Walker's voters' suppression in WI ?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
It is estimated that over 300,000 Wisconsin residents will be disfranchised in both this year's primary and general election.

What Walker is demanding is that anyone who does NOT have a photo ID issued by the state's DOT, cannot vote...a, nd this proclamation has been enacted although there are virtually NO reported instances of voter fraud in that state.

Now, whenever right wingers decry the ACA mandate to purchase insurance, some of us retort that the mandate is not much different than a state's mandate to a driver to purchase car insurance......In turn, right wingers argue that it is not the same since a citizen does NOT have to have a car.....

Yet, what Walker is demanding of his state's citizens to be able to vote, is PRECISELY a driver's picture ID license, whether such a citizen drives or does not drive......A bit of hypocrisy, don't you think?
Want to pose a guess as to who will be MORE adversely impacted by this Walker attempt to disfranchise voters?
It is estimated that over 300,000 Wisconsin residents will be disfranchised in both this year's primary and general election.

What Walker is demanding is that anyone who does NOT have a photo ID issued by the state's DOT, cannot vote...a, nd this proclamation has been enacted although there are virtually NO reported instances of voter fraud in that state.

Now, whenever right wingers decry the ACA mandate to purchase insurance, some of us retort that the mandate is not much different than a state's mandate to a driver to purchase car insurance......In turn, right wingers argue that it is not the same since a citizen does NOT have to have a car.....

Yet, what Walker is demanding of his state's citizens to be able to vote, is PRECISELY a driver's picture ID license, whether such a citizen drives or does not drive......A bit of hypocrisy, don't you think?
It is estimated that over 300,000 Wisconsin residents will be disfranchised in both this year's primary and general election.

What Walker is demanding is that anyone who does NOT have a photo ID issued by the state's DOT, cannot vote...a, nd this proclamation has been enacted although there are virtually NO reported instances of voter fraud in that state.

Now, whenever right wingers decry the ACA mandate to purchase insurance, some of us retort that the mandate is not much different than a state's mandate to a driver to purchase car insurance......In turn, right wingers argue that it is not the same since a citizen does NOT have to have a car.....

Yet, what Walker is demanding of his state's citizens to be able to vote, is PRECISELY a driver's picture ID license, whether such a citizen drives or does not drive......A bit of hypocrisy, don't you think?

TX DOT also issues non-driving State ID's, they do the same there. But hey, let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right?

How to Apply for a Wisconsin Identification Card | DMV

Another Nat massive FAIL.
It is estimated that over 300,000 Wisconsin residents will be disfranchised in both this year's primary and general election.

What Walker is demanding is that anyone who does NOT have a photo ID issued by the state's DOT, cannot vote...a, nd this proclamation has been enacted although there are virtually NO reported instances of voter fraud in that state.

Now, whenever right wingers decry the ACA mandate to purchase insurance, some of us retort that the mandate is not much different than a state's mandate to a driver to purchase car insurance......In turn, right wingers argue that it is not the same since a citizen does NOT have to have a car.....

Yet, what Walker is demanding of his state's citizens to be able to vote, is PRECISELY a driver's picture ID license, whether such a citizen drives or does not drive......A bit of hypocrisy, don't you think?
Excellent idea, Governor Walker...

Make those losers get off their asses, and get a legitimate ID...

Then make 'em show it before they vote...

That ought to cut down on the number of freeloaders voting for more free stuff...

Not to mention laughing at little whiny LibTard biotches, wailing and gnashing their teeth...

Fun times...
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Walker's stance on this issue (prompted by the Koch brothers, no doubt) coupled with his fast exit as a GOP candidate for the WH, clearly spells this guy's obituary as a politician......maybe Koch industries has a job for him.
Here are some of Walker's voter suppression mandates:

  • Reducing early voting from 30 days to 12, while eliminating it entirely on evenings and weekends
  • Require proof of residence when registering to vote
  • Eliminated the certification of statewide voter registrars, meaning that anyone who registers others to vote can only do so in the county in which they’re certified
  • Increased the residency requirement for voting from 10 days to 28 (excepting presidential elections)
  • Require that citizens who move within the state less than four weeks prior to an election vote in their old locality
  • Eliminated faxing and emailing of absentee ballots to anyone other than military or overseas voters
  • Prohibited municipal clerks from returning absentee ballots to citizens to fix mistakes on their forms
  • Required an area for poll monitors be set up between three and eight feet from the table where voters sign in
  • Eliminated straight-ticket voting for all but military or overseas voters, increasing wait times at polling locations
  • Made it harder to use a student ID as proof of residence when registering to vote
In other words, Clinton needs an excuse for bernies win
Just curious who estimated that over 300,000 Wisconsin residents will be disfranchised in both this year's primary and general election and how did they arrive at that number?
Just curious who estimated that over 300,000 Wisconsin residents will be disfranchised in both this year's primary and general election and how did they arrive at that number?

