Walking Conflict Of Interest Ginni Thomas Finally Catching Peoples Attention

Than why is your side fighting so hard to stop the right from looking into it? If you had nothing to hide you wouldn't do that. Would you?
You don't look into election fraud by mounting a coup against the U.S. government with plans to forcibly take siege of the Capitol, when no evidence of election fraud has been found. That is a conspiracy to defraud the government.

Your argument is as insane, as if I told you there was a living Tyrannosaurus Rex in my back yard, and that I demand that the government come and catch it.
Sure it is. Funny how the democrats who contested and tried to decertify every presidential election they lost since 2000 can't seem to remember it. :dunno:
John Kerry conceded the day after the vote in 2004.
Thats why you cant remember it.
because the word "decertify" wasnt ever used until 2020.
You don't look into election fraud by mounting a coup against the U.S. government with plans to forcibly take siege of the Capitol, when no evidence of election fraud has been found. That is a conspiracy to defraud the government.

Your argument is as insane, as if I told you there was a living Tyrannosaurus Rex in my back yard, and that I demand that the government come and catch it.
Tell the truth. It was a protest to get Congress to investigate the fraud. The FBI caused the violence. Plus whatever happened the 6th did not change what happened involving the election, which was Nov. 3rd. That is what they have you idiots believing.
Who's "WE" you idiot? None is found daily. More lies.
The "we" is everyone who thinks the election was stolen. That is about half of the country. Also I said "almost daily".

You never answered my question. What did Ginny Thomas do that was illegal?
She has destroyed the SC, unless Roberts takes Thomas out to the woodshed, and they lock Ginny's ass up.
You couldn’t be any more mindless if it were possible to perform yet another lobotomy on you. Chief Justices have no authority to take any other SCOTUS Justices to any proverbial woodshed, you complete imbecile.

And this is America where nothing Ginny has done or said — so far as we know — is criminal. I know you libtards loathe the whole concept of freedom of speech when you disagree with the words spoken or written. But still, tough luck. Suck on it, you cretin.
You couldn’t be any more mindless if it were possible to perform yet another lobotomy on you. Chief Justices have no authority to take any other SCOTUS Justices to any proverbial woodshed, you complete imbecile.

And this is America where nothing Ginny has done or said — so far as we know — is criminal. I know you libtards loathe the whole concept of freedom of speech when you disagree with the words spoken or written. But still, tough luck. Suck on it, you cretin.
You realize calling him a cretin is a compliment?
You don't look into election fraud by mounting a coup against the U.S. government with plans to forcibly take siege of the Capitol, when no evidence of election fraud has been found. That is a conspiracy to defraud the government.

Your argument is as insane, as if I told you there was a living Tyrannosaurus Rex in my back yard, and that I demand that the government come and catch it.
Show me her words that verify what you just said. Words mean everything in a court of law. When did she call for riots again? I must of missed that part. This is about the left trying to find grounds to impeach a Supreme court justice so they can replace him with another Marxist hack.
The difference being the word "IF." Trumps conspiracy wasn't about "IF."
Wrong as always. Trump was of course perfectly well allowed to explore the Constitutional options available to contest the election which he believed was being stolen. That’s not a “conspiracy,” you moron. And in any event, I won’t allow you to slime off as you so often try to do.

You left unaddressed the whole “act” required, under the law, to complete a crime of conspiracy. Point to an act. Back it up. Step up to the plate. Give honesty a try, sometime. It won’t kill ya.
Do ewe mean like "stolen election" kinda out of touch? Do ewe mean like that?
No I mean people that voted for Joe Biden and his comedy sidekick Kamala....people like you...how was your last gas fill up?...how about your last trip to the market?....retard.....do you enjoy more of our troops being deployed in Europe?....just wait till joe tells us we must rebuild the Ukraine...fucking retard.....
Poking fun at leftists, even you can see how a right-leaning man would derive a certain satisfaction from such a endeavor. I don't even have to come-off being mean-spirited about it to send your ilk over the edge. ;)
I don't mind being mean spirited. Not at all. Scruffy has to polish his fangs once in a while. :p
I don't mind being mean spirited. Not at all. Scruffy has to polish his fangs once in a while. :p
Dems are used to such things, I think they relish it because they think they have got under your skin. That and name-calling is rather crass.

I prefer "alternate methods".....They can't stand just being poked fun of or laughed at in a cynical or sarcastic way.

It torques them no end because they know the person doing it to them does not see them as much of a much. ;)
There is always a way to prove leftists are full of shit, and in a lot of cases one needs nothing but math to do so. For instance, we are supposed to believe the US government's spending did not cause the medical industry to inflate COVID cases in order to reap billions of dollars in revenue. We're supposed to believe 1/6 of all Covid deaths worldwide happened in the US (and they're all Trump's fault for not wearing a mask).

BTW... CHINA is 88th on this list.

Then we have to accept as fact a jabbering potato who didn't actually win a legitimate primary election received 25 million more legitimate votes through the mail during a dempanic than the meat puppet faggot obozo got when the media was able to make a rockstar out of him. We are also supposed to believe that while in all but 3 elections since 1932 was voter turn out more than around 30% and in those 3 elections was turn out little over 60%. Apparently in 2020 voter turn out was 92%....

A fucking POTATO that couldn't draw flies if you covered him in dog shit got 81 million out of 168 million possible votes...

A fucking POTATO that held a few small rallies in High School parking lots where a few dozen cars containing two complete retards wearing masks that were outnumbered by media cameramen had to honk horns to drown out the heckling from hundreds of Trump supporters laughing at the absurd shit show taking place.

Yeah... That fuckin POTATO "won" the election fair and square, and that anyone who questions election integrity in the US is a criminal, except for when democrook sociopath parasites questioned the 2000 election or the 2016 election...

But what the fuck... at least there aren't any mean tweets right?

I fucking LOATHE
leftist scum.


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