to consider themselves having achieved something in life very elitist, not to mention rather ironic coming from people like you who are members of a political party who claim to be supportive of people who don't have that piece of paper.

If a student applies themselves, it does educate them for their chosen field and so does a technical college. So that would make the college/trade school graduate smarter than they were about their chosen field. Right?
Secondly, more and more jobs openings are requiring a Bachelor's Degree.

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