Walker cuts $300 million from university budget then gives $200 million to the NBA

How many in the last 100 years?

Guy can't even finish College and you guys want him to be President? Almost as bad as when you wanted a pizza maker

Obama got his degree through affirmative action, which makes it worthless.

He won't even release his college transcripts so we don't even know if he ever finished college or not.
Did he mail order it? Or attend classes and passed?

Nobody knows because the sonofabitch won't release his transcripts.
I'm not surprised that walker has done this.

The man sees no value in education.

He's a college drop out with no degree.

Like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Russell Simmons, Ted Turner, Brad Pitt, Steve Jobs, and Oprah?
Are they running for president?
Some of the best presidents this country has ever had didnt go to college. Yeah Scott Walker didn't finish college, but he became governor of a freaking state...and did a great job In his role as governor.

How many in the last 100 years?

Guy can't even finish College and you guys want him to be President? Almost as bad as when you wanted a pizza maker

Why was it ok 100 years ago but it's not ok now? As I stated - Scott Walker has had greater accomplishments than finishing college in his life. Herman Cain was no pizza maker, I suggest you do your research.
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How many in the last 100 years?

Guy can't even finish College and you guys want him to be President? Almost as bad as when you wanted a pizza maker

Obama got his degree through affirmative action, which makes it worthless.

He won't even release his college transcripts so we don't even know if he ever finished college or not.
Graduated Harvard Law with honors

Walker couldn't even finish community college ....retard

He won't release his transcripts so we have no idea if he passed classes because of affirmative action or not.

We do know he doesn't know a damn thing about ethics, the Constitution, history or economics. He has proven he is a dumbshit so it is likely that he was passed not on merit but simply to meet a quota of Blacks.
200 million for a basketball court minorities can play on.....
Wasting tons of money on affirmation action would usally have progressives shitting themselves with glee.....
Yes....welfare for billionaires

The goal of all conservatives

Put everybody on the welfare slave plantation. The goal of all Liberals.
Do you know of any good slave songs to sing while on the plantation.....

I am not on the welfare plantation. There are tens of million in this country that are so go ask them.

However, I am slave to the filthy government so maybe I had better learn some of the songs.
200 million for a basketball court minorities can play on.....
Wasting tons of money on affirmation action would usally have progressives shitting themselves with glee.....

Basketball is like 90% Black. You would expect the Libtards to endorse that project. They love to spend money on Blacks.
Yes....welfare for billionaires

The goal of all conservatives

Put everybody on the welfare slave plantation. The goal of all Liberals.
Do you know of any good slave songs to sing while on the plantation.....

I am not on the welfare plantation. There are tens of million in this country that are so go ask them.

However, I am slave to the filthy government so maybe I had better learn some of the songs.
It helps...I usually sing Zip-pity Do Dah...
200 million for a basketball court minorities can play on.....
Wasting tons of money on affirmation action would usally have progressives shitting themselves with glee.....

Basketball is like 90% Black. You would expect the Libtards to endorse that project. They love to spend money on Blacks.
They don't need it since they are not on welfare...


What do the republicans call it? Oh yeah "Redistribution of wealth"
The trickle up theory in action....
What do the republicans call it? Oh yeah "Redistribution of wealth"
The trickle up theory in action....
It's to make sure the 'wrong sort' can't afford an education and remain in the dumps. The 'wrong sort' being those that don't belong to families earning 1 million a year, and can't pay the 100k+ tuition fee.
What do the republicans call it? Oh yeah "Redistribution of wealth"
The trickle up theory in action....
What do the republicans call it? Oh yeah "Redistribution of wealth"
The trickle up theory in action....
It's to make sure the 'wrong sort' can't afford an education and remain in the dumps. The 'wrong sort' being those that don't belong to families earning 1 million a year, and can't pay the 100k+ tuition fee.
They can get jobs as basket ball players......
What do the republicans call it? Oh yeah "Redistribution of wealth"
The trickle up theory in action....
What do the republicans call it? Oh yeah "Redistribution of wealth"
The trickle up theory in action....
It's to make sure the 'wrong sort' can't afford an education and remain in the dumps. The 'wrong sort' being those that don't belong to families earning 1 million a year, and can't pay the 100k+ tuition fee.
They can get jobs as basket ball players......
If they have enough height.

Here's the plan to get everyone in:
What do the republicans call it? Oh yeah "Redistribution of wealth"
The trickle up theory in action....
What do the republicans call it? Oh yeah "Redistribution of wealth"
The trickle up theory in action....
It's to make sure the 'wrong sort' can't afford an education and remain in the dumps. The 'wrong sort' being those that don't belong to families earning 1 million a year, and can't pay the 100k+ tuition fee.
They can get jobs as basket ball players......
If they have enough height.

Here's the plan to get everyone in:

I did that to my penis....
That works out to $1650 for every university student to give to a Basketball team

What do you expect from a college dropout?

Again the university asked Walker to make those cuts, don't you feel like an idiot now for starting this thread?

You're going to have to provide credible proof of that because I just did a search on university of wisconsin asks for 300 million in cuts. Nothing came up. The only things that came up articles about the cuts but nothing saying the school asked for it.

Okay fine...
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Gov. Walker said the cut would be giving the UW system what its asked for over the last several years. "The Chancellor, the president, alumni, supporters and others have said, 'get us out of the direct thumb of state government, give us the ability to go with procurement and purchasing decisions that are not strictly aligned with state government and its bureaucracy and there's no end to how much we can save and benefit," Walker said.

Oh that's gonna leave a mark...my source...wait for it...an ABC News affiliate. So, nothing to say all you lib slimes who spent the day calling me a liar? I didn't think so, slither back into your holes.
It's no secret that the liberal media hates Walker. The use of words like "manifesto" are deliberately incendiary. Libs have it rigged so that Walker would be called racist and anti middle class if he denied funding for a NBA stadium and probably accused of pandering to the rich if he increased funding to universities.
How is it possible to come up with such ridiculous conclusions. At least if we make such conclusions, we have GOP history as a guide.

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