In April 2014, when District court judge Lynn Adelman issued an injunction against the law, he estimated that 300,000 registered voters across the state lack the IDs they need to vote. The judge arrived at that estimate by comparing the testimony of two witnesses, a statistical marketing consultant, Leland Beatty, and a professor at the University of Georgia, M.V. Hood III. Beatty and Hood both crunched through the DMV records with registered voter files to determine how many registered voters in the state lack either a driver’s license or state ID card, the two most common forms of identification. Using different methodologies, the two men produced different estimates. Hood said between 4.9 percent (167,351) and 10.9 percent (368,824) of registered voters lacked ID, while Beatty estimated 9.4 percent (317,735).

Wisconsin's Voter ID Law Could Swing the Gubernatorial Election
Just curious who estimated that over 300,000 Wisconsin residents will be disfranchised in both this year's primary and general election and how did they arrive at that number?

In April 2014, when District court judge Lynn Adelman issued an injunction against the law, he estimated that 300,000 registered voters across the state lack the IDs they need to vote. The judge arrived at that estimate by comparing the testimony of two witnesses, a statistical marketing consultant, Leland Beatty, and a professor at the University of Georgia, M.V. Hood III. Beatty and Hood both crunched through the DMV records with registered voter files to determine how many registered voters in the state lack either a driver’s license or state ID card, the two most common forms of identification. Using different methodologies, the two men produced different estimates. Hood said between 4.9 percent (167,351) and 10.9 percent (368,824) of registered voters lacked ID, while Beatty estimated 9.4 percent (317,735).

Wisconsin's Voter ID Law Could Swing the Gubernatorial Election
So, the number is from two years ago. Since this has been in the news since at least 2011, there's no reason why, after 5 years, that you STILL can't get an ID in Wisconsin. Apparently voting isn't important to some.
Just curious who estimated that over 300,000 Wisconsin residents will be disfranchised in both this year's primary and general election and how did they arrive at that number?

In April 2014, when District court judge Lynn Adelman issued an injunction against the law, he estimated that 300,000 registered voters across the state lack the IDs they need to vote. The judge arrived at that estimate by comparing the testimony of two witnesses, a statistical marketing consultant, Leland Beatty, and a professor at the University of Georgia, M.V. Hood III. Beatty and Hood both crunched through the DMV records with registered voter files to determine how many registered voters in the state lack either a driver’s license or state ID card, the two most common forms of identification. Using different methodologies, the two men produced different estimates. Hood said between 4.9 percent (167,351) and 10.9 percent (368,824) of registered voters lacked ID, while Beatty estimated 9.4 percent (317,735).

Wisconsin's Voter ID Law Could Swing the Gubernatorial Election
Oh shut up and tell them to get a dang I.D............I bet if they need and I.D. to cash a welfare check they'd have it..........

Your lame ass argument against Voter I.D. is ............................well.......................LAME........
Just curious who estimated that over 300,000 Wisconsin residents will be disfranchised in both this year's primary and general election and how did they arrive at that number?

In April 2014, when District court judge Lynn Adelman issued an injunction against the law, he estimated that 300,000 registered voters across the state lack the IDs they need to vote. The judge arrived at that estimate by comparing the testimony of two witnesses, a statistical marketing consultant, Leland Beatty, and a professor at the University of Georgia, M.V. Hood III. Beatty and Hood both crunched through the DMV records with registered voter files to determine how many registered voters in the state lack either a driver’s license or state ID card, the two most common forms of identification. Using different methodologies, the two men produced different estimates. Hood said between 4.9 percent (167,351) and 10.9 percent (368,824) of registered voters lacked ID, while Beatty estimated 9.4 percent (317,735).

Wisconsin's Voter ID Law Could Swing the Gubernatorial Election
So what was actually estimated was that 300,000 people in 2014 did not have the proper I.D. to vote not that they would be unable to get the proper I.D. and thus be disenfranchised to vote in the primary's and general election of 2016.

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