Zone1 Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Acknowledges ‘Racist Subculture Exists in America’

This thread is about the white racist subculture. Thus far only 1 post has addressed the issue in the OP. This thread is not about racism from all sides, or whatever Candace Owens has to say. It is about the conservative editorial board at the Wall Street Journal stating that a racist subculture exists in America and they used the example of a white racist to make that clear. So it is very apparent they were not talking about racism from all sides or how the poor downtrodden white male faces what blacks did during segregation. And if anyone doubts that Owens is retarded, that doubt should end now.
I never met a white racist even though there are some but most white folks are not inherently racist.
Some of us want to pretend it's not so.
I recognize lots of subcultures and divisions in this country as any rational person does, racial bigotry being only one of them, and not affecting me much. Yesterday found me helping with the leaves on the yard of a middle-aged black lady school teacher in the morning and teaching a very nice late middle-aged Muslim how to re-glaze vinyl windows, to avoid him being ripped off by an unscrupulous contractor. I am at peace with all of goodwill and all are at peace with me. Not counting this board, of course, as, goodwill does not seem to be a mainstay majority here.
Actually there are more black racists than white racists.
Actually, that's highly doubtful but it is what some in the white community like telling themselves. Again, what you call black racism is the response to the generational mistreatment blacks have received.
I recognize lots of subcultures and divisions in this country as any rational person does, racial bigotry being only one of them, and not affecting me much. Yesterday found me helping with the leaves on the yard of a middle-aged black lady school teacher in the morning and teaching a very nice late middle-aged Muslim how to re-glaze vinyl windows, to avoid him being ripped off by an unscrupulous contractor. I am at peace with all of goodwill and all are at peace with me. Not counting this board, of course, as, goodwill does not seem to be a mainstay majority here.
And thank you for being the only one who has remained on topic.
The Buffalo shooter was deranged as are all mass shooters. It is unfortunate that President Biden immediately flew to Buffalo to push the Democrat's political agenda of inflaming racial hatred and division. I don't recall him ever flying to Chicago to denounce the weekly mass shootings when Black people kill other Black people.
Meister, non hispanic whites are a demographic group. And the use of the word subculture to describe whites who practice racism is make it completely clear that no is blaming all whites for racism. We all know subcutures exist that cross racial lines but this thread is about the subculture in the white community that practices racism. In that subculture are teachers, business owners law enforcement, attorneys, judges, legislators, mayors, governors and presidents.

So let's not argue false equivalences. This is the major problem in discussing race with members of the American right. You guys preach to everybody else how they should take responsibility but you guys refuse to do the same.
We've taken responsibility. How do you think you got AA back in the sixties? It was proposed, legislated for and approved by WHITE MEN.
There is a growing number of white males living impoverished. College admissions is tilted towards specific privileged groups. Top employment positions are now of equity. Doctors, dentists, scientists, problem solvers and more. We see it all over and yet deny.
And you think that the reason that there are more white males living in poverty today is due to other races advancing? Did it ever occur to you that it may simply be a case of some of them being unwilling or unable to keep up and do what's necessary to continue to advance?

I understand the mindset that says "I've put in the work, I've accomplished my goals so now I'm going to rest on my laurels". That's fine if you're independently wealthy but for many of the rest of us, we have to make constant adjustments to stay ahead or at least not fall behind, in many areas of our lives. I believe that's called ambition.
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The reason blacks are SLIGHTLY underrepresented in management positions is that they drop out of college at significantly higher rates than whites. Management positions typically require a minimum of an undergraduate degree.

(One of the reasons is that blacks spend more time in remedial classes than do whites, draining financial resources on classes that don’t earn credit. They would be better off taking remedial classes elsewhere, and then enroll in college when they are ready to tackle college-level courses.)—%20whether%20sheer%20lack,drain%20financial%20aid%20is%20another.
Lol, only slightly Lisa? And just how does any of this diminish your life?
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I'm sure there are racist beliefs among both blacks and whites but a majority of folks in this country are not racist.
It doesn't what Black people believe, we have never been in a position to write laws and pass legislation that causes harms to white people due to their race. That's the difference between prejudice and racism codified into law aka systemtic racism.

Everyone knows these laws existed and only in the last 55 years were invalidated.
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Lol, only slightly Lisa? And just how does any of this diminish your life?
The favoritism shown a black woman who was less qualified than I and got the promotion we both wanted due to her skin color cost me money and a more fulfilling job.
And you think that the reason that there are more white males living in poverty today is due to other races advancing? Did it ever occur to you that it may simply be a case of some of them being unwilling or unable to keep up and do what's necessary to continue to advance?

I understand the mindset that says "I've put in the work, I've accomplished my goals so now I'm going to rest on my laurels". That's fine if you're independently wealthy but for many of the rest of us, we have to make constant adjustments to stay ahead or at least not fall behind, in many areas of our lives. I believe that's called ambition.
I wasn’t going to start in with you, but since you came out of nowhere to attack ME, why are you so quick to suggest that some white men weren’t able to advance due because they were unwilling or unable to do what was necessary - and yet if someone suggests the same about some blacks, it’s racism?

Has it occurred to you that some black men are stuck where they are because THEY don’t have what it takes to advance?
Maybe they didn't want to risk you getting them sued with your antagonistic and supremacist attitude
Ha! Can’t admit that the black woman got picked because of her race, can you? Whites have been enduring racist practices against them in offices and college admissions for 40 years.

That‘s all going to end. Blacks will just have to compete fairly.
And you think that the reason that there are more white males living in poverty today is due to other races advancing? Did it ever occur to you that it may simply be a case of some of them being unwilling or unable to keep up and do what's necessary to continue to advance?

I understand the mindset that says "I've put in the work, I've accomplished my goals so now I'm going to rest on my laurels". That's fine if you're independently wealthy but for many of the rest of us, we have to make constant adjustments to stay ahead or at least not fall behind, in many areas of our lives. I believe that's called ambition.
The major problem with his opinion is that when you look at poverty by race and sex, his claim is not so. White men have the lowest rate of poverty and highest median income. His argument is without merit and the fact it continues to be argued and even considered is an example of how pervasive white male privilege really is.
Lol, only slightly Lisa? And just how does any of this diminish your life?
Lisa really needs to stop talking. She doesn't know what she is talking about and her severe racial bias against blacks has her consistently making erroneous comments.

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